my $attrs = $self->next::method($ident, $bind);
- for my $i (0 .. $#$attrs) {
- if (keys %{$attrs->[$i]||{}} and my $col = $bind->[$i][0]{dbic_colname}) {
- $attrs->[$i]{ora_field} = $col;
- }
- }
+ # Push the column name into all bind attrs, make sure to *NOT* write into
+ # the existing $attrs->[$idx]{..} hashref, as it is cached by the call to
+ # next::method above.
+ $attrs->[$_]
+ and
+ keys %{ $attrs->[$_] }
+ and
+ $bind->[$_][0]{dbic_colname}
+ and
+ $attrs->[$_] = { %{$attrs->[$_]}, ora_field => $bind->[$_][0]{dbic_colname} }
+ for 0 .. $#$attrs;
use DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies ();
use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest::Schema::BindType;
+ DBICTest::Schema::BindType->add_columns(
+ 'blb2' => {
+ data_type => 'blob',
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ },
+ 'clb2' => {
+ data_type => 'clob',
+ is_nullable => 1,
+ }
+ );
use DBICTest;
my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @ENV{map { "DBICTEST_ORA_${_}" } qw/DSN USER PASS/};
my $str = $binstr{$size};
lives_ok {
- $rs->create( { 'id' => $id, blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" } )
+ $rs->create( { 'id' => $id, blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str", blb2 => "blb2:$str", clb2 => "clb2:$str" } )
} "inserted $size without dying";
my %kids = %{$schema->storage->_dbh->{CachedKids}};
is @objs, 1, 'One row found matching on both LOBs';
ok (try { $objs[0]->blob }||'' eq "blob:$str", 'blob inserted/retrieved correctly');
ok (try { $objs[0]->clob }||'' eq "clob:$str", 'clob inserted/retrieved correctly');
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->clb2 }||'' eq "clb2:$str", "clb2 inserted correctly");
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->blb2 }||'' eq "blb2:$str", "blb2 inserted correctly");
local $TODO = '-like comparison on blobs not tested before ora 10 (fails on 8i)'
lives_ok {
$rs->search({ id => $id, blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" })
- ->update({ blob => 'updated blob', clob => 'updated clob' });
+ ->update({ blob => 'updated blob', clob => 'updated clob', clb2 => 'updated clb2', blb2 => 'updated blb2' });
} 'blob UPDATE with blobs in WHERE clause survived';
@objs = $rs->search({ blob => "updated blob", clob => 'updated clob' })->all;
is @objs, 1, 'found updated row';
ok (try { $objs[0]->blob }||'' eq "updated blob", 'blob updated/retrieved correctly');
ok (try { $objs[0]->clob }||'' eq "updated clob", 'clob updated/retrieved correctly');
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->clb2 }||'' eq "updated clb2", "clb2 updated correctly");
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->blb2 }||'' eq "updated blb2", "blb2 updated correctly");
lives_ok {
$rs->search({ id => $id })
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}bindtype_test${q} (${q}id${q} integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ${q}bytea${q} integer NULL, ${q}blob${q} blob NULL, ${q}blob2${q} blob NULL, ${q}clob${q} clob NULL, ${q}clob2${q} clob NULL, ${q}a_memo${q} integer NULL)");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}bindtype_test${q} (${q}id${q} integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ${q}bytea${q} integer NULL, ${q}blob${q} blob NULL, ${q}blb2${q} blob NULL, ${q}clob${q} clob NULL, ${q}clb2${q} clob NULL, ${q}a_memo${q} integer NULL)");
# clean up our mess