## inherit the data locked in the conditions of the resultset
my ($rs_data) = $self->_merge_with_rscond({});
delete @{$rs_data}{@columns};
- my @inherit_cols = keys %$rs_data;
- my @inherit_data = values %$rs_data;
## do bulk insert on current row
- [@columns, @inherit_cols],
- [ map { [ @$_{@columns}, @inherit_data ] } @$data ],
+ [@columns, keys %$rs_data],
+ [ map { [ @$_{@columns}, values %$rs_data ] } @$data ],
## do the has_many relationships
# can't just hand SQLA a set of some known "values" (e.g. hashrefs that
# can be later matched up by address), because we want to supply a real
# value on which perhaps e.g. datatype checks will be performed
- my ($proto_data, $value_type_idx);
+ my ($proto_data, $value_type_by_col_idx);
for my $i (@col_range) {
my $colname = $cols->[$i];
if (ref $data->[0][$i] eq 'SCALAR') {
# store value-less (attrs only) bind info - we will be comparing all
# supplied binds against this for sanity
- $value_type_idx->{$i} = [ map { $_->[0] } @$resolved_bind ];
+ $value_type_by_col_idx->{$i} = [ map { $_->[0] } @$resolved_bind ];
$proto_data->{$colname} = \[ $sql, map { [
# inject slice order to use for $proto_bind construction
- { %{$resolved_bind->[$_][0]}, _bind_data_slice_idx => $i }
+ { %{$resolved_bind->[$_][0]}, _bind_data_slice_idx => $i, _literal_bind_subindex => $_+1 }
] } (0 .. $#bind)
else {
- $value_type_idx->{$i} = 0;
+ $value_type_by_col_idx->{$i} = undef;
$proto_data->{$colname} = \[ '?', [
{ dbic_colname => $colname, _bind_data_slice_idx => $i }
[ $proto_data ],
- if (! @$proto_bind and keys %$value_type_idx) {
+ if (! @$proto_bind and keys %$value_type_by_col_idx) {
# if the bindlist is empty and we had some dynamic binds, this means the
# storage ate them away (e.g. the NoBindVars component) and interpolated
# them directly into the SQL. This obviously can't be good for multi-inserts
for my $row_idx (1..$#$data) { # we are comparing against what we got from [0] above, hence start from 1
my $val = $data->[$row_idx][$col_idx];
- if (! exists $value_type_idx->{$col_idx}) { # literal no binds
+ if (! exists $value_type_by_col_idx->{$col_idx}) { # literal no binds
if (ref $val ne 'SCALAR') {
"Incorrect value (expecting SCALAR-ref \\'$$reference_val')",
- elsif (! $value_type_idx->{$col_idx} ) { # regular non-literal value
+ elsif (! defined $value_type_by_col_idx->{$col_idx} ) { # regular non-literal value
if (ref $val eq 'SCALAR' or (ref $val eq 'REF' and ref $$val eq 'ARRAY') ) {
$bad_slice_report_cref->("Literal SQL found where a plain bind value is expected", $row_idx, $col_idx);
# need to check the bind attrs - a bind will happen only once for
# the entire dataset, so any changes further down will be ignored.
elsif (! Data::Compare::Compare(
- $value_type_idx->{$col_idx},
+ $value_type_by_col_idx->{$col_idx},
{ $_->[0] }
# alphabetical ordering by colname). We actually do want to
# preserve this behavior so that prepare_cached has a better
# chance of matching on unrelated calls
- my %data_reorder = map { $proto_bind->[$_][0]{_bind_data_slice_idx} => $_ } @idx_range;
my $fetch_row_idx = -1; # saner loop this way
my $fetch_tuple = sub {
return undef if ++$fetch_row_idx > $#$data;
- return [ map
- { (ref $_ eq 'REF' and ref $$_ eq 'ARRAY')
- ? map { $_->[-1] } @{$$_}[1 .. $#$$_]
- : $_
- }
- map
- { $data->[$fetch_row_idx][$_]}
- sort
- { $data_reorder{$a} <=> $data_reorder{$b} }
- keys %data_reorder
- ];
+ return [ map { defined $_->{_literal_bind_subindex}
+ ? ${ $data->[ $fetch_row_idx ]->[ $_->{_bind_data_slice_idx} ]}
+ ->[ $_->{_literal_bind_subindex} ]
+ ->[1]
+ : $data->[ $fetch_row_idx ]->[ $_->{_bind_data_slice_idx} ]
+ } map { $_->[0] } @$proto_bind];
my $tuple_status = [];