create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
create_readme => 1,
- test_files => [ glob('t/*.t'), glob('t/*/*.t') ]
+ test_files => [ glob('t/*.t'), glob('t/*/*.t') ],
+ script_files => [ glob('script/*') ],
{ prefetch => [qw/book/],
my @book_objs = $obj->books;
+ my $books_rs = $obj->books;
+ ( $books_rs ) = $obj->books_rs;
columns. You should pass the name of the column in the foreign class as the
$cond argument, or specify a complete join condition.
-As well as the accessor method, a method named C<< add_to_<relname> >>
-will also be added to your Row items, this allows you to insert new
-related items, using the same mechanism as in L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base/"create_related">.
+Three methods are created when you create a has_many relationship. The first
+method is the expected accessor method. The second is almost exactly the same
+as the accessor method but "_rs" is added to the end of the method name. This
+method works just like the normal accessor, except that it returns a resultset
+no matter what, even in list context. The third method, named
+C<< add_to_<relname> >>, will also be added to your Row items, this allows
+you to insert new related items, using the same mechanism as in
If you delete an object in a class with a C<has_many> relationship, all
related objects will be deleted as well. However, any database-level
} elsif ($acc_type eq 'multi') {
$meth{$rel} = sub { shift->search_related($rel, @_) };
+ $meth{"${rel}_rs"} = sub { shift->search_related_rs($rel, @_) };
$meth{"add_to_${rel}"} = sub { shift->create_related($rel, @_); };
} else {
$class->throw_exception("No such relationship accessor type $acc_type");
=head2 search_related
- $rs->search_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
+ @objects = $rs->search_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
+ $objects_rs = $rs->search_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
Run a search on a related resultset. The search will be restricted to the
item or items represented by the L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> it was called
return shift->related_resultset(shift)->search(@_);
+=head2 search_related_rs
+ ( $objects_rs ) = $rs->search_related_rs('relname', $cond, $attrs);
+This method works exactly the same as search_related_rs, except that
+it garauntees that it will return a restultset even in list context.
+sub search_related_rs {
+ return shift->related_resultset(shift)->search_rs(@_);
=head2 count_related
$obj->count_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
sub search {
my $self = shift;
+ my $rs = $self->search_rs( @_ );
+ return (wantarray ? $rs->all : $rs);
+=head2 search_rs
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $cond, \%attrs?
+=item Return Value: $resultset
+This method does the same exact thing as search() except it will
+always return a resultset even in list context.
+sub search_rs {
+ my $self = shift;
my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
my $having = delete $attrs->{having};
$attrs = { %$attrs, %{ pop(@_) } } if @_ > 1 and ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH';
- return (wantarray ? $rs->all : $rs);
+ return $rs;
=head2 search_literal
my $search = [ { 'tags.tag' => 'Cheesy' }, { 'tags.tag' => 'Blue' } ];
-my $or_rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search($search, { join => 'tags',
+my( $or_rs ) = $schema->resultset("CD")->search_rs($search, { join => 'tags',
order_by => 'cdid' });
cmp_ok($or_rs->count, '==', 5, 'Search with OR ok');
use strict;
use warnings;
-plan tests => 30;
+plan tests => 32;
# has_a test
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(4);
is( ($artist->search_related('cds'))[3]->title, 'Big Flop', 'create_related ok' );
+my( $rs_from_list ) = $artist->search_related_rs('cds');
+is( ref($rs_from_list), 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet', 'search_related_rs in list context returns rs' );
+( $rs_from_list ) = $artist->cds_rs();
+is( ref($rs_from_list), 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet', 'relation_rs in list context returns rs' );
# count_related
is( $artist->count_related('cds'), 4, 'count_related ok' );