--- /dev/null
+use strictures 1;
+use autodie;
+use File::Temp ();
+use Path::Class;
+use Test::Most;
+use aliased 'Promulger::List';
+# no alias here so we don't risk colliding with perl's own Config.pm -- apeiron,
+# 2011-09-04
+use Promulger::Config;
+ my $raw_pmg_home = File::Temp->newdir;
+ my $pmg_home = dir($raw_pmg_home);
+ my $aliases = $pmg_home->file('aliases');
+ my $aliases_fh = $aliases->openw;
+ close $aliases_fh;
+ my $list_home = $pmg_home->subdir('lists');
+ $list_home->mkpath;
+ my $config_file = $pmg_home->file('pmg.conf');
+ my $config_fh = $config_file->openw;
+ print $config_fh <<"CONFIG";
+mailer = Test
+aliases = $aliases
+list_home = $list_home
+ close $config_fh;
+ my $config = Promulger::Config->load_config($config_file);
+ my $list;
+ lives_ok { $list = List->new(
+ listname => 'foo',
+ active => 1,
+ subscribers => {},
+ ) } "can create a list";
+ lives_ok { $list->setup } "can setup a list";
+ cmp_ok(
+ $list->listname,
+ 'eq',
+ 'foo',
+ "list has same listname as one we specified",
+ );
+ cmp_ok(
+ $list->active,
+ '==',
+ 1,
+ "list is active, like the one we specified",
+ );
+ cmp_deeply(
+ $list->subscribers,
+ {},
+ "list has no subscribers for now, like the one we specified",
+ );
+ my $resolved_list = List->resolve('foo');
+ cmp_ok(
+ $resolved_list->listname,
+ 'eq',
+ 'foo',
+ "resolved list has same listname as one we created",
+ );
+ cmp_ok(
+ $resolved_list->active,
+ '==',
+ 1,
+ "resolved list is active, like the one we created",
+ );
+ cmp_deeply(
+ $resolved_list->subscribers,
+ {},
+ "resolved list has no subscribers for now, like the one we created",
+ );
+ lives_ok { $list->subscribe('foo@example.com') } "can subscribe someone";