--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::ResultSet;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+use DBIx::Class::Carp;
+use DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn;
+use Scalar::Util qw/blessed weaken reftype/;
+use DBIx::Class::_Util 'fail_on_internal_wantarray';
+use Try::Tiny;
+use Data::Compare (); # no imports!!! guard against insane architecture
+# not importing first() as it will clash with our own method
+use List::Util ();
+ # De-duplication in _merge_attr() is disabled, but left in for reference
+ # (the merger is used for other things that ought not to be de-duped)
+ *__HM_DEDUP = sub () { 0 };
+use namespace::clean;
+use overload
+ '0+' => "count",
+ 'bool' => "_bool",
+ fallback => 1;
+# this is real - CDBICompat overrides it with insanity
+# yes, prototype won't matter, but that's for now ;)
+sub _bool () { 1 }
+__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/_result_class result_source/);
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::ResultSet - Represents a query used for fetching a set of results.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
+ while( $user = $users_rs->next) {
+ print $user->username;
+ }
+ my $registered_users_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->search({ registered => 1 });
+ my @cds_in_2005 = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({ year => 2005 })->all();
+A ResultSet is an object which stores a set of conditions representing
+a query. It is the backbone of DBIx::Class (i.e. the really
+important/useful bit).
+No SQL is executed on the database when a ResultSet is created, it
+just stores all the conditions needed to create the query.
+A basic ResultSet representing the data of an entire table is returned
+by calling C<resultset> on a L<DBIx::Class::Schema> and passing in a
+L<Source|DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary/Source> name.
+ my $users_rs = $schema->resultset('User');
+A new ResultSet is returned from calling L</search> on an existing
+ResultSet. The new one will contain all the conditions of the
+original, plus any new conditions added in the C<search> call.
+A ResultSet also incorporates an implicit iterator. L</next> and L</reset>
+can be used to walk through all the L<DBIx::Class::Row>s the ResultSet
+The query that the ResultSet represents is B<only> executed against
+the database when these methods are called:
+L</find>, L</next>, L</all>, L</first>, L</single>, L</count>.
+If a resultset is used in a numeric context it returns the L</count>.
+However, if it is used in a boolean context it is B<always> true. So if
+you want to check if a resultset has any results, you must use C<if $rs
+!= 0>.
+=head1 CUSTOM ResultSet CLASSES THAT USE Moose
+If you want to make your custom ResultSet classes with L<Moose>, use a template
+similar to:
+ package MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::User;
+ use Moose;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ use MooseX::NonMoose;
+ extends 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
+ sub BUILDARGS { $_[2] }
+ ...your code...
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
+ 1;
+The L<MooseX::NonMoose> is necessary so that the L<Moose> constructor does not
+clash with the regular ResultSet constructor. Alternatively, you can use:
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+The L<BUILDARGS|Moose::Manual::Construction/BUILDARGS> is necessary because the
+signature of the ResultSet C<new> is C<< ->new($source, \%args) >>.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=head2 Chaining resultsets
+Let's say you've got a query that needs to be run to return some data
+to the user. But, you have an authorization system in place that
+prevents certain users from seeing certain information. So, you want
+to construct the basic query in one method, but add constraints to it in
+ sub get_data {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $request = $self->get_request; # Get a request object somehow.
+ my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
+ my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({
+ title => $request->param('title'),
+ year => $request->param('year'),
+ });
+ $cd_rs = $self->apply_security_policy( $cd_rs );
+ return $cd_rs->all();
+ }
+ sub apply_security_policy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($rs) = @_;
+ return $rs->search({
+ subversive => 0,
+ });
+ }
+=head3 Resolving conditions and attributes
+When a resultset is chained from another resultset (e.g.:
+C<< my $new_rs = $old_rs->search(\%extra_cond, \%attrs) >>), conditions
+and attributes with the same keys need resolving.
+If any of L</columns>, L</select>, L</as> are present, they reset the
+original selection, and start the selection "clean".
+The L</join>, L</prefetch>, L</+columns>, L</+select>, L</+as> attributes
+are merged into the existing ones from the original resultset.
+The L</where> and L</having> attributes, and any search conditions, are
+merged with an SQL C<AND> to the existing condition from the original
+All other attributes are overridden by any new ones supplied in the
+search attributes.
+=head2 Multiple queries
+Since a resultset just defines a query, you can do all sorts of
+things with it with the same object.
+ # Don't hit the DB yet.
+ my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({
+ title => 'something',
+ year => 2009,
+ });
+ # Each of these hits the DB individually.
+ my $count = $cd_rs->count;
+ my $most_recent = $cd_rs->get_column('date_released')->max();
+ my @records = $cd_rs->all;
+And it's not just limited to SELECT statements.
+ $cd_rs->delete();
+This is even cooler:
+ $cd_rs->create({ artist => 'Fred' });
+Which is the same as:
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->create({
+ title => 'something',
+ year => 2009,
+ artist => 'Fred'
+ });
+See: L</search>, L</count>, L</get_column>, L</all>, L</create>.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$source|DBIx::Class::ResultSource>, L<\%attrs?|/ATTRIBUTES>
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search>
+The resultset constructor. Takes a source object (usually a
+L<DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy::Table>) and an attribute hash (see
+L</ATTRIBUTES> below). Does not perform any queries -- these are
+executed as needed by the other methods.
+Generally you never construct a resultset manually. Instead you get one
+from e.g. a
+C<< $schema->L<resultset|DBIx::Class::Schema/resultset>('$source_name') >>
+or C<< $another_resultset->L<search|/search>(...) >> (the later called in
+scalar context):
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({ title => '100th Window' });
+=item WARNING
+If called on an object, proxies to L</new_result> instead, so
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->new({ title => 'Spoon' });
+will return a CD object, not a ResultSet, and is equivalent to:
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->new_result({ title => 'Spoon' });
+Please also keep in mind that many internals call L</new_result> directly,
+so overloading this method with the idea of intercepting new result object
+creation B<will not work>. See also warning pertaining to L</create>.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return $class->new_result(@_) if ref $class;
+ my ($source, $attrs) = @_;
+ $source = $source->resolve
+ if $source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle');
+ $attrs = { %{$attrs||{}} };
+ delete @{$attrs}{qw(_sqlmaker_select_args _related_results_construction)};
+ if ($attrs->{page}) {
+ $attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
+ }
+ $attrs->{alias} ||= 'me';
+ my $self = bless {
+ result_source => $source,
+ cond => $attrs->{where},
+ pager => undef,
+ attrs => $attrs,
+ }, $class;
+ # if there is a dark selector, this means we are already in a
+ # chain and the cleanup/sanification was taken care of by
+ # _search_rs already
+ $self->_normalize_selection($attrs)
+ unless $attrs->{_dark_selector};
+ $self->result_class(
+ $attrs->{result_class} || $source->result_class
+ );
+ $self;
+=head2 search
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$cond|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker> | undef, L<\%attrs?|/ATTRIBUTES>
+=item Return Value: $resultset (scalar context) | L<@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> (list context)
+ my @cds = $cd_rs->search({ year => 2001 }); # "... WHERE year = 2001"
+ my $new_rs = $cd_rs->search({ year => 2005 });
+ my $new_rs = $cd_rs->search([ { year => 2005 }, { year => 2004 } ]);
+ # year = 2005 OR year = 2004
+In list context, C<< ->all() >> is called implicitly on the resultset, thus
+returning a list of L<result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> objects instead.
+To avoid that, use L</search_rs>.
+If you need to pass in additional attributes but no additional condition,
+call it as C<search(undef, \%attrs)>.
+ # "SELECT name, artistid FROM $artist_table"
+ my @all_artists = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(undef, {
+ columns => [qw/name artistid/],
+ });
+For a list of attributes that can be passed to C<search>, see
+L</ATTRIBUTES>. For more examples of using this function, see
+L<Searching|DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook/SEARCHING>. For a complete
+documentation for the first argument, see L<SQL::Abstract/"WHERE CLAUSES">
+and its extension L<DBIx::Class::SQLMaker>.
+For more help on using joins with search, see L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Joining>.
+=head3 CAVEAT
+Note that L</search> does not process/deflate any of the values passed in the
+L<SQL::Abstract>-compatible search condition structure. This is unlike other
+condition-bound methods L</new_result>, L</create> and L</find>. The user must ensure
+manually that any value passed to this method will stringify to something the
+RDBMS knows how to deal with. A notable example is the handling of L<DateTime>
+objects, for more info see:
+L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook/Formatting DateTime objects in queries>.
+sub search {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $rs = $self->search_rs( @_ );
+ if (wantarray) {
+ DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_WANTARRAY and my $sog = fail_on_internal_wantarray($rs);
+ return $rs->all;
+ }
+ elsif (defined wantarray) {
+ return $rs;
+ }
+ else {
+ # we can be called by a relationship helper, which in
+ # turn may be called in void context due to some braindead
+ # overload or whatever else the user decided to be clever
+ # at this particular day. Thus limit the exception to
+ # external code calls only
+ $self->throw_exception ('->search is *not* a mutator, calling it in void context makes no sense')
+ if (caller)[0] !~ /^\QDBIx::Class::/;
+ return ();
+ }
+=head2 search_rs
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$cond|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker>, L<\%attrs?|/ATTRIBUTES>
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search>
+This method does the same exact thing as search() except it will
+always return a resultset, even in list context.
+sub search_rs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my ($call_cond, $call_attrs);
+ # Special-case handling for (undef, undef) or (undef)
+ # Note that (foo => undef) is valid deprecated syntax
+ @_ = () if not scalar grep { defined $_ } @_;
+ # just a cond
+ if (@_ == 1) {
+ $call_cond = shift;
+ }
+ # fish out attrs in the ($condref, $attr) case
+ elsif (@_ == 2 and ( ! defined $_[0] or (ref $_[0]) ne '') ) {
+ ($call_cond, $call_attrs) = @_;
+ }
+ elsif (@_ % 2) {
+ $self->throw_exception('Odd number of arguments to search')
+ }
+ # legacy search
+ elsif (@_) {
+ carp_unique 'search( %condition ) is deprecated, use search( \%condition ) instead'
+ unless $rsrc->result_class->isa('DBIx::Class::CDBICompat');
+ for my $i (0 .. $#_) {
+ next if $i % 2;
+ $self->throw_exception ('All keys in condition key/value pairs must be plain scalars')
+ if (! defined $_[$i] or ref $_[$i] ne '');
+ }
+ $call_cond = { @_ };
+ }
+ # see if we can keep the cache (no $rs changes)
+ my $cache;
+ my %safe = (alias => 1, cache => 1);
+ if ( ! List::Util::first { !$safe{$_} } keys %$call_attrs and (
+ ! defined $call_cond
+ or
+ ref $call_cond eq 'HASH' && ! keys %$call_cond
+ or
+ ref $call_cond eq 'ARRAY' && ! @$call_cond
+ )) {
+ $cache = $self->get_cache;
+ }
+ my $old_attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
+ my ($old_having, $old_where) = delete @{$old_attrs}{qw(having where)};
+ my $new_attrs = { %$old_attrs };
+ # take care of call attrs (only if anything is changing)
+ if ($call_attrs and keys %$call_attrs) {
+ # copy for _normalize_selection
+ $call_attrs = { %$call_attrs };
+ my @selector_attrs = qw/select as columns cols +select +as +columns include_columns/;
+ # reset the current selector list if new selectors are supplied
+ if (List::Util::first { exists $call_attrs->{$_} } qw/columns cols select as/) {
+ delete @{$old_attrs}{(@selector_attrs, '_dark_selector')};
+ }
+ # Normalize the new selector list (operates on the passed-in attr structure)
+ # Need to do it on every chain instead of only once on _resolved_attrs, in
+ # order to allow detection of empty vs partial 'as'
+ $call_attrs->{_dark_selector} = $old_attrs->{_dark_selector}
+ if $old_attrs->{_dark_selector};
+ $self->_normalize_selection ($call_attrs);
+ # start with blind overwriting merge, exclude selector attrs
+ $new_attrs = { %{$old_attrs}, %{$call_attrs} };
+ delete @{$new_attrs}{@selector_attrs};
+ for (@selector_attrs) {
+ $new_attrs->{$_} = $self->_merge_attr($old_attrs->{$_}, $call_attrs->{$_})
+ if ( exists $old_attrs->{$_} or exists $call_attrs->{$_} );
+ }
+ # older deprecated name, use only if {columns} is not there
+ if (my $c = delete $new_attrs->{cols}) {
+ carp_unique( "Resultset attribute 'cols' is deprecated, use 'columns' instead" );
+ if ($new_attrs->{columns}) {
+ carp "Resultset specifies both the 'columns' and the legacy 'cols' attributes - ignoring 'cols'";
+ }
+ else {
+ $new_attrs->{columns} = $c;
+ }
+ }
+ # join/prefetch use their own crazy merging heuristics
+ foreach my $key (qw/join prefetch/) {
+ $new_attrs->{$key} = $self->_merge_joinpref_attr($old_attrs->{$key}, $call_attrs->{$key})
+ if exists $call_attrs->{$key};
+ }
+ # stack binds together
+ $new_attrs->{bind} = [ @{ $old_attrs->{bind} || [] }, @{ $call_attrs->{bind} || [] } ];
+ }
+ for ($old_where, $call_cond) {
+ if (defined $_) {
+ $new_attrs->{where} = $self->_stack_cond (
+ $_, $new_attrs->{where}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $old_having) {
+ $new_attrs->{having} = $self->_stack_cond (
+ $old_having, $new_attrs->{having}
+ )
+ }
+ my $rs = (ref $self)->new($rsrc, $new_attrs);
+ $rs->set_cache($cache) if ($cache);
+ return $rs;
+my $dark_sel_dumper;
+sub _normalize_selection {
+ my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
+ # legacy syntax
+ if ( exists $attrs->{include_columns} ) {
+ carp_unique( "Resultset attribute 'include_columns' is deprecated, use '+columns' instead" );
+ $attrs->{'+columns'} = $self->_merge_attr(
+ $attrs->{'+columns'}, delete $attrs->{include_columns}
+ );
+ }
+ # columns are always placed first, however
+ # Keep the X vs +X separation until _resolved_attrs time - this allows to
+ # delay the decision on whether to use a default select list ($rsrc->columns)
+ # allowing stuff like the remove_columns helper to work
+ #
+ # select/as +select/+as pairs need special handling - the amount of select/as
+ # elements in each pair does *not* have to be equal (think multicolumn
+ # selectors like distinct(foo, bar) ). If the selector is bare (no 'as'
+ # supplied at all) - try to infer the alias, either from the -as parameter
+ # of the selector spec, or use the parameter whole if it looks like a column
+ # name (ugly legacy heuristic). If all fails - leave the selector bare (which
+ # is ok as well), but make sure no more additions to the 'as' chain take place
+ for my $pref ('', '+') {
+ my ($sel, $as) = map {
+ my $key = "${pref}${_}";
+ my $val = [ ref $attrs->{$key} eq 'ARRAY'
+ ? @{$attrs->{$key}}
+ : $attrs->{$key} || ()
+ ];
+ delete $attrs->{$key};
+ $val;
+ } qw/select as/;
+ if (! @$as and ! @$sel ) {
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (@$as and ! @$sel) {
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ "Unable to handle ${pref}as specification (@$as) without a corresponding ${pref}select"
+ );
+ }
+ elsif( ! @$as ) {
+ # no as part supplied at all - try to deduce (unless explicit end of named selection is declared)
+ # if any @$as has been supplied we assume the user knows what (s)he is doing
+ # and blindly keep stacking up pieces
+ unless ($attrs->{_dark_selector}) {
+ for (@$sel) {
+ if ( ref $_ eq 'HASH' and exists $_->{-as} ) {
+ push @$as, $_->{-as};
+ }
+ # assume any plain no-space, no-parenthesis string to be a column spec
+ # FIXME - this is retarded but is necessary to support shit like 'count(foo)'
+ elsif ( ! ref $_ and $_ =~ /^ [^\s\(\)]+ $/x) {
+ push @$as, $_;
+ }
+ # if all else fails - raise a flag that no more aliasing will be allowed
+ else {
+ $attrs->{_dark_selector} = {
+ plus_stage => $pref,
+ string => ($dark_sel_dumper ||= do {
+ require Data::Dumper::Concise;
+ Data::Dumper::Concise::DumperObject()->Indent(0);
+ })->Values([$_])->Dump
+ ,
+ };
+ last SELECTOR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@$as < @$sel) {
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ "Unable to handle an ${pref}as specification (@$as) with less elements than the corresponding ${pref}select"
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ($pref and $attrs->{_dark_selector}) {
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ "Unable to process named '+select', resultset contains an unnamed selector $attrs->{_dark_selector}{string}"
+ );
+ }
+ # merge result
+ $attrs->{"${pref}select"} = $self->_merge_attr($attrs->{"${pref}select"}, $sel);
+ $attrs->{"${pref}as"} = $self->_merge_attr($attrs->{"${pref}as"}, $as);
+ }
+sub _stack_cond {
+ my ($self, $left, $right) = @_;
+ # collapse single element top-level conditions
+ # (single pass only, unlikely to need recursion)
+ for ($left, $right) {
+ if (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@$_ == 0) {
+ $_ = undef;
+ }
+ elsif (@$_ == 1) {
+ $_ = $_->[0];
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref $_ eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($first, $more) = keys %$_;
+ # empty hash
+ if (! defined $first) {
+ $_ = undef;
+ }
+ # one element hash
+ elsif (! defined $more) {
+ if ($first eq '-and' and ref $_->{'-and'} eq 'HASH') {
+ $_ = $_->{'-and'};
+ }
+ elsif ($first eq '-or' and ref $_->{'-or'} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $_ = $_->{'-or'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # merge hashes with weeding out of duplicates (simple cases only)
+ if (ref $left eq 'HASH' and ref $right eq 'HASH') {
+ # shallow copy to destroy
+ $right = { %$right };
+ for (grep { exists $right->{$_} } keys %$left) {
+ # the use of eq_deeply here is justified - the rhs of an
+ # expression can contain a lot of twisted weird stuff
+ delete $right->{$_} if Data::Compare::Compare( $left->{$_}, $right->{$_} );
+ }
+ $right = undef unless keys %$right;
+ }
+ if (defined $left xor defined $right) {
+ return defined $left ? $left : $right;
+ }
+ elsif (! defined $left) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ return { -and => [ $left, $right ] };
+ }
+=head2 search_literal
+B<CAVEAT>: C<search_literal> is provided for Class::DBI compatibility and
+should only be used in that context. C<search_literal> is a convenience
+method. It is equivalent to calling C<< $schema->search(\[]) >>, but if you
+want to ensure columns are bound correctly, use L</search>.
+See L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook/SEARCHING> and
+L<DBIx::Class::Manual::FAQ/Searching> for searching techniques that do not
+require C<search_literal>.
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $sql_fragment, @standalone_bind_values
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search> (scalar context) | L<@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> (list context)
+ my @cds = $cd_rs->search_literal('year = ? AND title = ?', qw/2001 Reload/);
+ my $newrs = $artist_rs->search_literal('name = ?', 'Metallica');
+Pass a literal chunk of SQL to be added to the conditional part of the
+resultset query.
+Example of how to use C<search> instead of C<search_literal>
+ my @cds = $cd_rs->search_literal('cdid = ? AND (artist = ? OR artist = ?)', (2, 1, 2));
+ my @cds = $cd_rs->search(\[ 'cdid = ? AND (artist = ? OR artist = ?)', [ 'cdid', 2 ], [ 'artist', 1 ], [ 'artist', 2 ] ]);
+sub search_literal {
+ my ($self, $sql, @bind) = @_;
+ my $attr;
+ if ( @bind && ref($bind[-1]) eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $attr = pop @bind;
+ }
+ return $self->search(\[ $sql, map [ {} => $_ ], @bind ], ($attr || () ));
+=head2 find
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%columns_values | @pk_values, { key => $unique_constraint, L<%attrs|/ATTRIBUTES> }?
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> | undef
+Finds and returns a single row based on supplied criteria. Takes either a
+hashref with the same format as L</create> (including inference of foreign
+keys from related objects), or a list of primary key values in the same
+order as the L<primary columns|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/primary_columns>
+declaration on the L</result_source>.
+In either case an attempt is made to combine conditions already existing on
+the resultset with the condition passed to this method.
+To aid with preparing the correct query for the storage you may supply the
+C<key> attribute, which is the name of a
+L<unique constraint|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_unique_constraint> (the
+unique constraint corresponding to the
+L<primary columns|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/primary_columns> is always named
+C<primary>). If the C<key> attribute has been supplied, and DBIC is unable
+to construct a query that satisfies the named unique constraint fully (
+non-NULL values for each column member of the constraint) an exception is
+If no C<key> is specified, the search is carried over all unique constraints
+which are fully defined by the available condition.
+If no such constraint is found, C<find> currently defaults to a simple
+C<< search->(\%column_values) >> which may or may not do what you expect.
+Note that this fallback behavior may be deprecated in further versions. If
+you need to search with arbitrary conditions - use L</search>. If the query
+resulting from this fallback produces more than one row, a warning to the
+effect is issued, though only the first row is constructed and returned as
+In addition to C<key>, L</find> recognizes and applies standard
+L<resultset attributes|/ATTRIBUTES> in the same way as L</search> does.
+Note that if you have extra concerns about the correctness of the resulting
+query you need to specify the C<key> attribute and supply the entire condition
+as an argument to find (since it is not always possible to perform the
+combination of the resultset condition with the supplied one, especially if
+the resultset condition contains literal sql).
+For example, to find a row by its primary key:
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(5);
+You can also find a row by a specific unique constraint:
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(
+ {
+ artist => 'Massive Attack',
+ title => 'Mezzanine',
+ },
+ { key => 'cd_artist_title' }
+ );
+See also L</find_or_create> and L</update_or_create>.
+sub find {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $constraint_name;
+ if (exists $attrs->{key}) {
+ $constraint_name = defined $attrs->{key}
+ ? $attrs->{key}
+ : $self->throw_exception("An undefined 'key' resultset attribute makes no sense")
+ ;
+ }
+ # Parse out the condition from input
+ my $call_cond;
+ if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
+ $call_cond = { %{$_[0]} };
+ }
+ else {
+ # if only values are supplied we need to default to 'primary'
+ $constraint_name = 'primary' unless defined $constraint_name;
+ my @c_cols = $rsrc->unique_constraint_columns($constraint_name);
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ "No constraint columns, maybe a malformed '$constraint_name' constraint?"
+ ) unless @c_cols;
+ $self->throw_exception (
+ 'find() expects either a column/value hashref, or a list of values '
+ . "corresponding to the columns of the specified unique constraint '$constraint_name'"
+ ) unless @c_cols == @_;
+ $call_cond = {};
+ @{$call_cond}{@c_cols} = @_;
+ }
+ my %related;
+ for my $key (keys %$call_cond) {
+ if (
+ my $keyref = ref($call_cond->{$key})
+ and
+ my $relinfo = $rsrc->relationship_info($key)
+ ) {
+ my $val = delete $call_cond->{$key};
+ next if $keyref eq 'ARRAY'; # has_many for multi_create
+ my $rel_q = $rsrc->_resolve_condition(
+ $relinfo->{cond}, $val, $key, $key
+ );
+ die "Can't handle complex relationship conditions in find" if ref($rel_q) ne 'HASH';
+ @related{keys %$rel_q} = values %$rel_q;
+ }
+ }
+ # relationship conditions take precedence (?)
+ @{$call_cond}{keys %related} = values %related;
+ my $alias = exists $attrs->{alias} ? $attrs->{alias} : $self->{attrs}{alias};
+ my $final_cond;
+ if (defined $constraint_name) {
+ $final_cond = $self->_qualify_cond_columns (
+ $self->_build_unique_cond (
+ $constraint_name,
+ $call_cond,
+ ),
+ $alias,
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ($self->{attrs}{accessor} and $self->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'single') {
+ # This means that we got here after a merger of relationship conditions
+ # in ::Relationship::Base::search_related (the row method), and furthermore
+ # the relationship is of the 'single' type. This means that the condition
+ # provided by the relationship (already attached to $self) is sufficient,
+ # as there can be only one row in the database that would satisfy the
+ # relationship
+ }
+ else {
+ # no key was specified - fall down to heuristics mode:
+ # run through all unique queries registered on the resultset, and
+ # 'OR' all qualifying queries together
+ my (@unique_queries, %seen_column_combinations);
+ for my $c_name ($rsrc->unique_constraint_names) {
+ next if $seen_column_combinations{
+ join "\x00", sort $rsrc->unique_constraint_columns($c_name)
+ }++;
+ push @unique_queries, try {
+ $self->_build_unique_cond ($c_name, $call_cond, 'croak_on_nulls')
+ } || ();
+ }
+ $final_cond = @unique_queries
+ ? [ map { $self->_qualify_cond_columns($_, $alias) } @unique_queries ]
+ : $self->_non_unique_find_fallback ($call_cond, $attrs)
+ ;
+ }
+ # Run the query, passing the result_class since it should propagate for find
+ my $rs = $self->search ($final_cond, {result_class => $self->result_class, %$attrs});
+ if ($rs->_resolved_attrs->{collapse}) {
+ my $row = $rs->next;
+ carp "Query returned more than one row" if $rs->next;
+ return $row;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $rs->single;
+ }
+# This is a stop-gap method as agreed during the discussion on find() cleanup:
+# http://lists.scsys.co.uk/pipermail/dbix-class/2010-October/009535.html
+# It is invoked when find() is called in legacy-mode with insufficiently-unique
+# condition. It is provided for overrides until a saner way forward is devised
+# *NOTE* This is not a public method, and it's *GUARANTEED* to disappear down
+# the road. Please adjust your tests accordingly to catch this situation early
+# DBIx::Class::ResultSet->can('_non_unique_find_fallback') is reasonable
+# The method will not be removed without an adequately complete replacement
+# for strict-mode enforcement
+sub _non_unique_find_fallback {
+ my ($self, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
+ return $self->_qualify_cond_columns(
+ $cond,
+ exists $attrs->{alias}
+ ? $attrs->{alias}
+ : $self->{attrs}{alias}
+ );
+sub _qualify_cond_columns {
+ my ($self, $cond, $alias) = @_;
+ my %aliased = %$cond;
+ for (keys %aliased) {
+ $aliased{"$alias.$_"} = delete $aliased{$_}
+ if $_ !~ /\./;
+ }
+ return \%aliased;
+sub _build_unique_cond {
+ my ($self, $constraint_name, $extra_cond, $croak_on_null) = @_;
+ my @c_cols = $self->result_source->unique_constraint_columns($constraint_name);
+ # combination may fail if $self->{cond} is non-trivial
+ my ($final_cond) = try {
+ $self->_merge_with_rscond ($extra_cond)
+ } catch {
+ +{ %$extra_cond }
+ };
+ # trim out everything not in $columns
+ $final_cond = { map {
+ exists $final_cond->{$_}
+ ? ( $_ => $final_cond->{$_} )
+ : ()
+ } @c_cols };
+ if (my @missing = grep
+ { ! ($croak_on_null ? defined $final_cond->{$_} : exists $final_cond->{$_}) }
+ (@c_cols)
+ ) {
+ $self->throw_exception( sprintf ( "Unable to satisfy requested constraint '%s', no values for column(s): %s",
+ $constraint_name,
+ join (', ', map { "'$_'" } @missing),
+ ) );
+ }
+ if (
+ !$croak_on_null
+ and
+ and
+ my @undefs = sort grep { ! defined $final_cond->{$_} } (keys %$final_cond)
+ ) {
+ carp_unique ( sprintf (
+ "NULL/undef values supplied for requested unique constraint '%s' (NULL "
+ . 'values in column(s): %s). This is almost certainly not what you wanted, '
+ . 'though you can set DBIC_NULLABLE_KEY_NOWARN to disable this warning.',
+ $constraint_name,
+ join (', ', map { "'$_'" } @undefs),
+ ));
+ }
+ return $final_cond;
+=head2 search_related
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $rel_name, $cond?, L<\%attrs?|/ATTRIBUTES>
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search> (scalar context) | L<@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> (list context)
+ $new_rs = $cd_rs->search_related('artist', {
+ name => 'Emo-R-Us',
+ });
+Searches the specified relationship, optionally specifying a condition and
+attributes for matching records. See L</ATTRIBUTES> for more information.
+In list context, C<< ->all() >> is called implicitly on the resultset, thus
+returning a list of result objects instead. To avoid that, use L</search_related_rs>.
+See also L</search_related_rs>.
+sub search_related {
+ return shift->related_resultset(shift)->search(@_);
+=head2 search_related_rs
+This method works exactly the same as search_related, except that
+it guarantees a resultset, even in list context.
+sub search_related_rs {
+ return shift->related_resultset(shift)->search_rs(@_);
+=head2 cursor
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: L<$cursor|DBIx::Class::Cursor>
+Returns a storage-driven cursor to the given resultset. See
+L<DBIx::Class::Cursor> for more information.
+sub cursor {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{cursor} ||= do {
+ my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
+ $self->result_source->storage->select(
+ $attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select}, $attrs->{where}, $attrs
+ );
+ };
+=head2 single
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$cond?|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker>
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> | undef
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->single({ year => 2001 });
+Inflates the first result without creating a cursor if the resultset has
+any records in it; if not returns C<undef>. Used by L</find> as a lean version
+of L</search>.
+While this method can take an optional search condition (just like L</search>)
+being a fast-code-path it does not recognize search attributes. If you need to
+add extra joins or similar, call L</search> and then chain-call L</single> on the
+L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> returned.
+=item B<Note>
+As of 0.08100, this method enforces the assumption that the preceding
+query returns only one row. If more than one row is returned, you will receive
+a warning:
+ Query returned more than one row
+In this case, you should be using L</next> or L</find> instead, or if you really
+know what you are doing, use the L</rows> attribute to explicitly limit the size
+of the resultset.
+This method will also throw an exception if it is called on a resultset prefetching
+has_many, as such a prefetch implies fetching multiple rows from the database in
+order to assemble the resulting object.
+sub single {
+ my ($self, $where) = @_;
+ if(@_ > 2) {
+ $self->throw_exception('single() only takes search conditions, no attributes. You want ->search( $cond, $attrs )->single()');
+ }
+ my $attrs = { %{$self->_resolved_attrs} };
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ 'single() can not be used on resultsets collapsing a has_many. Use find( \%cond ) or next() instead'
+ ) if $attrs->{collapse};
+ if ($where) {
+ if (defined $attrs->{where}) {
+ $attrs->{where} = {
+ '-and' =>
+ [ map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? [ -or => $_ ] : $_ }
+ $where, delete $attrs->{where} ]
+ };
+ } else {
+ $attrs->{where} = $where;
+ }
+ }
+ my $data = [ $self->result_source->storage->select_single(
+ $attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select},
+ $attrs->{where}, $attrs
+ )];
+ return undef unless @$data;
+ $self->{_stashed_rows} = [ $data ];
+ $self->_construct_results->[0];
+# _collapse_query
+# Recursively collapse the query, accumulating values for each column.
+sub _collapse_query {
+ my ($self, $query, $collapsed) = @_;
+ $collapsed ||= {};
+ if (ref $query eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $subquery (@$query) {
+ next unless ref $subquery; # -or
+ $collapsed = $self->_collapse_query($subquery, $collapsed);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref $query eq 'HASH') {
+ if (keys %$query and (keys %$query)[0] eq '-and') {
+ foreach my $subquery (@{$query->{-and}}) {
+ $collapsed = $self->_collapse_query($subquery, $collapsed);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $col (keys %$query) {
+ my $value = $query->{$col};
+ $collapsed->{$col}{$value}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $collapsed;
+=head2 get_column
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$cond?|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker>
+=item Return Value: L<$resultsetcolumn|DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn>
+ my $max_length = $rs->get_column('length')->max;
+Returns a L<DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn> instance for a column of the ResultSet.
+sub get_column {
+ my ($self, $column) = @_;
+ my $new = DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn->new($self, $column);
+ return $new;
+=head2 search_like
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$cond|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker>, L<\%attrs?|/ATTRIBUTES>
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search> (scalar context) | L<@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> (list context)
+ # WHERE title LIKE '%blue%'
+ $cd_rs = $rs->search_like({ title => '%blue%'});
+Performs a search, but uses C<LIKE> instead of C<=> as the condition. Note
+that this is simply a convenience method retained for ex Class::DBI users.
+You most likely want to use L</search> with specific operators.
+For more information, see L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook>.
+This method is deprecated and will be removed in 0.09. Use L</search()>
+instead. An example conversion is:
+ ->search_like({ foo => 'bar' });
+ # Becomes
+ ->search({ foo => { like => 'bar' } });
+sub search_like {
+ my $class = shift;
+ carp_unique (
+ 'search_like() is deprecated and will be removed in DBIC version 0.09.'
+ .' Instead use ->search({ x => { -like => "y%" } })'
+ .' (note the outer pair of {}s - they are important!)'
+ );
+ my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
+ my $query = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? { %{shift()} }: {@_};
+ $query->{$_} = { 'like' => $query->{$_} } for keys %$query;
+ return $class->search($query, { %$attrs });
+=head2 slice
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $first, $last
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search> (scalar context) | L<@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> (list context)
+Returns a resultset or object list representing a subset of elements from the
+resultset slice is called on. Indexes are from 0, i.e., to get the first
+three records, call:
+ my ($one, $two, $three) = $rs->slice(0, 2);
+sub slice {
+ my ($self, $min, $max) = @_;
+ my $attrs = {}; # = { %{ $self->{attrs} || {} } };
+ $attrs->{offset} = $self->{attrs}{offset} || 0;
+ $attrs->{offset} += $min;
+ $attrs->{rows} = ($max ? ($max - $min + 1) : 1);
+ return $self->search(undef, $attrs);
+=head2 next
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> | undef
+Returns the next element in the resultset (C<undef> is there is none).
+Can be used to efficiently iterate over records in the resultset:
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search;
+ while (my $cd = $rs->next) {
+ print $cd->title;
+ }
+Note that you need to store the resultset object, and call C<next> on it.
+Calling C<< resultset('Table')->next >> repeatedly will always return the
+first record from the resultset.
+sub next {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if (my $cache = $self->get_cache) {
+ $self->{all_cache_position} ||= 0;
+ return $cache->[$self->{all_cache_position}++];
+ }
+ if ($self->{attrs}{cache}) {
+ delete $self->{pager};
+ $self->{all_cache_position} = 1;
+ return ($self->all)[0];
+ }
+ return shift(@{$self->{_stashed_results}}) if @{ $self->{_stashed_results}||[] };
+ $self->{_stashed_results} = $self->_construct_results
+ or return undef;
+ return shift @{$self->{_stashed_results}};
+# Constructs as many results as it can in one pass while respecting
+# cursor laziness. Several modes of operation:
+# * Always builds everything present in @{$self->{_stashed_rows}}
+# * If called with $fetch_all true - pulls everything off the cursor and
+# builds all result structures (or objects) in one pass
+# * If $self->_resolved_attrs->{collapse} is true, checks the order_by
+# and if the resultset is ordered properly by the left side:
+# * Fetches stuff off the cursor until the "master object" changes,
+# and saves the last extra row (if any) in @{$self->{_stashed_rows}}
+# OR
+# * Just fetches, and collapses/constructs everything as if $fetch_all
+# was requested (there is no other way to collapse except for an
+# eager cursor)
+# * If no collapse is requested - just get the next row, construct and
+# return
+sub _construct_results {
+ my ($self, $fetch_all) = @_;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
+ if (
+ ! $fetch_all
+ and
+ ! $attrs->{order_by}
+ and
+ $attrs->{collapse}
+ and
+ my @pcols = $rsrc->primary_columns
+ ) {
+ # default order for collapsing unless the user asked for something
+ $attrs->{order_by} = [ map { join '.', $attrs->{alias}, $_} @pcols ];
+ $attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse} = 1;
+ $attrs->{_order_is_artificial} = 1;
+ }
+ # this will be used as both initial raw-row collector AND as a RV of
+ # _construct_results. Not regrowing the array twice matters a lot...
+ # a surprising amount actually
+ my $rows = delete $self->{_stashed_rows};
+ my $cursor; # we may not need one at all
+ my $did_fetch_all = $fetch_all;
+ if ($fetch_all) {
+ # FIXME SUBOPTIMAL - we can do better, cursor->next/all (well diff. methods) should return a ref
+ $rows = [ ($rows ? @$rows : ()), $self->cursor->all ];
+ }
+ elsif( $attrs->{collapse} ) {
+ # a cursor will need to be closed over in case of collapse
+ $cursor = $self->cursor;
+ $attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse} = (
+ (
+ $attrs->{order_by}
+ and
+ $rsrc->schema
+ ->storage
+ ->_main_source_order_by_portion_is_stable($rsrc, $attrs->{order_by}, $attrs->{where})
+ ) ? 1 : 0
+ ) unless defined $attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse};
+ if (! $attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse}) {
+ $did_fetch_all = 1;
+ # instead of looping over ->next, use ->all in stealth mode
+ # *without* calling a ->reset afterwards
+ # FIXME ENCAPSULATION - encapsulation breach, cursor method additions pending
+ if (! $cursor->{_done}) {
+ $rows = [ ($rows ? @$rows : ()), $cursor->all ];
+ $cursor->{_done} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $did_fetch_all and ! @{$rows||[]} ) {
+ # FIXME SUBOPTIMAL - we can do better, cursor->next/all (well diff. methods) should return a ref
+ $cursor ||= $self->cursor;
+ if (scalar (my @r = $cursor->next) ) {
+ $rows = [ \@r ];
+ }
+ }
+ return undef unless @{$rows||[]};
+ # sanity check - people are too clever for their own good
+ if ($attrs->{collapse} and my $aliastypes = $attrs->{_sqlmaker_select_args}[3]{_aliastypes} ) {
+ my $multiplied_selectors;
+ for my $sel_alias ( grep { $_ ne $attrs->{alias} } keys %{ $aliastypes->{selecting} } ) {
+ if (
+ $aliastypes->{multiplying}{$sel_alias}
+ or
+ $aliastypes->{premultiplied}{$sel_alias}
+ ) {
+ $multiplied_selectors->{$_} = 1 for values %{$aliastypes->{selecting}{$sel_alias}{-seen_columns}}
+ }
+ }
+ for my $i (0 .. $#{$attrs->{as}} ) {
+ my $sel = $attrs->{select}[$i];
+ if (ref $sel eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $sel = $$sel;
+ }
+ elsif( ref $sel eq 'REF' and ref $$sel eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $sel = $$sel->[0];
+ }
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ 'Result collapse not possible - selection from a has_many source redirected to the main object'
+ ) if ($multiplied_selectors->{$sel} and $attrs->{as}[$i] !~ /\./);
+ }
+ }
+ # hotspot - skip the setter
+ my $res_class = $self->_result_class;
+ my $inflator_cref = $self->{_result_inflator}{cref} ||= do {
+ $res_class->can ('inflate_result')
+ or $self->throw_exception("Inflator $res_class does not provide an inflate_result() method");
+ };
+ my $infmap = $attrs->{as};
+ $self->{_result_inflator}{is_core_row} = ( (
+ $inflator_cref
+ ==
+ ( \&DBIx::Class::Row::inflate_result || die "No ::Row::inflate_result() - can't happen" )
+ ) ? 1 : 0 ) unless defined $self->{_result_inflator}{is_core_row};
+ $self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri} = ( (
+ ! $self->{_result_inflator}{is_core_row}
+ and
+ $inflator_cref == (
+ require DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator
+ &&
+ DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator->can('inflate_result')
+ )
+ ) ? 1 : 0 ) unless defined $self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri};
+ if (! $attrs->{_related_results_construction}) {
+ # construct a much simpler array->hash folder for the one-table cases right here
+ if ($self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri}) {
+ for my $r (@$rows) {
+ $r = { map { $infmap->[$_] => $r->[$_] } 0..$#$infmap };
+ }
+ }
+ # FIXME SUBOPTIMAL this is a very very very hot spot
+ # while rather optimal we can *still* do much better, by
+ # building a smarter Row::inflate_result(), and
+ # switch to feeding it data via a much leaner interface
+ #
+ # crude unscientific benchmarking indicated the shortcut eval is not worth it for
+ # this particular resultset size
+ elsif (@$rows < 60) {
+ for my $r (@$rows) {
+ $r = $inflator_cref->($res_class, $rsrc, { map { $infmap->[$_] => $r->[$_] } (0..$#$infmap) } );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ eval sprintf (
+ '$_ = $inflator_cref->($res_class, $rsrc, { %s }) for @$rows',
+ join (', ', map { "\$infmap->[$_] => \$_->[$_]" } 0..$#$infmap )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $parser_type =
+ $self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri} ? 'hri'
+ : $self->{_result_inflator}{is_core_row} ? 'classic_pruning'
+ : 'classic_nonpruning'
+ ;
+ # $args and $attrs to _mk_row_parser are separated to delineate what is
+ # core collapser stuff and what is dbic $rs specific
+ @{$self->{_row_parser}{$parser_type}}{qw(cref nullcheck)} = $rsrc->_mk_row_parser({
+ eval => 1,
+ inflate_map => $infmap,
+ collapse => $attrs->{collapse},
+ premultiplied => $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied},
+ hri_style => $self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri},
+ prune_null_branches => $self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri} || $self->{_result_inflator}{is_core_row},
+ }, $attrs) unless $self->{_row_parser}{$parser_type}{cref};
+ # column_info metadata historically hasn't been too reliable.
+ # We need to start fixing this somehow (the collapse resolver
+ # can't work without it). Add an explicit check for the *main*
+ # result, hopefully this will gradually weed out such errors
+ #
+ # FIXME - this is a temporary kludge that reduces performance
+ # It is however necessary for the time being
+ my ($unrolled_non_null_cols_to_check, $err);
+ if (my $check_non_null_cols = $self->{_row_parser}{$parser_type}{nullcheck} ) {
+ $err =
+ 'Collapse aborted due to invalid ResultSource metadata - the following '
+ . 'selections are declared non-nullable but NULLs were retrieved: '
+ ;
+ my @violating_idx;
+ COL: for my $i (@$check_non_null_cols) {
+ ! defined $_->[$i] and push @violating_idx, $i and next COL for @$rows;
+ }
+ $self->throw_exception( $err . join (', ', map { "'$infmap->[$_]'" } @violating_idx ) )
+ if @violating_idx;
+ $unrolled_non_null_cols_to_check = join (',', @$check_non_null_cols);
+ }
+ my $next_cref =
+ ($did_fetch_all or ! $attrs->{collapse}) ? undef
+ : defined $unrolled_non_null_cols_to_check ? eval sprintf <<'EOS', $unrolled_non_null_cols_to_check
+sub {
+ # FIXME SUBOPTIMAL - we can do better, cursor->next/all (well diff. methods) should return a ref
+ my @r = $cursor->next or return;
+ if (my @violating_idx = grep { ! defined $r[$_] } (%s) ) {
+ $self->throw_exception( $err . join (', ', map { "'$infmap->[$_]'" } @violating_idx ) )
+ }
+ \@r
+ : sub {
+ # FIXME SUBOPTIMAL - we can do better, cursor->next/all (well diff. methods) should return a ref
+ my @r = $cursor->next or return;
+ \@r
+ }
+ ;
+ $self->{_row_parser}{$parser_type}{cref}->(
+ $rows,
+ $next_cref ? ( $next_cref, $self->{_stashed_rows} = [] ) : (),
+ );
+ # Special-case multi-object HRI - there is no $inflator_cref pass
+ unless ($self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri}) {
+ $_ = $inflator_cref->($res_class, $rsrc, @$_) for @$rows
+ }
+ }
+ # The @$rows check seems odd at first - why wouldn't we want to warn
+ # regardless? The issue is things like find() etc, where the user
+ # *knows* only one result will come back. In these cases the ->all
+ # is not a pessimization, but rather something we actually want
+ carp_unique(
+ 'Unable to properly collapse has_many results in iterator mode due '
+ . 'to order criteria - performed an eager cursor slurp underneath. '
+ . 'Consider using ->all() instead'
+ ) if ( ! $fetch_all and @$rows > 1 );
+ return $rows;
+=head2 result_source
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$result_source?|DBIx::Class::ResultSource>
+=item Return Value: L<$result_source|DBIx::Class::ResultSource>
+An accessor for the primary ResultSource object from which this ResultSet
+is derived.
+=head2 result_class
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $result_class?
+=item Return Value: $result_class
+An accessor for the class to use when creating result objects. Defaults to
+C<< result_source->result_class >> - which in most cases is the name of the
+L<"table"|DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary/"ResultSource"> class.
+Note that changing the result_class will also remove any components
+that were originally loaded in the source class via
+L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/load_components>. Any overloaded methods
+in the original source class will not run.
+sub result_class {
+ my ($self, $result_class) = @_;
+ if ($result_class) {
+ # don't fire this for an object
+ $self->ensure_class_loaded($result_class)
+ unless ref($result_class);
+ if ($self->get_cache) {
+ carp_unique('Changing the result_class of a ResultSet instance with cached results is a noop - the cache contents will not be altered');
+ }
+ # FIXME ENCAPSULATION - encapsulation breach, cursor method additions pending
+ elsif ($self->{cursor} && $self->{cursor}{_pos}) {
+ $self->throw_exception('Changing the result_class of a ResultSet instance with an active cursor is not supported');
+ }
+ $self->_result_class($result_class);
+ delete $self->{_result_inflator};
+ }
+ $self->_result_class;
+=head2 count
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$cond|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker>, L<\%attrs?|/ATTRIBUTES>
+=item Return Value: $count
+Performs an SQL C<COUNT> with the same query as the resultset was built
+with to find the number of elements. Passing arguments is equivalent to
+C<< $rs->search ($cond, \%attrs)->count >>
+sub count {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->search(@_)->count if @_ and defined $_[0];
+ return scalar @{ $self->get_cache } if $self->get_cache;
+ my $attrs = { %{ $self->_resolved_attrs } };
+ # this is a little optimization - it is faster to do the limit
+ # adjustments in software, instead of a subquery
+ my ($rows, $offset) = delete @{$attrs}{qw/rows offset/};
+ my $crs;
+ if ($self->_has_resolved_attr (qw/collapse group_by/)) {
+ $crs = $self->_count_subq_rs ($attrs);
+ }
+ else {
+ $crs = $self->_count_rs ($attrs);
+ }
+ my $count = $crs->next;
+ $count -= $offset if $offset;
+ $count = $rows if $rows and $rows < $count;
+ $count = 0 if ($count < 0);
+ return $count;
+=head2 count_rs
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<$cond|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker>, L<\%attrs?|/ATTRIBUTES>
+=item Return Value: L<$count_rs|DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn>
+Same as L</count> but returns a L<DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn> object.
+This can be very handy for subqueries:
+ ->search( { amount => $some_rs->count_rs->as_query } )
+As with regular resultsets the SQL query will be executed only after
+the resultset is accessed via L</next> or L</all>. That would return
+the same single value obtainable via L</count>.
+sub count_rs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->search(@_)->count_rs if @_;
+ # this may look like a lack of abstraction (count() does about the same)
+ # but in fact an _rs *must* use a subquery for the limits, as the
+ # software based limiting can not be ported if this $rs is to be used
+ # in a subquery itself (i.e. ->as_query)
+ if ($self->_has_resolved_attr (qw/collapse group_by offset rows/)) {
+ return $self->_count_subq_rs($self->{_attrs});
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->_count_rs($self->{_attrs});
+ }
+# returns a ResultSetColumn object tied to the count query
+sub _count_rs {
+ my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $tmp_attrs = { %$attrs };
+ # take off any limits, record_filter is cdbi, and no point of ordering nor locking a count
+ delete @{$tmp_attrs}{qw/rows offset order_by record_filter for/};
+ # overwrite the selector (supplied by the storage)
+ $rsrc->resultset_class->new($rsrc, {
+ %$tmp_attrs,
+ select => $rsrc->storage->_count_select ($rsrc, $attrs),
+ as => 'count',
+ })->get_column ('count');
+# same as above but uses a subquery
+sub _count_subq_rs {
+ my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $sub_attrs = { %$attrs };
+ # extra selectors do not go in the subquery and there is no point of ordering it, nor locking it
+ delete @{$sub_attrs}{qw/collapse columns as select order_by for/};
+ # if we multi-prefetch we group_by something unique, as this is what we would
+ # get out of the rs via ->next/->all. We *DO WANT* to clobber old group_by regardless
+ if ( $attrs->{collapse} ) {
+ $sub_attrs->{group_by} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } @{
+ $rsrc->_identifying_column_set || $self->throw_exception(
+ 'Unable to construct a unique group_by criteria properly collapsing the '
+ . 'has_many prefetch before count()'
+ );
+ } ]
+ }
+ # Calculate subquery selector
+ if (my $g = $sub_attrs->{group_by}) {
+ my $sql_maker = $rsrc->storage->sql_maker;
+ # necessary as the group_by may refer to aliased functions
+ my $sel_index;
+ for my $sel (@{$attrs->{select}}) {
+ $sel_index->{$sel->{-as}} = $sel
+ if (ref $sel eq 'HASH' and $sel->{-as});
+ }
+ # anything from the original select mentioned on the group-by needs to make it to the inner selector
+ # also look for named aggregates referred in the having clause
+ # having often contains scalarrefs - thus parse it out entirely
+ my @parts = @$g;
+ if ($attrs->{having}) {
+ local $sql_maker->{having_bind};
+ local $sql_maker->{quote_char} = $sql_maker->{quote_char};
+ local $sql_maker->{name_sep} = $sql_maker->{name_sep};
+ unless (defined $sql_maker->{quote_char} and length $sql_maker->{quote_char}) {
+ $sql_maker->{quote_char} = [ "\x00", "\xFF" ];
+ # if we don't unset it we screw up retarded but unfortunately working
+ # 'MAX(foo.bar)' => { '>', 3 }
+ $sql_maker->{name_sep} = '';
+ }
+ my ($lquote, $rquote, $sep) = map { quotemeta $_ } ($sql_maker->_quote_chars, $sql_maker->name_sep);
+ my $having_sql = $sql_maker->_parse_rs_attrs ({ having => $attrs->{having} });
+ my %seen_having;
+ # search for both a proper quoted qualified string, for a naive unquoted scalarref
+ # and if all fails for an utterly naive quoted scalar-with-function
+ while ($having_sql =~ /
+ $rquote $sep $lquote (.+?) $rquote
+ |
+ [\s,] \w+ \. (\w+) [\s,]
+ |
+ [\s,] $lquote (.+?) $rquote [\s,]
+ /gx) {
+ my $part = $1 || $2 || $3; # one of them matched if we got here
+ unless ($seen_having{$part}++) {
+ push @parts, $part;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (@parts) {
+ my $colpiece = $sel_index->{$_} || $_;
+ # unqualify join-based group_by's. Arcane but possible query
+ # also horrible horrible hack to alias a column (not a func.)
+ # (probably need to introduce SQLA syntax)
+ if ($colpiece =~ /\./ && $colpiece !~ /^$attrs->{alias}\./) {
+ my $as = $colpiece;
+ $as =~ s/\./__/;
+ $colpiece = \ sprintf ('%s AS %s', map { $sql_maker->_quote ($_) } ($colpiece, $as) );
+ }
+ push @{$sub_attrs->{select}}, $colpiece;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my @pcols = map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } ($rsrc->primary_columns);
+ $sub_attrs->{select} = @pcols ? \@pcols : [ 1 ];
+ }
+ return $rsrc->resultset_class
+ ->new ($rsrc, $sub_attrs)
+ ->as_subselect_rs
+ ->search ({}, { columns => { count => $rsrc->storage->_count_select ($rsrc, $attrs) } })
+ ->get_column ('count');
+=head2 count_literal
+B<CAVEAT>: C<count_literal> is provided for Class::DBI compatibility and
+should only be used in that context. See L</search_literal> for further info.
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $sql_fragment, @standalone_bind_values
+=item Return Value: $count
+Counts the results in a literal query. Equivalent to calling L</search_literal>
+with the passed arguments, then L</count>.
+sub count_literal { shift->search_literal(@_)->count; }
+=head2 all
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: L<@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+Returns all elements in the resultset.
+sub all {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@_) {
+ $self->throw_exception("all() doesn't take any arguments, you probably wanted ->search(...)->all()");
+ }
+ delete @{$self}{qw/_stashed_rows _stashed_results/};
+ if (my $c = $self->get_cache) {
+ return @$c;
+ }
+ $self->cursor->reset;
+ my $objs = $self->_construct_results('fetch_all') || [];
+ $self->set_cache($objs) if $self->{attrs}{cache};
+ return @$objs;
+=head2 reset
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: $self
+Resets the resultset's cursor, so you can iterate through the elements again.
+Implicitly resets the storage cursor, so a subsequent L</next> will trigger
+another query.
+sub reset {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ delete @{$self}{qw/_stashed_rows _stashed_results/};
+ $self->{all_cache_position} = 0;
+ $self->cursor->reset;
+ return $self;
+=head2 first
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> | undef
+L<Resets|/reset> the resultset (causing a fresh query to storage) and returns
+an object for the first result (or C<undef> if the resultset is empty).
+sub first {
+ return $_[0]->reset->next;
+# _rs_update_delete
+# Determines whether and what type of subquery is required for the $rs operation.
+# If grouping is necessary either supplies its own, or verifies the current one
+# After all is done delegates to the proper storage method.
+sub _rs_update_delete {
+ my ($self, $op, $values) = @_;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $storage = $rsrc->schema->storage;
+ my $attrs = { %{$self->_resolved_attrs} };
+ my $join_classifications;
+ my ($existing_group_by) = delete @{$attrs}{qw(group_by _grouped_by_distinct)};
+ # do we need a subquery for any reason?
+ my $needs_subq = (
+ defined $existing_group_by
+ or
+ # if {from} is unparseable wrap a subq
+ ref($attrs->{from}) ne 'ARRAY'
+ or
+ # limits call for a subq
+ $self->_has_resolved_attr(qw/rows offset/)
+ );
+ # simplify the joinmap, so we can further decide if a subq is necessary
+ if (!$needs_subq and @{$attrs->{from}} > 1) {
+ ($attrs->{from}, $join_classifications) =
+ $storage->_prune_unused_joins ($attrs);
+ # any non-pruneable non-local restricting joins imply subq
+ $needs_subq = defined List::Util::first { $_ ne $attrs->{alias} } keys %{ $join_classifications->{restricting} || {} };
+ }
+ # check if the head is composite (by now all joins are thrown out unless $needs_subq)
+ $needs_subq ||= (
+ (ref $attrs->{from}[0]) ne 'HASH'
+ or
+ ref $attrs->{from}[0]{ $attrs->{from}[0]{-alias} }
+ );
+ my ($cond, $guard);
+ # do we need anything like a subquery?
+ if (! $needs_subq) {
+ # Most databases do not allow aliasing of tables in UPDATE/DELETE. Thus
+ # a condition containing 'me' or other table prefixes will not work
+ # at all. Tell SQLMaker to dequalify idents via a gross hack.
+ $cond = do {
+ my $sqla = $rsrc->storage->sql_maker;
+ local $sqla->{_dequalify_idents} = 1;
+ \[ $sqla->_recurse_where($self->{cond}) ];
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ # we got this far - means it is time to wrap a subquery
+ my $idcols = $rsrc->_identifying_column_set || $self->throw_exception(
+ sprintf(
+ "Unable to perform complex resultset %s() without an identifying set of columns on source '%s'",
+ $op,
+ $rsrc->source_name,
+ )
+ );
+ # make a new $rs selecting only the PKs (that's all we really need for the subq)
+ delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/select as collapse/;
+ $attrs->{columns} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } @$idcols ];
+ # this will be consumed by the pruner waaaaay down the stack
+ $attrs->{_force_prune_multiplying_joins} = 1;
+ my $subrs = (ref $self)->new($rsrc, $attrs);
+ if (@$idcols == 1) {
+ $cond = { $idcols->[0] => { -in => $subrs->as_query } };
+ }
+ elsif ($storage->_use_multicolumn_in) {
+ # no syntax for calling this properly yet
+ $cond = $storage->sql_maker->_where_op_multicolumn_in (
+ $idcols, # how do I convey a list of idents...? can binds reside on lhs?
+ $subrs->as_query
+ ),
+ }
+ else {
+ # if all else fails - get all primary keys and operate over a ORed set
+ # wrap in a transaction for consistency
+ # this is where the group_by/multiplication starts to matter
+ if (
+ $existing_group_by
+ or
+ # we do not need to check pre-multipliers, since if the premulti is there, its
+ # parent (who is multi) will be there too
+ keys %{ $join_classifications->{multiplying} || {} }
+ ) {
+ # make sure if there is a supplied group_by it matches the columns compiled above
+ # perfectly. Anything else can not be sanely executed on most databases so croak
+ # right then and there
+ if ($existing_group_by) {
+ my @current_group_by = map
+ { $_ =~ /\./ ? $_ : "$attrs->{alias}.$_" }
+ @$existing_group_by
+ ;
+ if (
+ join ("\x00", sort @current_group_by)
+ ne
+ join ("\x00", sort @{$attrs->{columns}} )
+ ) {
+ $self->throw_exception (
+ "You have just attempted a $op operation on a resultset which does group_by"
+ . ' on columns other than the primary keys, while DBIC internally needs to retrieve'
+ . ' the primary keys in a subselect. All sane RDBMS engines do not support this'
+ . ' kind of queries. Please retry the operation with a modified group_by or'
+ . ' without using one at all.'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $subrs = $subrs->search({}, { group_by => $attrs->{columns} });
+ }
+ $guard = $storage->txn_scope_guard;
+ $cond = [];
+ for my $row ($subrs->cursor->all) {
+ push @$cond, { map
+ { $idcols->[$_] => $row->[$_] }
+ (0 .. $#$idcols)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $res = $storage->$op (
+ $rsrc,
+ $op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
+ $cond,
+ );
+ $guard->commit if $guard;
+ return $res;
+=head2 update
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%values
+=item Return Value: $underlying_storage_rv
+Sets the specified columns in the resultset to the supplied values in a
+single query. Note that this will not run any accessor/set_column/update
+triggers, nor will it update any result object instances derived from this
+resultset (this includes the contents of the L<resultset cache|/set_cache>
+if any). See L</update_all> if you need to execute any on-update
+triggers or cascades defined either by you or a
+L<result component|DBIx::Class::Manual::Component/WHAT IS A COMPONENT>.
+The return value is a pass through of what the underlying
+storage backend returned, and may vary. See L<DBI/execute> for the most
+common case.
+=head3 CAVEAT
+Note that L</update> does not process/deflate any of the values passed in.
+This is unlike the corresponding L<DBIx::Class::Row/update>. The user must
+ensure manually that any value passed to this method will stringify to
+something the RDBMS knows how to deal with. A notable example is the
+handling of L<DateTime> objects, for more info see:
+L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook/Formatting DateTime objects in queries>.
+sub update {
+ my ($self, $values) = @_;
+ $self->throw_exception('Values for update must be a hash')
+ unless ref $values eq 'HASH';
+ return $self->_rs_update_delete ('update', $values);
+=head2 update_all
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%values
+=item Return Value: 1
+Fetches all objects and updates them one at a time via
+L<DBIx::Class::Row/update>. Note that C<update_all> will run DBIC defined
+triggers, while L</update> will not.
+sub update_all {
+ my ($self, $values) = @_;
+ $self->throw_exception('Values for update_all must be a hash')
+ unless ref $values eq 'HASH';
+ my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard;
+ $_->update({%$values}) for $self->all; # shallow copy - update will mangle it
+ $guard->commit;
+ return 1;
+=head2 delete
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: $underlying_storage_rv
+Deletes the rows matching this resultset in a single query. Note that this
+will not run any delete triggers, nor will it alter the
+L<in_storage|DBIx::Class::Row/in_storage> status of any result object instances
+derived from this resultset (this includes the contents of the
+L<resultset cache|/set_cache> if any). See L</delete_all> if you need to
+execute any on-delete triggers or cascades defined either by you or a
+L<result component|DBIx::Class::Manual::Component/WHAT IS A COMPONENT>.
+The return value is a pass through of what the underlying storage backend
+returned, and may vary. See L<DBI/execute> for the most common case.
+sub delete {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->throw_exception('delete does not accept any arguments')
+ if @_;
+ return $self->_rs_update_delete ('delete');
+=head2 delete_all
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: 1
+Fetches all objects and deletes them one at a time via
+L<DBIx::Class::Row/delete>. Note that C<delete_all> will run DBIC defined
+triggers, while L</delete> will not.
+sub delete_all {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->throw_exception('delete_all does not accept any arguments')
+ if @_;
+ my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard;
+ $_->delete for $self->all;
+ $guard->commit;
+ return 1;
+=head2 populate
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: [ \@column_list, \@row_values+ ] | [ \%col_data+ ]
+=item Return Value: L<\@result_objects|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> (scalar context) | L<@result_objects|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> (list context)
+Accepts either an arrayref of hashrefs or alternatively an arrayref of
+=item NOTE
+The context of this method call has an important effect on what is
+submitted to storage. In void context data is fed directly to fastpath
+insertion routines provided by the underlying storage (most often
+L<DBI/execute_for_fetch>), bypassing the L<new|DBIx::Class::Row/new> and
+L<insert|DBIx::Class::Row/insert> calls on the
+L<Result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> class, including any
+augmentation of these methods provided by components. For example if you
+are using something like L<DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns> to create primary
+keys for you, you will find that your PKs are empty. In this case you
+will have to explicitly force scalar or list context in order to create
+those values.
+In non-void (scalar or list) context, this method is simply a wrapper
+for L</create>. Depending on list or scalar context either a list of
+L<Result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> objects or an arrayref
+containing these objects is returned.
+When supplying data in "arrayref of arrayrefs" invocation style, the
+first element should be a list of column names and each subsequent
+element should be a data value in the earlier specified column order.
+For example:
+ $schema->resultset("Artist")->populate([
+ [ qw( artistid name ) ],
+ [ 100, 'A Formally Unknown Singer' ],
+ [ 101, 'A singer that jumped the shark two albums ago' ],
+ [ 102, 'An actually cool singer' ],
+ ]);
+For the arrayref of hashrefs style each hashref should be a structure
+suitable for passing to L</create>. Multi-create is also permitted with
+this syntax.
+ $schema->resultset("Artist")->populate([
+ { artistid => 4, name => 'Manufactured Crap', cds => [
+ { title => 'My First CD', year => 2006 },
+ { title => 'Yet More Tweeny-Pop crap', year => 2007 },
+ ],
+ },
+ { artistid => 5, name => 'Angsty-Whiny Girl', cds => [
+ { title => 'My parents sold me to a record company', year => 2005 },
+ { title => 'Why Am I So Ugly?', year => 2006 },
+ { title => 'I Got Surgery and am now Popular', year => 2007 }
+ ],
+ },
+ ]);
+If you attempt a void-context multi-create as in the example above (each
+Artist also has the related list of CDs), and B<do not> supply the
+necessary autoinc foreign key information, this method will proxy to the
+less efficient L</create>, and then throw the Result objects away. In this
+case there are obviously no benefits to using this method over L</create>.
+sub populate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (defined wantarray) {
+ # cruft placed in standalone method
+ my $data = $self->_normalize_populate_to_hashref(@_);
+ return unless @$data;
+ my @created = map { $self->create($_) } @$data;
+ return wantarray ? @created : \@created;
+ }
+ else {
+ # cruft placed in standalone method
+ my $data = $self->_normalize_populate_to_arrayref(@_);
+ return unless @$data;
+ my $first = shift @$data;
+ # if a column is a registered relationship, and is a non-blessed hash/array, consider
+ # it relationship data
+ my (@rels, @columns);
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $rels = { map { $_ => $rsrc->relationship_info($_) } $rsrc->relationships };
+ for my $index (0..$#$first) {
+ my $col = $first->[$index];
+ my $val = $data->[0][$index];
+ my $ref = ref $val;
+ $rels->{$col} && ($ref eq 'ARRAY' or $ref eq 'HASH')
+ ? push @rels, $col
+ : push @columns, $col
+ ;
+ }
+ my @pks = $rsrc->primary_columns;
+ my %colmap = map { $first->[$_] => $_ } (0..$#$first);
+ ## do the belongs_to relationships
+ foreach my $index (0..$#$data) {
+ # delegate to list context populate()/create() for any dataset without
+ # primary keys with specified relationships
+ if (grep { defined $colmap{$_} && !defined $data->[$index][$colmap{$_}] } @pks) {
+ for my $r (@rels) {
+ if (grep { ref $data->[$index][$colmap{$_}] eq $_ } qw/HASH ARRAY/) { # a related set must be a HASH or AoH
+ my @ret = $self->populate($data);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $rel (@rels) {
+ next unless ref $data->[$index][$colmap{$rel}] eq "HASH";
+ my $result = $self->related_resultset($rel)->create($data->[$index][$colmap{$rel}]);
+ my ($reverse_relname, $reverse_relinfo) = %{$rsrc->reverse_relationship_info($rel)};
+ my $related = $result->result_source->_resolve_condition(
+ $reverse_relinfo->{cond},
+ $self,
+ $result,
+ $rel,
+ );
+ $data->[$index][$colmap{$rel}] = $related->{$rel};
+ push @columns, keys %$related if $index == 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ## inherit the data locked in the conditions of the resultset
+ my ($rs_data) = $self->_merge_with_rscond({});
+ delete @{$rs_data}{@columns};
+ use DDP;
+ p @rels; p @columns; p %colmap;
+ my$a=[ map { [ @$_, values %$rs_data ] } @$data ]; p $a;
+ ## do bulk insert on current row
+ $rsrc->storage->insert_bulk(
+ $rsrc,
+ [@columns, keys %$rs_data],
+ [ map { [ @$_, values %$rs_data ] } @$data ],
+ );
+ ## do the has_many relationships
+ foreach my $item (@$data) {
+ my $main_row;
+ foreach my $rel (@rels) {
+ next unless ref $item->[$colmap{$rel}] eq "ARRAY" && @{ $item->[$colmap{$rel}] };
+ $main_row ||= $self->new_result({map { $_ => $item->[$colmap{$_}] } @pks});
+ my $child = $main_row->$rel;
+ my $related = $child->result_source->_resolve_condition(
+ $rels->{$rel}{cond},
+ $child,
+ $main_row,
+ $rel,
+ );
+ if ( ref $item->[$colmap{$rel}] eq 'ARRAY') {
+ for my $subitem (@{ $item->[$colmap{$rel}] }) {
+ $subitem->
+ }
+ }
+ my @rows_to_add = ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$item->[$colmap{$rel}]} : ($item->[$colmap{$rel}]);
+ my @populate = map { {%$_, %$related} } @rows_to_add;
+ $child->populate( $item->[$colmap{$rel}] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# populate() arguments went over several incarnations
+# can be any mixture of :
+# 1. AoA
+# 2. AoH
+# 3. AoS(calar) followed buy Arrayrefref (\@cols, $rs->as_query)
+# 4. coderef (tuple generator)
+# What we ultimately support is AoH
+sub _normalize_populate_to_hashref {
+ my ($self, $arg) = @_;
+ if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (!@$arg) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ elsif (ref $arg->[0] eq 'HASH') {
+ return $arg;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $arg->[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @ret;
+ my @colnames = @{$arg->[0]};
+ foreach my $values (@{$arg}[1 .. $#$arg]) {
+ if (ref $values eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push @ret, { map { $colnames[$_] => $values->[$_] } (0 .. $#colnames) };
+ }
+ elsif (ref $values eq 'CODE' || (ref $values eq 'REF' && ref $$values eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ push @ret, $values;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->throw_exception('Populate expects an arrayref of either hashrefs, arrayrefs, coderefs or arrayrefrefs');
+ }
+ }
+ return \@ret;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->throw_exception('Populate expects an arrayref of either hashrefs, arrayrefs, coderefs or arrayrefrefs');
+sub _normalize_populate_to_arrayref {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my @normalized;
+ my @cols;
+ARG: for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#$args; $idx++) {
+ my $arg = $args->[$idx];
+ if ($idx == 0) {
+ if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @cols = @$arg;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') {
+ @cols = keys %$arg;
+ push @normalized, [@{$arg}{@cols}];
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->throw_exception('Populate expects first record to either be a hashref or arrayref of cols');
+ }
+ next ARG;
+ }
+ if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' || ref $arg eq 'CODE') {
+ push @normalized, $arg;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') {
+ push @normalized, [@{$arg}{@cols}];
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->throw_exception('Populate expects either arrayref, coderef, or hashref');
+ }
+ }
+ return [\@cols, @normalized];
+ # AoH
+ if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' && @$arg > 0 && ref $arg->[0] eq 'HASH') {
+ @cols = sort keys %{$arg->[0]} if $idx == 1;
+ push @normalized, [ @{$args->[0]}{@cols} ];
+ next ARG;
+ }
+ # AoA
+ elsif (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' && @$arg > 0 && ref $arg->[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @ret;
+ my @colnames = @{$arg->[0]};
+ foreach my $values (@{$arg}[1 .. $#$arg]) {
+ push @ret, { map { $colnames[$_] => $values->[$_] } (0 .. $#colnames) };
+ }
+ push @normalized, \@ret;
+ next ARG;
+ }
+ # AoS, Arrayrefref (subq)
+ elsif (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' && ref $arg->[0] eq '') {
+ push @normalized, $arg, $args->[$idx+1];
+ $idx += 1; # we are consuming the next element, skip it next time
+ }
+ # Coderef
+ elsif (ref $arg eq 'CODE') {
+ push @normalized, $arg;
+ }
+=head2 pager
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: L<$pager|Data::Page>
+Returns a L<Data::Page> object for the current resultset. Only makes
+sense for queries with a C<page> attribute.
+To get the full count of entries for a paged resultset, call
+C<total_entries> on the L<Data::Page> object.
+sub pager {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{pager} if $self->{pager};
+ my $attrs = $self->{attrs};
+ if (!defined $attrs->{page}) {
+ $self->throw_exception("Can't create pager for non-paged rs");
+ }
+ elsif ($attrs->{page} <= 0) {
+ $self->throw_exception('Invalid page number (page-numbers are 1-based)');
+ }
+ $attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
+ # throw away the paging flags and re-run the count (possibly
+ # with a subselect) to get the real total count
+ my $count_attrs = { %$attrs };
+ delete @{$count_attrs}{qw/rows offset page pager/};
+ my $total_rs = (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, $count_attrs);
+ require DBIx::Class::ResultSet::Pager;
+ return $self->{pager} = DBIx::Class::ResultSet::Pager->new(
+ sub { $total_rs->count }, #lazy-get the total
+ $attrs->{rows},
+ $self->{attrs}{page},
+ );
+=head2 page
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $page_number
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search>
+Returns a resultset for the $page_number page of the resultset on which page
+is called, where each page contains a number of rows equal to the 'rows'
+attribute set on the resultset (10 by default).
+sub page {
+ my ($self, $page) = @_;
+ return (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, { %{$self->{attrs}}, page => $page });
+=head2 new_result
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%col_data
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+Creates a new result object in the resultset's result class and returns
+it. The row is not inserted into the database at this point, call
+L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> to do that. Calling L<DBIx::Class::Row/in_storage>
+will tell you whether the result object has been inserted or not.
+Passes the hashref of input on to L<DBIx::Class::Row/new>.
+sub new_result {
+ my ($self, $values) = @_;
+ $self->throw_exception( "new_result takes only one argument - a hashref of values" )
+ if @_ > 2;
+ $self->throw_exception( "new_result expects a hashref" )
+ unless (ref $values eq 'HASH');
+ my ($merged_cond, $cols_from_relations) = $self->_merge_with_rscond($values);
+ my $new = $self->result_class->new({
+ %$merged_cond,
+ ( @$cols_from_relations
+ ? (-cols_from_relations => $cols_from_relations)
+ : ()
+ ),
+ -result_source => $self->result_source, # DO NOT REMOVE THIS, REQUIRED
+ });
+ if (
+ reftype($new) eq 'HASH'
+ and
+ ! keys %$new
+ and
+ blessed($new)
+ ) {
+ carp_unique (sprintf (
+ "%s->new returned a blessed empty hashref - a strong indicator something is wrong with its inheritance chain",
+ $self->result_class,
+ ));
+ }
+ $new;
+# _merge_with_rscond
+# Takes a simple hash of K/V data and returns its copy merged with the
+# condition already present on the resultset. Additionally returns an
+# arrayref of value/condition names, which were inferred from related
+# objects (this is needed for in-memory related objects)
+sub _merge_with_rscond {
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ my (%new_data, @cols_from_relations);
+ my $alias = $self->{attrs}{alias};
+ if (! defined $self->{cond}) {
+ # just massage $data below
+ }
+ elsif ($self->{cond} eq $DBIx::Class::ResultSource::UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION) {
+ %new_data = %{ $self->{attrs}{related_objects} || {} }; # nothing might have been inserted yet
+ @cols_from_relations = keys %new_data;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $self->{cond} ne 'HASH') {
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ "Can't abstract implicit construct, resultset condition not a hash"
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ # precedence must be given to passed values over values inherited from
+ # the cond, so the order here is important.
+ my $collapsed_cond = $self->_collapse_cond($self->{cond});
+ my %implied = %{$self->_remove_alias($collapsed_cond, $alias)};
+ while ( my($col, $value) = each %implied ) {
+ my $vref = ref $value;
+ if (
+ $vref eq 'HASH'
+ and
+ keys(%$value) == 1
+ and
+ (keys %$value)[0] eq '='
+ ) {
+ $new_data{$col} = $value->{'='};
+ }
+ elsif( !$vref or $vref eq 'SCALAR' or blessed($value) ) {
+ $new_data{$col} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ %new_data = (
+ %new_data,
+ %{ $self->_remove_alias($data, $alias) },
+ );
+ return (\%new_data, \@cols_from_relations);
+# _has_resolved_attr
+# determines if the resultset defines at least one
+# of the attributes supplied
+# used to determine if a subquery is necessary
+# supports some virtual attributes:
+# -join
+# This will scan for any joins being present on the resultset.
+# It is not a mere key-search but a deep inspection of {from}
+sub _has_resolved_attr {
+ my ($self, @attr_names) = @_;
+ my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
+ my %extra_checks;
+ for my $n (@attr_names) {
+ if (grep { $n eq $_ } (qw/-join/) ) {
+ $extra_checks{$n}++;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $attr = $attrs->{$n};
+ next if not defined $attr;
+ if (ref $attr eq 'HASH') {
+ return 1 if keys %$attr;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $attr eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return 1 if @$attr;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 1 if $attr;
+ }
+ }
+ # a resolved join is expressed as a multi-level from
+ return 1 if (
+ $extra_checks{-join}
+ and
+ ref $attrs->{from} eq 'ARRAY'
+ and
+ @{$attrs->{from}} > 1
+ );
+ return 0;
+# _collapse_cond
+# Recursively collapse the condition.
+sub _collapse_cond {
+ my ($self, $cond, $collapsed) = @_;
+ $collapsed ||= {};
+ if (ref $cond eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $subcond (@$cond) {
+ next unless ref $subcond; # -or
+ $collapsed = $self->_collapse_cond($subcond, $collapsed);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref $cond eq 'HASH') {
+ if (keys %$cond and (keys %$cond)[0] eq '-and') {
+ foreach my $subcond (@{$cond->{-and}}) {
+ $collapsed = $self->_collapse_cond($subcond, $collapsed);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $col (keys %$cond) {
+ my $value = $cond->{$col};
+ $collapsed->{$col} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $collapsed;
+# _remove_alias
+# Remove the specified alias from the specified query hash. A copy is made so
+# the original query is not modified.
+sub _remove_alias {
+ my ($self, $query, $alias) = @_;
+ my %orig = %{ $query || {} };
+ my %unaliased;
+ foreach my $key (keys %orig) {
+ if ($key !~ /\./) {
+ $unaliased{$key} = $orig{$key};
+ next;
+ }
+ $unaliased{$1} = $orig{$key}
+ if $key =~ m/^(?:\Q$alias\E\.)?([^.]+)$/;
+ }
+ return \%unaliased;
+=head2 as_query
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: \[ $sql, L<@bind_values|/DBIC BIND VALUES> ]
+Returns the SQL query and bind vars associated with the invocant.
+This is generally used as the RHS for a subquery.
+sub as_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = { %{ $self->_resolved_attrs } };
+ my $aq = $self->result_source->storage->_select_args_to_query (
+ $attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select}, $attrs->{where}, $attrs
+ );
+ $self->{_attrs}{_sqlmaker_select_args} = $attrs->{_sqlmaker_select_args};
+ $aq;
+=head2 find_or_new
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%col_data, { key => $unique_constraint, L<%attrs|/ATTRIBUTES> }?
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find_or_new(
+ { artist => 'fred' }, { key => 'artists' });
+ $cd->cd_to_producer->find_or_new({ producer => $producer },
+ { key => 'primary' });
+Find an existing record from this resultset using L</find>. if none exists,
+instantiate a new result object and return it. The object will not be saved
+into your storage until you call L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> on it.
+You most likely want this method when looking for existing rows using a unique
+constraint that is not the primary key, or looking for related rows.
+If you want objects to be saved immediately, use L</find_or_create> instead.
+B<Note>: Make sure to read the documentation of L</find> and understand the
+significance of the C<key> attribute, as its lack may skew your search, and
+subsequently result in spurious new objects.
+B<Note>: Take care when using C<find_or_new> with a table having
+columns with default values that you intend to be automatically
+supplied by the database (e.g. an auto_increment primary key column).
+In normal usage, the value of such columns should NOT be included at
+all in the call to C<find_or_new>, even when set to C<undef>.
+sub find_or_new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
+ my $hash = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
+ if (keys %$hash and my $row = $self->find($hash, $attrs) ) {
+ return $row;
+ }
+ return $self->new_result($hash);
+=head2 create
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%col_data
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+Attempt to create a single new row or a row with multiple related rows
+in the table represented by the resultset (and related tables). This
+will not check for duplicate rows before inserting, use
+L</find_or_create> to do that.
+To create one row for this resultset, pass a hashref of key/value
+pairs representing the columns of the table and the values you wish to
+store. If the appropriate relationships are set up, foreign key fields
+can also be passed an object representing the foreign row, and the
+value will be set to its primary key.
+To create related objects, pass a hashref of related-object column values
+B<keyed on the relationship name>. If the relationship is of type C<multi>
+(L<DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many>) - pass an arrayref of hashrefs.
+The process will correctly identify columns holding foreign keys, and will
+transparently populate them from the keys of the corresponding relation.
+This can be applied recursively, and will work correctly for a structure
+with an arbitrary depth and width, as long as the relationships actually
+exists and the correct column data has been supplied.
+Instead of hashrefs of plain related data (key/value pairs), you may
+also pass new or inserted objects. New objects (not inserted yet, see
+L</new_result>), will be inserted into their appropriate tables.
+Effectively a shortcut for C<< ->new_result(\%col_data)->insert >>.
+Example of creating a new row.
+ $person_rs->create({
+ name=>"Some Person",
+ email=>"somebody@someplace.com"
+ });
+Example of creating a new row and also creating rows in a related C<has_many>
+or C<has_one> resultset. Note Arrayref.
+ $artist_rs->create(
+ { artistid => 4, name => 'Manufactured Crap', cds => [
+ { title => 'My First CD', year => 2006 },
+ { title => 'Yet More Tweeny-Pop crap', year => 2007 },
+ ],
+ },
+ );
+Example of creating a new row and also creating a row in a related
+C<belongs_to> resultset. Note Hashref.
+ $cd_rs->create({
+ title=>"Music for Silly Walks",
+ year=>2000,
+ artist => {
+ name=>"Silly Musician",
+ }
+ });
+=item WARNING
+When subclassing ResultSet never attempt to override this method. Since
+it is a simple shortcut for C<< $self->new_result($attrs)->insert >>, a
+lot of the internals simply never call it, so your override will be
+bypassed more often than not. Override either L<DBIx::Class::Row/new>
+or L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> depending on how early in the
+L</create> process you need to intervene. See also warning pertaining to
+sub create {
+ my ($self, $col_data) = @_;
+ $self->throw_exception( "create needs a hashref" )
+ unless ref $col_data eq 'HASH';
+ return $self->new_result($col_data)->insert;
+=head2 find_or_create
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%col_data, { key => $unique_constraint, L<%attrs|/ATTRIBUTES> }?
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+ $cd->cd_to_producer->find_or_create({ producer => $producer },
+ { key => 'primary' });
+Tries to find a record based on its primary key or unique constraints; if none
+is found, creates one and returns that instead.
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create({
+ cdid => 5,
+ artist => 'Massive Attack',
+ title => 'Mezzanine',
+ year => 2005,
+ });
+Also takes an optional C<key> attribute, to search by a specific key or unique
+constraint. For example:
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create(
+ {
+ artist => 'Massive Attack',
+ title => 'Mezzanine',
+ },
+ { key => 'cd_artist_title' }
+ );
+B<Note>: Make sure to read the documentation of L</find> and understand the
+significance of the C<key> attribute, as its lack may skew your search, and
+subsequently result in spurious row creation.
+B<Note>: Because find_or_create() reads from the database and then
+possibly inserts based on the result, this method is subject to a race
+condition. Another process could create a record in the table after
+the find has completed and before the create has started. To avoid
+this problem, use find_or_create() inside a transaction.
+B<Note>: Take care when using C<find_or_create> with a table having
+columns with default values that you intend to be automatically
+supplied by the database (e.g. an auto_increment primary key column).
+In normal usage, the value of such columns should NOT be included at
+all in the call to C<find_or_create>, even when set to C<undef>.
+See also L</find> and L</update_or_create>. For information on how to declare
+unique constraints, see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_unique_constraint>.
+If you need to know if an existing row was found or a new one created use
+L</find_or_new> and L<DBIx::Class::Row/in_storage> instead. Don't forget
+to call L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> to save the newly created row to the
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_new({
+ cdid => 5,
+ artist => 'Massive Attack',
+ title => 'Mezzanine',
+ year => 2005,
+ });
+ if( !$cd->in_storage ) {
+ # do some stuff
+ $cd->insert;
+ }
+sub find_or_create {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
+ my $hash = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
+ if (keys %$hash and my $row = $self->find($hash, $attrs) ) {
+ return $row;
+ }
+ return $self->create($hash);
+=head2 update_or_create
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%col_data, { key => $unique_constraint, L<%attrs|/ATTRIBUTES> }?
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+ $resultset->update_or_create({ col => $val, ... });
+Like L</find_or_create>, but if a row is found it is immediately updated via
+C<< $found_row->update (\%col_data) >>.
+Takes an optional C<key> attribute to search on a specific unique constraint.
+For example:
+ # In your application
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create(
+ {
+ artist => 'Massive Attack',
+ title => 'Mezzanine',
+ year => 1998,
+ },
+ { key => 'cd_artist_title' }
+ );
+ $cd->cd_to_producer->update_or_create({
+ producer => $producer,
+ name => 'harry',
+ }, {
+ key => 'primary',
+ });
+B<Note>: Make sure to read the documentation of L</find> and understand the
+significance of the C<key> attribute, as its lack may skew your search, and
+subsequently result in spurious row creation.
+B<Note>: Take care when using C<update_or_create> with a table having
+columns with default values that you intend to be automatically
+supplied by the database (e.g. an auto_increment primary key column).
+In normal usage, the value of such columns should NOT be included at
+all in the call to C<update_or_create>, even when set to C<undef>.
+See also L</find> and L</find_or_create>. For information on how to declare
+unique constraints, see L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_unique_constraint>.
+If you need to know if an existing row was updated or a new one created use
+L</update_or_new> and L<DBIx::Class::Row/in_storage> instead. Don't forget
+to call L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> to save the newly created row to the
+sub update_or_create {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
+ my $cond = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
+ my $row = $self->find($cond, $attrs);
+ if (defined $row) {
+ $row->update($cond);
+ return $row;
+ }
+ return $self->create($cond);
+=head2 update_or_new
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: \%col_data, { key => $unique_constraint, L<%attrs|/ATTRIBUTES> }?
+=item Return Value: L<$result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+ $resultset->update_or_new({ col => $val, ... });
+Like L</find_or_new> but if a row is found it is immediately updated via
+C<< $found_row->update (\%col_data) >>.
+For example:
+ # In your application
+ my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_new(
+ {
+ artist => 'Massive Attack',
+ title => 'Mezzanine',
+ year => 1998,
+ },
+ { key => 'cd_artist_title' }
+ );
+ if ($cd->in_storage) {
+ # the cd was updated
+ }
+ else {
+ # the cd is not yet in the database, let's insert it
+ $cd->insert;
+ }
+B<Note>: Make sure to read the documentation of L</find> and understand the
+significance of the C<key> attribute, as its lack may skew your search, and
+subsequently result in spurious new objects.
+B<Note>: Take care when using C<update_or_new> with a table having
+columns with default values that you intend to be automatically
+supplied by the database (e.g. an auto_increment primary key column).
+In normal usage, the value of such columns should NOT be included at
+all in the call to C<update_or_new>, even when set to C<undef>.
+See also L</find>, L</find_or_create> and L</find_or_new>.
+sub update_or_new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = ( @_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {} );
+ my $cond = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
+ my $row = $self->find( $cond, $attrs );
+ if ( defined $row ) {
+ $row->update($cond);
+ return $row;
+ }
+ return $self->new_result($cond);
+=head2 get_cache
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: L<\@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> | undef
+Gets the contents of the cache for the resultset, if the cache is set.
+The cache is populated either by using the L</prefetch> attribute to
+L</search> or by calling L</set_cache>.
+sub get_cache {
+ shift->{all_cache};
+=head2 set_cache
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: L<\@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+=item Return Value: L<\@result_objs|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass>
+Sets the contents of the cache for the resultset. Expects an arrayref
+of objects of the same class as those produced by the resultset. Note that
+if the cache is set, the resultset will return the cached objects rather
+than re-querying the database even if the cache attr is not set.
+The contents of the cache can also be populated by using the
+L</prefetch> attribute to L</search>.
+sub set_cache {
+ my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
+ $self->throw_exception("set_cache requires an arrayref")
+ if defined($data) && (ref $data ne 'ARRAY');
+ $self->{all_cache} = $data;
+=head2 clear_cache
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: undef
+Clears the cache for the resultset.
+sub clear_cache {
+ shift->set_cache(undef);
+=head2 is_paged
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: true, if the resultset has been paginated
+sub is_paged {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return !!$self->{attrs}{page};
+=head2 is_ordered
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: true, if the resultset has been ordered with C<order_by>.
+sub is_ordered {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return scalar $self->result_source->storage->_extract_order_criteria($self->{attrs}{order_by});
+=head2 related_resultset
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: $rel_name
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search>
+Returns a related resultset for the supplied relationship name.
+ $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->related_resultset('Artist');
+sub related_resultset {
+ my ($self, $rel) = @_;
+ return $self->{related_resultsets}{$rel}
+ if defined $self->{related_resultsets}{$rel};
+ return $self->{related_resultsets}{$rel} = do {
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $rel_info = $rsrc->relationship_info($rel);
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ "search_related: result source '" . $rsrc->source_name .
+ "' has no such relationship $rel")
+ unless $rel_info;
+ my $attrs = $self->_chain_relationship($rel);
+ my $join_count = $attrs->{seen_join}{$rel};
+ my $alias = $self->result_source->storage
+ ->relname_to_table_alias($rel, $join_count);
+ # since this is search_related, and we already slid the select window inwards
+ # (the select/as attrs were deleted in the beginning), we need to flip all
+ # left joins to inner, so we get the expected results
+ # read the comment on top of the actual function to see what this does
+ $attrs->{from} = $rsrc->schema->storage->_inner_join_to_node ($attrs->{from}, $alias);
+ #XXX - temp fix for result_class bug. There likely is a more elegant fix -groditi
+ delete @{$attrs}{qw(result_class alias)};
+ my $rel_source = $rsrc->related_source($rel);
+ my $new = do {
+ # The reason we do this now instead of passing the alias to the
+ # search_rs below is that if you wrap/overload resultset on the
+ # source you need to know what alias it's -going- to have for things
+ # to work sanely (e.g. RestrictWithObject wants to be able to add
+ # extra query restrictions, and these may need to be $alias.)
+ my $rel_attrs = $rel_source->resultset_attributes;
+ local $rel_attrs->{alias} = $alias;
+ $rel_source->resultset
+ ->search_rs(
+ undef, {
+ %$attrs,
+ where => $attrs->{where},
+ });
+ };
+ if (my $cache = $self->get_cache) {
+ my @related_cache = map
+ { @{$_->related_resultset($rel)->get_cache||[]} }
+ @$cache
+ ;
+ $new->set_cache(\@related_cache) if @related_cache;
+ }
+ $new;
+ };
+=head2 current_source_alias
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: $source_alias
+Returns the current table alias for the result source this resultset is built
+on, that will be used in the SQL query. Usually it is C<me>.
+Currently the source alias that refers to the result set returned by a
+L</search>/L</find> family method depends on how you got to the resultset: it's
+C<me> by default, but eg. L</search_related> aliases it to the related result
+source name (and keeps C<me> referring to the original result set). The long
+term goal is to make L<DBIx::Class> always alias the current resultset as C<me>
+(and make this method unnecessary).
+Thus it's currently necessary to use this method in predefined queries (see
+L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook/Predefined searches>) when referring to the
+source alias of the current result set:
+ # in a result set class
+ sub modified_by {
+ my ($self, $user) = @_;
+ my $me = $self->current_source_alias;
+ return $self->search({
+ "$me.modified" => $user->id,
+ });
+ }
+sub current_source_alias {
+ return (shift->{attrs} || {})->{alias} || 'me';
+=head2 as_subselect_rs
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: L<$resultset|/search>
+Act as a barrier to SQL symbols. The resultset provided will be made into a
+"virtual view" by including it as a subquery within the from clause. From this
+point on, any joined tables are inaccessible to ->search on the resultset (as if
+it were simply where-filtered without joins). For example:
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Bar')->search({'x.name' => 'abc'},{ join => 'x' });
+ # 'x' now pollutes the query namespace
+ # So the following works as expected
+ my $ok_rs = $rs->search({'x.other' => 1});
+ # But this doesn't: instead of finding a 'Bar' related to two x rows (abc and
+ # def) we look for one row with contradictory terms and join in another table
+ # (aliased 'x_2') which we never use
+ my $broken_rs = $rs->search({'x.name' => 'def'});
+ my $rs2 = $rs->as_subselect_rs;
+ # doesn't work - 'x' is no longer accessible in $rs2, having been sealed away
+ my $not_joined_rs = $rs2->search({'x.other' => 1});
+ # works as expected: finds a 'table' row related to two x rows (abc and def)
+ my $correctly_joined_rs = $rs2->search({'x.name' => 'def'});
+Another example of when one might use this would be to select a subset of
+columns in a group by clause:
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Bar')->search(undef, {
+ group_by => [qw{ id foo_id baz_id }],
+ })->as_subselect_rs->search(undef, {
+ columns => [qw{ id foo_id }]
+ });
+In the above example normally columns would have to be equal to the group by,
+but because we isolated the group by into a subselect the above works.
+sub as_subselect_rs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
+ my $fresh_rs = (ref $self)->new (
+ $self->result_source
+ );
+ # these pieces will be locked in the subquery
+ delete $fresh_rs->{cond};
+ delete @{$fresh_rs->{attrs}}{qw/where bind/};
+ return $fresh_rs->search( {}, {
+ from => [{
+ $attrs->{alias} => $self->as_query,
+ -alias => $attrs->{alias},
+ -rsrc => $self->result_source,
+ }],
+ alias => $attrs->{alias},
+ });
+# This code is called by search_related, and makes sure there
+# is clear separation between the joins before, during, and
+# after the relationship. This information is needed later
+# in order to properly resolve prefetch aliases (any alias
+# with a relation_chain_depth less than the depth of the
+# current prefetch is not considered)
+# The increments happen twice per join. An even number means a
+# relationship specified via a search_related, whereas an odd
+# number indicates a join/prefetch added via attributes
+# Also this code will wrap the current resultset (the one we
+# chain to) in a subselect IFF it contains limiting attributes
+sub _chain_relationship {
+ my ($self, $rel) = @_;
+ my $source = $self->result_source;
+ my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}||{}} };
+ # we need to take the prefetch the attrs into account before we
+ # ->_resolve_join as otherwise they get lost - captainL
+ my $join = $self->_merge_joinpref_attr( $attrs->{join}, $attrs->{prefetch} );
+ delete @{$attrs}{qw/join prefetch collapse group_by distinct _grouped_by_distinct select as columns +select +as +columns/};
+ my $seen = { %{ (delete $attrs->{seen_join}) || {} } };
+ my $from;
+ my @force_subq_attrs = qw/offset rows group_by having/;
+ if (
+ ($attrs->{from} && ref $attrs->{from} ne 'ARRAY')
+ ||
+ $self->_has_resolved_attr (@force_subq_attrs)
+ ) {
+ # Nuke the prefetch (if any) before the new $rs attrs
+ # are resolved (prefetch is useless - we are wrapping
+ # a subquery anyway).
+ my $rs_copy = $self->search;
+ $rs_copy->{attrs}{join} = $self->_merge_joinpref_attr (
+ $rs_copy->{attrs}{join},
+ delete $rs_copy->{attrs}{prefetch},
+ );
+ $from = [{
+ -rsrc => $source,
+ -alias => $attrs->{alias},
+ $attrs->{alias} => $rs_copy->as_query,
+ }];
+ delete @{$attrs}{@force_subq_attrs, qw/where bind/};
+ $seen->{-relation_chain_depth} = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($attrs->{from}) { #shallow copy suffices
+ $from = [ @{$attrs->{from}} ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $from = [{
+ -rsrc => $source,
+ -alias => $attrs->{alias},
+ $attrs->{alias} => $source->from,
+ }];
+ }
+ my $jpath = ($seen->{-relation_chain_depth})
+ ? $from->[-1][0]{-join_path}
+ : [];
+ my @requested_joins = $source->_resolve_join(
+ $join,
+ $attrs->{alias},
+ $seen,
+ $jpath,
+ );
+ push @$from, @requested_joins;
+ $seen->{-relation_chain_depth}++;
+ # if $self already had a join/prefetch specified on it, the requested
+ # $rel might very well be already included. What we do in this case
+ # is effectively a no-op (except that we bump up the chain_depth on
+ # the join in question so we could tell it *is* the search_related)
+ my $already_joined;
+ # we consider the last one thus reverse
+ for my $j (reverse @requested_joins) {
+ my ($last_j) = keys %{$j->[0]{-join_path}[-1]};
+ if ($rel eq $last_j) {
+ $j->[0]{-relation_chain_depth}++;
+ $already_joined++;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($already_joined) {
+ push @$from, $source->_resolve_join(
+ $rel,
+ $attrs->{alias},
+ $seen,
+ $jpath,
+ );
+ }
+ $seen->{-relation_chain_depth}++;
+ return {%$attrs, from => $from, seen_join => $seen};
+sub _resolved_attrs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_attrs} if $self->{_attrs};
+ my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} || {} } };
+ my $source = $self->result_source;
+ my $alias = $attrs->{alias};
+ $self->throw_exception("Specifying distinct => 1 in conjunction with collapse => 1 is unsupported")
+ if $attrs->{collapse} and $attrs->{distinct};
+ # default selection list
+ $attrs->{columns} = [ $source->columns ]
+ unless List::Util::first { exists $attrs->{$_} } qw/columns cols select as/;
+ # merge selectors together
+ for (qw/columns select as/) {
+ $attrs->{$_} = $self->_merge_attr($attrs->{$_}, delete $attrs->{"+$_"})
+ if $attrs->{$_} or $attrs->{"+$_"};
+ }
+ # disassemble columns
+ my (@sel, @as);
+ if (my $cols = delete $attrs->{columns}) {
+ for my $c (ref $cols eq 'ARRAY' ? @$cols : $cols) {
+ if (ref $c eq 'HASH') {
+ for my $as (sort keys %$c) {
+ push @sel, $c->{$as};
+ push @as, $as;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @sel, $c;
+ push @as, $c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # when trying to weed off duplicates later do not go past this point -
+ # everything added from here on is unbalanced "anyone's guess" stuff
+ my $dedup_stop_idx = $#as;
+ push @as, @{ ref $attrs->{as} eq 'ARRAY' ? $attrs->{as} : [ $attrs->{as} ] }
+ if $attrs->{as};
+ push @sel, @{ ref $attrs->{select} eq 'ARRAY' ? $attrs->{select} : [ $attrs->{select} ] }
+ if $attrs->{select};
+ # assume all unqualified selectors to apply to the current alias (legacy stuff)
+ $_ = (ref $_ or $_ =~ /\./) ? $_ : "$alias.$_" for @sel;
+ # disqualify all $alias.col as-bits (inflate-map mandated)
+ $_ = ($_ =~ /^\Q$alias.\E(.+)$/) ? $1 : $_ for @as;
+ # de-duplicate the result (remove *identical* select/as pairs)
+ # and also die on duplicate {as} pointing to different {select}s
+ # not using a c-style for as the condition is prone to shrinkage
+ my $seen;
+ my $i = 0;
+ while ($i <= $dedup_stop_idx) {
+ if ($seen->{"$sel[$i] \x00\x00 $as[$i]"}++) {
+ splice @sel, $i, 1;
+ splice @as, $i, 1;
+ $dedup_stop_idx--;
+ }
+ elsif ($seen->{$as[$i]}++) {
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ "inflate_result() alias '$as[$i]' specified twice with different SQL-side {select}-ors"
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ $attrs->{select} = \@sel;
+ $attrs->{as} = \@as;
+ $attrs->{from} ||= [{
+ -rsrc => $source,
+ -alias => $self->{attrs}{alias},
+ $self->{attrs}{alias} => $source->from,
+ }];
+ if ( $attrs->{join} || $attrs->{prefetch} ) {
+ $self->throw_exception ('join/prefetch can not be used with a custom {from}')
+ if ref $attrs->{from} ne 'ARRAY';
+ my $join = (delete $attrs->{join}) || {};
+ if ( defined $attrs->{prefetch} ) {
+ $join = $self->_merge_joinpref_attr( $join, $attrs->{prefetch} );
+ }
+ $attrs->{from} = # have to copy here to avoid corrupting the original
+ [
+ @{ $attrs->{from} },
+ $source->_resolve_join(
+ $join,
+ $alias,
+ { %{ $attrs->{seen_join} || {} } },
+ ( $attrs->{seen_join} && keys %{$attrs->{seen_join}})
+ ? $attrs->{from}[-1][0]{-join_path}
+ : []
+ ,
+ )
+ ];
+ }
+ if ( defined $attrs->{order_by} ) {
+ $attrs->{order_by} = (
+ ref( $attrs->{order_by} ) eq 'ARRAY'
+ ? [ @{ $attrs->{order_by} } ]
+ : [ $attrs->{order_by} || () ]
+ );
+ }
+ if ($attrs->{group_by} and ref $attrs->{group_by} ne 'ARRAY') {
+ $attrs->{group_by} = [ $attrs->{group_by} ];
+ }
+ # generate selections based on the prefetch helper
+ my ($prefetch, @prefetch_select, @prefetch_as);
+ $prefetch = $self->_merge_joinpref_attr( {}, delete $attrs->{prefetch} )
+ if defined $attrs->{prefetch};
+ if ($prefetch) {
+ $self->throw_exception("Unable to prefetch, resultset contains an unnamed selector $attrs->{_dark_selector}{string}")
+ if $attrs->{_dark_selector};
+ $self->throw_exception("Specifying prefetch in conjunction with an explicit collapse => 0 is unsupported")
+ if defined $attrs->{collapse} and ! $attrs->{collapse};
+ $attrs->{collapse} = 1;
+ # this is a separate structure (we don't look in {from} directly)
+ # as the resolver needs to shift things off the lists to work
+ # properly (identical-prefetches on different branches)
+ my $join_map = {};
+ if (ref $attrs->{from} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my $start_depth = $attrs->{seen_join}{-relation_chain_depth} || 0;
+ for my $j ( @{$attrs->{from}}[1 .. $#{$attrs->{from}} ] ) {
+ next unless $j->[0]{-alias};
+ next unless $j->[0]{-join_path};
+ next if ($j->[0]{-relation_chain_depth} || 0) < $start_depth;
+ my @jpath = map { keys %$_ } @{$j->[0]{-join_path}};
+ my $p = $join_map;
+ $p = $p->{$_} ||= {} for @jpath[ ($start_depth/2) .. $#jpath]; #only even depths are actual jpath boundaries
+ push @{$p->{-join_aliases} }, $j->[0]{-alias};
+ }
+ }
+ my @prefetch = $source->_resolve_prefetch( $prefetch, $alias, $join_map );
+ # save these for after distinct resolution
+ @prefetch_select = map { $_->[0] } @prefetch;
+ @prefetch_as = map { $_->[1] } @prefetch;
+ }
+ # run through the resulting joinstructure (starting from our current slot)
+ # and unset collapse if proven unnecessary
+ #
+ # also while we are at it find out if the current root source has
+ # been premultiplied by previous related_source chaining
+ #
+ # this allows to predict whether a root object with all other relation
+ # data set to NULL is in fact unique
+ if ($attrs->{collapse}) {
+ if (ref $attrs->{from} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{$attrs->{from}} == 1) {
+ # no joins - no collapse
+ $attrs->{collapse} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ # find where our table-spec starts
+ my @fromlist = @{$attrs->{from}};
+ while (@fromlist) {
+ my $t = shift @fromlist;
+ my $is_multi;
+ # me vs join from-spec distinction - a ref means non-root
+ if (ref $t eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $t = $t->[0];
+ $is_multi ||= ! $t->{-is_single};
+ }
+ last if ($t->{-alias} && $t->{-alias} eq $alias);
+ $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied} ||= $is_multi;
+ }
+ # no non-singles remaining, nor any premultiplication - nothing to collapse
+ if (
+ ! $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied}
+ and
+ ! List::Util::first { ! $_->[0]{-is_single} } @fromlist
+ ) {
+ $attrs->{collapse} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # if we can not analyze the from - err on the side of safety
+ $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # generate the distinct induced group_by before injecting the prefetched select/as parts
+ if (delete $attrs->{distinct}) {
+ if ($attrs->{group_by}) {
+ carp_unique ("Useless use of distinct on a grouped resultset ('distinct' is ignored when a 'group_by' is present)");
+ }
+ else {
+ $attrs->{_grouped_by_distinct} = 1;
+ # distinct affects only the main selection part, not what prefetch may add below
+ ($attrs->{group_by}, my $new_order) = $source->storage->_group_over_selection($attrs);
+ # FIXME possibly ignore a rewritten order_by (may turn out to be an issue)
+ # The thinking is: if we are collapsing the subquerying prefetch engine will
+ # rip stuff apart for us anyway, and we do not want to have a potentially
+ # function-converted external order_by
+ # ( there is an explicit if ( collapse && _grouped_by_distinct ) check in DBIHacks )
+ $attrs->{order_by} = $new_order unless $attrs->{collapse};
+ }
+ }
+ # inject prefetch-bound selection (if any)
+ push @{$attrs->{select}}, @prefetch_select;
+ push @{$attrs->{as}}, @prefetch_as;
+ # whether we can get away with the dumbest (possibly DBI-internal) collapser
+ if ( List::Util::first { $_ =~ /\./ } @{$attrs->{as}} ) {
+ $attrs->{_related_results_construction} = 1;
+ }
+ # if both page and offset are specified, produce a combined offset
+ # even though it doesn't make much sense, this is what pre 081xx has
+ # been doing
+ if (my $page = delete $attrs->{page}) {
+ $attrs->{offset} =
+ ($attrs->{rows} * ($page - 1))
+ +
+ ($attrs->{offset} || 0)
+ ;
+ }
+ return $self->{_attrs} = $attrs;
+sub _rollout_attr {
+ my ($self, $attr) = @_;
+ if (ref $attr eq 'HASH') {
+ return $self->_rollout_hash($attr);
+ } elsif (ref $attr eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return $self->_rollout_array($attr);
+ } else {
+ return [$attr];
+ }
+sub _rollout_array {
+ my ($self, $attr) = @_;
+ my @rolled_array;
+ foreach my $element (@{$attr}) {
+ if (ref $element eq 'HASH') {
+ push( @rolled_array, @{ $self->_rollout_hash( $element ) } );
+ } elsif (ref $element eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # XXX - should probably recurse here
+ push( @rolled_array, @{$self->_rollout_array($element)} );
+ } else {
+ push( @rolled_array, $element );
+ }
+ }
+ return \@rolled_array;
+sub _rollout_hash {
+ my ($self, $attr) = @_;
+ my @rolled_array;
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$attr}) {
+ push( @rolled_array, { $key => $attr->{$key} } );
+ }
+ return \@rolled_array;
+sub _calculate_score {
+ my ($self, $a, $b) = @_;
+ if (defined $a xor defined $b) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ elsif (not defined $a) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (ref $b eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($b_key) = keys %{$b};
+ if (ref $a eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($a_key) = keys %{$a};
+ if ($a_key eq $b_key) {
+ return (1 + $self->_calculate_score( $a->{$a_key}, $b->{$b_key} ));
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return ($a eq $b_key) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ref $a eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($a_key) = keys %{$a};
+ return ($b eq $a_key) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ return ($b eq $a) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+sub _merge_joinpref_attr {
+ my ($self, $orig, $import) = @_;
+ return $import unless defined($orig);
+ return $orig unless defined($import);
+ $orig = $self->_rollout_attr($orig);
+ $import = $self->_rollout_attr($import);
+ my $seen_keys;
+ foreach my $import_element ( @{$import} ) {
+ # find best candidate from $orig to merge $b_element into
+ my $best_candidate = { position => undef, score => 0 }; my $position = 0;
+ foreach my $orig_element ( @{$orig} ) {
+ my $score = $self->_calculate_score( $orig_element, $import_element );
+ if ($score > $best_candidate->{score}) {
+ $best_candidate->{position} = $position;
+ $best_candidate->{score} = $score;
+ }
+ $position++;
+ }
+ my ($import_key) = ( ref $import_element eq 'HASH' ) ? keys %{$import_element} : ($import_element);
+ $import_key = '' if not defined $import_key;
+ if ($best_candidate->{score} == 0 || exists $seen_keys->{$import_key}) {
+ push( @{$orig}, $import_element );
+ } else {
+ my $orig_best = $orig->[$best_candidate->{position}];
+ # merge orig_best and b_element together and replace original with merged
+ if (ref $orig_best ne 'HASH') {
+ $orig->[$best_candidate->{position}] = $import_element;
+ } elsif (ref $import_element eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($key) = keys %{$orig_best};
+ $orig->[$best_candidate->{position}] = { $key => $self->_merge_joinpref_attr($orig_best->{$key}, $import_element->{$key}) };
+ }
+ }
+ $seen_keys->{$import_key} = 1; # don't merge the same key twice
+ }
+ return @$orig ? $orig : ();
+ my $hm;
+ sub _merge_attr {
+ $hm ||= do {
+ require Hash::Merge;
+ my $hm = Hash::Merge->new;
+ $hm->specify_behavior({
+ SCALAR => {
+ SCALAR => sub {
+ my ($defl, $defr) = map { defined $_ } (@_[0,1]);
+ if ($defl xor $defr) {
+ return [ $defl ? $_[0] : $_[1] ];
+ }
+ elsif (! $defl) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ elsif (__HM_DEDUP and $_[0] eq $_[1]) {
+ return [ $_[0] ];
+ }
+ else {
+ return [$_[0], $_[1]];
+ }
+ },
+ ARRAY => sub {
+ return $_[1] if !defined $_[0];
+ return $_[1] if __HM_DEDUP and List::Util::first { $_ eq $_[0] } @{$_[1]};
+ return [$_[0], @{$_[1]}]
+ },
+ HASH => sub {
+ return [] if !defined $_[0] and !keys %{$_[1]};
+ return [ $_[1] ] if !defined $_[0];
+ return [ $_[0] ] if !keys %{$_[1]};
+ return [$_[0], $_[1]]
+ },
+ },
+ ARRAY => {
+ SCALAR => sub {
+ return $_[0] if !defined $_[1];
+ return $_[0] if __HM_DEDUP and List::Util::first { $_ eq $_[1] } @{$_[0]};
+ return [@{$_[0]}, $_[1]]
+ },
+ ARRAY => sub {
+ my @ret = @{$_[0]} or return $_[1];
+ return [ @ret, @{$_[1]} ] unless __HM_DEDUP;
+ my %idx = map { $_ => 1 } @ret;
+ push @ret, grep { ! defined $idx{$_} } (@{$_[1]});
+ \@ret;
+ },
+ HASH => sub {
+ return [ $_[1] ] if ! @{$_[0]};
+ return $_[0] if !keys %{$_[1]};
+ return $_[0] if __HM_DEDUP and List::Util::first { $_ eq $_[1] } @{$_[0]};
+ return [ @{$_[0]}, $_[1] ];
+ },
+ },
+ HASH => {
+ SCALAR => sub {
+ return [] if !keys %{$_[0]} and !defined $_[1];
+ return [ $_[0] ] if !defined $_[1];
+ return [ $_[1] ] if !keys %{$_[0]};
+ return [$_[0], $_[1]]
+ },
+ ARRAY => sub {
+ return [] if !keys %{$_[0]} and !@{$_[1]};
+ return [ $_[0] ] if !@{$_[1]};
+ return $_[1] if !keys %{$_[0]};
+ return $_[1] if __HM_DEDUP and List::Util::first { $_ eq $_[0] } @{$_[1]};
+ return [ $_[0], @{$_[1]} ];
+ },
+ HASH => sub {
+ return [] if !keys %{$_[0]} and !keys %{$_[1]};
+ return [ $_[0] ] if !keys %{$_[1]};
+ return [ $_[1] ] if !keys %{$_[0]};
+ return [ $_[0] ] if $_[0] eq $_[1];
+ return [ $_[0], $_[1] ];
+ },
+ }
+ $hm;
+ };
+ return $hm->merge ($_[1], $_[2]);
+ }
+sub STORABLE_freeze {
+ my ($self, $cloning) = @_;
+ my $to_serialize = { %$self };
+ # A cursor in progress can't be serialized (and would make little sense anyway)
+ # the parser can be regenerated (and can't be serialized)
+ delete @{$to_serialize}{qw/cursor _row_parser _result_inflator/};
+ # nor is it sensical to store a not-yet-fired-count pager
+ if ($to_serialize->{pager} and ref $to_serialize->{pager}{total_entries} eq 'CODE') {
+ delete $to_serialize->{pager};
+ }
+ Storable::nfreeze($to_serialize);
+# need this hook for symmetry
+sub STORABLE_thaw {
+ my ($self, $cloning, $serialized) = @_;
+ %$self = %{ Storable::thaw($serialized) };
+ $self;
+=head2 throw_exception
+See L<DBIx::Class::Schema/throw_exception> for details.
+sub throw_exception {
+ my $self=shift;
+ if (ref $self and my $rsrc = $self->result_source) {
+ $rsrc->throw_exception(@_)
+ }
+ else {
+ DBIx::Class::Exception->throw(@_);
+ }
+# XXX: FIXME: Attributes docs need clearing up
+Attributes are used to refine a ResultSet in various ways when
+searching for data. They can be passed to any method which takes an
+C<\%attrs> argument. See L</search>, L</search_rs>, L</find>,
+Default attributes can be set on the result class using
+L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/resultset_attributes>. (Please read
+the CAVEATS on that feature before using it!)
+These are in no particular order:
+=head2 order_by
+=over 4
+=item Value: ( $order_by | \@order_by | \%order_by )
+Which column(s) to order the results by.
+[The full list of suitable values is documented in
+L<SQL::Abstract/"ORDER BY CLAUSES">; the following is a summary of
+common options.]
+If a single column name, or an arrayref of names is supplied, the
+argument is passed through directly to SQL. The hashref syntax allows
+for connection-agnostic specification of ordering direction:
+ For descending order:
+ order_by => { -desc => [qw/col1 col2 col3/] }
+ For explicit ascending order:
+ order_by => { -asc => 'col' }
+The old scalarref syntax (i.e. order_by => \'year DESC') is still
+supported, although you are strongly encouraged to use the hashref
+syntax as outlined above.
+=head2 columns
+=over 4
+=item Value: \@columns | \%columns | $column
+Shortcut to request a particular set of columns to be retrieved. Each
+column spec may be a string (a table column name), or a hash (in which
+case the key is the C<as> value, and the value is used as the C<select>
+expression). Adds C<me.> onto the start of any column without a C<.> in
+it and sets C<select> from that, then auto-populates C<as> from
+C<select> as normal. (You may also use the C<cols> attribute, as in
+earlier versions of DBIC, but this is deprecated.)
+Essentially C<columns> does the same as L</select> and L</as>.
+ columns => [ 'foo', { bar => 'baz' } ]
+is the same as
+ select => [qw/foo baz/],
+ as => [qw/foo bar/]
+=head2 +columns
+=over 4
+=item Value: \@columns
+Indicates additional columns to be selected from storage. Works the same as
+L</columns> but adds columns to the selection. (You may also use the
+C<include_columns> attribute, as in earlier versions of DBIC, but this is
+deprecated). For example:-
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->search(undef, {
+ '+columns' => ['artist.name'],
+ join => ['artist']
+ });
+would return all CDs and include a 'name' column to the information
+passed to object inflation. Note that the 'artist' is the name of the
+column (or relationship) accessor, and 'name' is the name of the column
+accessor in the related table.
+B<NOTE:> You need to explicitly quote '+columns' when defining the attribute.
+Not doing so causes Perl to incorrectly interpret +columns as a bareword with a
+unary plus operator before it.
+=head2 include_columns
+=over 4
+=item Value: \@columns
+Deprecated. Acts as a synonym for L</+columns> for backward compatibility.
+=head2 select
+=over 4
+=item Value: \@select_columns
+Indicates which columns should be selected from the storage. You can use
+column names, or in the case of RDBMS back ends, function or stored procedure
+ $rs = $schema->resultset('Employee')->search(undef, {
+ select => [
+ 'name',
+ { count => 'employeeid' },
+ { max => { length => 'name' }, -as => 'longest_name' }
+ ]
+ });
+ # Equivalent SQL
+ SELECT name, COUNT( employeeid ), MAX( LENGTH( name ) ) AS longest_name FROM employee
+B<NOTE:> You will almost always need a corresponding L</as> attribute when you
+use L</select>, to instruct DBIx::Class how to store the result of the column.
+Also note that the L</as> attribute has nothing to do with the SQL-side 'AS'
+identifier aliasing. You can however alias a function, so you can use it in
+e.g. an C<ORDER BY> clause. This is done via the C<-as> B<select function
+attribute> supplied as shown in the example above.
+B<NOTE:> You need to explicitly quote '+select'/'+as' when defining the attributes.
+Not doing so causes Perl to incorrectly interpret them as a bareword with a
+unary plus operator before it.
+=head2 +select
+=over 4
+Indicates additional columns to be selected from storage. Works the same as
+L</select> but adds columns to the default selection, instead of specifying
+an explicit list.
+=head2 as
+=over 4
+=item Value: \@inflation_names
+Indicates column names for object inflation. That is L</as> indicates the
+slot name in which the column value will be stored within the
+L<Row|DBIx::Class::Row> object. The value will then be accessible via this
+identifier by the C<get_column> method (or via the object accessor B<if one
+with the same name already exists>) as shown below. The L</as> attribute has
+B<nothing to do> with the SQL-side C<AS>. See L</select> for details.
+ $rs = $schema->resultset('Employee')->search(undef, {
+ select => [
+ 'name',
+ { count => 'employeeid' },
+ { max => { length => 'name' }, -as => 'longest_name' }
+ ],
+ as => [qw/
+ name
+ employee_count
+ max_name_length
+ /],
+ });
+If the object against which the search is performed already has an accessor
+matching a column name specified in C<as>, the value can be retrieved using
+the accessor as normal:
+ my $name = $employee->name();
+If on the other hand an accessor does not exist in the object, you need to
+use C<get_column> instead:
+ my $employee_count = $employee->get_column('employee_count');
+You can create your own accessors if required - see
+L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook> for details.
+=head2 +as
+=over 4
+Indicates additional column names for those added via L</+select>. See L</as>.
+=head2 join
+=over 4
+=item Value: ($rel_name | \@rel_names | \%rel_names)
+Contains a list of relationships that should be joined for this query. For
+ # Get CDs by Nine Inch Nails
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
+ { 'artist.name' => 'Nine Inch Nails' },
+ { join => 'artist' }
+ );
+Can also contain a hash reference to refer to the other relation's relations.
+For example:
+ package MyApp::Schema::Track;
+ use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+ __PACKAGE__->table('track');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/trackid cd position title/);
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('trackid');
+ __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(cd => 'MyApp::Schema::CD');
+ 1;
+ # In your application
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
+ { 'track.title' => 'Teardrop' },
+ {
+ join => { cd => 'track' },
+ order_by => 'artist.name',
+ }
+ );
+You need to use the relationship (not the table) name in conditions,
+because they are aliased as such. The current table is aliased as "me", so
+you need to use me.column_name in order to avoid ambiguity. For example:
+ # Get CDs from 1984 with a 'Foo' track
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
+ {
+ 'me.year' => 1984,
+ 'tracks.name' => 'Foo'
+ },
+ { join => 'tracks' }
+ );
+If the same join is supplied twice, it will be aliased to <rel>_2 (and
+similarly for a third time). For e.g.
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
+ 'cds.title' => 'Down to Earth',
+ 'cds_2.title' => 'Popular',
+ }, {
+ join => [ qw/cds cds/ ],
+ });
+will return a set of all artists that have both a cd with title 'Down
+to Earth' and a cd with title 'Popular'.
+If you want to fetch related objects from other tables as well, see L</prefetch>
+ NOTE: An internal join-chain pruner will discard certain joins while
+ constructing the actual SQL query, as long as the joins in question do not
+ affect the retrieved result. This for example includes 1:1 left joins
+ that are not part of the restriction specification (WHERE/HAVING) nor are
+ a part of the query selection.
+For more help on using joins with search, see L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Joining>.
+=head2 collapse
+=over 4
+=item Value: (0 | 1)
+When set to a true value, indicates that any rows fetched from joined has_many
+relationships are to be aggregated into the corresponding "parent" object. For
+example, the resultset:
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, {
+ '+columns' => [ qw/ tracks.title tracks.position / ],
+ join => 'tracks',
+ collapse => 1,
+ });
+While executing the following query:
+ SELECT me.*, tracks.title, tracks.position
+ FROM cd me
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON tracks.cdid = me.cdid
+Will return only as many objects as there are rows in the CD source, even
+though the result of the query may span many rows. Each of these CD objects
+will in turn have multiple "Track" objects hidden behind the has_many
+generated accessor C<tracks>. Without C<< collapse => 1 >>, the return values
+of this resultset would be as many CD objects as there are tracks (a "Cartesian
+product"), with each CD object containing exactly one of all fetched Track data.
+When a collapse is requested on a non-ordered resultset, an order by some
+unique part of the main source (the left-most table) is inserted automatically.
+This is done so that the resultset is allowed to be "lazy" - calling
+L<< $rs->next|/next >> will fetch only as many rows as it needs to build the next
+object with all of its related data.
+If an L</order_by> is already declared, and orders the resultset in a way that
+makes collapsing as described above impossible (e.g. C<< ORDER BY
+has_many_rel.column >> or C<ORDER BY RANDOM()>), DBIC will automatically
+switch to "eager" mode and slurp the entire resultset before constructing the
+first object returned by L</next>.
+Setting this attribute on a resultset that does not join any has_many
+relations is a no-op.
+For a more in-depth discussion, see L</PREFETCHING>.
+=head2 prefetch
+=over 4
+=item Value: ($rel_name | \@rel_names | \%rel_names)
+This attribute is a shorthand for specifying a L</join> spec, adding all
+columns from the joined related sources as L</+columns> and setting
+L</collapse> to a true value. For example, the following two queries are
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
+ prefetch => { cds => ['genre', 'tracks' ] },
+ });
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
+ join => { cds => ['genre', 'tracks' ] },
+ collapse => 1,
+ '+columns' => [
+ (map
+ { +{ "cds.$_" => "cds.$_" } }
+ $schema->source('Artist')->related_source('cds')->columns
+ ),
+ (map
+ { +{ "cds.genre.$_" => "genre.$_" } }
+ $schema->source('Artist')->related_source('cds')->related_source('genre')->columns
+ ),
+ (map
+ { +{ "cds.tracks.$_" => "tracks.$_" } }
+ $schema->source('Artist')->related_source('cds')->related_source('tracks')->columns
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
+Both producing the following SQL:
+ SELECT me.artistid, me.name, me.rank, me.charfield,
+ cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track,
+ genre.genreid, genre.name,
+ tracks.trackid, tracks.cd, tracks.position, tracks.title, tracks.last_updated_on, tracks.last_updated_at
+ FROM artist me
+ LEFT JOIN cd cds
+ ON cds.artist = me.artistid
+ LEFT JOIN genre genre
+ ON genre.genreid = cds.genreid
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON tracks.cd = cds.cdid
+ ORDER BY me.artistid
+While L</prefetch> implies a L</join>, it is ok to mix the two together, as
+the arguments are properly merged and generally do the right thing. For
+example, you may want to do the following:
+ my $artists_and_cds_without_genre = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
+ { 'genre.genreid' => undef },
+ {
+ join => { cds => 'genre' },
+ prefetch => 'cds',
+ }
+ );
+Which generates the following SQL:
+ SELECT me.artistid, me.name, me.rank, me.charfield,
+ cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track
+ FROM artist me
+ LEFT JOIN cd cds
+ ON cds.artist = me.artistid
+ LEFT JOIN genre genre
+ ON genre.genreid = cds.genreid
+ WHERE genre.genreid IS NULL
+ ORDER BY me.artistid
+For a more in-depth discussion, see L</PREFETCHING>.
+=head2 alias
+=over 4
+=item Value: $source_alias
+Sets the source alias for the query. Normally, this defaults to C<me>, but
+nested search queries (sub-SELECTs) might need specific aliases set to
+reference inner queries. For example:
+ my $q = $rs
+ ->related_resultset('CDs')
+ ->related_resultset('Tracks')
+ ->search({
+ 'track.id' => { -ident => 'none_search.id' },
+ })
+ ->as_query;
+ my $ids = $self->search({
+ -not_exists => $q,
+ }, {
+ alias => 'none_search',
+ group_by => 'none_search.id',
+ })->get_column('id')->as_query;
+ $self->search({ id => { -in => $ids } })
+This attribute is directly tied to L</current_source_alias>.
+=head2 page
+=over 4
+=item Value: $page
+Makes the resultset paged and specifies the page to retrieve. Effectively
+identical to creating a non-pages resultset and then calling ->page($page)
+on it.
+If L</rows> attribute is not specified it defaults to 10 rows per page.
+When you have a paged resultset, L</count> will only return the number
+of rows in the page. To get the total, use the L</pager> and call
+C<total_entries> on it.
+=head2 rows
+=over 4
+=item Value: $rows
+Specifies the maximum number of rows for direct retrieval or the number of
+rows per page if the page attribute or method is used.
+=head2 offset
+=over 4
+=item Value: $offset
+Specifies the (zero-based) row number for the first row to be returned, or the
+of the first row of the first page if paging is used.
+=head2 software_limit
+=over 4
+=item Value: (0 | 1)
+When combined with L</rows> and/or L</offset> the generated SQL will not
+include any limit dialect stanzas. Instead the entire result will be selected
+as if no limits were specified, and DBIC will perform the limit locally, by
+artificially advancing and finishing the resulting L</cursor>.
+This is the recommended way of performing resultset limiting when no sane RDBMS
+implementation is available (e.g.
+L<Sybase ASE|DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::ASE> using the
+L<Generic Sub Query|DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::LimitDialects/GenericSubQ> hack)
+=head2 group_by
+=over 4
+=item Value: \@columns
+A arrayref of columns to group by. Can include columns of joined tables.
+ group_by => [qw/ column1 column2 ... /]
+=head2 having
+=over 4
+=item Value: $condition
+HAVING is a select statement attribute that is applied between GROUP BY and
+ORDER BY. It is applied to the after the grouping calculations have been
+ having => { 'count_employee' => { '>=', 100 } }
+or with an in-place function in which case literal SQL is required:
+ having => \[ 'count(employee) >= ?', [ count => 100 ] ]
+=head2 distinct
+=over 4
+=item Value: (0 | 1)
+Set to 1 to automatically generate a L</group_by> clause based on the selection
+(including intelligent handling of L</order_by> contents). Note that the group
+criteria calculation takes place over the B<final> selection. This includes
+any L</+columns>, L</+select> or L</order_by> additions in subsequent
+L</search> calls, and standalone columns selected via
+L<DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn> (L</get_column>). A notable exception are the
+extra selections specified via L</prefetch> - such selections are explicitly
+excluded from group criteria calculations.
+If the final ResultSet also explicitly defines a L</group_by> attribute, this
+setting is ignored and an appropriate warning is issued.
+=head2 where
+=over 4
+Adds to the WHERE clause.
+ # only return rows WHERE deleted IS NULL for all searches
+ __PACKAGE__->resultset_attributes({ where => { deleted => undef } });
+Can be overridden by passing C<< { where => undef } >> as an attribute
+to a resultset.
+For more complicated where clauses see L<SQL::Abstract/WHERE CLAUSES>.
+=head2 cache
+Set to 1 to cache search results. This prevents extra SQL queries if you
+revisit rows in your ResultSet:
+ my $resultset = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
+ while( my $artist = $resultset->next ) {
+ ... do stuff ...
+ }
+ $rs->first; # without cache, this would issue a query
+By default, searches are not cached.
+For more examples of using these attributes, see
+=head2 for
+=over 4
+=item Value: ( 'update' | 'shared' | \$scalar )
+Set to 'update' for a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE or 'shared' for a SELECT
+... FOR SHARED. If \$scalar is passed, this is taken directly and embedded in the
+DBIx::Class supports arbitrary related data prefetching from multiple related
+sources. Any combination of relationship types and column sets are supported.
+If L<collapsing|/collapse> is requested, there is an additional requirement of
+selecting enough data to make every individual object uniquely identifiable.
+Here are some more involved examples, based on the following relationship map:
+ # Assuming:
+ My::Schema::CD->belongs_to( artist => 'My::Schema::Artist' );
+ My::Schema::CD->might_have( liner_note => 'My::Schema::LinerNotes' );
+ My::Schema::CD->has_many( tracks => 'My::Schema::Track' );
+ My::Schema::Artist->belongs_to( record_label => 'My::Schema::RecordLabel' );
+ My::Schema::Track->has_many( guests => 'My::Schema::Guest' );
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search(
+ undef,
+ {
+ prefetch => {
+ cd => 'artist'
+ }
+ }
+ );
+The initial search results in SQL like the following:
+ SELECT tag.*, cd.*, artist.* FROM tag
+ JOIN cd ON tag.cd = cd.cdid
+ JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.artistid
+L<DBIx::Class> has no need to go back to the database when we access the
+C<cd> or C<artist> relationships, which saves us two SQL statements in this
+Simple prefetches will be joined automatically, so there is no need
+for a C<join> attribute in the above search.
+The L</prefetch> attribute can be used with any of the relationship types
+and multiple prefetches can be specified together. Below is a more complex
+example that prefetches a CD's artist, its liner notes (if present),
+the cover image, the tracks on that CD, and the guests on those
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
+ undef,
+ {
+ prefetch => [
+ { artist => 'record_label'}, # belongs_to => belongs_to
+ 'liner_note', # might_have
+ 'cover_image', # has_one
+ { tracks => 'guests' }, # has_many => has_many
+ ]
+ }
+ );
+This will produce SQL like the following:
+ SELECT cd.*, artist.*, record_label.*, liner_note.*, cover_image.*,
+ tracks.*, guests.*
+ FROM cd me
+ JOIN artist artist
+ ON artist.artistid = me.artistid
+ JOIN record_label record_label
+ ON record_label.labelid = artist.labelid
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON tracks.cdid = me.cdid
+ LEFT JOIN guest guests
+ ON guests.trackid = track.trackid
+ LEFT JOIN liner_notes liner_note
+ ON liner_note.cdid = me.cdid
+ JOIN cd_artwork cover_image
+ ON cover_image.cdid = me.cdid
+ ORDER BY tracks.cd
+Now the C<artist>, C<record_label>, C<liner_note>, C<cover_image>,
+C<tracks>, and C<guests> of the CD will all be available through the
+relationship accessors without the need for additional queries to the
+=head3 CAVEATS
+Prefetch does a lot of deep magic. As such, it may not behave exactly
+as you might expect.
+=over 4
+=item *
+Prefetch uses the L</cache> to populate the prefetched relationships. This
+may or may not be what you want.
+=item *
+If you specify a condition on a prefetched relationship, ONLY those
+rows that match the prefetched condition will be fetched into that relationship.
+This means that adding prefetch to a search() B<may alter> what is returned by
+traversing a relationship. So, if you have C<< Artist->has_many(CDs) >> and you do
+ my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
+ 'cds.year' => 2008,
+ }, {
+ join => 'cds',
+ });
+ my $count = $artist_rs->first->cds->count;
+ my $artist_rs_prefetch = $artist_rs->search( {}, { prefetch => 'cds' } );
+ my $prefetch_count = $artist_rs_prefetch->first->cds->count;
+ cmp_ok( $count, '==', $prefetch_count, "Counts should be the same" );
+That cmp_ok() may or may not pass depending on the datasets involved. In other
+words the C<WHERE> condition would apply to the entire dataset, just like
+it would in regular SQL. If you want to add a condition only to the "right side"
+of a C<LEFT JOIN> - consider declaring and using a L<relationship with a custom
+Because DBIC may need more information to bind values than just the column name
+and value itself, it uses a special format for both passing and receiving bind
+values. Each bind value should be composed of an arrayref of
+C<< [ \%args => $val ] >>. The format of C<< \%args >> is currently:
+=over 4
+=item dbd_attrs
+If present (in any form), this is what is being passed directly to bind_param.
+Note that different DBD's expect different bind args. (e.g. DBD::SQLite takes
+a single numerical type, while DBD::Pg takes a hashref if bind options.)
+If this is specified, all other bind options described below are ignored.
+=item sqlt_datatype
+If present, this is used to infer the actual bind attribute by passing to
+C<< $resolved_storage->bind_attribute_by_data_type() >>. Defaults to the
+"data_type" from the L<add_columns column info|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_columns>.
+Note that the data type is somewhat freeform (hence the sqlt_ prefix);
+currently drivers are expected to "Do the Right Thing" when given a common
+datatype name. (Not ideal, but that's what we got at this point.)
+=item sqlt_size
+Currently used to correctly allocate buffers for bind_param_inout().
+Defaults to "size" from the L<add_columns column info|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/add_columns>,
+or to a sensible value based on the "data_type".
+=item dbic_colname
+Used to fill in missing sqlt_datatype and sqlt_size attributes (if they are
+explicitly specified they are never overridden). Also used by some weird DBDs,
+where the column name should be available at bind_param time (e.g. Oracle).
+For backwards compatibility and convenience, the following shortcuts are
+ [ $name => $val ] === [ { dbic_colname => $name }, $val ]
+ [ \$dt => $val ] === [ { sqlt_datatype => $dt }, $val ]
+ [ undef, $val ] === [ {}, $val ]
+ $val === [ {}, $val ]
+=head1 LICENSE
+You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.