Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - Added freeze, thaw and dclone methods to Schema so that thawed
+ objects will get re-attached to the schema.
0.08008 2007-11-16 14:30:00
- Fixed join merging bug (test from Zby)
- When adding relationships, it will throw an exception if you get the
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw/schema source_moniker/);
+# Schema to use when thawing.
+our $thaw_schema;
=head1 NAME
sub STORABLE_freeze {
my ($self, $cloning) = @_;
my $to_serialize = { %$self };
delete $to_serialize->{schema};
return (Storable::freeze($to_serialize));
=head2 STORABLE_thaw
-Thaws frozen handle.
+Thaws frozen handle. Resets the internal schema reference to the package
+variable C<$thaw_schema>. The recomened way of setting this is to use
+C<$schema->thaw($ice)> which handles this for you.
sub STORABLE_thaw {
my ($self, $cloning,$ice) = @_;
%$self = %{ Storable::thaw($ice) };
+ $self->{schema} = $thaw_schema;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ash Berlin C<< <> >>
For an example of what you can do with this, see
L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook/Adding Indexes And Functions To Your SQL>.
+=head2 thaw
+Provided as the recommened way of thawing schema objects. You can call
+C<Storable::thaw> directly if you wish, but the thawed objects will not have a
+reference to any schema, so are rather useless
+sub thaw {
+ my ($self, $obj) = @_;
+ local $DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle::thaw_schema = $self;
+ return Storable::thaw($obj);
+=head2 freeze
+This doesn't actualy do anything more than call L<Storable/freeze>, it is just
+provided here for symetry.
+sub freeze {
+ return Storable::freeze($_[1]);
+=head2 dclone
+Recommeneded way of dcloning objects. This is needed to properly maintain
+references to the schema object (which itself is B<not> cloned.)
+sub dclone {
+ my ($self, $obj) = @_;
+ local $DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle::thaw_schema = $self;
+ return Storable::dclone($obj);
=head1 AUTHORS
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 1;
+plan tests => 6;
my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);
-my $copy = eval { Storable::dclone($artist) };
-is_deeply($copy, $artist, 'serialize row object works');
+ my $copy = $schema->dclone($artist);
+ is_deeply($copy, $artist, "dclone row object works");
+ eval { $copy->discard_changes };
+ ok( !$@, "discard_changes okay" );
+ is($copy->id, $artist->id, "IDs still match ");
+ my $ice = $schema->freeze($artist);
+ my $copy = $schema->thaw($ice);
+ is_deeply($copy, $artist, 'dclone row object works');
+ eval { $copy->discard_changes };
+ ok( !$@, "discard_changes okay" );
+ is($copy->id, $artist->id, "IDs still okay");