<p>Any logged-in user may upload a text collation in one of several forms:</p>
<li>Spreadsheet collation (Excel file, CSV file, or tab-separated values). Witness sigla should appear in the first row, one per column; the text of each witness should occur in sequence in the appropriate column, with collated words/readings lined up according to row. CSV and tab-separated value files are assumed to be Unicode, in the UTF-8 encoding.</li>
- <li>TEI XML, parallel segmentation format. See the documentation <a href="TODO">here</a> for the expected format of the TEI file.</li>
- <li>TEI XML, as exported from the <a href="http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kvk/cte/">Classical Text Editor</a> tool via the following steps:
- <ol>
- <li>In the menu Options -> Preferences, under the 'XML' tab, the Apparatus export mode should be set to "<app> tags".</li>
- <li>In the menu Format -> Notes/Apparatus settings, the apparatus criticus (and apparatus siglorum, if applicable) should be marked as such.</li>
- <li>Run the menu option File -> Export -> XML/TEI to perform the export.</li>
- </ol>
+ <li>TEI XML, parallel segmentation format. Please see the documentation <a href="[% c.uri_for( 'help/input' ) %]">here</a> for the expected format of the TEI file.</li>
+ <li>TEI XML, as exported from the <a href="http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kvk/cte/">Classical Text Editor</a> tool. Please see the documentation <a href="[% c.uri_for( 'help/input#cte' ) %]">here</a> for some guidelines on how to prepare your CTE file for upload.</li>
<li>GraphML, as exported from the <a href="http://collatex.huygens.knaw.nl/service/">CollateX</a> tool.</li>
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+[% PROCESS header.tt
+ pagetitle = "Guidelines for XML file uploads to Stemmaweb"
+<h1>Stemmaweb Help - XML upload guidelines</h2>
+<div id="docco">
+ <h3>Guidelines for TEI parallel segmentation input</h3>
+ <div id="tei">
+ <p>The Stemmaweb uploader can accept a collated text tradition in TEI parallel-segmentation format that adheres to the following guidelines:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The file must have an <msDesc> element in its header which contains a list of all witnesses used in the text in the <listWit> element. Each <witness> element within <listWit> must have an xml:id attribute; this is taken to be the witness sigil, and is expected to appear in the "wit" attribute of the relevant apparatus readings within the text.</li>
+ <li>Individual reading words may be wrapped in <w> tags; if the tag has an xml:id it will be preserved as the reading ID.</li>
+ <li>All text within the main <text> element of the TEI file will be taken to be part of the collation. Paragraph and line divisions are not currently preserved.</li>
+ <li>At the point where any witness appears in the collation, this should be signified with a <witStart> tag within its own apparatus. The first of these will therefore be the first element in any collated text, for example:
+ <pre>
+ <body>
+ <p xml:id="am_1_1">
+ <app xml:id="AppStart">
+ <rdg wit="#Jer #K #A #F #B #I #D #J #O #V #X #Y #Z #W"><witStart/></rdg>
+ </app>
+ [...]
+ </p>
+ </body>
+ </pre> Likewise, when a witness text ends this should be noted with a <witEnd> tag. Lacunae within the text may be indicated through successive uses of the <witEnd> and <witStart> tags.</li>
+ <li>Readings as they appeared before scribal corrections may be indicated using the "type" attribute on the <rdg> element, as shown here:
+ <pre>
+ <app xml:id="App530">
+ <lem wit="#Jer #K #F #B #I #A #D #J #O #V #X #Y #Z #W">
+ <w xml:id="L414">զոր</w>
+ </lem>
+ <rdg type="a.c." wit="#B"><w>զո</w></rdg>
+ </app>
+ </pre></li>
+ <li>An apparatus entry may contain the <lem> tag as well as the <rdg> tag; these are treated as equivalent for the purpose of creating the graph.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <h3>Guidelines for Classical Text Editor export</h3>
+ <div id="cte">
+ <p>The Stemmaweb uploader can accept a collated text tradition exported from CTE, provided that certain guidelines are observed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Common abbreviations (e.g. 'om.', 'add.', and the like) should be set correctly via the Format -> Document... menu under the General tab. Any other abbreviations or notes are likely to be interpreted as literal readings by the uploader.</li>
+ <li>Avoid notations such as "<em>tr. post</em> word"; this is difficult to parse even for a human and almost impossible for a computer.</li>
+ <li>Be extremely careful with overlapping apparatus entries; if, for example, a pair of entries reads:
+ <pre>
+ dominus deus] tr. A
+ deus] deo A
+ </pre>
+ then you are simultaneously telling CTE that A reads "deus dominus" and "deo dominus", and the export will become confused. Ensure that there is no scope for confusion.</li>
+ <li>Ensure that the critical apparatus (and the apparatus siglorum, if any) is marked as such via the Format -> Notes/Apparatus settings menu.</li>
+ <li>Ensure (via the menu item Options -> Preferences, under the 'XML' tab) that the 'Apparatus export' option is set to "<app> tags".</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
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