perl_version '5.008001';
all_from 'lib/DBIx/';
+my $build_requires = {
- 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.25',
++ 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.25',
+my $test_requires = {
- 'File::Temp' => '0.22',
- 'Test::Builder' => '0.33',
- 'Test::Deep' => '0',
- 'Test::Exception' => '0',
- 'Test::More' => '0.92',
- 'Test::Warn' => '0.21',
++ 'File::Temp' => '0.22',
++ 'Test::Builder' => '0.33',
++ 'Test::Deep' => '0',
++ 'Test::Exception' => '0',
++ 'Test::More' => '0.92',
++ 'Test::Warn' => '0.21',
+my $runtime_requires = {
+ # Core
+ 'List::Util' => '0',
+ 'Scalar::Util' => '0',
+ 'Storable' => '0',
+ # Dependencies
+ 'Carp::Clan' => '6.0',
+ 'Class::Accessor::Grouped' => '0.09002',
+ 'Class::C3::Componentised' => '1.0005',
+ 'Class::Inspector' => '1.24',
+ 'Data::Page' => '2.00',
+ 'DBI' => '1.609',
+ 'JSON::Any' => '1.18',
+ 'MRO::Compat' => '0.09',
+ 'Module::Find' => '0.06',
+ 'Path::Class' => '0.16',
+ 'Scope::Guard' => '0.03',
+ 'SQL::Abstract' => '1.61',
+ 'SQL::Abstract::Limit' => '0.13',
+ 'Sub::Name' => '0.04',
+ 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '1.000',
+# this is so we can order requires alphabetically
+# copies are needed for author requires injection
+my $reqs = {
+ build_requires => { %$build_requires },
+ requires => { %$runtime_requires },
+ test_requires => { %$test_requires },
-test_requires 'Test::Builder' => '0.33';
-test_requires 'Test::Deep' => '0';
-test_requires 'Test::Exception' => '0';
-test_requires 'Test::More' => '0.92';
-test_requires 'Test::Warn' => '0.21';
-test_requires 'File::Temp' => '0.22';
-# Core
-requires 'List::Util' => '0';
-requires 'Scalar::Util' => '0';
-requires 'Storable' => '0';
-# Dependencies (keep in alphabetical order)
-requires 'Carp::Clan' => '6.0';
-requires 'Class::Accessor::Grouped' => '0.09002';
-requires 'Class::C3::Componentised' => '1.0005';
-requires 'Class::Inspector' => '1.24';
-requires 'Data::Page' => '2.00';
-requires 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.25';
-requires 'DBI' => '1.609';
-requires 'JSON::Any' => '1.18';
-requires 'MRO::Compat' => '0.09';
-requires 'Module::Find' => '0.06';
-requires 'Path::Class' => '0.16';
-requires 'Scope::Guard' => '0.03';
-requires 'SQL::Abstract' => '1.61';
-requires 'SQL::Abstract::Limit' => '0.13';
-requires 'Sub::Name' => '0.04';
-requires 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '1.000';
-my %replication_requires = (
- 'Moose', => '0.98',
- 'MooseX::Types', => '0.21',
- 'namespace::clean' => '0.11',
- 'Hash::Merge', => '0.11',
-# Make *ABSOLUTELY SURE* that nothing on this list is a real require, #
-# since every module listed in %force_requires_if_author is deleted #
-# from the final META.yml (thus will never make it as a CPAN dependency) #
-my %force_requires_if_author = (
- %replication_requires,
- # when changing also adjust $DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::minimum_sqlt_version
- 'SQL::Translator' => '0.11002',
-# 'Module::Install::Pod::Inherit' => '0.01',
- # when changing also adjust version in t/02pod.t
- 'Test::Pod' => '1.26',
- # when changing also adjust version in t/06notabs.t
-# 'Test::NoTabs' => '0.9',
- # when changing also adjust version in t/07eol.t
-# 'Test::EOL' => '0.6',
- # when changing also adjust version in t/03podcoverage.t
- 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '1.08',
- 'Pod::Coverage' => '0.20',
- # CDBI-compat related
- 'DBIx::ContextualFetch' => '0',
- 'Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch' => '0',
- 'Class::Trigger' => '0',
- 'Time::Piece::MySQL' => '0',
- 'Clone' => '0',
- 'Date::Simple' => '3.03',
- # t/52cycle.t
- 'Test::Memory::Cycle' => '0',
- 'Devel::Cycle' => '1.10',
- # t/36datetime.t
- # t/60core.t
- 'DateTime::Format::SQLite' => '0',
- # t/96_is_deteministic_value.t
- 'DateTime::Format::Strptime'=> '0',
- # database-dependent reqs
- #
- ? (
- 'Sys::SigAction' => '0',
- 'DBD::Pg' => '2.009002',
- 'DateTime::Format::Pg' => '0',
- ) : ()
- ,
- ? (
- 'DateTime::Format::MySQL' => '0',
- ) : ()
- ,
- ? (
- 'DateTime::Format::Oracle' => '0',
- ) : ()
- ,
- ? (
- 'DateTime::Format::Sybase' => 0,
- ) : ()
- ,
- ? (
- 'DateTime::Format::Strptime' => 0,
- ) : ()
- ,
-# Make ABSOLUTELY SURE that nothing on the list above is a real require, #
-# since every module listed in %force_requires_if_author is deleted #
-# from the final META.yml (thus will never make it as a CPAN dependency) #
+# re-build README and require extra modules for testing if we're in a checkout
+if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
+ print "Regenerating README\n";
+ system('pod2text lib/DBIx/ > README');
+ if (-f 'MANIFEST') {
+ print "Removing MANIFEST\n";
+ unlink 'MANIFEST';
+ }
+# FIXME Disabled due to unsolved issues, ask theorbtwo
+# require Module::Install::Pod::Inherit;
+# PodInherit();
+ warn <<'EOW';
+*** ***
+*** AUTHOR MODE: all optional test dependencies converted to hard requires ***
+*** ***
+ require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
+ $reqs->{test_requires} = {
+ %{$reqs->{test_requires}},
+ %{DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->all_optional_requirements},
+ };
+# compose final req list, for alphabetical ordering
+my %final_req;
+for my $rtype (keys %$reqs) {
+ for my $mod (keys %{$reqs->{$rtype}} ) {
+ # sanity check req duplications
+ if ($final_req{$mod}) {
+ die "$mod specified as both a $rtype and a $final_req{$mod}[1]\n";
+ }
+ $final_req{$mod} = [ $rtype, $reqs->{$rtype}{$mod}||0 ],
+ }
+# actual require
+for my $mod (sort keys %final_req) {
+ my ($rtype, $ver) = @{$final_req{$mod}};
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $rtype->($mod, $ver);
install_script (qw|