use Sub::Name ();
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' =>
- qw/_identity _blob_log_on_update _insert_storage _identity_method/
+ qw/_identity _blob_log_on_update _insert_storage _is_insert_storage
+ _identity_method/
-my @delegate_to_insert_storage = qw/
+my @also_proxy_to_insert_storage = qw/
disconnect _connect_info _sql_maker _sql_maker_opts disable_sth_caching
auto_savepoint unsafe cursor_class debug debugobj schema
# based on LongReadLen in connect_info
$self->set_textsize if $self->using_freetds;
-# create storage for insert transactions
- $self->_insert_storage((ref $self)->new);
- $self->_insert_storage->connect_info($self->connect_info);
+# create storage for insert transactions, unless this is that storage
+ return if $self->_is_insert_storage;
- $self->_insert_storage->set_textsize if $self->using_freetds;
+ my $insert_storage = (ref $self)->new;
+ $insert_storage->_is_insert_storage(1);
+ $insert_storage->connect_info($self->connect_info);
+ $self->_insert_storage($insert_storage);
-for my $method (@delegate_to_insert_storage) {
+for my $method (@also_proxy_to_insert_storage) {
no strict 'refs';
- *{$method} = Sub::Name::subname $method => sub {
+ *{$method} = Sub::Name::subname __PACKAGE__."::$method" => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->_insert_storage->$method(@_) if $self->_insert_storage;
return $self->next::method(@_);
return $wantarray ? @res : $res[0];
+### the insert_bulk stuff stolen from DBI/
+sub _set_identity_insert {
+ my ($self, $table) = @_;
+ my $sql = sprintf (
+ $self->sql_maker->_quote ($table),
+ );
+ my $dbh = $self->_get_dbh;
+ eval { $dbh->do ($sql) };
+ if ($@) {
+ $self->throw_exception (sprintf "Error executing '%s': %s",
+ $sql,
+ $dbh->errstr,
+ );
+ }
+sub _unset_identity_insert {
+ my ($self, $table) = @_;
+ my $sql = sprintf (
+ $self->sql_maker->_quote ($table),
+ );
+ my $dbh = $self->_get_dbh;
+ $dbh->do ($sql);
+# XXX this should use the DBD::Sybase bulk API, where possible
+sub insert_bulk {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($source, $cols, $data) = @_;
+ my $is_identity_insert = (List::Util::first
+ { $source->column_info ($_)->{is_auto_increment} }
+ (@{$cols})
+ )
+ ? 1
+ : 0;
+ if ($is_identity_insert) {
+ $self->_set_identity_insert ($source->name);
+ }
+ $self->next::method(@_);
+ if ($is_identity_insert) {
+ $self->_unset_identity_insert ($source->name);
+ }
+### end of stolen insert_bulk section
sub _remove_blob_cols {
my ($self, $source, $fields) = @_;
my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @ENV{map { "DBICTEST_SYBASE_${_}" } qw/DSN USER PASS/};
-my $TESTS = 41 + 2;
+my $TESTS = 48 + 2;
if (not ($dsn && $user)) {
plan skip_all =>
+# test insert_bulk using populate, this should always pass whether or not it
+# does anything Sybase specific or not. Just here to aid debugging.
+ lives_ok {
+ $schema->resultset('Artist')->populate([
+ {
+ name => 'bulk artist 1',
+ charfield => 'foo',
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'bulk artist 2',
+ charfield => 'foo',
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'bulk artist 3',
+ charfield => 'foo',
+ },
+ ]);
+ } 'insert_bulk via populate';
+ my $bulk_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
+ name => { -like => 'bulk artist %' }
+ });
+ is $bulk_rs->count, 3, 'correct number inserted via insert_bulk';
+ is ((grep $_->charfield eq 'foo', $bulk_rs->all), 3,
+ 'column set correctly via insert_bulk');
+ my %bulk_ids;
+ @bulk_ids{map $_->artistid, $bulk_rs->all} = ();
+ is ((scalar keys %bulk_ids), 3,
+ 'identities generated correctly in insert_bulk');
+ $bulk_rs->delete;
+# now test insert_bulk with IDENTITY_INSERT
+ lives_ok {
+ $schema->resultset('Artist')->populate([
+ {
+ artistid => 2001,
+ name => 'bulk artist 1',
+ charfield => 'foo',
+ },
+ {
+ artistid => 2002,
+ name => 'bulk artist 2',
+ charfield => 'foo',
+ },
+ {
+ artistid => 2003,
+ name => 'bulk artist 3',
+ charfield => 'foo',
+ },
+ ]);
+ } 'insert_bulk with IDENTITY_INSERT via populate';
+ is $bulk_rs->count, 3,
+ 'correct number inserted via insert_bulk with IDENTITY_INSERT';
+ is ((grep $_->charfield eq 'foo', $bulk_rs->all), 3,
+ 'column set correctly via insert_bulk with IDENTITY_INSERT');
+ $bulk_rs->delete;
# test correlated subquery
my $subq = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ artistid => { '>' => 3 } })