-package # hide from PAUSE
- DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes;
+package DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes;
use strict;
use warnings;
use mro 'c3';
use namespace::clean;
-my $attr_cref_registry;
+my ( $attr_cref_registry, $attr_cache_active );
sub DBIx::Class::__Attr_iThreads_handler__::CLONE {
# This is disgusting, but the best we can do without even more surgery
+ # Note the if() at the end - we do not run this crap if we can help it
visit_namespaces( action => sub {
my $pkg = shift;
return 1;
- });
+ }) if $attr_cache_active;
# renumber the cref registry itself
%$attr_cref_registry = map {
- my ($class,$code,@attrs) = @_;
- $class->mk_classaccessor('__attr_cache' => {})
- unless $class->can('__attr_cache');
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ my $attrs;
+ $attrs->{
+ $_ =~ /^[a-z]+$/ ? 'builtin'
+ : $_ =~ /^DBIC_/ ? 'dbic'
+ : 'misc'
+ }{$_}++ for @_;
# compaction step
defined $attr_cref_registry->{$_}{weakref} or delete $attr_cref_registry->{$_}
weaken( $attr_cref_registry->{$code}{weakref} = $code )
- $class->__attr_cache->{$code} = [ sort( uniq(
- @{ $class->__attr_cache->{$code} || [] },
- @attrs,
- ))];
+ # handle legacy attrs
+ if( $attrs->{misc} ) {
+ # if the user never tickles this - we won't have to do a gross
+ # symtable scan in the ithread handler above, so:
+ #
+ # User - please don't tickle this
+ $attr_cache_active = 1;
+ $class->mk_classaccessor('__attr_cache' => {})
+ unless $class->can('__attr_cache');
+ $class->__attr_cache->{$code} = [ sort( uniq(
+ @{ $class->__attr_cache->{$code} || [] },
+ keys %{ $attrs->{misc} },
+ ))];
+ }
+ # handle DBIC_* attrs
+ if( $attrs->{dbic} ) {
+ my $slot = $attr_cref_registry->{$code};
+ $slot->{attrs} = [ uniq
+ @{ $slot->{attrs} || [] },
+ grep {
+ or
+ Carp::confess( "DBIC-specific attribute '$_' did not pass validation by $class->VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE() as described in DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes" )
+ } keys %{$attrs->{dbic}},
+ ];
+ }
# FIXME - DBIC essentially gobbles up any attribute it can lay its hands on:
# decidedly not cool
# https://metacpan.org/source/ZIGOROU/DBIx-Class-Service-0.02/t/lib/DBIC/Test/Service/User.pm#L29
# https://metacpan.org/source/ZIGOROU/DBIx-Class-Service-0.02/t/lib/DBIC/Test/Service/User.pm#L36
- return ();
+ # For the time being reuse the old logic for any attribute we do not have
+ # explicit plans for (i.e. stuff that is neither reserved, nor DBIC-internal)
+ #
+ # Pass the "builtin attrs" onwards, as the DBIC internals can't possibly handle them
+ return sort keys %{ $attrs->{builtin} || {} };
+# Address the above FIXME halfway - if something (e.g. DBIC::Helpers) wants to
+# add extra attributes - it needs to override this in its base class to allow
+# for 'return 1' on the newly defined attributes
+ #my ($class, $attr) = @_;
+ # initially no valid attributes
+ 0;
- my ($class,$code) = @_;
- @{ $class->_attr_cache->{$code} || [] }
+ #my ($class,$code) = @_;
+ sort(
+ @{ $_[0]->_attr_cache->{$_[1]} || [] },
+ ( defined( $attr_cref_registry->{$_[1]}{ weakref } )
+ ? @{ $attr_cref_registry->{$_[1]}{attrs} || [] }
+ : ()
+ ),
+ )
sub _attr_cache {
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes - DBIC-specific handling of CODE attributes
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my @attrlist = attributes::get( \&My::App::Schema::Result::some_method )
+This class provides the L<DBIx::Class> inheritance chain with the bits
+necessary for L<attribute|attributes> support on methods.
+Historically DBIC has accepted any string as a C<CODE> attribute and made
+such strings available via the semi-private L</_attr_cache> method. This
+was used for e.g. the long-deprecated L<DBIx::Class::ResultSetManager>,
+but also has evidence of use on both C<CPAN> and C<DarkPAN>.
+Starting mid-2016 DBIC treats any method attribute starting with C<DBIC_>
+as an I<internal boolean decorator> for various DBIC-related methods.
+Unlike the general attribute naming policy, strict whitelisting is imposed
+on attribute names starting with C<DBIC_> as described in
+=head2 DBIC-specific method attributes
+The following method attributes are currently recognized under the C<DBIC_*>
+=item * None so far
+=head1 METHODS
+See L<attributes/MODIFY_type_ATTRIBUTES>.
+See L<attributes/FETCH_type_ATTRIBUTES>. Always returns the combination of
+all attributes: both the free-form strings registered via the
+L<legacy system|/_attr_cache> and the DBIC-specific ones.
+=item Arguments: $attribute_string
+=item Return Value: ( true| false )
+This method is invoked when processing each DBIC-specific attribute (the ones
+starting with C<DBIC_>). An attribute is considered invalid and an exception
+is thrown unless this method returns a C<truthy> value.
+=head2 _attr_cache
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: B<purposefully undocumented>
+The legacy method of retrieving attributes declared on DBIC methods
+(L</FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES> was not defined until mid-2016). This method
+B<does not return any DBIC-specific attributes>, and is kept for backwards
+compatibility only.
+In order to query the attributes of a particular method use
+L<attributes::get()|attributes/get> as shown in the L</SYNOPSIS>.
+Check the list of L<additional DBIC resources|DBIx::Class/GETTING HELP/SUPPORT>.
+This module is free software L<copyright|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>
+by the L<DBIx::Class (DBIC) authors|DBIx::Class/AUTHORS>. You can
+redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the
+L<DBIx::Class library|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>.
use Test::More;
-use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( quote_sub modver_gt_or_eq );
+use Test::Exception;
+use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( quote_sub );
require DBIx::Class;
-@DBICTest::ATTRTEST::ISA = 'DBIx::Class';
+@DBICTest::AttrLegacy::ISA = 'DBIx::Class';
+sub DBICTest::AttrLegacy::VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE { 1 }
my $var = \42;
my $s = quote_sub(
- 'DBICTest::ATTRTEST::attr',
+ 'DBICTest::AttrLegacy::attr',
{ '$v' => $var },
- attributes => [qw( ResultSet )],
- package => 'DBICTest::ATTRTEST',
+ attributes => [qw( ResultSet DBIC_random_attr )],
+ package => 'DBICTest::AttrLegacy',
-is $s, \&DBICTest::ATTRTEST::attr, 'Same cref installed';
+is $s, \&DBICTest::AttrLegacy::attr, 'Same cref installed';
-is DBICTest::ATTRTEST::attr(), 42, 'Sub properly installed and callable';
+is DBICTest::AttrLegacy::attr(), 42, 'Sub properly installed and callable';
- [ attributes::get( $s ) ],
- [ 'ResultSet' ],
+ [ sort( attributes::get( $s ) ) ],
+ [qw( DBIC_random_attr ResultSet )],
'Attribute installed',
unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around https://github.com/perl11/cperl/issues/147
+@DBICTest::AttrTest::ISA = 'DBIx::Class';
+ package DBICTest::AttrTest;
+ eval <<'EOS' or die $@;
+ sub VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE { $_[1] =~ /DBIC_attr/ }
+ sub attr :lvalue :method :DBIC_attr1 { $$var}
+ 1;
+ ::throws_ok {
+ attributes->import(
+ 'DBICTest::AttrTest',
+ DBICTest::AttrTest->can('attr'),
+ 'DBIC_unknownattr',
+ );
+ } qr/DBIC-specific attribute 'DBIC_unknownattr' did not pass validation/;
+ [ sort( attributes::get( DBICTest::AttrTest->can("attr") )) ],
+ [qw( DBIC_attr1 lvalue method )],
+ 'Attribute installed',
+unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around https://github.com/perl11/cperl/issues/147
+ ! DBICTest::AttrTest->can('__attr_cache'),
+ 'Inherited classdata never created on core attrs'
+ DBICTest::AttrTest->_attr_cache,
+ {},
+ 'Cache never instantiated on core attrs'
sub add_more_attrs {
# Test that secondary attribute application works
- DBICTest::ATTRTEST->can('attr'),
- 'method',
+ 'DBICTest::AttrLegacy',
+ DBICTest::AttrLegacy->can('attr'),
# and that double-application also works
- DBICTest::ATTRTEST->can('attr'),
+ 'DBICTest::AttrLegacy',
+ DBICTest::AttrLegacy->can('attr'),
[ sort( attributes::get( $s ) )],
- [
- qw( ResultSet SomethingNobodyUses method ),
- # before 5.10/5.8.9 internal reserved would get doubled, sigh
- #
- # FIXME - perhaps need to weed them out somehow at FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES
- # time...? In any case - this is not important at this stage
- ( modver_gt_or_eq( attributes => '0.08' ) ? () : 'method' )
- ],
+ [ qw( DBIC_random_attr ResultSet SomethingNobodyUses ) ],
'Secondary attributes installed',
unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around https://github.com/perl11/cperl/issues/147
is_deeply (
- DBICTest::ATTRTEST->_attr_cache->{$s},
- [
- qw( ResultSet SomethingNobodyUses ),
- # after 5.10/5.8.9 FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES is never called for reserved
- # attribute names, so there is nothing for DBIC to see
- #
- # FIXME - perhaps need to teach ->_attr to reinvoke attributes::get() ?
- # In any case - this is not important at this stage
- ( modver_gt_or_eq( attributes => '0.08' ) ? () : 'method' )
- ],
- 'Attributes visible in DBIC-specific attribute API',
+ DBICTest::AttrLegacy->_attr_cache->{$s},
+ [ qw( ResultSet SomethingNobodyUses ) ],
+ 'Attributes visible in legacy DBIC attribute API',
+ );
+ # Test that secondary attribute application works
+ attributes->import(
+ 'DBICTest::AttrTest',
+ DBICTest::AttrTest->can('attr'),
+ 'DBIC_attr2',
+ );
+ # and that double-application also works
+ attributes->import(
+ 'DBICTest::AttrTest',
+ DBICTest::AttrTest->can('attr'),
+ 'DBIC_attr2',
+ 'DBIC_attr3',
+ );
+ is_deeply
+ [ sort( attributes::get( DBICTest::AttrTest->can("attr") )) ],
+ [qw( DBIC_attr1 DBIC_attr2 DBIC_attr3 lvalue method )],
+ 'DBIC-specific attribute installed',
+ unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around https://github.com/perl11/cperl/issues/147
+ ok(
+ ! DBICTest::AttrTest->can('__attr_cache'),
+ 'Inherited classdata never created on core+DBIC-specific attrs'
+ );
+ is_deeply(
+ DBICTest::AttrTest->_attr_cache,
+ {},
+ 'Legacy DBIC attribute cache never instantiated on core+DBIC-specific attrs'