=head2 debugfh
-Set or retrieve the filehandle used for trace/debug output. This should be
-an IO::Handle compatible object (only the C<print> method is used). Initially
-set to be STDERR - although see information on the
-L<DBIC_TRACE> environment variable.
+An opportunistic proxy to L<< ->debugobj->debugfh(@_)
+|DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics/debugfh >>
+If the currently set L</debugobj> does not have a L</debugfh> method, caling
+this is a no-op.
extends 'DBIx::Class';
use DBIx::Class::_Util qw(sigwarn_silencer qsub);
+use IO::Handle ();
use namespace::clean;
=head1 NAME
=head2 debugfh
Sets or retrieves the filehandle used for trace/debug output. This should
-be an IO::Handle compatible object (only the C<print> method is used). Initially
-should be set to STDERR - although see information on the
-L<DBIC_TRACE> environment variable.
+be an L<IO::Handle> compatible object (only the
+L<< printflush|IO::Handle/$io->printflush_(_ARGS_) >> method is used). By
+default it is initially set to STDERR - although see discussion of the
+L<DBIC_TRACE|DBIx::Class::Storage/DBIC_TRACE> environment variable.
-As getter it will lazily open a filehandle for you if one is not already set.
+Invoked as a getter it will lazily open a filehandle for you if one is not
+already set.