my $alias = $self->{attrs}{alias};
my $collapsed_cond = $self->{cond} ? $self->_collapse_cond($self->{cond}) : {};
my %new = (
- %{ $self->_remove_alias($values, $alias) },
%{ $self->_remove_alias($collapsed_cond, $alias) },
+ %{ $self->_remove_alias($values, $alias) },
-source_handle => $self->_source_handle,
-result_source => $self->result_source, # DO NOT REMOVE THIS, REQUIRED
is($newartist->name, 'Random Boy Band Two', 'find_or_new_related new artist record with id');
is($newartist->id, 200, 'find_or_new_related new artist id set');
skip "relationship checking needs fixing", 1;
# try to add a bogus relationship using the wrong cols
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1);
-print $cd->artist->id;
is($cd->artist->id, 1, 'rel okay');
my $new_cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->create($new_cd_hashref);
-is($new_cd->artist->id, 17, 'new id retained okay');
\ No newline at end of file
+is($new_cd->artist->id, 17, 'new id retained okay');