$ua->content_contains('That username already exists.', 'We cannot register an already
existing username');
+$ua->content_contains('Your username is required.', 'We get an error if username is empty');
+$ua->content_contains('Your password is required.', 'We get an error if password is empty');
+$ua->content_contains('You must confirm your password.', 'We get an error if password confirmation is empty');
+ fields => {
+ username => 'new@example.com',
+ password => 'MyPassword',
+ confirm_password => 'WrongPassword',
+ });
+$ua->content_contains('The password confirmation does not match the password', 'confirm password needs to be the same as password.');
+ fields => {
+ username => 'user',
+ password => 'a',
+ confirm_password => 'a',
+ });
+$ua->content_contains('Field must be at least 8 characters. You entered 1', 'Error is shown on too short passwd.');