is ($rs->all, 3, 'Correct amount of objects from right-sorted joined resultset');
- my $limited_rs = $rs->search ({}, {rows => 2, offset => 2});
- is ($limited_rs->count, 1, 'Correct count of limited right-sorted joined resultset');
- is ($limited_rs->count_rs->next, 1, 'Correct count_rs of limited right-sorted joined resultset');
- is ($limited_rs->all, 1, 'Correct amount of objects from limited right-sorted joined resultset');
+ my $limited_rs = $rs->search ({}, {rows => 3, offset => 1});
+ is ($limited_rs->count, 2, 'Correct count of limited right-sorted joined resultset');
+ is ($limited_rs->count_rs->next, 2, 'Correct count_rs of limited right-sorted joined resultset');
+ is ($limited_rs->all, 2, 'Correct amount of objects from limited right-sorted joined resultset');
+ is_deeply (
+ [map { $_->name } ($limited_rs->search_related ('owner')->all) ],
+ [qw/woggle wiggle/], # there is 1 woggle library book and 2 wiggle books, the limit gets us one of each
+ 'Rows were properly ordered'
+ );