+ # This would be the point to deflate anything found in $condition
+ # (and leave $attrs->{bind} intact). Problem is - inflators historically
+ # expect a row object. And all we have is a resultsource (it is trivial
+ # to extract deflator coderefs via $alias2source above).
+ #
+ # I don't see a way forward other than changing the way deflators are
+ # invoked, and that's just bad...
my @args = ('select', $attrs->{bind}, $ident, $bind_attrs, $select, $condition, $order);
if ($attrs->{software_limit} ||
$sql_maker->_default_limit_syntax eq "GenericSubQ") {
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 53;
+plan tests => 57;
eval { require DateTime::Format::MySQL };
my $starts = $event->starts_at;
is("$starts", '2006-04-25T22:24:33', 'Correct date/time');
+ok(my $row =
+ $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => $starts })->single);
+is(eval { $row->id }, 1, 'DT in search');
+ok($row =
+ $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => { '>=' => $starts } })->single);
+is(eval { $row->id }, 1, 'DT in search with condition');
# create using DateTime
my $created = $schema->resultset('Event')->create({
starts_at => DateTime->new(year=>2006, month=>6, day=>18),