} qr/prepare_cached failed/, 'exception via DBI->HandleError, etc';
+# make sure repeated disconnection works
+ my $fn = DBICTest->_sqlite_dbfilename;
+ lives_ok {
+ $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
+ my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
+ $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
+ unlink $fn;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ };
+ lives_ok {
+ $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
+ $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
+ unlink $fn;
+ $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
+ };
+ lives_ok {
+ $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
+ $schema->storage->_dbh->disconnect;
+ unlink $fn;
+ $schema->storage->disconnect for 1,2;
+ };
# testing various invocations of connect_info ([ ... ])
my $coderef = sub { 42 };
# make sure connection-less storages do not throw on _determine_driver
# but work with ENV at the same time
SKIP: for my $env_dsn (undef, (DBICTest->_database)[0] ) {