my $schema = shift;
use IO::File;
-use version;
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
: ( tests => 41 );
-my $is_broken_sqlite = version->new($schema->storage->dbh->get_info(18)) lt '3.2.6' &&
- $schema->storage->dbh->get_info(17) eq 'SQLite';
+# figure out if we've got a version of sqlite that is older than 3.2.6, in
+# which case COUNT(DISTINCT()) doesn't work
+my $is_broken_sqlite = 0;
+my ($sqlite_major_ver,$sqlite_minor_ver,$sqlite_patch_ver) =
+ split /\./, $schema->storage->dbh->get_info(18);
+if( $schema->storage->dbh->get_info(17) eq 'SQLite' &&
+ ( ($sqlite_major_ver < 3) ||
+ ($sqlite_major_ver == 3 && $sqlite_minor_ver < 2) ||
+ ($sqlite_major_ver == 3 && $sqlite_minor_ver == 2 && $sqlite_patch_ver < 6) ) ) {
+ $is_broken_sqlite = 1;
# test the abstract join => SQL generator
my $sa = new DBIC::SQL::Abstract;