my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 36;
+plan tests => 39;
-is_deeply([ sort $schema->source('CD')->unique_constraint_names ], [ qw/cd_artist_title primary/ ], 'CD source has an automatically named unique constraint');
-is_deeply([ sort $schema->source('Producer')->unique_constraint_names ], [ qw/primary prod_name/ ], 'Producer source has a named unique constraint');
+# Check the defined unique constraints
+ [ sort $schema->source('CD')->unique_constraint_names ],
+ [ qw/cd_artist_title primary/ ],
+ 'CD source has an automatically named unique constraint'
+ [ sort $schema->source('Producer')->unique_constraint_names ],
+ [ qw/primary prod_name/ ],
+ 'Producer source has a named unique constraint'
+ [ sort $schema->source('Track')->unique_constraint_names ],
+ [ qw/primary track_cd_position track_cd_title/ ],
+ 'Track source has three unique constraints'
my $artistid = 1;
my $title = 'UNIQUE Constraint';
is($cd9->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd9->year, 2021, 'year is correct');
+# KNOWN TO FAIL: Table with two unique constraints, and we're satisying one of them
+my $track = $schema->resultset('Track')->find(
+ {
+ cd => 1,
+ position => 3,
+ },
+ { order_by => 'position' }
+is($track->get_column('cd'), 1, 'track cd is correct');
+is($track->get_column('position'), 3, 'track position is correct');
-- Created by SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite
--- Created on Thu Jun 22 22:47:36 2006
+-- Created on Thu Jun 6 23:36:19 2006
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tktlnameunique_twokeytreelike on twokeytreelike (name);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cd_artist_title_cd on cd (artist, title);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX track_cd_position_track on track (cd, position);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX track_cd_title_track on track (cd, title);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prod_name_producer on producer (name);