local $TODO = "relationship checking needs fixing";
# try to add a bogus relationship using the wrong cols
- eval {
+ throws_ok {
tracks => 'DBICTest::Schema::Track',
{ '' => 'self.cdid' }
- };
- like($@, qr/Unknown column/, 'failed when creating a rel with invalid key, ok');
+ } qr/Unknown column/, 'failed when creating a rel with invalid key, ok';
# another bogus relationship using no join condition
-eval {
+throws_ok {
DBICTest::Schema::Artist->add_relationship( tracks => 'DBICTest::Track' );
-like($@, qr/join condition/, 'failed when creating a rel without join condition, ok');
+} qr/join condition/, 'failed when creating a rel without join condition, ok';
# many_to_many helper tests
$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1);
is( $cd->producers->count(), 1, 'many_to_many set_$rel([$obj]) count ok' );
-eval { $cd->remove_from_producers({ fake => 'hash' }); };
-like( $@, qr/needs an object/, 'remove_from_$rel($hash) dies correctly' );
+throws_ok {
+ $cd->remove_from_producers({ fake => 'hash' })
+} qr/needs an object/, 'remove_from_$rel($hash) dies correctly';
-eval { $cd->add_to_producers(); };
-like( $@, qr/needs an object or hashref/,
- 'add_to_$rel(undef) dies correctly' );
+throws_ok {
+ $cd->add_to_producers()
+} qr/needs an object or hashref/, 'add_to_$rel(undef) dies correctly';
# many_to_many stresstest
my $twokey = $schema->resultset('TwoKeys')->find(1,1);
my $undef_artist_cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->new_result({ 'title' => 'badgers', 'year' => 2007 });
is($undef_artist_cd->has_column_loaded('artist'), '', 'FK not loaded');
is($undef_artist_cd->search_related('artist')->count, 0, '0=1 search when FK does not exist and object not yet in db');
+lives_ok {
$undef_artist_cd->related_resultset('artist')->new({name => 'foo'});
-is( $@, '', "Object created on a resultset related to not yet inserted object");
+} 'Object created on a resultset related to not yet inserted object';
} 'undef_on_null_fk does not choke on empty conds';