$args->{cascade_delete} = 0;
+ if( !$f_key and !@f_method ) {
+ my $f_source = $f_class->result_source_instance;
+ ($f_key) = grep { $f_source->relationship_info($_)->{class} eq $class }
+ $f_source->relationships;
+ }
$class->next::method($rel, $f_class, $f_key, $args);
if (@f_method) {
eval "use DBIx::Class::CDBICompat;";
plan skip_all => 'Class::Trigger and DBIx::ContextualFetch required' if $@;
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
- plan $@ ? (skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing') : (tests => 30);
+ plan $@ ? (skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing') : (tests => 31);
use lib 't/testlib';
use Film;
use Actor;
-Film->has_many(actors => Actor => 'Film', { order_by => 'name' });
Actor->has_a(Film => 'Film');
+Film->has_many(actors => 'Actor', { order_by => 'name' });
is(Actor->primary_column, 'id', "Actor primary OK");
ok(Actor->can('Salary'), "Actor table set-up OK");
is($as->Name, 'Arnold Schwarzenegger', "Arnie's still Arnie");
+# Test infering of the foreign key of a has_many from an existing has_a
+ use Thing;
+ use OtherThing;
+ Thing->has_a(that_thing => "OtherThing");
+ OtherThing->has_many(things => "Thing");
+ my $other_thing = OtherThing->create({ id => 1 });
+ Thing->create({ id => 1, that_thing => $other_thing });
+ Thing->create({ id => 2, that_thing => $other_thing });
+ is_deeply [sort map { $_->id } $other_thing->things], [1,2];