my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 6;
+plan tests => 11;
my $cd2 = $schema->resultset('CD')->create({ artist =>
{ name => 'Fred Bloggs' },
is($newartist->name, 'Fred 2', 'Retrieved the artist');
my $newartist2 = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find_or_create({ name => 'Fred 3',
cds => [
{ title => 'Noah Act',
is($newartist2->name, 'Fred 3', 'Created new artist with cds via find_or_create');
+ my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first;
+ my $cd_result = $artist->create_related('cds', {
+ title => 'TestOneCD1',
+ year => 2007,
+ tracks => [
+ { position=>111,
+ title => 'TrackOne',
+ },
+ { position=>112,
+ title => 'TrackTwo',
+ }
+ ],
+ });
+ ok( $cd_result && ref $cd_result eq 'DBICTest::CD', "Got Good CD Class");
+ ok( $cd_result->title eq "TestOneCD1", "Got Expected Title");
+ my $tracks = $cd_result->tracks;
+ ok( ref $tracks eq "DBIx::Class::ResultSet", "Got Expected Tracks ResultSet");
+ foreach my $track ($tracks->all)
+ {
+ ok( $track && ref $track eq 'DBICTest::Track', 'Got Expected Track Class');
+ }
+ my $cd_result = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first->create_related('cds', {
+ title => 'TestOneCD1',
+ year => 2007,
+ tracks => [
+ { position=>111,
+ title => 'TrackOne',
+ },
+ { position=>112,
+ title => 'TrackTwo',
+ }
+ ],
+ });
+ ok( $cd_result && ref $cd_result eq 'DBICTest::CD', "Got Good CD Class");
+ ok( $cd_result->title eq "TestOneCD1", "Got Expected Title");
+ my $tracks = $cd_result->tracks;
+ ok( ref $tracks eq "DBIx::Class::ResultSet", "Got Expected Tracks ResultSet");
+ foreach my $track ($tracks->all)
+ {
+ ok( $track && ref $track eq 'DBICTest::Track', 'Got Expected Track Class');
+ }