The first argument to C<search> is a hashref of accessor names and
values to filter them by, for example:
- ->search({'created_time' => { '>=', '2006-06-01 00:00:00'} })
+ ->search({'created_time' => { '>=', '2006-06-01 00:00:00' } })
Note that to use a function here you need to make the whole value into
a scalar reference:
- ->search({'created_time' => \'>= yesterday() })
+ ->search({'created_time' => \'>= yesterday()' })
=item .. search in several tables simultaneously?
your search, for example when searching in the Books table for all the
books by the author "Fred Bloggs":
- ->search({'' => 'Fred Bloggs'}, { join => 'authors'})
+ ->search({'' => 'Fred Bloggs'}, { join => 'authors' })
The type of join created in your SQL depends on the type of
relationship between the two tables, see L<DBIx::Class::Relationship>