# test upper/lower boundaries for sqlite and some values inbetween
# range is -(2**63) .. 2**63 - 1
-for my $bi (qw/
- -9223372036854775808
- -9223372036854775807
- -8694837494948124658
- -6848440844435891639
- -5664812265578554454
- -5380388020020483213
- -2564279463598428141
- 2442753333597784273
- 4790993557925631491
- 6773854980030157393
- 7627910776496326154
- 8297530189347439311
- 9223372036854775806
- 9223372036854775807
-/) {
- $row = $schema->resultset('BigIntArtist')->create({ bigint => $bi });
- is ($row->bigint, $bi, "value in object correct ($bi)");
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'This perl does not seem to have 64bit int support - DBI roundtrip of large int will fail with DBD::SQLite < 1.37', 1
+ if ($Config{ivsize} < 8 and ! eval { DBD::SQLite->VERSION(1.37); 1 });
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'This perl does not seem to have 64bit int support - DBI roundtrip of large int will fail'
- unless $Config{ivsize} >= 8;
+ for my $bi (qw/
+ -9223372036854775808
+ -9223372036854775807
+ -8694837494948124658
+ -6848440844435891639
+ -5664812265578554454
+ -5380388020020483213
+ -2564279463598428141
+ 2442753333597784273
+ 4790993557925631491
+ 6773854980030157393
+ 7627910776496326154
+ 8297530189347439311
+ 9223372036854775806
+ 9223372036854775807
+ /) {
+ $row = $schema->resultset('BigIntArtist')->create({ bigint => $bi });
+ is ($row->bigint, $bi, "value in object correct ($bi)");
is ($row->bigint, $bi, "value in database correct ($bi)");