--- /dev/null
+package #hide from PAUSE
+ DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Util;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Exporter';
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ normalize_sqla_condition
+ extract_equality_conditions
+use DBIx::Class::Carp;
+use Carp 'croak';
+use SQL::Abstract qw( is_literal_value is_plain_value );
+use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION serialize dump_value );
+# Attempts to flatten a passed in SQLA condition as much as possible towards
+# a plain hashref, *without* altering its semantics.
+# FIXME - while relatively robust, this is still imperfect, one of the first
+# things to tackle when we get access to a formalized AST. Note that this code
+# is covered by a *ridiculous* amount of tests, so starting with porting this
+# code would be a rather good exercise
+sub normalize_sqla_condition {
+ my ($where, $where_is_anded_array) = @_;
+ my $fin;
+ if (! $where) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif ($where_is_anded_array or ref $where eq 'HASH') {
+ my @pairs;
+ my @pieces = $where_is_anded_array ? @$where : $where;
+ while (@pieces) {
+ my $chunk = shift @pieces;
+ if (ref $chunk eq 'HASH') {
+ for (sort keys %$chunk) {
+ # Match SQLA 1.79 behavior
+ unless( length $_ ) {
+ is_literal_value($chunk->{$_})
+ ? carp 'Hash-pairs consisting of an empty string with a literal are deprecated, use -and => [ $literal ] instead'
+ : croak 'Supplying an empty left hand side argument is not supported in hash-pairs'
+ ;
+ }
+ push @pairs, $_ => $chunk->{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref $chunk eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push @pairs, -or => $chunk
+ if @$chunk;
+ }
+ elsif ( ! length ref $chunk) {
+ # Match SQLA 1.79 behavior
+ croak("Supplying an empty left hand side argument is not supported in array-pairs")
+ if $where_is_anded_array and (! defined $chunk or ! length $chunk);
+ push @pairs, $chunk, shift @pieces;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @pairs, '', $chunk;
+ }
+ }
+ return unless @pairs;
+ my @conds = _normalize_cond_unroll_pairs(\@pairs)
+ or return;
+ # Consolidate various @conds back into something more compact
+ for my $c (@conds) {
+ if (ref $c ne 'HASH') {
+ push @{$fin->{-and}}, $c;
+ }
+ else {
+ for my $col (sort keys %$c) {
+ # consolidate all -and nodes
+ if ($col =~ /^\-and$/i) {
+ push @{$fin->{-and}},
+ ref $c->{$col} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$c->{$col}}
+ : ref $c->{$col} eq 'HASH' ? %{$c->{$col}}
+ : { $col => $c->{$col} }
+ ;
+ }
+ elsif ($col =~ /^\-/) {
+ push @{$fin->{-and}}, { $col => $c->{$col} };
+ }
+ elsif (exists $fin->{$col}) {
+ $fin->{$col} = [ -and => map {
+ (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and ($_->[0]||'') =~ /^\-and$/i )
+ ? @{$_}[1..$#$_]
+ : $_
+ ;
+ } ($fin->{$col}, $c->{$col}) ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $fin->{$col} = $c->{$col};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref $where eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # we are always at top-level here, it is safe to dump empty *standalone* pieces
+ my $fin_idx;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$where; $i++ ) {
+ # Match SQLA 1.79 behavior
+ croak(
+ "Supplying an empty left hand side argument is not supported in array-pairs"
+ ) if (! defined $where->[$i] or ! length $where->[$i]);
+ my $logic_mod = lc ( ($where->[$i] =~ /^(\-(?:and|or))$/i)[0] || '' );
+ if ($logic_mod) {
+ $i++;
+ croak("Unsupported top-level op/arg pair: [ $logic_mod => $where->[$i] ]")
+ unless ref $where->[$i] eq 'HASH' or ref $where->[$i] eq 'ARRAY';
+ my $sub_elt = normalize_sqla_condition({ $logic_mod => $where->[$i] })
+ or next;
+ my @keys = keys %$sub_elt;
+ if ( @keys == 1 and $keys[0] !~ /^\-/ ) {
+ $fin_idx->{ "COL_$keys[0]_" . serialize $sub_elt } = $sub_elt;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fin_idx->{ "SER_" . serialize $sub_elt } = $sub_elt;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (! length ref $where->[$i] ) {
+ my $sub_elt = normalize_sqla_condition({ @{$where}[$i, $i+1] })
+ or next;
+ $fin_idx->{ "COL_$where->[$i]_" . serialize $sub_elt } = $sub_elt;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fin_idx->{ "SER_" . serialize $where->[$i] } = normalize_sqla_condition( $where->[$i] ) || next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $fin_idx) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif ( keys %$fin_idx == 1 ) {
+ $fin = (values %$fin_idx)[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ my @or;
+ # at this point everything is at most one level deep - unroll if needed
+ for (sort keys %$fin_idx) {
+ if ( ref $fin_idx->{$_} eq 'HASH' and keys %{$fin_idx->{$_}} == 1 ) {
+ my ($l, $r) = %{$fin_idx->{$_}};
+ if (
+ ref $r eq 'ARRAY'
+ and
+ (
+ ( @$r == 1 and $l =~ /^\-and$/i )
+ or
+ $l =~ /^\-or$/i
+ )
+ ) {
+ push @or, @$r
+ }
+ elsif (
+ ref $r eq 'HASH'
+ and
+ keys %$r == 1
+ and
+ $l =~ /^\-(?:and|or)$/i
+ ) {
+ push @or, %$r;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @or, $l, $r;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @or, $fin_idx->{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ $fin->{-or} = \@or;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # not a hash not an array
+ $fin = { -and => [ $where ] };
+ }
+ # unroll single-element -and's
+ while (
+ $fin->{-and}
+ and
+ @{$fin->{-and}} < 2
+ ) {
+ my $and = delete $fin->{-and};
+ last if @$and == 0;
+ # at this point we have @$and == 1
+ if (
+ ref $and->[0] eq 'HASH'
+ and
+ ! grep { exists $fin->{$_} } keys %{$and->[0]}
+ ) {
+ $fin = {
+ %$fin, %{$and->[0]}
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ $fin->{-and} = $and;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # compress same-column conds found in $fin
+ for my $col ( grep { $_ !~ /^\-/ } keys %$fin ) {
+ next unless ref $fin->{$col} eq 'ARRAY' and ($fin->{$col}[0]||'') =~ /^\-and$/i;
+ my $val_bag = { map {
+ (! defined $_ ) ? ( UNDEF => undef )
+ : ( ! length ref $_ or is_plain_value $_ ) ? ( "VAL_$_" => $_ )
+ : ( ( 'SER_' . serialize $_ ) => $_ )
+ } @{$fin->{$col}}[1 .. $#{$fin->{$col}}] };
+ if (keys %$val_bag == 1 ) {
+ ($fin->{$col}) = values %$val_bag;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fin->{$col} = [ -and => map { $val_bag->{$_} } sort keys %$val_bag ];
+ }
+ }
+ return keys %$fin ? $fin : ();
+sub _normalize_cond_unroll_pairs {
+ my $pairs = shift;
+ my @conds;
+ while (@$pairs) {
+ my ($lhs, $rhs) = splice @$pairs, 0, 2;
+ if (! length $lhs) {
+ push @conds, normalize_sqla_condition($rhs);
+ }
+ elsif ( $lhs =~ /^\-and$/i ) {
+ push @conds, normalize_sqla_condition($rhs, (ref $rhs eq 'ARRAY'));
+ }
+ elsif ( $lhs =~ /^\-or$/i ) {
+ push @conds, normalize_sqla_condition(
+ (ref $rhs eq 'HASH') ? [ map { $_ => $rhs->{$_} } sort keys %$rhs ] : $rhs
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and ! keys %$rhs) {
+ # FIXME - SQLA seems to be doing... nothing...?
+ }
+ # normalize top level -ident, for saner extract_fixed_condition_columns code
+ elsif (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{-ident}) {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => { '=', $rhs } };
+ }
+ elsif (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{-value} and is_plain_value $rhs->{-value}) {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs->{-value} };
+ }
+ elsif (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{'='}) {
+ if ( length ref $rhs->{'='} and is_literal_value $rhs->{'='} ) {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs };
+ }
+ else {
+ for my $p (_normalize_cond_unroll_pairs([ $lhs => $rhs->{'='} ])) {
+ # extra sanity check
+ if (keys %$p > 1) {
+ local $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
+ croak(
+ "Internal error: unexpected collapse unroll:"
+ . dump_value { in => { $lhs => $rhs }, out => $p }
+ );
+ }
+ my ($l, $r) = %$p;
+ push @conds, (
+ ! length ref $r
+ or
+ # the unroller recursion may return a '=' prepended value already
+ ref $r eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{'='}
+ or
+ is_plain_value($r)
+ )
+ ? { $l => $r }
+ : { $l => { '=' => $r } }
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (ref $rhs eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # some of these conditionals encounter multi-values - roll them out using
+ # an unshift, which will cause extra looping in the while{} above
+ if (! @$rhs ) {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => [] };
+ }
+ elsif ( ($rhs->[0]||'') =~ /^\-(?:and|or)$/i ) {
+ croak("Value modifier not followed by any values: $lhs => [ $rhs->[0] ] ")
+ if @$rhs == 1;
+ if( $rhs->[0] =~ /^\-and$/i ) {
+ unshift @$pairs, map { $lhs => $_ } @{$rhs}[1..$#$rhs];
+ }
+ # if not an AND then it's an OR
+ elsif(@$rhs == 2) {
+ unshift @$pairs, $lhs => $rhs->[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => [ @{$rhs}[1..$#$rhs] ] };
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@$rhs == 1) {
+ unshift @$pairs, $lhs => $rhs->[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs };
+ }
+ }
+ # unroll func + { -value => ... }
+ elsif (
+ ref $rhs eq 'HASH'
+ and
+ ( my ($subop) = keys %$rhs ) == 1
+ and
+ length ref ((values %$rhs)[0])
+ and
+ my $vref = is_plain_value( (values %$rhs)[0] )
+ ) {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => { $subop => $$vref } }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @conds;
+# Analyzes a given condition and attempts to extract all columns
+# with a definitive fixed-condition criteria. Returns a hashref
+# of k/v pairs suitable to be passed to set_columns(), with a
+# MAJOR CAVEAT - multi-value (contradictory) equalities are still
+# represented as a reference to the UNRESOVABLE_CONDITION constant
+# The reason we do this is that some codepaths only care about the
+# codition being stable, as opposed to actually making sense
+# The normal mode is used to figure out if a resultset is constrained
+# to a column which is part of a unique constraint, which in turn
+# allows us to better predict how ordering will behave etc.
+# With the optional "consider_nulls" boolean argument, the function
+# is instead used to infer inambiguous values from conditions
+# (e.g. the inheritance of resultset conditions on new_result)
+sub extract_equality_conditions {
+ my ($where, $consider_nulls) = @_;
+ my $where_hash = normalize_sqla_condition($where);
+ my $res = {};
+ my ($c, $v);
+ for $c (keys %$where_hash) {
+ my $vals;
+ if (!defined ($v = $where_hash->{$c}) ) {
+ $vals->{UNDEF} = $v if $consider_nulls
+ }
+ elsif (
+ ref $v eq 'HASH'
+ and
+ keys %$v == 1
+ ) {
+ if (exists $v->{-value}) {
+ if (defined $v->{-value}) {
+ $vals->{"VAL_$v->{-value}"} = $v->{-value}
+ }
+ elsif( $consider_nulls ) {
+ $vals->{UNDEF} = $v->{-value};
+ }
+ }
+ # do not need to check for plain values - normalize_sqla_condition did it for us
+ elsif(
+ length ref $v->{'='}
+ and
+ (
+ ( ref $v->{'='} eq 'HASH' and keys %{$v->{'='}} == 1 and exists $v->{'='}{-ident} )
+ or
+ is_literal_value($v->{'='})
+ )
+ ) {
+ $vals->{ 'SER_' . serialize $v->{'='} } = $v->{'='};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (
+ ! length ref $v
+ or
+ is_plain_value ($v)
+ ) {
+ $vals->{"VAL_$v"} = $v;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $v eq 'ARRAY' and ($v->[0]||'') eq '-and') {
+ for ( @{$v}[1..$#$v] ) {
+ my $subval = extract_equality_conditions({ $c => $_ }, 'consider nulls'); # always fish nulls out on recursion
+ next unless exists $subval->{$c}; # didn't find anything
+ $vals->{
+ ! defined $subval->{$c} ? 'UNDEF'
+ : ( ! length ref $subval->{$c} or is_plain_value $subval->{$c} ) ? "VAL_$subval->{$c}"
+ : ( 'SER_' . serialize $subval->{$c} )
+ } = $subval->{$c};
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys %$vals == 1) {
+ ($res->{$c}) = (values %$vals)
+ unless !$consider_nulls and exists $vals->{UNDEF};
+ }
+ elsif (keys %$vals > 1) {
+ }
+ }
+ $res;
# This module contains code supporting a battery of special cases and tests for
# many corner cases pushing the envelope of what DBIC can do. When work on
# these utilities began in mid 2009 (51a296b402c) it wasn't immediately obvious
-# that these pieces, despite their misleading on-first-sighe-flakiness, will
+# that these pieces, despite their misleading on-first-sight-flakiness, will
# become part of the generic query rewriting machinery of DBIC, allowing it to
# both generate and process queries representing incredibly complex sets with
# reasonable efficiency.
use mro 'c3';
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
-use DBIx::Class::_Util qw(UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION serialize dump_value);
-use SQL::Abstract qw(is_plain_value is_literal_value);
+use DBIx::Class::_Util qw(
+ dump_value fail_on_internal_call
+use DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Util 'extract_equality_conditions';
use DBIx::Class::Carp;
use namespace::clean;
my @cols = (
( map { $_->[0] } $self->_extract_order_criteria($order_by) ),
- ( $where ? keys %{ $self->_extract_fixed_condition_columns($where) } : () ),
+ ( $where ? keys %{ extract_equality_conditions( $where ) } : () ),
) or return 0;
my $colinfo = $self->_resolve_column_info($ident, \@cols);
if $colinfo->{-source_alias} eq $attrs->{alias};
- # FIXME the condition may be singling out things on its own, so we
- # conceivable could come back wi "stable-ordered by nothing"
- # not confient enough in the parser yet, so punt for the time being
+ # FIXME: the condition may be singling out things on its own, so we
+ # conceivably could come back with "stable-ordered by nothing"
+ # not confident enough in the parser yet, so punt for the time being
return unless $seen_main_src_cols;
my $main_src_fixed_cols_from_cond = [ $attrs->{where}
? $colinfos->{$_}{-colname}
: ()
- keys %{ $self->_extract_fixed_condition_columns($attrs->{where}) }
+ keys %{ extract_equality_conditions( $attrs->{where} ) }
: ()
]) ? $colinfos_to_return : ();
-# Attempts to flatten a passed in SQLA condition as much as possible towards
-# a plain hashref, *without* altering its semantics. Required by
-# create/populate being able to extract definitive conditions from preexisting
-# resultset {where} stacks
-# FIXME - while relatively robust, this is still imperfect, one of the first
-# things to tackle when we get access to a formalized AST. Note that this code
-# is covered by a *ridiculous* amount of tests, so starting with porting this
-# code would be a rather good exercise
-sub _collapse_cond {
- my ($self, $where, $where_is_anded_array) = @_;
- my $fin;
- if (! $where) {
- return;
- }
- elsif ($where_is_anded_array or ref $where eq 'HASH') {
- my @pairs;
- my @pieces = $where_is_anded_array ? @$where : $where;
- while (@pieces) {
- my $chunk = shift @pieces;
- if (ref $chunk eq 'HASH') {
- for (sort keys %$chunk) {
- # Match SQLA 1.79 behavior
- unless( length $_ ) {
- is_literal_value($chunk->{$_})
- ? carp 'Hash-pairs consisting of an empty string with a literal are deprecated, use -and => [ $literal ] instead'
- : $self->throw_exception("Supplying an empty left hand side argument is not supported in hash-pairs")
- ;
- }
- push @pairs, $_ => $chunk->{$_};
- }
- }
- elsif (ref $chunk eq 'ARRAY') {
- push @pairs, -or => $chunk
- if @$chunk;
- }
- elsif ( ! length ref $chunk) {
- # Match SQLA 1.79 behavior
- $self->throw_exception("Supplying an empty left hand side argument is not supported in array-pairs")
- if $where_is_anded_array and (! defined $chunk or ! length $chunk);
- push @pairs, $chunk, shift @pieces;
- }
- else {
- push @pairs, '', $chunk;
- }
- }
- return unless @pairs;
- my @conds = $self->_collapse_cond_unroll_pairs(\@pairs)
- or return;
- # Consolidate various @conds back into something more compact
- for my $c (@conds) {
- if (ref $c ne 'HASH') {
- push @{$fin->{-and}}, $c;
- }
- else {
- for my $col (sort keys %$c) {
- # consolidate all -and nodes
- if ($col =~ /^\-and$/i) {
- push @{$fin->{-and}},
- ref $c->{$col} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$c->{$col}}
- : ref $c->{$col} eq 'HASH' ? %{$c->{$col}}
- : { $col => $c->{$col} }
- ;
- }
- elsif ($col =~ /^\-/) {
- push @{$fin->{-and}}, { $col => $c->{$col} };
- }
- elsif (exists $fin->{$col}) {
- $fin->{$col} = [ -and => map {
- (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and ($_->[0]||'') =~ /^\-and$/i )
- ? @{$_}[1..$#$_]
- : $_
- ;
- } ($fin->{$col}, $c->{$col}) ];
- }
- else {
- $fin->{$col} = $c->{$col};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elsif (ref $where eq 'ARRAY') {
- # we are always at top-level here, it is safe to dump empty *standalone* pieces
- my $fin_idx;
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$where; $i++ ) {
- # Match SQLA 1.79 behavior
- $self->throw_exception(
- "Supplying an empty left hand side argument is not supported in array-pairs"
- ) if (! defined $where->[$i] or ! length $where->[$i]);
- my $logic_mod = lc ( ($where->[$i] =~ /^(\-(?:and|or))$/i)[0] || '' );
- if ($logic_mod) {
- $i++;
- $self->throw_exception("Unsupported top-level op/arg pair: [ $logic_mod => $where->[$i] ]")
- unless ref $where->[$i] eq 'HASH' or ref $where->[$i] eq 'ARRAY';
- my $sub_elt = $self->_collapse_cond({ $logic_mod => $where->[$i] })
- or next;
- my @keys = keys %$sub_elt;
- if ( @keys == 1 and $keys[0] !~ /^\-/ ) {
- $fin_idx->{ "COL_$keys[0]_" . serialize $sub_elt } = $sub_elt;
- }
- else {
- $fin_idx->{ "SER_" . serialize $sub_elt } = $sub_elt;
- }
- }
- elsif (! length ref $where->[$i] ) {
- my $sub_elt = $self->_collapse_cond({ @{$where}[$i, $i+1] })
- or next;
- $fin_idx->{ "COL_$where->[$i]_" . serialize $sub_elt } = $sub_elt;
- $i++;
- }
- else {
- $fin_idx->{ "SER_" . serialize $where->[$i] } = $self->_collapse_cond( $where->[$i] ) || next;
- }
- }
- if (! $fin_idx) {
- return;
- }
- elsif ( keys %$fin_idx == 1 ) {
- $fin = (values %$fin_idx)[0];
- }
- else {
- my @or;
- # at this point everything is at most one level deep - unroll if needed
- for (sort keys %$fin_idx) {
- if ( ref $fin_idx->{$_} eq 'HASH' and keys %{$fin_idx->{$_}} == 1 ) {
- my ($l, $r) = %{$fin_idx->{$_}};
- if (
- ref $r eq 'ARRAY'
- and
- (
- ( @$r == 1 and $l =~ /^\-and$/i )
- or
- $l =~ /^\-or$/i
- )
- ) {
- push @or, @$r
- }
- elsif (
- ref $r eq 'HASH'
- and
- keys %$r == 1
- and
- $l =~ /^\-(?:and|or)$/i
- ) {
- push @or, %$r;
- }
- else {
- push @or, $l, $r;
- }
- }
- else {
- push @or, $fin_idx->{$_};
- }
- }
- $fin->{-or} = \@or;
- }
- }
- else {
- # not a hash not an array
- $fin = { -and => [ $where ] };
- }
- # unroll single-element -and's
- while (
- $fin->{-and}
- and
- @{$fin->{-and}} < 2
- ) {
- my $and = delete $fin->{-and};
- last if @$and == 0;
- # at this point we have @$and == 1
- if (
- ref $and->[0] eq 'HASH'
- and
- ! grep { exists $fin->{$_} } keys %{$and->[0]}
- ) {
- $fin = {
- %$fin, %{$and->[0]}
- };
- }
- else {
- $fin->{-and} = $and;
- last;
- }
- }
+sub _collapse_cond :DBIC_method_is_indirect_sugar {
+ DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and fail_on_internal_call;
+ carp_unique("_collapse_cond() is deprecated, ask on IRC for a better alternative");
- # compress same-column conds found in $fin
- for my $col ( grep { $_ !~ /^\-/ } keys %$fin ) {
- next unless ref $fin->{$col} eq 'ARRAY' and ($fin->{$col}[0]||'') =~ /^\-and$/i;
- my $val_bag = { map {
- (! defined $_ ) ? ( UNDEF => undef )
- : ( ! length ref $_ or is_plain_value $_ ) ? ( "VAL_$_" => $_ )
- : ( ( 'SER_' . serialize $_ ) => $_ )
- } @{$fin->{$col}}[1 .. $#{$fin->{$col}}] };
- if (keys %$val_bag == 1 ) {
- ($fin->{$col}) = values %$val_bag;
- }
- else {
- $fin->{$col} = [ -and => map { $val_bag->{$_} } sort keys %$val_bag ];
- }
- }
- return keys %$fin ? $fin : ();
+ shift;
+ DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Util::normalize_sqla_condition(@_);
-sub _collapse_cond_unroll_pairs {
- my ($self, $pairs) = @_;
- my @conds;
- while (@$pairs) {
- my ($lhs, $rhs) = splice @$pairs, 0, 2;
- if (! length $lhs) {
- push @conds, $self->_collapse_cond($rhs);
- }
- elsif ( $lhs =~ /^\-and$/i ) {
- push @conds, $self->_collapse_cond($rhs, (ref $rhs eq 'ARRAY'));
- }
- elsif ( $lhs =~ /^\-or$/i ) {
- push @conds, $self->_collapse_cond(
- (ref $rhs eq 'HASH') ? [ map { $_ => $rhs->{$_} } sort keys %$rhs ] : $rhs
- );
- }
- else {
- if (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and ! keys %$rhs) {
- # FIXME - SQLA seems to be doing... nothing...?
- }
- # normalize top level -ident, for saner extract_fixed_condition_columns code
- elsif (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{-ident}) {
- push @conds, { $lhs => { '=', $rhs } };
- }
- elsif (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{-value} and is_plain_value $rhs->{-value}) {
- push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs->{-value} };
- }
- elsif (ref $rhs eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{'='}) {
- if ( length ref $rhs->{'='} and is_literal_value $rhs->{'='} ) {
- push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs };
- }
- else {
- for my $p ($self->_collapse_cond_unroll_pairs([ $lhs => $rhs->{'='} ])) {
- # extra sanity check
- if (keys %$p > 1) {
- local $Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
- $self->throw_exception(
- "Internal error: unexpected collapse unroll:"
- . dump_value { in => { $lhs => $rhs }, out => $p }
- );
- }
- my ($l, $r) = %$p;
- push @conds, (
- ! length ref $r
- or
- # the unroller recursion may return a '=' prepended value already
- ref $r eq 'HASH' and keys %$rhs == 1 and exists $rhs->{'='}
- or
- is_plain_value($r)
- )
- ? { $l => $r }
- : { $l => { '=' => $r } }
- ;
- }
- }
- }
- elsif (ref $rhs eq 'ARRAY') {
- # some of these conditionals encounter multi-values - roll them out using
- # an unshift, which will cause extra looping in the while{} above
- if (! @$rhs ) {
- push @conds, { $lhs => [] };
- }
- elsif ( ($rhs->[0]||'') =~ /^\-(?:and|or)$/i ) {
- $self->throw_exception("Value modifier not followed by any values: $lhs => [ $rhs->[0] ] ")
- if @$rhs == 1;
- if( $rhs->[0] =~ /^\-and$/i ) {
- unshift @$pairs, map { $lhs => $_ } @{$rhs}[1..$#$rhs];
- }
- # if not an AND then it's an OR
- elsif(@$rhs == 2) {
- unshift @$pairs, $lhs => $rhs->[1];
- }
- else {
- push @conds, { $lhs => [ @{$rhs}[1..$#$rhs] ] };
- }
- }
- elsif (@$rhs == 1) {
- unshift @$pairs, $lhs => $rhs->[0];
- }
- else {
- push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs };
- }
- }
- # unroll func + { -value => ... }
- elsif (
- ref $rhs eq 'HASH'
- and
- ( my ($subop) = keys %$rhs ) == 1
- and
- length ref ((values %$rhs)[0])
- and
- my $vref = is_plain_value( (values %$rhs)[0] )
- ) {
- push @conds, { $lhs => { $subop => $$vref } }
- }
- else {
- push @conds, { $lhs => $rhs };
- }
- }
- }
- return @conds;
-# Analyzes a given condition and attempts to extract all columns
-# with a definitive fixed-condition criteria. Returns a hashref
-# of k/v pairs suitable to be passed to set_columns(), with a
-# MAJOR CAVEAT - multi-value (contradictory) equalities are still
-# represented as a reference to the UNRESOVABLE_CONDITION constant
-# The reason we do this is that some codepaths only care about the
-# codition being stable, as opposed to actually making sense
-# The normal mode is used to figure out if a resultset is constrained
-# to a column which is part of a unique constraint, which in turn
-# allows us to better predict how ordering will behave etc.
-# With the optional "consider_nulls" boolean argument, the function
-# is instead used to infer inambiguous values from conditions
-# (e.g. the inheritance of resultset conditions on new_result)
-sub _extract_fixed_condition_columns {
- my ($self, $where, $consider_nulls) = @_;
- my $where_hash = $self->_collapse_cond($_[1]);
- my $res = {};
- my ($c, $v);
- for $c (keys %$where_hash) {
- my $vals;
- if (!defined ($v = $where_hash->{$c}) ) {
- $vals->{UNDEF} = $v if $consider_nulls
- }
- elsif (
- ref $v eq 'HASH'
- and
- keys %$v == 1
- ) {
- if (exists $v->{-value}) {
- if (defined $v->{-value}) {
- $vals->{"VAL_$v->{-value}"} = $v->{-value}
- }
- elsif( $consider_nulls ) {
- $vals->{UNDEF} = $v->{-value};
- }
- }
- # do not need to check for plain values - _collapse_cond did it for us
- elsif(
- length ref $v->{'='}
- and
- (
- ( ref $v->{'='} eq 'HASH' and keys %{$v->{'='}} == 1 and exists $v->{'='}{-ident} )
- or
- is_literal_value($v->{'='})
- )
- ) {
- $vals->{ 'SER_' . serialize $v->{'='} } = $v->{'='};
- }
- }
- elsif (
- ! length ref $v
- or
- is_plain_value ($v)
- ) {
- $vals->{"VAL_$v"} = $v;
- }
- elsif (ref $v eq 'ARRAY' and ($v->[0]||'') eq '-and') {
- for ( @{$v}[1..$#$v] ) {
- my $subval = $self->_extract_fixed_condition_columns({ $c => $_ }, 'consider nulls'); # always fish nulls out on recursion
- next unless exists $subval->{$c}; # didn't find anything
- $vals->{
- ! defined $subval->{$c} ? 'UNDEF'
- : ( ! length ref $subval->{$c} or is_plain_value $subval->{$c} ) ? "VAL_$subval->{$c}"
- : ( 'SER_' . serialize $subval->{$c} )
- } = $subval->{$c};
- }
- }
- if (keys %$vals == 1) {
- ($res->{$c}) = (values %$vals)
- unless !$consider_nulls and exists $vals->{UNDEF};
- }
- elsif (keys %$vals > 1) {
- }
- }
+sub _extract_fixed_condition_columns :DBIC_method_is_indirect_sugar {
+ DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and fail_on_internal_call;
+ carp_unique("_extract_fixed_condition_columns() is deprecated, ask on IRC for a better alternative");
- $res;
+ shift;
+ extract_equality_conditions(@_);
use DBICTest ':DiffSQL';
use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION dump_value );
+use DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Util qw( normalize_sqla_condition extract_equality_conditions );
if ( eval { require Test::Differences } ) {
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( no_deploy => 1);
-my $sm = $schema->storage->sql_maker;
+my $sm = DBICTest->init_schema( no_deploy => 1)->storage->sql_maker;
package # hideee
my @tests = (
where => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
- cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
+ normalized => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL',
- efcc_result => { artistid => 1 },
- efcc_n_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
+ equality_extract => { artistid => 1 },
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
where => { -and => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, { rank => 13 } ] },
- cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
+ normalized => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND rank = ?',
- efcc_result => { artistid => 1, rank => 13 },
- efcc_n_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
+ equality_extract => { artistid => 1, rank => 13 },
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
where => { -and => [ { artistid => 1, charfield => undef}, { rank => 13 } ] },
- cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
+ normalized => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND rank = ?',
- efcc_result => { artistid => 1, rank => 13 },
- efcc_n_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
+ equality_extract => { artistid => 1, rank => 13 },
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
where => { -and => [ -or => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' }, 'rank' ] },
- cc_result => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', rank => undef },
+ normalized => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', rank => undef },
sql => 'WHERE name = ? AND rank IS NULL',
- efcc_result => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
- efcc_n_result => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', rank => undef },
+ equality_extract => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', rank => undef },
where => { -and => [ [ [ artist => {'=' => \'foo' } ] ], { name => \[ '= ?', 'bar' ] } ] },
- cc_result => { artist => {'=' => \'foo' }, name => \[ '= ?', 'bar' ] },
+ normalized => { artist => {'=' => \'foo' }, name => \[ '= ?', 'bar' ] },
sql => 'WHERE artist = foo AND name = ?',
- efcc_result => { artist => \'foo' },
+ equality_extract => { artist => \'foo' },
where => { -and => [ -or => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => 2 } ] },
- cc_result => { -or => [ artistid => 2, name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' ] },
+ normalized => { -or => [ artistid => 2, name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' ] },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? OR name = ?',
- efcc_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
where => { -or => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => 2 } },
- cc_result => { -or => [ artistid => 2, name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' ] },
+ normalized => { -or => [ artistid => 2, name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' ] },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? OR name = ?',
- efcc_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
where => { -and => [ \'foo=bar', [ { artistid => { '=', $num } } ], { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae'} ] },
- cc_result => { -and => [ \'foo=bar' ], name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
+ normalized => { -and => [ \'foo=bar' ], name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
sql => 'WHERE foo=bar AND artistid = ? AND name = ?',
- efcc_result => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
+ equality_extract => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
where => { -and => [ \'foo=bar', [ { artistid => { '=', $num } } ], { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae'}, \'buzz=bozz' ] },
- cc_result => { -and => [ \'foo=bar', \'buzz=bozz' ], name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
- sql => 'WHERE foo=bar AND artistid = ? AND name = ? AND buzz=bozz',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE foo=bar AND buzz=bozz AND artistid = ? AND name = ?',
- efcc_result => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
+ normalized => { -and => [ \'foo=bar', \'buzz=bozz' ], name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
+ sql => 'WHERE foo=bar AND artistid = ? AND name = ? AND buzz=bozz',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE foo=bar AND buzz=bozz AND artistid = ? AND name = ?',
+ equality_extract => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => $num },
where => { artistid => [ $num ], rank => [ 13, 2, 3 ], charfield => [ undef ] },
- cc_result => { artistid => $num, charfield => undef, rank => [13, 2, 3] },
+ normalized => { artistid => $num, charfield => undef, rank => [13, 2, 3] },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND ( rank = ? OR rank = ? OR rank = ? )',
- efcc_result => { artistid => $num },
- efcc_n_result => { artistid => $num, charfield => undef },
+ equality_extract => { artistid => $num },
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => { artistid => $num, charfield => undef },
where => { artistid => { '=' => 1 }, rank => { '>' => 12 }, charfield => { '=' => undef } },
- cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '>' => 12 } },
+ normalized => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '>' => 12 } },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND rank > ?',
- efcc_result => { artistid => 1 },
- efcc_n_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
+ equality_extract => { artistid => 1 },
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
where => { artistid => { '=' => [ 1 ], }, charfield => { '=' => [ -AND => \'1', \['?',2] ] }, rank => { '=' => [ -OR => $num, $num ] } },
- cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => [-and => { '=' => \['?',2] }, { '=' => \'1' } ], rank => { '=' => [$num, $num] } },
- sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield = 1 AND charfield = ? AND ( rank = ? OR rank = ? )',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield = ? AND charfield = 1 AND ( rank = ? OR rank = ? )',
- efcc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION },
+ normalized => { artistid => 1, charfield => [-and => { '=' => \['?',2] }, { '=' => \'1' } ], rank => { '=' => [$num, $num] } },
+ sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield = 1 AND charfield = ? AND ( rank = ? OR rank = ? )',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield = ? AND charfield = 1 AND ( rank = ? OR rank = ? )',
+ equality_extract => { artistid => 1, charfield => UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION },
where => { -and => [ artistid => 1, artistid => 2 ], name => [ -and => { '!=', 1 }, 2 ], charfield => [ -or => { '=', 2 } ], rank => [-and => undef, { '=', undef }, { '!=', 2 } ] },
- cc_result => { artistid => [ -and => 1, 2 ], name => [ -and => { '!=', 1 }, 2 ], charfield => 2, rank => [ -and => { '!=', 2 }, undef ] },
- sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND artistid = ? AND charfield = ? AND name != ? AND name = ? AND rank IS NULL AND rank IS NULL AND rank != ?',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND artistid = ? AND charfield = ? AND name != ? AND name = ? AND rank != ? AND rank IS NULL',
- efcc_result => {
+ normalized => { artistid => [ -and => 1, 2 ], name => [ -and => { '!=', 1 }, 2 ], charfield => 2, rank => [ -and => { '!=', 2 }, undef ] },
+ sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND artistid = ? AND charfield = ? AND name != ? AND name = ? AND rank IS NULL AND rank IS NULL AND rank != ?',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND artistid = ? AND charfield = ? AND name != ? AND name = ? AND rank != ? AND rank IS NULL',
+ equality_extract => {
name => 2,
charfield => 2,
- efcc_n_result => {
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => {
name => 2,
charfield => 2,
(map { {
where => $_,
- sql => 'WHERE (rank = 13 OR charfield IS NULL OR artistid = ?) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank != 42)',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank != 42)',
- cc_result => { -and => [
+ sql => 'WHERE (rank = 13 OR charfield IS NULL OR artistid = ?) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank != 42)',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank != 42)',
+ normalized => { -and => [
{ -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '=' => \13 } ] },
{ -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '!=' => \42 } ] },
] },
- efcc_result => {},
- efcc_n_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => {},
} } (
{ -and => [
baz => { '!=' => { -ident => 'bozz' } },
baz => { -ident => 'buzz' },
] },
- sql => 'WHERE ( foo IS NOT NULL AND bar IN ( ?, ? ) ) OR foo IS NULL OR baz != bozz OR baz = buzz',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE baz != bozz OR baz = buzz OR foo IS NULL OR ( bar IN ( ?, ? ) AND foo IS NOT NULL )',
- cc_result => { -or => [
+ sql => 'WHERE ( foo IS NOT NULL AND bar IN ( ?, ? ) ) OR foo IS NULL OR baz != bozz OR baz = buzz',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE baz != bozz OR baz = buzz OR foo IS NULL OR ( bar IN ( ?, ? ) AND foo IS NOT NULL )',
+ normalized => { -or => [
baz => { '!=' => { -ident => 'bozz' } },
baz => { '=' => { -ident => 'buzz' } },
foo => undef,
{ bar => { -in => [ 69, 42 ] }, foo => { '!=', undef } }
] },
- efcc_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
where => { -or => [ rank => { '=' => \13 }, charfield => { '=' => undef }, artistid => { '=' => 1 }, genreid => { '=' => \['?', 2] } ] },
- sql => 'WHERE rank = 13 OR charfield IS NULL OR artistid = ? OR genreid = ?',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR genreid = ? OR rank = 13',
- cc_result => { -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, genreid => { '=' => \['?', 2] }, rank => { '=' => \13 } ] },
- efcc_result => {},
- efcc_n_result => {},
+ sql => 'WHERE rank = 13 OR charfield IS NULL OR artistid = ? OR genreid = ?',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR genreid = ? OR rank = 13',
+ normalized => { -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, genreid => { '=' => \['?', 2] }, rank => { '=' => \13 } ] },
+ equality_extract => {},
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => {},
where => { -and => [
-or => [ rank => { '=' => \13 }, charfield => { '=' => undef }, artistid => 1 ],
-or => { artistid => { '=' => 1 }, charfield => undef, rank => { '=' => \13 } },
] },
- cc_result => { -and => [
+ normalized => { -and => [
{ -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '=' => \13 } ] },
{ -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '=' => \13 } ] },
] },
- sql => 'WHERE (rank = 13 OR charfield IS NULL OR artistid = ?) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13)',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13)',
- efcc_result => {},
- efcc_n_result => {},
+ sql => 'WHERE (rank = 13 OR charfield IS NULL OR artistid = ?) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13)',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13) AND (artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13)',
+ equality_extract => {},
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => {},
where => { -and => [
AND NOT foo = ?
AND NOT foo = ?
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE
( artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank = 13 )
AND ( artistid = ? OR charfield IS NULL OR rank != 42 )
AND foo = 1
AND foo = ?
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
-and => [
{ -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '=' => \13 } ] },
{ -or => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '!=' => \42 } ] },
foo => [ -and => { '=' => \1 }, 3 ],
bar => [ -and => { '=' => \4 }, 2 ],
- efcc_result => {
+ equality_extract => {
- efcc_n_result => {
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => {
[ '_macro.to' => { -like => '%correct%' }, '_wc_macros.to' => { -like => '%correct%' } ],
{ -and => [ { 'group.is_active' => 1 }, { 'me.is_active' => 1 } ] }
] },
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
'group.is_active' => 1,
'me.is_active' => 1,
-or => [
sql => 'WHERE ( _macro.to LIKE ? OR _wc_macros.to LIKE ? ) AND group.is_active = ? AND me.is_active = ?',
- efcc_result => { 'group.is_active' => 1, 'me.is_active' => 1 },
+ equality_extract => { 'group.is_active' => 1, 'me.is_active' => 1 },
rank => { '=' => { -ident => 'bar' } },
] },
sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield = foo AND name IS NULL AND rank = bar',
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
artistid => { -value => [1] },
name => undef,
charfield => { '=', { -ident => 'foo' } },
rank => { '=' => { -ident => 'bar' } },
- efcc_result => {
+ equality_extract => {
artistid => [1],
charfield => { -ident => 'foo' },
rank => { -ident => 'bar' },
- efcc_n_result => {
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => {
artistid => [1],
name => undef,
charfield => { -ident => 'foo' },
where => { artistid => [] },
- cc_result => { artistid => [] },
- efcc_result => {},
+ normalized => { artistid => [] },
+ equality_extract => {},
(map {
where => { -and => $_ },
- cc_result => undef,
- efcc_result => {},
+ normalized => undef,
+ equality_extract => {},
sql => '',
where => { -or => $_ },
- cc_result => undef,
- efcc_result => {},
+ normalized => undef,
+ equality_extract => {},
sql => '',
where => { -or => [ foo => 1, $_ ] },
- cc_result => { foo => 1 },
- efcc_result => { foo => 1 },
+ normalized => { foo => 1 },
+ equality_extract => { foo => 1 },
sql => 'WHERE foo = ?',
where => { -or => [ $_, foo => 1 ] },
- cc_result => { foo => 1 },
- efcc_result => { foo => 1 },
+ normalized => { foo => 1 },
+ equality_extract => { foo => 1 },
sql => 'WHERE foo = ?',
where => { -and => [ fuu => 2, $_, foo => 1 ] },
- sql => 'WHERE fuu = ? AND foo = ?',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE foo = ? AND fuu = ?',
- cc_result => { foo => 1, fuu => 2 },
- efcc_result => { foo => 1, fuu => 2 },
+ sql => 'WHERE fuu = ? AND foo = ?',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE foo = ? AND fuu = ?',
+ normalized => { foo => 1, fuu => 2 },
+ equality_extract => { foo => 1, fuu => 2 },
} (
# bare
# FIXME legacy compat crap, possibly worth undef/dieing in SQLMaker
- { where => { artistid => {} }, sql => '', cc_result => undef, efcc_result => {}, efcc_n_result => {} },
+ { where => { artistid => {} }, sql => '', normalized => undef, equality_extract => {}, equality_considering_nulls_extract => {} },
# batshit insanity, just to be thorough
where => { -and => [ [ 'artistid' ], [ -and => [ artistid => { '!=', 69 }, artistid => undef, artistid => { '=' => 200 } ]], artistid => [], { -or => [] }, { -and => [] }, [ 'charfield' ], { name => [] }, 'rank' ] },
- cc_result => { artistid => [ -and => [], { '!=', 69 }, undef, 200 ], charfield => undef, name => [], rank => undef },
- sql => 'WHERE artistid IS NULL AND artistid != ? AND artistid IS NULL AND artistid = ? AND 0=1 AND charfield IS NULL AND 0=1 AND rank IS NULL',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE 0=1 AND artistid != ? AND artistid IS NULL AND artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND 0=1 AND rank IS NULL',
- efcc_result => { artistid => UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION },
- efcc_n_result => { artistid => UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION, charfield => undef, rank => undef },
+ normalized => { artistid => [ -and => [], { '!=', 69 }, undef, 200 ], charfield => undef, name => [], rank => undef },
+ sql => 'WHERE artistid IS NULL AND artistid != ? AND artistid IS NULL AND artistid = ? AND 0=1 AND charfield IS NULL AND 0=1 AND rank IS NULL',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE 0=1 AND artistid != ? AND artistid IS NULL AND artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND 0=1 AND rank IS NULL',
+ equality_extract => { artistid => UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION },
+ equality_considering_nulls_extract => { artistid => UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION, charfield => undef, rank => undef },
# original test from RT#93244
[ { 'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees' } ],
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
-and => [ \[
"LOWER(me.title) LIKE ?",
'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees',
sql => 'WHERE LOWER(me.title) LIKE ? AND me.title = ?',
- efcc_result => { 'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees' },
+ equality_extract => { 'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees' },
# crazy literals
sql => 'WHERE foo = bar',
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
-and => [
\'foo = bar',
- efcc_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
where => {
\'baz = ber',
- sql => 'WHERE foo = bar OR baz = ber',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE baz = ber OR foo = bar',
- cc_result => {
+ sql => 'WHERE foo = bar OR baz = ber',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE baz = ber OR foo = bar',
+ normalized => {
-or => [
\'baz = ber',
\'foo = bar',
- efcc_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
where => {
sql => 'WHERE foo = bar AND baz = ber',
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
-and => [
\'foo = bar',
\'baz = ber',
- efcc_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
where => {
sql => 'WHERE foo = bar AND baz = ber AND x = y',
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
-and => [
\'foo = bar',
\'baz = ber',
x => { '=' => { -ident => 'y' } }
- efcc_result => { x => { -ident => 'y' } },
+ equality_extract => { x => { -ident => 'y' } },
push @tests, {
where => { $lhs => $rhs },
- cc_result => { -and => [ $rhs ] },
- efcc_result => {},
+ normalized => { -and => [ $rhs ] },
+ equality_extract => {},
sql => 'WHERE baz',
warn => $expected_warning,
) {
push @tests, {
where => $w,
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
-and => [ $rhs ],
bizz => "buzz",
foo => "bar",
- efcc_result => {
+ equality_extract => {
foo => "bar",
bizz => "buzz",
) {
push @tests, {
where => $where,
- cc_result => {
+ normalized => {
0 => $eq,
foo => 'bar',
bizz => 'buzz',
- efcc_result => {
+ equality_extract => {
foo => 'bar',
bizz => 'buzz',
( ref $eq eq 'HASH' ? ( 0 => $eq->{'='} ) : () ),
push @tests, {
where => { -or => $where },
- cc_result => { -or => [
+ normalized => { -or => [
"0" => $eq,
bizz => 'buzz',
foo => 'bar',
- efcc_result => {},
+ equality_extract => {},
sql => 'WHERE 0 = baz OR bizz = ? OR foo = ?',
) {
push @tests, {
where => { -or => $where },
- cc_result => { -or => [
+ normalized => { -or => [
"0" => $eq,
bizz => 'buzz',
foo => 'bar',
- efcc_result => {},
- sql => 'WHERE foo = ? OR 0 = baz OR bizz = ?',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE 0 = baz OR bizz = ? OR foo = ?',
+ equality_extract => {},
+ sql => 'WHERE foo = ? OR 0 = baz OR bizz = ?',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE 0 = baz OR bizz = ? OR foo = ?',
) {
push @tests, {
where => { -or => $where },
- cc_result => { -or => [
+ normalized => { -or => [
"0" => 'baz',
bizz => 'buzz',
foo => 'bar',
- efcc_result => {},
- sql => 'WHERE foo = ? OR 0 = ? OR bizz = ?',
- collapsed_sql => 'WHERE 0 = ? OR bizz = ? OR foo = ?',
+ equality_extract => {},
+ sql => 'WHERE foo = ? OR 0 = ? OR bizz = ?',
+ normalized_sql => 'WHERE 0 = ? OR bizz = ? OR foo = ?',
my $name = do { local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; dump_value $w };
- my ($collapsed_cond, $collapsed_cond_as_sql);
+ my ($normalized_cond, $normalized_cond_as_sql);
if ($t->{throw}) {
throws_ok {
- $collapsed_cond = $schema->storage->_collapse_cond($w);
- ($collapsed_cond_as_sql) = $sm->where($collapsed_cond);
+ $sm->where( normalize_sqla_condition($w) );
} $t->{throw}, "Exception on attempted collapse/render of $name"
warnings_exist {
- $collapsed_cond = $schema->storage->_collapse_cond($w);
- ($collapsed_cond_as_sql) = $sm->where($collapsed_cond);
+ $normalized_cond = normalize_sqla_condition($w);
+ ($normalized_cond_as_sql) = $sm->where($normalized_cond);
} $t->{warn} || [], "Expected warning when collapsing/rendering $name";
- $collapsed_cond,
- $t->{cc_result},
+ $normalized_cond,
+ $t->{normalized},
"Expected collapsed condition produced on $name",
if exists $t->{sql};
- $collapsed_cond_as_sql,
- ( $t->{collapsed_sql} || $t->{sql} || $original_sql ),
- "Collapse did not alter *the semantics* of the final SQL based on $name",
+ $normalized_cond_as_sql,
+ ( $t->{normalized_sql} || $t->{sql} || $original_sql ),
+ "Normalization did not alter *the semantics* of the final SQL based on $name",
- $schema->storage->_extract_fixed_condition_columns($collapsed_cond),
- $t->{efcc_result},
- "Expected fixed_condition produced on $name",
+ extract_equality_conditions($normalized_cond),
+ $t->{equality_extract},
+ "Expected equality_conditions produced on $name",
- $schema->storage->_extract_fixed_condition_columns($collapsed_cond, 'consider_nulls'),
- $t->{efcc_n_result},
- "Expected fixed_condition including NULLs produced on $name",
- ) if $t->{efcc_n_result};
+ extract_equality_conditions($normalized_cond, 'consider_nulls'),
+ ( $t->{equality_considering_nulls_extract} || $t->{equality_extract} ),
+ "Expected equality_conditions including NULLs produced on $name",
+ );
- $collapsed_cond,
- $t->{cc_result},
- "Collapsed condition result unaltered by fixed condition extractor",
+ $normalized_cond,
+ $t->{normalized},
+ "Collapsed condition result unaltered by equality conditions extractor",