my ($first_order_by) = do {
local $self->{quote_char};
+ local $self->{order_bind};
map { ref $_ ? $_->[0] : $_ } $self->_order_by_chunks ($rs_attrs->{order_by})
} or $self->throw_exception (
'Generic Subquery Limit does not work on resultsets without an order. Provide a single, '
"Generic Subquery Limit first order criteria '$first_ord_col' must be unique"
) unless $root_rsrc->_identifying_column_set([$first_ord_col]);
- my $sq_attrs = $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs ($sql, $rs_attrs);
+ my $sq_attrs = do {
+ # perform the mangling only using the very first order crietria
+ # (the one we care about)
+ local $rs_attrs->{order_by} = $first_order_by;
+ $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs ($sql, $rs_attrs);
+ };
my $cmp_op = $direction eq 'desc' ? '>' : '<';
my $count_tbl_alias = 'rownum__emulation';
- my $order_sql = $self->_order_by (delete $rs_attrs->{order_by});
+ my ($order_sql, @order_bind) = do {
+ local $self->{order_bind};
+ my $s = $self->_order_by (delete $rs_attrs->{order_by});
+ ($s, @{$self->{order_bind}});
+ };
my $group_having_sql = $self->_parse_rs_attrs($rs_attrs);
my $in_sel = $sq_attrs->{selection_inner};
+ # even though binds in order_by make no sense here (the rs needs to be
+ # ordered by a unique column first) - pass whatever there may be through
+ # anyway
+ push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, @order_bind;
return sprintf ("
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer}