- Fix update/delete operations on resultsets *joining* the updated
table failing on MySQL. Resolves oversights in the fixes for
RT#81378 and RT#81897
+ - Even more robust behavior of GenericSubQuery limit dialect
- Stop Sybase ASE storage from generating invalid SQL in subselects
when a limit without offset is encountered
- Correctly recognize root source unqualified columns when
my ($self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset) = @_;
my $root_rsrc = $rs_attrs->{_rsroot_rsrc};
- my $root_tbl_name = $root_rsrc->name;
- my ($first_order_by) = do {
+ # Explicitly require an order_by
+ # GenSubQ is slow enough as it is, just emulating things
+ # like in other cases is not wise - make the user work
+ # to shoot their DBA in the foot
+ my $supplied_order = delete $rs_attrs->{order_by} or $self->throw_exception (
+ 'Generic Subquery Limit does not work on resultsets without an order. Provide a stable, '
+ . 'root-table-based order criteria.'
+ );
+ my $usable_order_ci = $root_rsrc->storage->_main_source_order_by_portion_is_stable(
+ $root_rsrc,
+ $supplied_order,
+ $rs_attrs->{where},
+ ) or $self->throw_exception(
+ 'Generic Subquery Limit can not work with order criteria based on sources other than the current one'
+ );
+### we need to know the directions after we figured out the above - reextract *again*
+### this is eyebleed - trying to get it to work at first
+ my @order_bits = do {
local $self->{quote_char};
local $self->{order_bind};
- map { ref $_ ? $_->[0] : $_ } $self->_order_by_chunks ($rs_attrs->{order_by})
- } or $self->throw_exception (
- 'Generic Subquery Limit does not work on resultsets without an order. Provide a single, '
- . 'unique-column order criteria.'
- );
+ map { ref $_ ? $_->[0] : $_ } $self->_order_by_chunks ($supplied_order)
+ };
- my $direction = (
- $first_order_by =~ s/\s+ ( ASC|DESC ) \s* $//ix
- ) ? lc($1) : 'asc';
+ # truncate to what we'll use
+ $#order_bits = ( (keys %$usable_order_ci) - 1 );
- my ($first_ord_alias, $first_ord_col) = $first_order_by =~ /^ (?: ([^\.]+) \. )? ([^\.]+) $/x;
+ # @order_bits likely will come back quoted (due to how the prefetch
+ # rewriter operates
+ # Hence supplement the column_info lookup table with quoted versions
+ if ($self->quote_char) {
+ $usable_order_ci->{$self->_quote($_)} = $usable_order_ci->{$_}
+ for keys %$usable_order_ci;
+ }
+# calculate the condition
+ my $count_tbl_alias = 'rownum__emulation';
+ my $root_alias = $rs_attrs->{alias};
+ my $root_tbl_name = $root_rsrc->name;
- $self->throw_exception(sprintf
- "Generic Subquery Limit order criteria can be only based on the root-source '%s'"
- . " (aliased as '%s')", $root_rsrc->source_name, $rs_attrs->{alias},
- ) if ($first_ord_alias and $first_ord_alias ne $rs_attrs->{alias});
+ my (@unqualified_names, @qualified_names, @is_desc, @new_order_by);
- $first_ord_alias ||= $rs_attrs->{alias};
+ for my $bit (@order_bits) {
- $self->throw_exception(
- "Generic Subquery Limit first order criteria '$first_ord_col' must be unique"
- ) unless $root_rsrc->_identifying_column_set([$first_ord_col]);
- my $sq_attrs = do {
- # perform the mangling only using the very first order crietria
- # (the one we care about)
- local $rs_attrs->{order_by} = $first_order_by;
- $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs ($sql, $rs_attrs);
- };
+ my $is_desc = (
+ $bit =~ s/\s+ ( ASC|DESC ) \s* $//ix
+ and
+ uc($1) eq 'DESC'
+ ) ? 1 : 0;
- my $cmp_op = $direction eq 'desc' ? '>' : '<';
- my $count_tbl_alias = 'rownum__emulation';
+ push @is_desc, $is_desc;
+ push @unqualified_names, $usable_order_ci->{$bit}{-colname};
+ push @qualified_names, $usable_order_ci->{$bit}{-fq_colname};
- my ($order_sql, @order_bind) = do {
- local $self->{order_bind};
- my $s = $self->_order_by (delete $rs_attrs->{order_by});
- ($s, @{$self->{order_bind}});
+ push @new_order_by, { ($is_desc ? '-desc' : '-asc') => $usable_order_ci->{$bit}{-fq_colname} };
- my $group_having_sql = $self->_parse_rs_attrs($rs_attrs);
- my $in_sel = $sq_attrs->{selection_inner};
+ my (@where_cond, @skip_colpair_stack);
+ for my $i (0 .. $#order_bits) {
+ my $ci = $usable_order_ci->{$order_bits[$i]};
+ my ($subq_col, $main_col) = map { "$_.$ci->{-colname}" } ($count_tbl_alias, $root_alias);
+ my $cur_cond = { $subq_col => { ($is_desc[$i] ? '>' : '<') => { -ident => $main_col } } };
+ push @skip_colpair_stack, [
+ { $main_col => { -ident => $subq_col } },
+ ];
+ # we can trust the nullability flag because
+ # we already used it during _id_col_set resolution
+ #
+ if ($ci->{is_nullable}) {
+ push @{$skip_colpair_stack[-1]}, { $main_col => undef, $subq_col=> undef };
+ $cur_cond = [
+ {
+ ($is_desc[$i] ? $subq_col : $main_col) => { '!=', undef },
+ ($is_desc[$i] ? $main_col : $subq_col) => undef,
+ },
+ {
+ $subq_col => { '!=', undef },
+ $main_col => { '!=', undef },
+ -and => $cur_cond,
+ },
+ ];
+ }
- # add the order supplement (if any) as this is what will be used for the outer WHERE
- $in_sel .= ", $_" for keys %{$sq_attrs->{order_supplement}};
+ push @where_cond, { '-and', => [ @skip_colpair_stack[0..$i-1], $cur_cond ] };
+ }
+# reuse the sqlmaker WHERE, this will not be returning binds
+ my $counted_where = do {
+ local $self->{where_bind};
+ $self->where(\@where_cond);
+ };
+# construct the rownum condition by hand
my $rownum_cond;
if ($offset) {
$rownum_cond = 'BETWEEN ? AND ?';
push @{$self->{limit_bind}},
[ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset ],
[ $self->__total_bindtype => $offset + $rows - 1]
else {
$rownum_cond = '< ?';
push @{$self->{limit_bind}},
[ $self->__rows_bindtype => $rows ]
- # even though binds in order_by make no sense here (the rs needs to be
- # ordered by a unique column first) - pass whatever there may be through
- # anyway
- push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, @order_bind;
+# and what we will order by inside
+ my $inner_order_sql = do {
+ local $self->{order_bind};
+ my $s = $self->_order_by (\@new_order_by);
+ $self->throw_exception('Inner gensubq order may not contain binds... something went wrong')
+ if @{$self->{order_bind}};
+ $s;
+ };
+### resume originally scheduled programming
+ # we need to supply the order for the supplements to be properly calculated
+ my $sq_attrs = $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs (
+ $sql, { %$rs_attrs, order_by => \@new_order_by }
+ );
+ my $in_sel = $sq_attrs->{selection_inner};
+ # add the order supplement (if any) as this is what will be used for the outer WHERE
+ $in_sel .= ", $_" for sort keys %{$sq_attrs->{order_supplement}};
+ my $group_having_sql = $self->_parse_rs_attrs($rs_attrs);
return sprintf ("
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer}
SELECT $in_sel $sq_attrs->{query_leftover}${group_having_sql}
) %s
-WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s %s WHERE %s $cmp_op %s ) $rownum_cond
+WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s %s $counted_where ) $rownum_cond
", map { $self->_quote ($_) } (
- "$count_tbl_alias.$first_ord_col",
- "$first_ord_alias.$first_ord_col",
! first { $inner_aliastypes->{ordering}{$_} } @multipliers
) {
my $unprocessed_order_chunks;
($inner_attrs->{group_by}, $unprocessed_order_chunks) = $self->_group_over_selection (
$inner_from, $inner_select, $inner_attrs->{order_by}
# as they will have to be a part of the group_by to colapse
# things properly
my $cur_sel = { map { $_ => 1 } @$inner_select };
my @pks = map { "$root_alias.$_" } $root_node->{-rsrc}->primary_columns
or $self->throw_exception( sprintf
'Unable to perform complex limited prefetch off %s without declared primary key',
$chunk =~ s/\sASC$//i;
# maybe our own unqualified column
- my ($ord_bit) = ($lquote and $sep)
- ? $chunk =~ /^ $lquote ([^$sep]+) $rquote $/x
- : $chunk
- ;
+ my $ord_bit = (
+ $lquote and $sep and $chunk =~ /^ $lquote ([^$sep]+) $rquote $/x
+ ) ? $1 : $chunk;
next if (
if ( $need_outer_group_by and $attrs->{_grouped_by_distinct} ) {
my $unprocessed_order_chunks;
($outer_attrs->{group_by}, $unprocessed_order_chunks) = $self->_group_over_selection (
\@outer_from, $outer_select, $outer_attrs->{order_by}
- # get a column to source/alias map (including unqualified ones)
+ # get a column to source/alias map (including unambiguous unqualified ones)
my $colinfo = $self->_resolve_column_info ($from);
# set up a botched SQLA
# throw away empty chunks
$_ = [ map { $_ || () } @$_ ] for values %$to_scan;
- # first loop through all fully qualified columns and get the corresponding
+ # first see if we have any exact matches (qualified or unqualified)
+ for my $type (keys %$to_scan) {
+ for my $piece (@{$to_scan->{$type}}) {
+ if ($colinfo->{$piece} and my $alias = $colinfo->{$piece}{-source_alias}) {
+ $aliases_by_type->{$type}{$alias} ||= { -parents => $alias_list->{$alias}{-join_path}||[] };
+ $aliases_by_type->{$type}{$alias}{-seen_columns}{$colinfo->{$piece}{-fq_colname}} = $piece;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # now loop through all fully qualified columns and get the corresponding
# alias (should work even if they are in scalarrefs)
for my $alias (keys %$alias_list) {
my $al_re = qr/
for my $type (keys %$to_scan) {
for my $piece (@{$to_scan->{$type}}) {
- if (my @matches = $piece =~ /$col_re/g) {
+ if ( my @matches = $piece =~ /$col_re/g) {
my $alias = $colinfo->{$col}{-source_alias};
$aliases_by_type->{$type}{$alias} ||= { -parents => $alias_list->{$alias}{-join_path}||[] };
$aliases_by_type->{$type}{$alias}{-seen_columns}{"$alias.$_"} = $_
return unless @ord_cols;
- my $colinfos = $self->_resolve_column_info($main_rsrc, \@ord_cols);
+ my $colinfos = $self->_resolve_column_info($main_rsrc);
for (0 .. $#ord_cols) {
if (
! $colinfos->{$ord_cols[$_]}
# we just truncated it above
return unless @ord_cols;
- # since all we check here are the start of the order_by belonging to the
- # top level $rsrc, a present identifying set will mean that the resultset
- # is ordered by its leftmost table in a stable manner
- #
- # single source - safely use both qualified and unqualified name
my $order_portion_ci = { map {
$colinfos->{$_}{-colname} => $colinfos->{$_},
$colinfos->{$_}{-fq_colname} => $colinfos->{$_},
} @ord_cols };
- $where = $where ? $self->_resolve_column_info(
- $main_rsrc, $self->_extract_fixed_condition_columns($where)
- ) : {};
+ # since all we check here are the start of the order_by belonging to the
+ # top level $rsrc, a present identifying set will mean that the resultset
+ # is ordered by its leftmost table in a stable manner
+ #
+ # RV of _identifying_column_set contains unqualified names only
+ my $unqualified_idset = $main_rsrc->_identifying_column_set({
+ ( $where ? %{
+ $self->_resolve_column_info(
+ $main_rsrc, $self->_extract_fixed_condition_columns($where)
+ )
+ } : () ),
+ %$order_portion_ci
+ }) or return;
+ my $ret_info;
+ my %unqualified_idcols_from_order = map {
+ $order_portion_ci->{$_} ? ( $_ => $order_portion_ci->{$_} ) : ()
+ } @$unqualified_idset;
+ # extra optimization - cut the order_by at the end of the identifying set
+ # (just in case the user was stupid and overlooked the obvious)
+ for my $i (0 .. $#ord_cols) {
+ my $col = $ord_cols[$i];
+ my $unqualified_colname = $order_portion_ci->{$col}{-colname};
+ $ret_info->{$col} = { %{$order_portion_ci->{$col}}, -idx_in_order_subset => $i };
+ delete $unqualified_idcols_from_order{$ret_info->{$col}{-colname}};
+ # we didn't reach the end of the identifying portion yet
+ return $ret_info unless keys %unqualified_idcols_from_order;
+ }
- return (
- $main_rsrc->_identifying_column_set({ %$where, %$order_portion_ci })
- ? $order_portion_ci
- : undef
- );
+ die 'How did we get here...';
# returns an arrayref of column names which *definitely* have som
my $non_uniquely_ordered_constrained = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{ artist => 1 },
- { order_by => 'me.title', prefetch => 'tracks' },
+ { order_by => [qw( me.genreid me.title me.year )], prefetch => 'tracks' },
isa_ok ($non_uniquely_ordered_constrained->next, 'DBICTest::CD' );
use Test::More;
use lib qw(t/lib);
+use List::Util 'min';
use DBICTest;
use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
use DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::LimitDialects;
FROM books rownum__emulation
WHERE rownum__emulation.title < me.title
) < ?
- ORDER BY me.title
+ ORDER BY me.title ASC
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'source' } => 'Library' ],
FROM "books" "rownum__emulation"
WHERE "rownum__emulation"."title" > "me"."title"
- ORDER BY "title" DESC
+ ORDER BY "me"."title" DESC
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'source' } => 'Library' ],
SELECT "owner_name"
- SELECT "owner"."name" AS "owner_name", "title"
+ SELECT "owner"."name" AS "owner_name", "me"."title"
FROM "books" "me"
JOIN "owners" "owner" ON "owner"."id" = "me"."owner"
WHERE ( "source" = ? )
FROM "books" "rownum__emulation"
WHERE "rownum__emulation"."title" < "me"."title"
- ORDER BY "title"
+ ORDER BY "me"."title" ASC
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'source' } => 'Library' ],
'Correct columns selected with rows',
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, {
+ columns => [qw( me.cdid me.title me.genreid me.year tracks.position tracks.title )],
+ join => 'tracks',
+ collapse => 1,
+ order_by => [ { -asc => 'me.genreid' }, { -desc => 'year' }, 'me.title', \ 'single_track DESC', { -desc => [qw( me.cdid tracks.position )] } ],
+my @full_res = @{$rs->all_hri};
+is (@full_res, 5, 'Expected amount of CDs');
+is_deeply (
+ \@full_res,
+ [
+ { cdid => 2, genreid => undef, title => "Forkful of bees", year => 2001, tracks => [
+ { position => 3, title => "Sticky Honey" },
+ { position => 2, title => "Stripy" },
+ { position => 1, title => "Stung with Success" },
+ ] },
+ { cdid => 4, genreid => undef, title => "Generic Manufactured Singles", year => 2001, tracks => [
+ { position => 3, title => "No More Ideas" },
+ { position => 2, title => "Boring Song" },
+ { position => 1, title => "Boring Name" },
+ ] },
+ { cdid => 5, genreid => undef, title => "Come Be Depressed With Us", year => 1998, tracks => [
+ { position => 3, title => "Suicidal" },
+ { position => 2, title => "Under The Weather" },
+ { position => 1, title => "Sad" },
+ ] },
+ { cdid => 3, genreid => undef, title => "Caterwaulin' Blues", year => 1997, tracks => [
+ { position => 3, title => "Fowlin" },
+ { position => 2, title => "Howlin" },
+ { position => 1, title => "Yowlin" },
+ ] },
+ { cdid => 1, genreid => 1, title => "Spoonful of bees", year => 1999, tracks => [
+ { position => 3, title => "Beehind You" },
+ { position => 2, title => "Apiary" },
+ { position => 1, title => "The Bees Knees" },
+ ] },
+ ],
+ 'Complex ordered gensubq limited cds and tracks in expected sqlite order'
+for my $slice (
+ [0, 10],
+ [3, 5 ],
+ [4, 6 ],
+ [0, 2 ],
+ [1, 3 ],
+) {
+ my $rownum_cmp_op = $slice->[0]
+ ? 'BETWEEN ? AND ?'
+ : ' < ?'
+ ;
+ is_deeply(
+ $rs->slice(@$slice)->all_hri,
+ [ @full_res[ $slice->[0] .. min($#full_res, $slice->[1]) ] ],
+ "Expected array slice on complex ordered limited gensubq ($slice->[0] : $slice->[1])",
+ );
+ is_same_sql_bind(
+ $rs->slice(@$slice)->as_query,
+ qq{(
+ SELECT "me"."cdid", "me"."title", "me"."genreid", "me"."year",
+ "tracks"."position", "tracks"."title"
+ FROM (
+ SELECT "me"."cdid", "me"."title", "me"."genreid", "me"."year", "me"."single_track"
+ FROM (
+ SELECT "me"."cdid", "me"."title", "me"."genreid", "me"."year", "me"."single_track"
+ FROM cd "me"
+ LEFT JOIN "track" "tracks"
+ ON "tracks"."cd" = "me"."cdid"
+ GROUP BY "me"."cdid", "me"."title", "me"."genreid", "me"."year", "me"."single_track"
+ ) "me"
+ FROM cd "rownum__emulation"
+ ( "me"."genreid" IS NOT NULL AND "rownum__emulation"."genreid" IS NULL )
+ OR
+ (
+ "rownum__emulation"."genreid" < "me"."genreid"
+ "me"."genreid" IS NOT NULL
+ "rownum__emulation"."genreid" IS NOT NULL
+ )
+ OR
+ (
+ (
+ "me"."genreid" = "rownum__emulation"."genreid"
+ OR
+ ( "me"."genreid" IS NULL AND "rownum__emulation"."genreid" IS NULL )
+ )
+ "rownum__emulation"."year" > "me"."year"
+ )
+ OR
+ (
+ (
+ "me"."genreid" = "rownum__emulation"."genreid"
+ OR
+ ( "me"."genreid" IS NULL AND "rownum__emulation"."genreid" IS NULL )
+ )
+ "me"."year" = "rownum__emulation"."year"
+ "rownum__emulation"."title" < "me"."title"
+ )
+ OR
+ (
+ (
+ "me"."genreid" = "rownum__emulation"."genreid"
+ OR
+ ( "me"."genreid" IS NULL AND "rownum__emulation"."genreid" IS NULL )
+ )
+ "me"."year" = "rownum__emulation"."year"
+ "me"."title" = "rownum__emulation"."title"
+ (
+ ("me"."single_track" IS NULL AND "rownum__emulation"."single_track" IS NOT NULL )
+ OR
+ (
+ "rownum__emulation"."single_track" > "me"."single_track"
+ "me"."single_track" IS NOT NULL
+ "rownum__emulation"."single_track" IS NOT NULL
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ OR
+ (
+ (
+ "me"."genreid" = "rownum__emulation"."genreid"
+ OR
+ ( "me"."genreid" IS NULL AND "rownum__emulation"."genreid" IS NULL )
+ )
+ "me"."year" = "rownum__emulation"."year"
+ "me"."title" = "rownum__emulation"."title"
+ (
+ ( "me"."single_track" = "rownum__emulation"."single_track" )
+ OR
+ ( "me"."single_track" IS NULL AND "rownum__emulation"."single_track" IS NULL )
+ )
+ "rownum__emulation"."cdid" > "me"."cdid"
+ )
+ )
+ ) $rownum_cmp_op
+ ORDER BY "me"."genreid" ASC, "me"."year" DESC, "me"."title" ASC, "me"."single_track" DESC, "me"."cdid" DESC
+ ) "me"
+ LEFT JOIN "track" "tracks"
+ ON "tracks"."cd" = "me"."cdid"
+ ORDER BY "me"."genreid" ASC, "year" DESC, "me"."title", single_track DESC, "me"."cdid" DESC, "tracks"."position" DESC
+ )},
+ [
+ ( $slice->[0] ? [ $OFFSET => $slice->[0] ] : () ),
+ [ $TOTAL => $slice->[1] + ($slice->[0] ? 0 : 1 ) ],
+ ],
+ "Expected sql on complex ordered limited gensubq ($slice->[0] : $slice->[1])",
+ );
$rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
columns => 'artistid',
-# this is a nonsensical order_by, we are just making sure the bind-transport is correct
-# (not that it'll be useful anywhere in the near future)
-my $attr = {};
-my $rs_selectas_rel = $schema->resultset('BooksInLibrary')->search(undef, {
- columns => 'me.id',
- offset => 3,
- rows => 4,
- '+columns' => { bar => \['? * ?', [ $attr => 11 ], [ $attr => 12 ]], baz => \[ '?', [ $attr => 13 ]] },
- order_by => [ 'id', \['? / ?', [ $attr => 1 ], [ $attr => 2 ]], \[ '?', [ $attr => 3 ]] ],
- having => \[ '?', [ $attr => 21 ] ],
- $rs_selectas_rel->as_query,
- '(
- SELECT "me"."id", "bar", "baz"
- FROM (
- SELECT "me"."id", ? * ? AS "bar", ? AS "baz"
- FROM "books" "me"
- WHERE ( "source" = ? )
- ) "me"
- WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "books" "rownum__emulation" WHERE "rownum__emulation"."id" < "me"."id" ) BETWEEN ? AND ?
- ORDER BY "id", ? / ?, ?
- )',
- [
- [ $attr => 11 ], [ $attr => 12 ], [ $attr => 13 ],
- [ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'source' } => 'Library' ],
- [ $attr => 21 ],
- [ {%$OFFSET} => 3 ],
- [ {%$TOTAL} => 6 ],
- [ $attr => 1 ], [ $attr => 2 ], [ $attr => 3 ],
- ],
- 'Pagination with sub-query in ORDER BY works'
GenericSubQ => {
- limit => [
+ ordered_limit => [
SELECT me.id, owner__id, owner__name, bar, baz
- SELECT me.id, owner.id AS owner__id, owner.name AS owner__name, ? * ? AS bar, ? AS baz
+ SELECT me.id, owner.id AS owner__id, owner.name AS owner__name, ? * ? AS bar, ? AS baz, me.price
FROM books me
JOIN owners owner
ON owner.id = me.owner
FROM books rownum__emulation
- WHERE rownum__emulation.id < me.id
- ) < ?
- ORDER BY me.id
+ ( me.price IS NULL AND rownum__emulation.price IS NOT NULL )
+ OR
+ (
+ rownum__emulation.price > me.price
+ me.price IS NOT NULL
+ rownum__emulation.price IS NOT NULL
+ )
+ OR
+ (
+ (
+ me.price = rownum__emulation.price
+ OR
+ ( me.price IS NULL AND rownum__emulation.price IS NULL )
+ )
+ rownum__emulation.id < me.id
+ )
+ ) < ?
+ ORDER BY me.price DESC, me.id ASC
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer' } => 4 ],
- limit_offset => [
+ ordered_limit_offset => [
SELECT me.id, owner__id, owner__name, bar, baz
- SELECT me.id, owner.id AS owner__id, owner.name AS owner__name, ? * ? AS bar, ? AS baz
+ SELECT me.id, owner.id AS owner__id, owner.name AS owner__name, ? * ? AS bar, ? AS baz, me.price
FROM books me
JOIN owners owner
ON owner.id = me.owner
FROM books rownum__emulation
- WHERE rownum__emulation.id < me.id
- ORDER BY me.id
+ ( me.price IS NULL AND rownum__emulation.price IS NOT NULL )
+ OR
+ (
+ rownum__emulation.price > me.price
+ me.price IS NOT NULL
+ rownum__emulation.price IS NOT NULL
+ )
+ OR
+ (
+ (
+ me.price = rownum__emulation.price
+ OR
+ ( me.price IS NULL AND rownum__emulation.price IS NULL )
+ )
+ rownum__emulation.id < me.id
+ )
+ ORDER BY me.price DESC, me.id ASC
SELECT me.name, me.id
- SELECT me.name, me.id FROM owners me
+ SELECT me.name, me.id
+ FROM owners me
) me
- FROM owners rownum__emulation
- WHERE rownum__emulation.id < me.id
- ORDER BY me.id
+ (
+ FROM owners rownum__emulation
+ rownum__emulation.name < me.name
+ OR
+ (
+ me.name = rownum__emulation.name
+ rownum__emulation.id > me.id
+ )
+ )
+ ORDER BY me.name ASC, me.id DESC
) me
LEFT JOIN books books
ON books.owner = me.id
- ORDER BY me.id
+ ORDER BY me.name ASC, me.id DESC
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer' } => 1 ],
'+columns' => { bar => \['? * ?', [ $attr => 11 ], [ $attr => 12 ]], baz => \[ '?', [ $attr => 13 ]] },
group_by => \[ '(me.id / ?), owner.id', [ $attr => 21 ] ],
having => \[ '?', [ $attr => 31 ] ],
- ($limtype =~ /GenericSubQ/ ? ( order_by => 'me.id' ) : () ), # needs a simple-column stable order to be happy
# order + limit, no offset
$rs = $rs->search(undef, {
- order_by => [ \['? / ?', [ $attr => 1 ], [ $attr => 2 ]], \[ '?', [ $attr => 3 ]] ],
+ order_by => ( $limtype =~ /GenericSubQ/
+ ? [ { -desc => 'price' }, 'me.id', \[ 'owner.name + ?', [ {} => 'bah' ] ] ] # needs a same-table stable order to be happy
+ : [ \['? / ?', [ $attr => 1 ], [ $attr => 2 ]], \[ '?', [ $attr => 3 ]] ]
+ ),
if ($tests->{$limtype}{ordered_limit}) {
offset => 1,
columns => 'name', # only the owner name, still prefetch all the books
prefetch => 'books',
- ($limtype =~ /GenericSubQ/ ? ( order_by => 'me.id' ) : () ), # needs a simple-column stable order to be happy
+ ($limtype !~ /GenericSubQ/ ? () : (
+ # needs a same-table stable order to be happy
+ order_by => [ { -asc => 'me.name' }, \'me.id DESC' ]
+ )),
is_same_sql_bind (