my $position_column = $self->position_column;
- if ($self->is_column_changed ($position_column) ) {
+ my $is_txn;
+ if ($is_txn = $self->result_source->schema->storage->transaction_depth) {
+ # Reload position state from storage
+ # The thinking here is that if we are in a transaction, it is
+ # *more likely* the object went out of sync due to resultset
+ # level shenanigans. Instead of always reloading (slow) - go
+ # ahead and hand-hold only in the case of higher layers
+ # requesting the safety of a txn
+ $self->store_column(
+ $position_column,
+ ( $self->result_source
+ ->resultset
+ ->search($self->_storage_ident_condition, { rows => 1, columns => $position_column })
+ ->cursor
+ ->next
+ )[0] || $self->throw_exception(
+ sprintf "Unable to locate object '%s' in storage - object went ouf of sync...?",
+ $self->ID
+ ),
+ );
+ delete $self->{_dirty_columns}{$position_column};
+ }
+ elsif ($self->is_column_changed ($position_column) ) {
# something changed our position, we need to know where we
# used to be - use the stashed value
$self->store_column($position_column, delete $self->{_column_data_in_storage}{$position_column});
return 0;
- my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard;
+ my $guard = $is_txn ? undef : $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard;
my ($direction, @between);
if ( $from_position < $to_position ) {
$self->_shift_siblings ($direction, @between);
$self->_ordered_internal_update({ $position_column => $new_pos_val });
- $guard->commit;
+ $guard->commit if $guard;
return 1;
=head2 Multiple Moves
-Be careful when issuing move_* methods to multiple objects. If
-you've pre-loaded the objects then when you move one of the objects
-the position of the other object will not reflect their new value
-until you reload them from the database - see
-There are times when you will want to move objects as groups, such
-as changing the parent of several objects at once - this directly
-conflicts with this problem. One solution is for us to write a
-ResultSet class that supports a parent() method, for example. Another
-solution is to somehow automagically modify the objects that exist
-in the current object's result set to have the new position value.
+If you have multiple same-group result objects already loaded from storage,
+you need to be careful when executing C<move_*> operations on them:
+without a L</position_column> reload the L</_position_value> of the
+"siblings" will be out of sync with the underlying storage.
+Starting from version C<0.082800> DBIC will implicitly perform such
+reloads when the C<move_*> happens as a part of a transaction
+(a good example of such situation is C<< $ordered_resultset->delete_all >>).
+If it is not possible for you to wrap the entire call-chain in a transaction,
+you will need to call L<DBIx::Class::Row/discard_changes> to get an object
+up-to-date before proceeding, otherwise undefined behavior will result.
=head2 Default Values
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->next;
-lives_ok {
- $cd->tracks->delete;
- my @tracks = map
- { $cd->create_related('tracks', { title => "t_$_", position => $_ }) }
- (4,2,5,1,3)
- ;
+is $cd->tracks->count, 0, 'No tracks';
- for (@tracks) {
- $_->discard_changes;
- $_->delete;
- }
-} 'Creation/deletion of out-of order tracks successful';
+$cd->create_related('tracks', { title => "t_$_", position => $_ })
+ for (4,2,3,1,5);
+is $cd->tracks->count, 5, 'Created 5 tracks';
+# a txn should force the implicit pos reload, regardless of order
+$schema->txn_do(sub {
+ $cd->tracks->delete_all
+is $cd->tracks->count, 0, 'Successfully deleted everything';