my($source, $result_class) = @{$class->_result_source_instance};
- return unless blessed $source;
+ return undef unless blessed $source;
if ($result_class ne $class) { # new class
# Give this new class its own source and register it.
- $source = $source->new({
- %$source,
+ $source = $source->clone(
source_name => $class,
result_class => $class
- } );
+ );
$class->_result_source_instance([$source, $class]);
-sub new {
- my ($class, $attrs) = @_;
- $class = ref $class if ref $class;
- my $new = bless { %{$attrs || {}} }, $class;
- $new->{resultset_class} ||= 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
- $new->{resultset_attributes} = { %{$new->{resultset_attributes} || {}} };
- $new->{_ordered_columns} = [ @{$new->{_ordered_columns}||[]}];
- $new->{_columns} = { %{$new->{_columns}||{}} };
- $new->{_relationships} = { %{$new->{_relationships}||{}} };
- $new->{name} ||= "!!NAME NOT SET!!";
- $new->{_columns_info_loaded} ||= 0;
- $new->{sqlt_deploy_callback} ||= 'default_sqlt_deploy_hook';
- return $new;
+ sub new {
+ my ($class, $attrs) = @_;
+ $class = ref $class if ref $class;
+ my $self = bless { %{$attrs || {}} }, $class;
+ and
+ # a constructor with 'name' as sole arg clearly isn't "inheriting" from anything
+ ( not ( keys(%$self) == 1 and exists $self->{name} ) )
+ and
+ defined CORE::caller(1)
+ and
+ (CORE::caller(1))[3] !~ / ::new$ | ^ DBIx::Class :: (?:
+ ResultSourceProxy::Table::table
+ |
+ ResultSourceProxy::Table::_init_result_source_instance
+ |
+ ResultSource::clone
+ ) $ /x
+ and
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1
+ and
+ Carp::confess("Incorrect instantiation of '$self': you almost certainly wanted to call ->clone() instead");
+ $self->{resultset_class} ||= 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
+ $self->{name} ||= "!!NAME NOT SET!!";
+ $self->{_columns_info_loaded} ||= 0;
+ $self->{sqlt_deploy_callback} ||= 'default_sqlt_deploy_hook';
+ $self->{$_} = { %{ $self->{$_} || {} } }
+ for qw( _columns _relationships resultset_attributes );
+ $self->{_ordered_columns} = [ @{ $self->{_ordered_columns} || [] } ];
+ $self;
+ }
+=head2 clone
+ $rsrc_instance->clone( atribute_name => overriden_value );
+A wrapper around L</new> inheriting any defaults from the callee. This method
+also not normally invoked directly by end users.
+sub clone {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->new({
+ (
+ (length ref $self)
+ ? %$self
+ : ()
+ ),
+ (
+ (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH')
+ ? %{ $_[0] }
+ : @_
+ ),
+ });
my $target_class = "${target}::${source_name}";
$self->inject_base($target_class, $orig_source->result_class, ($base || ()) );
- # register_source examines result_class, and then returns us a clone
- my $new_source = $schema->register_source($source_name, bless
- { %$orig_source, result_class => $target_class },
- ref $orig_source,
+ $schema->register_source(
+ $source_name,
+ $orig_source->clone(
+ result_class => $target_class
+ ),
- if ($target_class->can('result_source_instance')) {
- # give the class a schema-less source copy
- $target_class->result_source_instance( bless
- { %$new_source, schema => ref $new_source->{schema} || $new_source->{schema} },
- ref $new_source,
- );
- }
# Legacy stuff, not inserting INDIRECT assertions
Class::C3->reinitialize() if DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO;
+ # Give each composed class yet another *schema-less* source copy
+ # this is used for the freeze/thaw cycle
+ #
+ # This is not covered by any tests directly, but is indirectly exercised
+ # in t/cdbi/sweet/08pager by re-setting the schema on an existing object
+ # FIXME - there is likely a much cheaper way to take care of this
+ for my $source_name ($self->sources) {
+ my $target_class = "${target}::${source_name}";
+ $target_class->result_source_instance(
+ $self->source($source_name)->clone(
+ result_class => $target_class,
+ schema => ( ref $schema || $schema ),
+ )
+ );
+ }
return $schema;
$self->class_mappings({ %{$from->class_mappings} });
$self->source_registrations({ %{$from->source_registrations} });
- foreach my $source_name ($from->sources) {
- my $source = $from->source($source_name);
- my $new = $source->new($source);
- # we use extra here as we want to leave the class_mappings as they are
- # but overwrite the source_registrations entry with the new source
- $self->register_extra_source($source_name => $new);
- }
+ # we use extra here as we want to leave the class_mappings as they are
+ # but overwrite the source_registrations entry with the new source
+ $self->register_extra_source( $_ => $from->source($_) )
+ for $from->sources;
if ($from->storage) {
sub _register_source {
my ($self, $source_name, $supplied_rsrc, $params) = @_;
- my $derived_rsrc = $supplied_rsrc->new({
- %$supplied_rsrc,
+ my $derived_rsrc = $supplied_rsrc->clone({
source_name => $source_name,
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ my $next_bless = defined(&CORE::GLOBAL::bless)
+ ? \&CORE::GLOBAL::bless
+ : sub { CORE::bless($_[0], $_[1]) }
+ ;
+ *CORE::GLOBAL::bless = sub {
+ my $class = (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : CORE::caller();
+ # allow for reblessing (role application)
+ return $next_bless->( $_[0], $class )
+ if defined blessed $_[0];
+ my $obj = $next_bless->( $_[0], $class );
+ my $calling_sub = (CORE::caller(1))[3] || '';
+ (
+ # before 5.18 ->isa() will choke on the "0" package
+ # which we test for in several obscure cases, sigh...
+ !( DBIx::Class::_ENV_::PERL_VERSION < 5.018 )
+ or
+ $class
+ )
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ $calling_sub !~ /^ (?:
+ DBIx::Class::Schema::clone
+ |
+ DBIx::Class::DB::setup_schema_instance
+ )/x
+ and
+ $class->isa("DBIx::Class::Schema")
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ $calling_sub ne 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::new'
+ and
+ $class->isa("DBIx::Class::ResultSource")
+ )
+ )
+ and
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1
+ and
+ Carp::confess("Improper instantiation of '$obj': you *MUST* call the corresponding constructor");
+ $obj;
+ };
plan skip_all =>
'Skipping RH perl performance bug tests as DBIC_NO_WARN_BAD_PERL set'