Revision history for DBIx::Class
* Fixes
+ - Unaliased "dark" selectors no longer throw off prefetch
- Fix proper composition of bind values across all possible
SQL areas ( group_by => \[ ... ] now works properly )
my $sub_attrs = { %$attrs };
# extra selectors do not go in the subquery and there is no point of ordering it, nor locking it
- delete @{$sub_attrs}{qw/collapse columns as select _prefetch_select _trailing_select order_by for/};
+ delete @{$sub_attrs}{qw/collapse columns as select _prefetch_selector_range _trailing_select order_by for/};
# if we multi-prefetch we group_by primary keys only as this is what we would
# get out of the rs via ->next/->all. We *DO WANT* to clobber old group_by regardless
my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs_copy;
- delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/collapse _collapse_order_by select _prefetch_select as/;
+ delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/collapse _collapse_order_by select _prefetch_selector_range as/;
$attrs->{columns} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } ($self->result_source->_pri_cols) ];
if ($needs_group_by_subq) {
push @sel, @{ ref $attrs->{select} eq 'ARRAY' ? $attrs->{select} : [ $attrs->{select} ] }
if $attrs->{select};
- push @sel, @{$attrs->{_trailing_select}}
- if $attrs->{_trailing_select};
# assume all unqualified selectors to apply to the current alias (legacy stuff)
for (@sel) {
$_ = (ref $_ or $_ =~ /\./) ? $_ : "$alias.$_";
carp ("Useless use of distinct on a grouped resultset ('distinct' is ignored when a 'group_by' is present)");
else {
+ # distinct affects only the main selection part, not what prefetch may
+ # add below. However trailing is not yet a part of the selection as
+ # prefetch must insert before it
$attrs->{group_by} = $source->storage->_group_over_selection (
- @{$attrs}{qw/from select order_by/}
+ $attrs->{from},
+ [ @{$attrs->{select}||[]}, @{$attrs->{_trailing_select}||[]} ],
+ $attrs->{order_by},
$source->_resolve_prefetch( $prefetch, $alias, $join_map, $prefetch_ordering, $attrs->{collapse} );
# we need to somehow mark which columns came from prefetch
- $attrs->{_prefetch_select} = [ map { $_->[0] } @prefetch ];
+ if (@prefetch) {
+ my $sel_end = $#{$attrs->{select}};
+ $attrs->{_prefetch_selector_range} = [ $sel_end + 1, $sel_end + @prefetch ];
+ }
- push @{ $attrs->{select} }, @{$attrs->{_prefetch_select}};
+ push @{ $attrs->{select} }, (map { $_->[0] } @prefetch);
push @{ $attrs->{as} }, (map { $_->[1] } @prefetch);
push( @{$attrs->{order_by}}, @$prefetch_ordering );
$attrs->{_collapse_order_by} = \@$prefetch_ordering;
+ push @sel, @{$attrs->{_trailing_select}}
+ if $attrs->{_trailing_select};
# if both page and offset are specified, produce a combined offset
# even though it doesn't make much sense, this is what pre 081xx has
# been doing
- $attrs->{_prefetch_select}
- &&
- @{$attrs->{_prefetch_select}}
+ $attrs->{_prefetch_selector_range}
) {
($ident, $select, $where, $attrs)
my ($self, $from, $select, $where, $attrs) = @_;
$self->throw_exception ('Nothing to prefetch... how did we get here?!')
- if not @{$attrs->{_prefetch_select}};
+ if not @{$attrs->{_prefetch_selector_range}};
$self->throw_exception ('Complex prefetches are not supported on resultsets with a custom from attribute')
if (ref $from ne 'ARRAY' || ref $from->[0] ne 'HASH' || ref $from->[1] ne 'ARRAY');
delete $outer_attrs->{$_} for qw/where bind rows offset group_by having/;
my $inner_attrs = { %$attrs };
- delete $inner_attrs->{$_} for qw/for collapse _prefetch_select _collapse_order_by select as/;
+ delete $inner_attrs->{$_} for qw/for collapse _prefetch_selector_range _collapse_order_by select as/;
# bring over all non-collapse-induced order_by into the inner query (if any)
# on the outside we substitute any function for its alias
my $outer_select = [ @$select ];
my $inner_select = [];
- for my $i (0 .. ( @$outer_select - @{$outer_attrs->{_prefetch_select}} - 1) ) {
+ my ($p_start, $p_end) = @{$outer_attrs->{_prefetch_selector_range}};
+ for my $i (0 .. $p_start - 1, $p_end + 1 .. $#$outer_select) {
my $sel = $outer_select->[$i];
if (ref $sel eq 'HASH' ) {
# also throw in a group_by if restricting to guard against
# cross-join explosions
+ my $need_outer_group_by;
while (my $j = shift @$from) {
my $alias = $j->[0]{-alias};
elsif ($outer_aliastypes->{restricting}{$alias}) {
push @outer_from, $j;
- $outer_attrs->{group_by} ||= $outer_select unless $j->[0]{-is_single};
+ $need_outer_group_by ||= ! $j->[0]{-is_single};
# demote the outer_from head
$outer_from[0] = $outer_from[0][0];
+ if ($need_outer_group_by and ! $outer_attrs->{group_by}) {
+ my $unprocessed_order_chunks;
+ ($outer_attrs->{group_by}, $unprocessed_order_chunks) = $self->_group_over_selection (
+ \@outer_from, $outer_select, $outer_attrs->{order_by}
+ );
+ $self->throw_exception (
+ 'A required group_by clause could not be constructed automatically due to a complex '
+ . 'order_by criteria. Either order_by columns only (no functions) or construct a suitable '
+ . 'group_by by hand'
+ ) if $unprocessed_order_chunks;
+ }
# This is totally horrific - the $where ends up in both the inner and outer query
# Unfortunately not much can be done until SQLA2 introspection arrives, and even
# then if where conditions apply to the *right* side of the prefetch, you may have
my (@group_by, %group_index);
+ # the logic is: if it is a { func => val } we assume an aggregate,
+ # otherwise if \'...' or \[...] we assume the user knows what is
+ # going on thus group over it
for (@$select) {
if (! ref($_) or ref ($_) ne 'HASH' ) {
push @group_by, $_;
} ( $cdrs->all ) };
-my $queries = 0;
-$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++; });
my $c_rs = $cdrs->search ({}, {
prefetch => 'tracks',
'+columns' => { sibling_count => $cdrs->search(
+ # subselect
[ 'siblings.cdid' => 'bogus condition' ],
[ 'me.artist' => 2 ],
+ # outher WHERE
[ 'me.artist' => 2 ],
'Expected SQL on correlated realiased subquery'
+my $queries = 0;
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++; });
is_deeply (
{ map
{ $_->cdid => {
+# try to unbalance the select
+# first add a lone non-as-ed select
+# it should be reordered to appear at the end without throwing prefetch/bind off
+$c_rs = $c_rs->search({}, { '+select' => \[ 'me.cdid + ?', [ __add => 1 ] ] });
+# now add an unbalanced select/as pair
+$c_rs = $c_rs->search ({}, {
+ '+select' => $cdrs->search(
+ { 'siblings.artist' => { -ident => 'me.artist' } },
+ { alias => 'siblings', columns => [
+ { first_year => { min => 'year' }},
+ { last_year => { max => 'year' }},
+ ]},
+ )->as_query,
+ '+as' => [qw/active_from active_to/],
+ $c_rs->as_query,
+ '(
+ SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track,
+ FROM cd siblings
+ WHERE siblings.artist = me.artist
+ AND siblings.cdid != me.cdid
+ AND siblings.cdid != ?
+ AND me.artist != ?
+ ),
+ (SELECT MIN( year ), MAX( year )
+ FROM cd siblings
+ WHERE siblings.artist = me.artist
+ AND me.artist != ?
+ ),
+ tracks.trackid,, tracks.position, tracks.title, tracks.last_updated_on, tracks.last_updated_at,
+ me.cdid + ?
+ FROM cd me
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON = me.cdid
+ WHERE me.artist != ?
+ )',
+ [
+ # first subselect
+ [ 'siblings.cdid' => 'bogus condition' ],
+ [ 'me.artist' => 2 ],
+ # second subselect
+ [ 'me.artist' => 2 ],
+ # the addition
+ [ __add => 1 ],
+ # outher WHERE
+ [ 'me.artist' => 2 ],
+ ],
+ 'Expected SQL on correlated realiased subquery'
+# add a floating +select to make sure it does nto throw things off
+# we also expect it to appear in both selectors, as we can not know
+# for sure which part of the query it applies to (may be order_by,
+# maybe something else)
+# we use a reference to the same array in bind vals, because
+# is_deeply picks up this difference too (not sure if bug or
+# feature)
+my $bind_one = [ __add => 1 ];
+$use_prefetch = $use_prefetch->search({}, {
+ '+select' => \[ 'me.artistid + ?', $bind_one ],
+is_same_sql_bind (
+ $use_prefetch->as_query,
+ '(
+ SELECT me.artistid,,
+ cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track,
+ me.artistid + ?
+ FROM (
+ SELECT me.artistid,,
+ me.artistid + ?
+ FROM artist me
+ LEFT JOIN cd cds
+ ON cds.artist = me.artistid
+ LEFT JOIN cd_artwork artwork
+ ON artwork.cd_id = cds.cdid
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON = cds.cdid
+ WHERE artwork.cd_id IS NULL
+ OR tracks.title != ?
+ GROUP BY me.artistid,, me.artistid + ?
+ ) me
+ LEFT JOIN cd cds
+ ON cds.artist = me.artistid
+ LEFT JOIN cd_artwork artwork
+ ON artwork.cd_id = cds.cdid
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON = cds.cdid
+ WHERE artwork.cd_id IS NULL
+ OR tracks.title != ?
+ GROUP BY me.artistid,, cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track, me.artistid + ?
+ ORDER BY name DESC, cds.artist, cds.year ASC
+ )',
+ [
+ $bind_one, # outer select
+ $bind_one, # inner select
+ [ 'tracks.title' => 'blah-blah-1234568' ], # inner where
+ $bind_one, # inner group_by
+ [ 'tracks.title' => 'blah-blah-1234568' ], # outer where
+ $bind_one, # outer group_by
+ ],
+ 'Expected SQL on complex limited prefetch'
is($no_prefetch->count, $use_prefetch->count, '$no_prefetch->count == $use_prefetch->count');
scalar ($no_prefetch->all),
=> [qw/cdid title foo bar/],
- '+select' => [ 'genreid', $multicol_rs->as_query ],
- '+as' => [qw/genreid name rank/],
+ '+select' => \'unaliased randomness',
} => 'SELECT
DISTINCT(foo, bar),
- me.genreid,
- (SELECT, me.rank FROM artist me WHERE ( artistid 1 ))
+ unaliased randomness
FROM cd me'
- => [qw/cdid title foo bar genreid name rank/],
+ => [qw/cdid title foo bar/],
- '+select' => { count => 'me.cdid', -as => 'cnt' }, # lack of 'as' infers from '-as'
- '+columns' => { len => { length => 'me.title' } },
+ '+select' => [ 'genreid', $multicol_rs->as_query ],
+ '+as' => [qw/genreid name rank/],
} => 'SELECT
- LENGTH( me.title ),
- COUNT( me.cdid ) AS cnt,
DISTINCT(foo, bar),
- (SELECT, me.rank FROM artist me WHERE ( artistid 1 ))
+ (SELECT, me.rank FROM artist me WHERE ( artistid 1 )),
+ unaliased randomness
FROM cd me'
- => [qw/cdid title len cnt foo bar genreid name rank/],
+ => [qw/cdid title foo bar genreid name rank/],
- '+select' => \'unaliased randomness',
+ '+select' => { count => 'me.cdid', -as => 'cnt' }, # lack of 'as' infers from '-as'
+ '+columns' => { len => { length => 'me.title' } },
} => 'SELECT
FROM cd me'
=> [qw/cdid title len cnt foo bar genreid name rank/],
my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD');
- 'Correct dbic-side aliasing',
+ "Correct dbic-side aliasing for test $testno",