use mro 'c3';
use DBD::Pg qw(:pg_types);
+use Scope::Guard ();
+use Context::Preserve ();
# Ask for a DBD::Pg with array support
warn __PACKAGE__.": DBD::Pg 2.9.2 or greater is strongly recommended\n"
if ($DBD::Pg::VERSION < 2.009002); # pg uses (used?) version::qv()
+__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors(simple => qw/
+ _auto_cols
+sub _prep_for_execute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($op, $extra_bind, $ident, $args) = @_;
+ if ($op eq 'insert') {
+ $self->_auto_cols([]);
+ my %pk;
+ @pk{$ident->primary_columns} = ();
+ my @auto_inc_cols = grep {
+ my $inserting = $args->[0]{$_};
+ ($ident->column_info($_)->{is_auto_increment}
+ || exists $pk{$_})
+ && (
+ (not defined $inserting)
+ ||
+ (ref $inserting eq 'SCALAR' && $$inserting =~ /^null\z/i)
+ )
+ } $ident->columns;
+ if (@auto_inc_cols) {
+ $args->[1]{returning} = \@auto_inc_cols;
+ $self->_auto_cols->[0] = \@auto_inc_cols;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->next::method(@_);
+sub _execute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($op) = @_;
+ my ($rv, $sth, @bind) = $self->dbh_do($self->can('_dbh_execute'), @_);
+ if ($op eq 'insert' && $self->_auto_cols) {
+ local $@;
+ my (@auto_cols) = eval {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+ $sth->fetchrow_array
+ };
+ $self->_auto_cols->[1] = \@auto_cols;
+ $sth->finish;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? ($rv, $sth, @bind) : $rv;
sub with_deferred_fk_checks {
my ($self, $sub) = @_;
- $self->_get_dbh->do('SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED');
- $sub->();
+ my $txn_scope_guard = $self->txn_scope_guard;
+ $self->_do_query('SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED');
+ my $sg = Scope::Guard->new(sub {
+ $self->_do_query('SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE');
+ });
+ return Context::Preserve::preserve_context(sub { $sub->() },
+ after => sub { $txn_scope_guard->commit });
-sub last_insert_id {
- my ($self,$source,@cols) = @_;
+sub insert {
+ my $self = shift;
- my @values;
+ my $updated_cols = $self->next::method(@_);
- for my $col (@cols) {
- my $seq = ( $source->column_info($col)->{sequence} ||= $self->dbh_do('_dbh_get_autoinc_seq', $source, $col) )
- or $self->throw_exception( sprintf(
- 'could not determine sequence for column %s.%s, please consider adding a schema-qualified sequence to its column info',
- $source->name,
- $col,
- ));
+ if ($self->_auto_cols->[0]) {
+ my %auto_cols;
+ @auto_cols{ @{ $self->_auto_cols->[0] } } = @{ $self->_auto_cols->[1] };
- push @values, $self->_dbh_last_insert_id ($self->_dbh, $seq);
+ $updated_cols = { %$updated_cols, %auto_cols };
- return @values;
+ return $updated_cols;
-# there seems to be absolutely no reason to have this as a separate method,
-# but leaving intact in case someone is already overriding it
-sub _dbh_last_insert_id {
- my ($self, $dbh, $seq) = @_;
- $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef, {sequence => $seq});
+sub last_insert_id {
+ my ($self, $source, @cols) = @_;
+ my @result;
+ my %auto_cols;
+ @auto_cols{ @{ $self->_auto_cols->[0] } } =
+ @{ $self->_auto_cols->[1] };
+ push @result, $auto_cols{$_} for @cols;
+ return @result;
+sub _sequence_fetch {
+ my ($self, $function, $sequence) = @_;
+ $self->throw_exception('No sequence to fetch') unless $sequence;
+ my ($val) = $self->_get_dbh->selectrow_array(
+ sprintf "select $function('%s')",
+ $sequence
+ );
+ return $val;
sub _dbh_get_autoinc_seq {
my ($self, $dbh, $source, $col) = @_;
-sub _sequence_fetch {
- my ( $self, $type, $seq ) = @_;
- my ($id) = $self->_get_dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT nextval('${seq}')");
- return $id;
sub _svp_begin {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
for (1..5) {
my $st = $schema->resultset('SequenceTest')->create({ name => 'foo' });
- is($st->pkid1, $_, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: First primary key");
- is($st->pkid2, $_ + 9, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: Second primary key");
- is($st->nonpkid, $_ + 19, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: Non-primary key");
+ is($st->pkid1, $_, "Auto-PK for sequence without default: First primary key");
+ is($st->pkid2, $_ + 9, "Auto-PK for sequence without default: Second primary key");
+ is($st->nonpkid, $_ + 19, "Auto-PK for sequence without default: Non-primary key");
my $st = $schema->resultset('SequenceTest')->create({ name => 'foo', pkid1 => 55 });
-is($st->pkid1, 55, "Oracle Auto-PK without trigger: First primary key set manually");
+is($st->pkid1, 55, "Auto-PK for sequence without default: First primary key set manually");
+######## test non-integer non-serial auto-pk
+my $row = $schema->resultset('TimestampPrimaryKey')->create({});
+ok $row->id;
$dbh->do("CREATE SCHEMA dbic_t_schema");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE dbic_t_schema.artist $std_artist_table");
+ $dbh->do(<<EOS);
+CREATE TABLE dbic_t_schema.timestamp_primary_key_test (
+ id timestamp default current_timestamp
CREATE TABLE dbic_t_schema.sequence_test (
pkid1 integer
-- Created by SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite
--- Created on Tue Mar 16 16:49:23 2010
+-- Created on Mon Mar 22 11:08:33 2010
-- Table: artist
+-- Table: timestamp_primary_key_test
+CREATE TABLE timestamp_primary_key_test (
+ id timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
-- Table: treelike
CREATE TABLE treelike (
-- View: year2000cds
CREATE VIEW year2000cds AS
- SELECT cdid, artist, title, year, genreid, single_track FROM cd WHERE year = "2000";
+ SELECT cdid, artist, title, year, genreid, single_track FROM cd WHERE year = "2000"
\ No newline at end of file