# Some modules have a bare 'use $perl_version' as the first statement
# Since the use() happens before 'package' had a chance to switch
# the namespace, the shim thinks DBIC* tried to require this
- return $res if $req =~ /^v?[0-9.]$/;
+ return $res if $req =~ /^v?[0-9.]+$/;
# exclude everything where the current namespace does not match the called function
# (this works around very weird XS-induced require callstack corruption)
plan skip_all => 'Dependency load patterns are radically different before perl 5.10'
if "$]" < 5.010;
- plan skip_all => 'Dependency load patterns may be different on cperl - skip for now'
- if $^V =~ /\d+c$/;
# these envvars *will* bring in more stuff than the baseline
delete @ENV{qw(