$attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select},
$attrs->{where}, $attrs
- return @$data ? $self->_construct_objects($data)->[0] : undef;
+ return undef unless @$data;
+ $self->{stashed_rows} = [ $data ];
+ $self->_construct_objects->[0];
# order the result sensibly) OR until the cursor is exhausted (an
# unordered collapsing resultset effectively triggers ->all)
sub _construct_objects {
- my ($self, $fetched_row, $fetch_all) = @_;
+ my ($self, $fetch_all) = @_;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
- my $unordered = 0; # will deal with this later
+ my $cursor = $self->cursor;
# this will be used as both initial raw-row collector AND as a RV of
- # _construct_objects. Not regrowing the # array twice matters a lot...
+ # _construct_objects. Not regrowing the array twice matters a lot...
# a suprising amount actually
- my $rows;
- # $fetch_all implies all() which means all stashes have been cleared
- # and the cursor reset
+ my $rows = (delete $self->{stashed_rows}) || [];
if ($fetch_all) {
- # FIXME - we can do better, cursor->all (well a diff. method) should return a ref
- $rows = [ $self->cursor->all ];
+ # FIXME - we can do better, cursor->next/all (well diff. methods) should return a ref
+ $rows = [ @$rows, $cursor->all ];
- elsif ($unordered) {
- $rows = [
- $fetched_row||(),
- @{ delete $self->{stashed_rows} || []},
- $self->cursor->all,
- ];
+ elsif (!$attrs->{collapse}) {
+ push @$rows, do { my @r = $cursor->next; @r ? \@r : () }
+ unless @$rows;
- else { # simple single object
- $rows = [ $fetched_row || ( @{$self->{stashed_rows}||[]} ? shift @{$self->{stashed_rows}} : [$self->cursor->next] ) ];
+ else {
+ $attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse} ||= (!$attrs->{order_by}) ? undef : do {
+ my $st = $rsrc->schema->storage;
+ my @ord_cols = map
+ { $_->[0] }
+ ( $st->_extract_order_criteria($attrs->{order_by}) )
+ ;
+ my $colinfos = $st->_resolve_column_info($attrs->{from}, \@ord_cols);
+ for (0 .. $#ord_cols) {
+ if (
+ ! $colinfos->{$ord_cols[$_]}
+ or
+ $colinfos->{$ord_cols[$_]}{-result_source} != $rsrc
+ ) {
+ splice @ord_cols, $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # since all we check here are the start of the order_by belonging to the
+ # top level $rsrc, the order stability check will fail unless the whole
+ # thing is ordered as we need it
+ (@ord_cols and $rsrc->_identifying_column_set({ map
+ { $colinfos->{$_}{-colname} => $colinfos->{$_} }
+ @ord_cols
+ })) ? 1 : 0;
+ };
+ if ($attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse}) {
+ push @$rows, do { my @r = $cursor->next; @r ? \@r : () };
+ }
+ # instead of looping over ->next, use ->all in stealth mode
+ elsif (! $cursor->{done}) {
+ push @$rows, $cursor->all;
+ $cursor->{done} = 1;
+ $fetch_all = 1;
+ }
- return undef unless @{$rows->[0]||[]};
+ return undef unless @$rows;
- my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
my $res_class = $self->result_class;
my $inflator = $res_class->can ('inflate_result')
or $self->throw_exception("Inflator $res_class does not provide an inflate_result() method");
- # construct a much simpler array->hash folder for the one-table cases right here
- if ($attrs->{_single_object_inflation} and ! $attrs->{collapse}) {
+ my $infmap = $attrs->{as};
+ if (!$attrs->{collapse} and $attrs->{_single_object_inflation}) {
+ # construct a much simpler array->hash folder for the one-table cases right here
# FIXME SUBOPTIMAL this is a very very very hot spot
# while rather optimal we can *still* do much better, by
# building a smarter [Row|HRI]::inflate_result(), and
# switch to feeding it data via a much leaner interface
- my $infmap = $attrs->{as};
- my @as_idx = 0..$#$infmap;
- for my $r (@$rows) {
- $r = [{ map { $infmap->[$_] => $r->[$_] } @as_idx }]
+ # crude unscientific benchmarking indicated the shortcut eval is not worth it for
+ # this particular resultset size
+ if (@$rows < 60) {
+ my @as_idx = 0..$#$infmap;
+ for my $r (@$rows) {
+ $r = $inflator->($res_class, $rsrc, { map { $infmap->[$_] => $r->[$_] } @as_idx } );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ eval sprintf (
+ '$_ = $inflator->($res_class, $rsrc, { %s }) for @$rows',
+ join (', ', map { "\$infmap->[$_] => \$_->[$_]" } 0..$#$infmap )
+ );
- # FIXME - this seems to be faster than the hashmapper above, especially
- # on more rows, but need a better bench-environment to confirm
- #eval sprintf (
- # '$_ = [{ %s }] for @$rows',
- # join (', ', map { "\$infmap->[$_] => \$_->[$_]" } 0..$#$infmap )
- #);
else {
- push @$rows, @{$self->{stashed_rows}||[]};
- my $perl = $rsrc->_mk_row_parser({
- inflate_map => $attrs->{as},
+ ($self->{_row_parser} ||= eval sprintf 'sub { %s }', $rsrc->_mk_row_parser({
+ inflate_map => $infmap,
selection => $attrs->{select},
collapse => $attrs->{collapse},
- unordered => $unordered,
- });
+ }) or die $@)->($rows, $fetch_all ? () : (
+ sub { my @r = $cursor->next or return; \@r },
+ ($self->{stashed_rows} = []),
+ )); # modify $rows in-place, shrinking/extending as necessary
- (eval "sub { no warnings; no strict; $perl }")->( # disable of strictures seems to have some effect, weird
- $rows, # modify in-place, shrinking/extending as necessary
- ($attrs->{collapse} and ! $fetch_all and ! $unordered)
- ? (
- sub { my @r = $self->cursor->next or return undef; \@r },
- ($self->{stashed_rows} = []), # this is where we empty things and prepare for leftovers
- )
- : ()
- ,
- );
- }
+ $_ = $inflator->($res_class, $rsrc, @$_) for @$rows;
- $_ = $res_class->$inflator($rsrc, @$_) for @$rows;
+ }
# CDBI compat stuff
if ($attrs->{record_filter}) {
- my $objs = $self->_construct_objects(undef, 'fetch_all') || [];
+ my $objs = $self->_construct_objects('fetch_all') || [];
$self->set_cache($objs) if $self->{attrs}{cache};
push @{ $attrs->{as} }, (map { $_->[1] } @prefetch);
+ $attrs->{_single_object_inflation} = ! List::Util::first { $_ =~ /\./ } @{$attrs->{as}};
# run through the resulting joinstructure (starting from our current slot)
# and unset collapse if proven unnesessary
if ($attrs->{collapse} && ref $attrs->{from} eq 'ARRAY') {
- $attrs->{_single_object_inflation} = ! List::Util::first { $_ =~ /\./ } @{$attrs->{as}};
+ if (! $attrs->{order_by} and $attrs->{collapse}) {
+ # default order for collapsing unless the user asked for something
+ $attrs->{order_by} = [ map { "$alias.$_" } $source->primary_columns ];
+ $attrs->{_ordered_for_collapse} = 1;
+ }
# if both page and offset are specified, produce a combined offset
# even though it doesn't make much sense, this is what pre 081xx has
# A cursor in progress can't be serialized (and would make little sense anyway)
delete $to_serialize->{cursor};
+ # the parser can be regenerated
+ delete $to_serialize->{_row_parser};
# nor is it sensical to store a not-yet-fired-count pager
if ($to_serialize->{pager} and ref $to_serialize->{pager}{total_entries} eq 'CODE') {
delete $to_serialize->{pager};
-package DBIx::Class::ResultSource::RowParser;
+package # hide from the pauses
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSource::RowParser;
use strict;
use warnings;
map {
$self->_resolve_prefetch($_, $alias, $alias_map, $order, [ @$pref_path ] ),
- $pre->{$_}, "${alias}.$_", $alias_map, $order, [ @$pref_path, $_] )
+ $pre->{$_}, "${alias}.$_", $alias_map, $order, [ @$pref_path, $_] )
} keys %$pre;
return @ret;
unless $rel_info;
my $as_prefix = ($alias =~ /^.*?\.(.+)$/ ? $1.'.' : '');
- my $rel_source = $self->related_source($pre);
- if ($rel_info->{attrs}{accessor} && $rel_info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi') {
- $self->throw_exception(
- "Can't prefetch has_many ${pre} (join cond too complex)")
- unless ref($rel_info->{cond}) eq 'HASH';
- my $dots = @{[$as_prefix =~ m/\./g]} + 1; # +1 to match the ".${as_prefix}"
- #my @col = map { (/^self\.(.+)$/ ? ("${as_prefix}.$1") : ()); }
- # values %{$rel_info->{cond}};
- my @key = map { (/^foreign\.(.+)$/ ? ($1) : ()); }
- keys %{$rel_info->{cond}};
- push @$order, map { "${as}.$_" } @key;
- if (my $rel_order = $rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}) {
- # this is kludgy and incomplete, I am well aware
- # but the parent method is going away entirely anyway
- # so sod it
- my $sql_maker = $self->storage->sql_maker;
- my ($orig_ql, $orig_qr) = $sql_maker->_quote_chars;
- my $sep = $sql_maker->name_sep;
- # install our own quoter, so we can catch unqualified stuff
- local $sql_maker->{quote_char} = ["\x00", "\xFF"];
- my $quoted_prefix = "\x00${as}\xFF";
- for my $chunk ( $sql_maker->_order_by_chunks ($rel_order) ) {
- my @bind;
- ($chunk, @bind) = @$chunk if ref $chunk;
- $chunk = "${quoted_prefix}${sep}${chunk}"
- unless $chunk =~ /\Q$sep/;
- $chunk =~ s/\x00/$orig_ql/g;
- $chunk =~ s/\xFF/$orig_qr/g;
- push @$order, \[$chunk, @bind];
- }
- }
- }
return map { [ "${as}.$_", "${as_prefix}${pre}.$_", ] }
- $rel_source->columns;
+ $self->related_source($pre)->columns;
$_ =~ s/^ (?: foreign | self ) \.//x for ($f, $s);
$relinfo->{$rel}{fk_map}{$s} = $f;
- # need to know source from *our* pov, hnce $rel.
+ # need to know source from *our* pov, hence $rel.
$my_cols->{$s} ||= { via_fk => "$rel.$f" } if (
defined $rel_cols->{$rel}{$f} # in fact selected
- (! $node_idx_ref or $relinfo->{$rel}{is_inner}) # either top-level or an inner join
+ $relinfo->{$rel}{is_inner}
if (
- my $uset = $self->_unique_column_set ($my_cols)
+ my $idset = $self->_identifying_column_set ({map { $_ => $my_cols->{$_}{colinfo} } keys %$my_cols})
) {
# see if the resulting collapser relies on any implied columns,
# and fix stuff up if this is the case
+ my @reduced_set = grep { ! $assumed_from_parent->{columns}{$_} } @$idset;
- my $parent_collapser_used = defined delete @{$uset}{keys %{$assumed_from_parent->{columns}}};
$collapse_map->{-node_id} = __unique_numlist(
- $parent_collapser_used ? @{$parent_info->{collapse_on}} : (),
+ (@reduced_set != @$idset) ? @{$parent_info->{collapse_on}} : (),
my $fqc = join ('.',
- keys %$uset
+ @reduced_set
return $collapse_map;
-sub _unique_column_set {
- my ($self, $cols) = @_;
- my %unique = $self->unique_constraints;
- # always prefer the PK first, and then shortest constraints first
- for my $set (delete $unique{primary}, sort { @$a <=> @$b } (values %unique) ) {
- next unless $set && @$set;
- for (@$set) {
- next USET unless ($cols->{$_} && $cols->{$_}{colinfo} && !$cols->{$_}{colinfo}{is_nullable} );
- }
- return { map { $_ => 1 } @$set };
- }
- return undef;
# Takes an arrayref of {as} dbic column aliases and the collapse and select
# attributes from the same $rs (the slector requirement is a temporary
# workaround), and returns a coderef capable of:
my ($parser_src);
if ($args->{collapse}) {
- # FIXME - deal with unorderedness
- # unordered => $unordered
my $collapse_map = $self->_resolve_collapse (
- my $unrolled_top_branch_id_indexes = join (', ', @{$collapse_map->{-branch_id}});
+ my $top_branch_idx_list = join (', ', @{$collapse_map->{-branch_id}});
- my ($sequenced_top_branch_id, $sequenced_top_node_id) = map
- { join ('', map { "{'\xFF__IDVALPOS__${_}__\xFF'}" } @$_ ) }
- $collapse_map->{-branch_id}, $collapse_map->{-node_id}
- ;
+ my $top_node_id_path = join ('', map
+ { "{'\xFF__IDVALPOS__${_}__\xFF'}" }
+ @{$collapse_map->{-node_id}}
+ );
- my $rolled_out_assemblers = __visit_infmap_collapse (
+ my $rel_assemblers = __visit_infmap_collapse (
$inflate_index, $collapse_map
- my @sprintf_args = (
- $unrolled_top_branch_id_indexes,
- $sequenced_top_branch_id,
- $sequenced_top_node_id,
- $rolled_out_assemblers,
- );
- $parser_src = sprintf (<<'EOS', @sprintf_args);
+ $parser_src = sprintf (<<'EOS', $top_branch_idx_list, $top_node_id_path, $rel_assemblers);
- my ($rows_pos, $result_pos, $cur_row, @cur_row_id_values, $is_new_res, @collapse_idx) = (0,0);
+ my ($rows_pos, $result_pos, $cur_row, @cur_row_ids, @collapse_idx, $is_new_res) = (0,0);
# this loop is a bit arcane - the rationale is that the passed in
# $_[0] will either have only one row (->next) or will have all
# array, since the collapsed prefetch is smaller by definition.
# At the end we cut the leftovers away and move on.
while ($cur_row =
- ( ( $rows_pos >= 0 and $_[0][$rows_pos++] ) or do { $rows_pos = -1; 0 } )
+ ( ( $rows_pos >= 0 and $_[0][$rows_pos++] ) or do { $rows_pos = -1; undef } )
($_[1] and $_[1]->())
) {
- # optimize this away when we know we have no undefs in the collapse map
- $cur_row_id_values[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\xFF\xFFN\xFFU\xFFL\xFFL\xFF\xFF"
+ $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\xFF\xFFN\xFFU\xFFL\xFFL\xFF\xFF"
for (%1$s); # the top branch_id includes all id values
- # check top branch for doubling via a has_many non-selecting join or something
- # 0 is reserved for this (node indexes start from 1)
- next if $collapse_idx[0]%2$s++;
- $is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]%3$s;
- # lazify
- # fire on ordered only
-# if ($is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_id_values[2]}) {
-# }
+ $is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]%2$s and (
+ $_[1] and $result_pos and (unshift @{$_[2]}, $cur_row) and last
+ );
- %4$s
+ %3$s
- $_[0][$result_pos++] = $collapse_idx[1]%3$s
+ $_[0][$result_pos++] = $collapse_idx[1]%2$s
if $is_new_res;
# change the quoted placeholders to unquoted alias-references
$parser_src =~ s/ \' \xFF__VALPOS__(\d+)__\xFF \' /"\$cur_row->[$1]"/gex;
- $parser_src =~ s/ \' \xFF__IDVALPOS__(\d+)__\xFF \' /"\$cur_row_id_values[$1]"/gex;
+ $parser_src =~ s/ \' \xFF__IDVALPOS__(\d+)__\xFF \' /"\$cur_row_ids[$1]"/gex;
else {
my $me_struct = keys %$my_cols
? __visit_dump([{ map { $_ => "\xFF__VALPOS__$my_cols->{$_}__\xFF" } (keys %$my_cols) }])
- : 'undef'
+ : undef
my $node_idx_ref = sprintf '$collapse_idx[%d]%s', $collapse_map->{-node_index}, $sequenced_node_id;
push @src, sprintf( '%s ||= %s;',
- );
+ ) if $me_struct;
elsif ($collapse_map->{-is_single}) {
- push @src, sprintf ( '%s = %s ||= %s;',
+ push @src, sprintf ( '%s ||= %s%s;',
- $me_struct,
+ $me_struct ? " ||= $me_struct" : '',
else {
- push @src, sprintf('push @{%s}, %s = %s if !%s;',
+ push @src, sprintf('push @{%s}, %s%s unless %s;',
- $me_struct,
+ $me_struct ? " ||= $me_struct" : '',
for my $rel (sort keys %$rel_cols) {
- push @src, sprintf( '%s[1]{%s} ||= [];', $node_idx_ref, perlstring($rel) );
+ push @src, sprintf( '%s[1]{%s} ||= [];', $node_idx_ref, perlstring($rel) )
+ unless $collapse_map->{$rel}{-is_single};
push @src, __visit_infmap_collapse($rel_cols->{$rel}, $collapse_map->{$rel}, {
node_idx => $collapse_map->{-node_index},
# FIXME SUBOPTIMAL - disabled to satisfy t/resultset/inflate_result_api.t
#if ($collapse_map->{$rel}{-is_optional} and my @null_checks = map
- # { "(! defined '\xFF__VALPOS__${_}__\xFF')" }
+ # { "(! defined '\xFF__IDVALPOS__${_}__\xFF')" }
# sort { $a <=> $b } grep
# { ! $known_defined->{$_} }
# @{$collapse_map->{$rel}{-node_id}}
ON producer_2.producerid = cd_to_producer_2.producer
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
WHERE ( ( producer.name = ? AND producer_2.name = ? ) )
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', dbic_colname => 'producer.name', sqlt_size => 100 }
+++ /dev/null
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-use B::Deparse;
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(no_deploy => 1);
-my ($as, $vals, @pairs);
-# artwork-artist deliberately mixed around
-@pairs = (
- 'artwork_to_artist.artist_id' => '2',
- 'cd_id' => '1',
- 'artwork_to_artist.artwork_cd_id' => '1',
- 'cd.artist' => '1',
- 'cd.cdid' => '1',
- 'cd.title' => 'Spoonful of bees',
- 'cd.artist.artistid' => '7',
- 'cd.artist.name' => 'Caterwauler McCrae',
- 'artwork_to_artist.artist.name' => 'xenowhinycide',
-while (@pairs) {
- push @$as, shift @pairs;
- push @$vals, shift @pairs;
-my $parser = $schema->source ('Artwork')->_mk_row_parser({
- inflate_map => $as,
- collapse => 1,
-is_deeply (
- $parser->($vals),
- [
- {
- cd_id => 1,
- },
- {
- artwork_to_artist => [
- {
- artist_id => 2,
- artwork_cd_id => 1,
- },
- {
- artist => [
- {
- name => 'xenowhinycide',
- },
- undef,
- [ 2, 1 ], # inherited from artwork_to_artist (child-parent definition)
- ],
- },
- [ 2, 1 ] # artwork_to_artist own data, in selection order
- ],
- cd => [
- {
- artist => 1,
- cdid => 1,
- title => 'Spoonful of bees',
- },
- {
- artist => [
- {
- artistid => 7,
- name => 'Caterwauler McCrae',
- },
- undef,
- [ 7 ], # our own id
- ]
- },
- [ 1 ], # our cdid fk
- ]
- },
- [ 1 ], # our id
- ],
- 'generated row parser works as expected',
-undef $_ for ($as, $vals);
-@pairs = (
- 'name' => 'Caterwauler McCrae',
- 'cds.tracks.cd' => '3',
- 'cds.tracks.title' => 'Fowlin',
- 'cds.tracks.cd_single.title' => 'Awesome single',
-while (@pairs) {
- push @$as, shift @pairs;
- push @$vals, shift @pairs;
-$parser = $schema->source ('Artist')->_mk_row_parser($as);
-is_deeply (
- $parser->($vals),
- [
- {
- name => 'Caterwauler McCrae'
- },
- {
- cds => [
- {},
- {
- tracks => [
- {
- cd => 3,
- title => 'Fowlin'
- },
- {
- cd_single => [
- {
- title => 'Awesome single',
- },
- ],
- },
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- 'generated parser works as expected over missing joins (no collapse)',
-undef $_ for ($as, $vals);
-@pairs = (
- 'tracks.lyrics.lyric_versions.text' => 'unique when combined with the lyric collapsable by the 1:1 tracks-parent',
- 'existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid' => 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)',
- 'existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.year' => 'non-unique cds col (year)',
- 'year' => 'non unique main year',
- 'genreid' => 'non-unique/nullable main genid',
- 'tracks.title' => 'non-unique title (missing multicol const. part)',
- 'existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid' => 'cds unique id col to give uniquiness to ...tracks.title below',
- 'latest_cd' => 'random function (not a colname)',
- 'existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.tracks.title' => 'unique track title (when combined with ...cds.cdid above)',
- 'existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.genreid' => 'nullable cds col (genreid)',
-while (@pairs) {
- push @$as, shift @pairs;
- push @$vals, shift @pairs;
-is_deeply (
- $schema->source ('CD')->_resolve_collapse ( { map { $as->[$_] => $_ } (0 .. $#$as) } ),
- {
- -node_index => 1,
- -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
- -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5, 6, 8 ],
- existing_single_track => {
- -node_index => 2,
- -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
- -branch_id => [ 1, 6, 8 ],
- -is_single => 1,
- cd => {
- -node_index => 3,
- -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
- -branch_id => [ 1, 6, 8 ],
- -is_single => 1,
- artist => {
- -node_index => 4,
- -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
- -branch_id => [ 1, 6, 8 ],
- -is_single => 1,
- cds => {
- -node_index => 5,
- -node_id => [ 6 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid
- -branch_id => [ 6, 8 ],
- -is_optional => 1,
- tracks => {
- -node_index => 6,
- -node_id => [ 6, 8 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid, existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.tracks.title
- -branch_id => [ 6, 8 ],
- -is_optional => 1,
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- tracks => {
- -node_index => 7,
- -node_id => [ 1, 5 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid, tracks.title
- -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ],
- -is_optional => 1,
- lyrics => {
- -node_index => 8,
- -node_id => [ 1, 5 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid, tracks.title
- -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ],
- -is_single => 1,
- -is_optional => 1,
- lyric_versions => {
- -node_index => 9,
- -node_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ], # tracks.lyrics.lyric_versions.text, existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid, tracks.title
- -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ],
- -is_optional => 1,
- },
- },
- }
- },
- 'Correct collapse map constructed',
-my $parser = $schema->source ('CD')->_mk_row_parser ({ inflate_map => $as, collapse => 1 });
-is_deeply (
- $parser->($vals),
- [
- {
- latest_cd => 'random function (not a colname)',
- year => 'non unique main year',
- genreid => 'non-unique/nullable main genid'
- },
- {
- existing_single_track => [
- {},
- {
- cd => [
- {},
- {
- artist => [
- { artistid => 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)' },
- {
- cds => [
- {
- cdid => 'cds unique id col to give uniquiness to ...tracks.title below',
- year => 'non-unique cds col (year)',
- genreid => 'nullable cds col (genreid)'
- },
- {
- tracks => [
- {
- title => 'unique track title (when combined with ...cds.cdid above)'
- },
- undef,
- [
- 'cds unique id col to give uniquiness to ...tracks.title below',
- 'unique track title (when combined with ...cds.cdid above)',
- ],
- ]
- },
- [ 'cds unique id col to give uniquiness to ...tracks.title below' ],
- ]
- },
- [ 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)' ],
- ]
- },
- [ 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)' ],
- ]
- },
- [ 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)' ],
- ],
- tracks => [
- {
- title => 'non-unique title (missing multicol const. part)'
- },
- {
- lyrics => [
- {},
- {
- lyric_versions => [
- {
- text => 'unique when combined with the lyric collapsable by the 1:1 tracks-parent',
- },
- undef,
- [
- 'unique when combined with the lyric collapsable by the 1:1 tracks-parent',
- 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)',
- 'non-unique title (missing multicol const. part)',
- ],
- ],
- },
- [
- 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)',
- 'non-unique title (missing multicol const. part)',
- ],
- ],
- },
- [
- 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)',
- 'non-unique title (missing multicol const. part)',
- ],
- ],
- },
- [ 'artist_id (gives uniq. to its entire parent chain)' ],
- ],
- 'Proper row parser constructed',
-# For extra insanity test/showcase the parser's guts:
-my $deparser = B::Deparse->new;
-is (
- $deparser->coderef2text ($parser),
- $deparser->coderef2text ( sub { package DBIx::Class::ResultSource;
- my $rows = [];
- while (1) {
- my $r = (shift @{$_[0]->{row_stash}}) || ($_[0]->{next_row} and $_[0]->{next_row}->()) || last;
- }
- return $rows
- [
- {
- genreid => $_[0][4],
- latest_cd => $_[0][7],
- year => $_[0][3]
- },
- {
- existing_single_track => [
- {},
- {
- cd => [
- {},
- {
- artist => [
- {
- artistid => $_[0][1]
- },
- {
- !defined($_[0][6]) ? () : (
- cds => [
- {
- cdid => $_[0][6],
- genreid => $_[0][9],
- year => $_[0][2]
- },
- {
- !defined($_[0][8]) ? () : (
- tracks => [
- {
- title => $_[0][8]
- },
- undef,
- [ $_[0][6], $_[0][8] ]
- ])
- },
- [ $_[0][6] ]
- ]),
- },
- [ $_[0][1] ],
- ],
- },
- [ $_[0][1] ],
- ],
- },
- [ $_[0][1] ],
- ],
- !defined($_[0][5]) ? () : (
- tracks => [
- {
- title => $_[0][5],
- },
- {
- lyrics => [
- {},
- {
- !defined($_[0][0]) ? () : (
- lyric_versions => [
- {
- text => $_[0][0]
- },
- undef,
- [ $_[0][0], $_[0][1], $_[0][5] ],
- ]),
- },
- [ $_[0][1], $_[0][5] ],
- ],
- },
- [ $_[0][1], $_[0][5] ],
- ]),
- },
- [ $_[0][1] ],
- ];
- }),
- 'Deparsed version of the parser coderef looks correct',
LEFT JOIN track tracks
ON tracks.cd = me.cdid
WHERE me.artist != ?
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
LEFT JOIN track tracks
ON tracks.cd = me.cdid
WHERE me.artist != ?
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
FROM cd me
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
) me
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
WHERE ( tracks.title != ? )
GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
) me
LEFT JOIN track tracks ON tracks.cd = me.cdid
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
WHERE ( tracks.title != ? )
GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track,
artist.artistid, artist.name, artist.rank, artist.charfield
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
[ map { [ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'tracks.title' }
=> 'ugabuganoexist' ] } (1,2)
lives_ok(sub {
# while cds.* will be selected anyway (prefetch currently forces the result of _resolve_prefetch)
- # only the requested me.name column will be fetched.
+ # only the requested me.name/me.artistid columns will be fetched.
# reference sql with select => [...]
# SELECT me.name, cds.title, me.artistid, cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track FROM ...
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
LEFT JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = artist.artistid
LEFT JOIN artist artist_2 ON artist_2.artistid = cds.artist
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
+ select => 'artistid',
+ prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' },
+my $initial_artists_cnt = $rs->count;
+# create one extra artist with just one cd with just one track
+# and then an artist with nothing at all
+# the implicit order by me.artistid will get them back in correct order
+ name => 'foo',
+ cds => [{
+ year => 2012,
+ title => 'foocd',
+ tracks => [{
+ title => 'footrack',
+ }]
+ }],
+$rs->create({ name => 'bar' });
+$rs->create({ name => 'baz' });
+# make sure we are reentrant, and also check with explicit order_by
+for (undef, undef, 'me.artistid') {
+ $rs = $rs->search({}, { order_by => $_ }) if $_;
+ for (1 .. $initial_artists_cnt) {
+ is ($rs->next->artistid, $_, 'Default fixture artists in order') || exit;
+ }
+ my $foo_artist = $rs->next;
+ is ($foo_artist->cds->next->tracks->next->title, 'footrack', 'Right track');
+ is (
+ [$rs->cursor->next]->[0],
+ $initial_artists_cnt + 3,
+ 'Very last artist still on the cursor'
+ );
+ is_deeply ([$rs->cursor->next], [], 'Nothing else left');
+ is ($rs->next->artistid, $initial_artists_cnt + 2, 'Row stashed in resultset still accessible');
+ is ($rs->next, undef, 'Nothing left in resultset either');
+ $rs->reset;
+my @objs = $rs->all;
+is (@objs, $initial_artists_cnt + 3, '->all resets everything correctly');
+is ( ($rs->cursor->next)[0], 1, 'Cursor auto-rewound after all()');
+is ($rs->{stashed_rows}, undef, 'Nothing else left in $rs stash');
+my $unordered_rs = $rs->search({}, { order_by => 'cds.title' });
+ok ($unordered_rs->next, 'got row 1');
+is_deeply ([$unordered_rs->cursor->next], [], 'Nothing left on cursor, eager slurp');
+ok ($unordered_rs->next, "got row $_") for (2 .. $initial_artists_cnt + 3);
+is ($unordered_rs->next, undef, 'End of RS reached');
+is ($unordered_rs->next, undef, 'End of RS not lost');
is ($rs->cursor->next, undef, 'cursor exhausted');
+TODO: {
+local $TODO = 'this does not work at all, need to promote rsattrs to an object on its own';
+# make sure has_many column redirection does not do weird stuff when collapse is requested
+for my $pref_args (
+ { prefetch => 'cds'},
+ { collapse => 1 }
+) {
+ for my $col_and_join_args (
+ { '+columns' => { 'cd_title' => 'cds_2.title' }, join => [ 'cds', 'cds' ] },
+ { '+columns' => { 'cd_title' => 'cds.title' }, join => 'cds', }
+ ) {
+ my $weird_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
+ %$col_and_join_args, %$pref_args,
+ });
+ for (qw/next all first/) {
+ throws_ok { $weird_rs->$_ } qr/not yet determined exception text/;
+ }
+ }
my $rs = shift;
my $struc = {};
+ # all of these ought to work, but do not for some reason
+ # a noop cloning search() pollution?
+ #foreach my $art ( $rs->search({}, { order_by => 'me.artistid' })->all ) {
+ #foreach my $art ( $rs->search({}, {})->all ) {
+ #foreach my $art ( $rs->search()->all ) {
foreach my $art ( $rs->all ) {
foreach my $cd ( $art->cds ) {
foreach my $track ( $cd->tracks ) {
FROM cd me
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
WHERE ( ( artist.name = ? AND me.year = ? ) )
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
) me
LEFT JOIN track tracks
JOIN artist artist
ON artist.artistid = me.artist
WHERE ( ( artist.name = ? AND me.year = ? ) )
+ ORDER BY me.cdid
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'artist.name' } => 'foo' ],
'16 correct cds found'
-TODO: {
-local $TODO = 'Prefetch on custom rels can not work until the collapse rewrite is finished '
- . '(currently collapser requires a right-side (which is indeterministic) order-by)';
lives_ok {
my @all_artists_with_80_cds_pref = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search
} 'prefetchy-fetchy-fetch';
-} # end of TODO
# try to create_related a 80s cd
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+use B::Deparse;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(no_deploy => 1);
+my $infmap = [qw/single_track.cd.artist.name year/];
+is_same_src (
+ $schema->source ('CD')->_mk_row_parser({
+ inflate_map => $infmap,
+ }),
+ '$_ = [
+ { year => $_->[1] },
+ { single_track => [
+ undef,
+ { cd => [
+ undef,
+ { artist => [
+ { name => $_->[0] },
+ ] },
+ ]},
+ ]},
+ ] for @{$_[0]}',
+ 'Simple 1:1 descending non-collapsing parser',
+$infmap = [qw/
+ single_track.cd.artist.artistid
+ year
+ single_track.cd.artist.cds.tracks.title
+ single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid
+ title
+ artist
+is_same_src (
+ $schema->source ('CD')->_mk_row_parser({
+ inflate_map => $infmap,
+ }),
+ '$_ = [
+ { artist => $_->[5], title => $_->[4], year => $_->[1] },
+ { single_track => [
+ undef,
+ { cd => [
+ undef,
+ { artist => [
+ { artistid => $_->[0] },
+ { cds => [
+ { cdid => $_->[3] },
+ { tracks => [
+ { title => $_->[2] }
+ ] },
+ ] },
+ ] },
+ ] },
+ ] },
+ ] for @{$_[0]}',
+ '1:1 descending non-collapsing parser terminating with chained 1:M:M',
+is_deeply (
+ $schema->source('CD')->_resolve_collapse({map { $infmap->[$_] => $_ } 0 .. $#$infmap}),
+ {
+ -node_index => 1,
+ -node_id => [ 4, 5 ],
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
+ single_track => {
+ -node_index => 2,
+ -node_id => [ 4, 5],
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ -is_single => 1,
+ cd => {
+ -node_index => 3,
+ -node_id => [ 4, 5 ],
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ artist => {
+ -node_index => 4,
+ -node_id => [ 0 ],
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 2, 3 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ cds => {
+ -node_index => 5,
+ -node_id => [ 3 ],
+ -branch_id => [ 2, 3 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ tracks => {
+ -node_index => 6,
+ -node_id => [ 2, 3 ],
+ -branch_id => [ 2, 3 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'Correct collapse map for 1:1 descending chain terminating with chained 1:M:M'
+is_same_src (
+ $schema->source ('CD')->_mk_row_parser({
+ inflate_map => $infmap,
+ collapse => 1,
+ }),
+ ' my($rows_pos, $result_pos, $cur_row, @cur_row_ids, @collapse_idx, $is_new_res) = (0, 0);
+ while ($cur_row = (
+ ( $rows_pos >= 0 and $_[0][$rows_pos++] ) or do { $rows_pos = -1; undef } )
+ ||
+ ( $_[1] and $_[1]->() )
+ ) {
+ $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\xFF\xFFN\xFFU\xFFL\xFFL\xFF\xFF"
+ for (0, 2, 3, 4, 5);
+ # a present cref implies lazy prefetch, implies a supplied stash in $_[2]
+ $_[1] and $result_pos and unshift(@{$_[2]}, $cur_row) and last
+ if $is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]};
+ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]} ||= [{ artist => $cur_row->[5], title => $cur_row->[4], year => $cur_row->[1] }];
+ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]}[1]{single_track} ||= $collapse_idx[2]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]};
+ $collapse_idx[2]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]}[1]{cd} ||= $collapse_idx[3]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]};
+ $collapse_idx[3]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]}[1]{artist} ||= $collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[0]} ||= [{ artistid => $cur_row->[0] }];
+ $collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[0]}[1]{cds} ||= [];
+ push @{$collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[0]}[1]{cds}}, $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[3]} ||= [{ cdid => $cur_row->[3] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[3]};
+ $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[3]}[1]{tracks} ||= [];
+ push @{$collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[3]}[1]{tracks}}, $collapse_idx[6]{$cur_row_ids[2]}{$cur_row_ids[3]} ||= [{ title => $cur_row->[2] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[6]{$cur_row_ids[2]}{$cur_row_ids[3]};
+ $_[0][$result_pos++] = $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[5]}
+ if $is_new_res;
+ }
+ splice @{$_[0]}, $result_pos;
+ ',
+ 'Same 1:1 descending terminating with chained 1:M:M but with collapse',
+$infmap = [qw/
+ tracks.lyrics.lyric_versions.text
+ existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
+ existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.year
+ year
+ genreid
+ tracks.title
+ existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid
+ latest_cd
+ existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.tracks.title
+ existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.genreid
+is_deeply (
+ $schema->source('CD')->_resolve_collapse({map { $infmap->[$_] => $_ } 0 .. $#$infmap}),
+ {
+ -node_index => 1,
+ -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5, 6, 8 ],
+ existing_single_track => {
+ -node_index => 2,
+ -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
+ -branch_id => [ 1, 6, 8 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ cd => {
+ -node_index => 3,
+ -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
+ -branch_id => [ 1, 6, 8 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ artist => {
+ -node_index => 4,
+ -node_id => [ 1 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid
+ -branch_id => [ 1, 6, 8 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ cds => {
+ -node_index => 5,
+ -node_id => [ 6 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid
+ -branch_id => [ 6, 8 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ tracks => {
+ -node_index => 6,
+ -node_id => [ 6, 8 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid, existing_single_track.cd.artist.cds.tracks.title
+ -branch_id => [ 6, 8 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ tracks => {
+ -node_index => 7,
+ -node_id => [ 1, 5 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid, tracks.title
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ lyrics => {
+ -node_index => 8,
+ -node_id => [ 1, 5 ], # existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid, tracks.title
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ lyric_versions => {
+ -node_index => 9,
+ -node_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ], # tracks.lyrics.lyric_versions.text, existing_single_track.cd.artist.artistid, tracks.title
+ -branch_id => [ 0, 1, 5 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ 'Correct collapse map constructed',
+is_same_src (
+ $schema->source ('CD')->_mk_row_parser({
+ inflate_map => $infmap,
+ collapse => 1,
+ }),
+ ' my ($rows_pos, $result_pos, $cur_row, @cur_row_ids, @collapse_idx, $is_new_res) = (0,0);
+ while ($cur_row = (
+ ( $rows_pos >= 0 and $_[0][$rows_pos++] ) or do { $rows_pos = -1; undef } )
+ ||
+ ( $_[1] and $_[1]->() )
+ ) {
+ $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\xFF\xFFN\xFFU\xFFL\xFFL\xFF\xFF"
+ for (0, 1, 5, 6, 8);
+ $is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[1]} and (
+ $_[1] and $result_pos and (unshift @{$_[2]}, $cur_row) and last
+ );
+ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[1]} ||= [{ latest_cd => $cur_row->[7], year => $cur_row->[3], genreid => $cur_row->[4] }];
+ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[1]}[1]{existing_single_track} ||= $collapse_idx[2]{$cur_row_ids[1]};
+ $collapse_idx[2]{$cur_row_ids[1]}[1]{cd} ||= $collapse_idx[3]{$cur_row_ids[1]};
+ $collapse_idx[3]{$cur_row_ids[1]}[1]{artist} ||= $collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[1]} ||= [{ artistid => $cur_row->[1] }];
+ $collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[1]}[1]{cds} ||= [];
+ push @{ $collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[1]}[1]{cds} }, $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[6]} ||= [{ cdid => $cur_row->[6], genreid => $cur_row->[9], year => $cur_row->[2] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[6]};
+ $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[6]}[1]{tracks} ||= [];
+ push @{ $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[6]}[1]{tracks} }, $collapse_idx[6]{$cur_row_ids[6]}{$cur_row_ids[8]} ||= [{ title => $cur_row->[8] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[6]{$cur_row_ids[6]}{$cur_row_ids[8]};
+ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[1]}[1]{tracks} ||= [];
+ push @{ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[1]}[1]{tracks} }, $collapse_idx[7]{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5]} ||= [{ title => $cur_row->[5] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[7]{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5]};
+ $collapse_idx[7]{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5]}[1]{lyrics} ||= $collapse_idx[8]{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5] };
+ $collapse_idx[8]{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5]}[1]{lyric_versions} ||= [];
+ push @{ $collapse_idx[8]{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5]}[1]{lyric_versions} }, $collapse_idx[9]{$cur_row_ids[0]}{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5]} ||= [{ text => $cur_row->[0] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[9]{$cur_row_ids[0]}{$cur_row_ids[1]}{$cur_row_ids[5]};
+ $_[0][$result_pos++] = $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[1]}
+ if $is_new_res;
+ }
+ splice @{$_[0]}, $result_pos;
+ ',
+ 'Multiple has_many on multiple branches torture test',
+my $deparser;
+sub is_same_src {
+ $deparser ||= B::Deparse->new;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ my ($got, $expect) = map {
+ my $cref = eval "sub { $_ }" or do {
+ fail "Coderef does not compile!\n\n$@\n\n$_";
+ return undef;
+ };
+ $deparser->coderef2text($cref);
+ } @_[0,1];
+ is ($got, $expect, $_[2]||() )
+ or note ("Originals source:\n\n$_[0]\n\n$_[1]\n");
{ id => 'foo.id' },
{ 'ends_with_me.id' => 'ends_with_me.id' },
- order_by => [qw( artist title )],
+ order_by => [qw( year artist title )],
sql => '(
SELECT id, ends_with_me__id
SELECT foo.id AS id, ends_with_me.id AS ends_with_me__id
FROM cd me
WHERE id = ?
- ORDER BY artist, title
+ ORDER BY year, artist, title
) me
) me