Attempts to deploy the schema to the current storage using L<SQL::Translator>.
Note that this feature is currently EXPERIMENTAL and may not work correctly
-across all databases, or fully handle complex relationships.
+across all databases, or fully handle complex relationships. Saying that, it
+has been used successfully by many people, including the core dev team.
See L<SQL::Translator/METHODS> for a list of values for C<$sqlt_args>. The most
common value for this would be C<< { add_drop_table => 1, } >> to have the SQL
produced include a DROP TABLE statement for each table created.
+Additionally, the DBIx::Class parser accepts a C<sources> parameter as a hash
+ref or an array ref, containing a list of source to deploy. If present, then
+only the sources listed will get deployed.
sub deploy {
$self->throw_exception($@) if $@;
eval "use SQL::Translator::Producer::${type};";
$self->throw_exception($@) if $@;
+ # sources needs to be a parser arg, but for simplicty allow at top level
+ # coming in
+ $sqltargs->{parser_args}{sources} = delete $sqltargs->{sources}
+ if exists $sqltargs->{sources};
my $tr = SQL::Translator->new(%$sqltargs);
SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class::parse( $tr, $schema );
return "SQL::Translator::Producer::${type}"->can('produce')->($tr);
# We're working with DBIx::Class Schemas, not data streams.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub parse {
- my ($tr, $data) = @_;
- my $args = $tr->parser_args;
- my $dbixschema = $args->{'DBIx::Schema'} || $data;
- $dbixschema ||= $args->{'package'};
+ my ($tr, $data) = @_;
+ my $args = $tr->parser_args;
+ my $dbixschema = $args->{'DBIx::Schema'} || $data;
+ $dbixschema ||= $args->{'package'};
+ my $limit_sources = $args->{'sources'};
die 'No DBIx::Schema' unless ($dbixschema);
if (!ref $dbixschema) {
my %seen_tables;
- foreach my $moniker ($dbixschema->sources)
+ my @monikers = $dbixschema->sources;
+ if ($limit_sources) {
+ my $ref = ref $limit_sources || '';
+ die "'source' parameter must be an array or hash ref" unless $ref eq 'ARRAY' || ref eq 'HASH';
+ # limit monikers to those specified in
+ my $sources;
+ if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $sources->{$_} = 1 for (@$limit_sources);
+ } else {
+ $sources = $limit_sources;
+ }
+ @monikers = grep { $sources->{$_} } @monikers;
+ }
+ foreach my $moniker (@monikers)
#eval "use $tableclass";
#print("Can't load $tableclass"), next if($@);
my @rels = $source->relationships();
+ my %created_FK_rels;
foreach my $rel (@rels)
my $rel_info = $source->relationship_info($rel);
$on_update = $otherrelationship->{'attrs'}->{cascade_copy} ? 'CASCADE' : '';
+ # Make sure we dont create the same foreign key constraint twice
+ my $key_test = join("\x00", @keys);
#Decide if this is a foreign key based on whether the self
#items are our primary columns.
# If the sets are different, then we assume it's a foreign key from
# us to another table.
- if (!$source->compare_relationship_keys(\@keys, \@primary)) {
+ # OR: If is_foreign_key attr is explicity set on one the local columns
+ if ( ! exists $created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test}
+ &&
+ ( !$source->compare_relationship_keys(\@keys, \@primary) ||
+ grep { $source->column_info($_)->{is_foreign_key} } @keys
+ )
+ ) {
+ $created_FK_rels{$rel_table}->{$key_test} = 1;
type => 'foreign_key',
name => "fk_$keys[0]",