- Fix duplicated selected columns when calling 'count' when a same
aggregate function is used more than once in a 'having' clause
+ - Prevent SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML from seeing the $dbh
+ in a potentially connected $schema instance (RT#75394)
* Misc
- Fixup our distbuilding process to stop creating world-writable
or DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("Can't load $dbicschema: $@");
+ if (
+ ref $args->{dbic_schema}
+ and
+ $args->{dbic_schema}->storage
+ ) {
+ # we have a storage-holding $schema instance in $args
+ # we need to dissociate it from that $storage
+ # otherwise SQLT insanity may ensue due to how some
+ # serializing producers treat $args (crazy crazy shit)
+ local $args->{dbic_schema}{storage};
+ $args->{dbic_schema} = $args->{dbic_schema}->clone;
+ }
my $schema = $tr->schema;
my $table_no = 0;
# make sure classname-style works
lives_ok { isa_ok (create_schema ({ schema => 'DBICTest::Schema' }), 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'SQLT schema object produced') };
+# make sure a connected instance passed via $args does not get the $dbh improperly serialized
+SKIP: {
+ # YAML is a build_requires dep of SQLT - it may or may not be here
+ eval { require YAML } or skip "Test requires YAML.pm", 1;
+ lives_ok {
+ my $s = DBICTest->init_schema(no_populate => 1);
+ ok ($s->storage->connected, '$schema instance connected');
+ # roundtrip through YAML
+ my $yaml_rt_schema = SQL::Translator->new(
+ parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::YAML'
+ )->translate(
+ data => SQL::Translator->new(
+ parser_args => { package => $s },
+ parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class',
+ producer => 'SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML',
+ )->translate
+ );
+ isa_ok ( $yaml_rt_schema, 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'SQLT schema object produced after YAML roundtrip');
+ ok ($s->storage->connected, '$schema instance still connected');
+ }
+ eval <<'EOE' or die $@;
+ END {
+ $^W = 1; # important, otherwise DBI won't trip the next fail()
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ fail "Unexpected global destruction warning"
+ if $_[0] =~ /is not a DBI/;
+ warn @_;
+ };
+ }
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( no_deploy => 1 );