--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass - Representing a single result (row) from
+a DB query
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package My::Schema::Result::Track;
+ use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core';
+ __PACKAGE__->table('tracks');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_columns({
+ id => {
+ data_type => 'int',
+ is_auto_increment => 1,
+ },
+ cd_id => {
+ data_type => 'int',
+ },
+ title => {
+ data_type => 'varchar',
+ size => 50,
+ },
+ rank => {
+ data_type => 'int',
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ });
+ __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id');
+ __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint(u_title => ['cd_id', 'title']);
+In L<DBIx::Class>, a user normally receives query results as instances of a
+certain C<Result Class>, depending on the main query source. Besides being
+the primary "toolset" for interaction with your data, a C<Result Class> also
+serves to establish source metadata, which is then used during initialization
+of your L<DBIx::Class::Schema> instance.
+Because of these multiple seemingly conflicting purposes, it is hard to
+aggregate the documentation of various methods available on a typical
+C<Result Class>. This document serves as a general overview of C<Result Class>
+declaration best practices, and offers an index of the available methods
+(and the Components/Roles which provide them).
+=head1 LICENSE
+You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
my $reqs = {
dist => {
- #'Module::Install::Pod::Inherit' => '0.01',
+ req => {
+ 'Pod::Inherit' => '0.16',
+ 'Pod::Tree' => '0',
+ },
replicated => {
- # do not ask for a recet version, use 1.x API calls
+ # do not ask for a recent version, use 1.x API calls
# this *may* execute on a smoker with old perl or whatnot
require File::Path;
-# FIXME Disabled due to unsolved issues, ask theorbtwo
-#require Module::Install::Pod::Inherit;
+# generate the inherit pods as both a clone-dir step, and a makefile distdir step
+print "Regenerating project documentation to include inherited methods\n";
+# if the author doesn't have them, don't fail the initial "perl Makefile.pl" step
+do "maint/gen_pod_inherit" or print "\n!!! FAILED: $@\n";
+postamble <<"EOP";
+.PHONY: dbic_clonedir_gen_inherit_pods
+create_distdir : dbic_clonedir_gen_inherit_pods
+dbic_clonedir_gen_inherit_pods :
+\t\$(ABSPERL) maint/gen_pod_inherit
# keep the Makefile.PL eval happy
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my $lib_dir = 'lib';
+my $pod_dir = '.generated_pod';
+die "POD generator must be executed from the dist root\n"
+ unless -d $lib_dir and -d $pod_dir;
+require Pod::Inherit;
+ input_files => $lib_dir,
+ out_dir => $pod_dir,
+ force_permissions => 1,
+ class_map => {
+ "DBIx::Class::Relationship::HasMany" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship",
+ "DBIx::Class::Relationship::HasOne" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship",
+ "DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship",
+ "DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany" => "DBIx::Class::Relationship",
+ "DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy" => "DBIx::Class::ResultSource",
+ },
+ # skip the deprecated classes that give out *DEPRECATED* warnings
+ skip_classes => [ qw(
+ lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/MSSQL.pm
+ lib/DBIx/Class/Serialize/Storable.pm
+ lib/DBIx/Class/ResultSetManager.pm
+ lib/DBIx/Class/InflateColumn/File.pm
+ lib/DBIx/Class/DB.pm
+ lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/
+ lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat.pm
+ ),
+ # skip the ::Storage:: family for now
+ qw(
+ lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/
+ lib/DBIx/Class/Storage.pm
+ ),
+ 'lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/Pool.pm', # this one just errors out with: The 'add_attribute' method cannot be called on an immutable instance
+ 'lib/DBIx/Class/Relationship.pm', # it already documents its own inheritors
+ 'lib/DBIx/Class/Core.pm', # we actually don't want this populated in favor of redirecting users to the ResultClass docs
+ 'lib/DBIx/Class/Optional/Dependencies.pm' # the POD is already auto-generated
+ ],
+ # these appear everywhere, and are typically lower-level methods not used by the general user
+ skip_inherits => [ qw/
+ DBIx::Class
+ DBIx::Class::Componentised
+ Class::C3::Componentised
+ DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup
+ Class::Accessor::Grouped
+ Moose::Object
+ Exporter
+ / ],
+ force_inherits => {
+ 'DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass' => 'DBIx::Class::Core', # this forces the contents of ::Core to be dumped into the POD doc for ::ResultClass
+ },
+ dead_links => '',
+ method_format => 'L<%m|%c/%m>',
+ #debug => 1,
+# important - write_pod returns undef >.<