use constant SPURIOUS_VERSION_CHECK_WARNINGS => ( "$]" < 5.010 ? 1 : 0);
+my $mro_recursor_stack;
package # hide from pause
if ( "$]" < 5.009_005) {
require MRO::Compat;
constant->import( OLD_MRO => 1 );
+ #
+ # Yes, I know this is a rather PHP-ish name, but please first read
+ #
+ #
+ # Even if we are using Class::C3::XS it still won't work, as doing
+ # defined( *{ "SubClass::"->{$_} }{CODE} )
+ # will set pkg_gen to the same value for SubClass and *ALL PARENTS*
+ #
+ *DBIx::Class::_Util::get_real_pkg_gen = sub ($) {
+ require Digest::MD5;
+ require Math::BigInt;
+ # the non-assign-unless-there-is-a-hash is deliberate
+ ( $mro_recursor_stack->{cache} || {} )->{$_[0]}{gen} ||= (
+ Math::BigInt->new( '0x' . ( Digest::MD5::md5_hex( join "\0", map {
+ ( $mro_recursor_stack->{cache} || {} )->{$_}{methlist} ||= do {
+ my $class = $_;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my %methlist =
+ map
+ # this is essentially a uniq_by step
+ # it is crucial on OLD_MRO
+ {( Scalar::Util::refaddr($_) => $_ )}
+ map
+ {
+ (
+ ref(\ "${class}::"->{$_} ) ne 'GLOB'
+ or
+ defined( *{ "${class}::"->{$_} }{CODE} )
+ )
+ ? ( \&{"${class}::$_"} )
+ : ()
+ }
+ keys %{ "${class}::" }
+ ;
+ # RV to be hashed up and turned into a number
+ join "\0", (
+ $class,
+ map {(
+ $_, # refaddr is sufficient, ignore names entirely
+ @{
+ ( $mro_recursor_stack->{cache} || {} )->{attrs}{$_}
+ ||=
+ [ attributes::get( $methlist{$_} ) ]
+ },
+ )} sort keys %methlist
+ ),
+ }
+ } ( 'UNIVERSAL', @{
+ ( $mro_recursor_stack->{cache} || {} )->{$_[0]}{linear_isa}
+ ||=
+ mro::get_linear_isa($_[0])
+ } ) ) ) )
+ );
+ };
else {
require mro;
constant->import( OLD_MRO => 0 );
+ *DBIx::Class::_Util::get_real_pkg_gen = \&mro::get_pkg_gen;
# Both of these are no longer used for anything. However bring
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken blessed reftype refaddr);
use Sub::Quote qw(qsub);
use Sub::Name ();
+use attributes ();
# Already correctly prototyped: perlbrew exec perl -MStorable -e 'warn prototype \&Storable::dclone'
BEGIN { *deep_clone = \&Storable::dclone }
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
sigwarn_silencer modver_gt_or_eq modver_gt_or_eq_and_lt
fail_on_internal_wantarray fail_on_internal_call
- refdesc refcount hrefaddr set_subname
+ refdesc refcount hrefaddr set_subname describe_class_methods
scope_guard detected_reinvoked_destructor
is_exception dbic_internal_try visit_namespaces
quote_sub qsub perlstring serialize deep_clone dump_value uniq
# To be revisited when Moo with proper attr support ships
- require attributes;
# Override forcing no_defer, and adding naming consistency checks
sub quote_sub {
) ? 1 : 0;
+ # FIXME - should be a private my(), but I'm too uncertain whether
+ # all bases are covered
+ our $describe_class_query_cache;
+ sub describe_class_methods {
+ croak "Expecting a class name"
+ if not defined $_[0] or $_[0] !~ $module_name_rx;
+ # use a cache on old MRO, since while we are recursing in this function
+ # nothing can possibly change (the speedup is immense)
+ # (yes, people could be tie()ing the stash and adding methods on access
+ # but there is a limit to how much crazy can be supported here)
+ #
+ # we use the cache for linear_isa lookups on new MRO as well - it adds
+ # a *tiny* speedup, and simplifies the code a lot
+ #
+ local $mro_recursor_stack->{cache} = {}
+ unless $mro_recursor_stack->{cache};
+ my $my_gen = 0;
+ $my_gen += get_real_pkg_gen($_) for (
+ my ($class, @my_ISA) = @{
+ $mro_recursor_stack->{cache}{$_[0]}{linear_isa}
+ ||=
+ mro::get_linear_isa($_[0])
+ }
+ );
+ my $slot = $describe_class_query_cache->{$class} ||= {};
+ unless ( ($slot->{cumulative_gen}||0) == $my_gen ) {
+ # reset
+ %$slot = (
+ class => $class,
+ isa => [ @my_ISA ], # copy before we shove UNIVERSAL into it
+ mro => {
+ type => mro::get_mro($class),
+ },
+ cumulative_gen => $my_gen,
+ );
+ $slot->{mro}{is_c3} = ($slot->{mro}{type} eq 'c3') ? 1 : 0;
+ push @my_ISA, 'UNIVERSAL';
+ # ensure the cache is populated for the parents, code below can then
+ # efficiently operate over the query_cache directly
+ for (reverse @my_ISA) {
+ my ($parent_gen, @parent_ISA);
+ # and even more skips before calling out recursively
+ describe_class_methods($_) unless (
+ $describe_class_query_cache->{$_}{cumulative_gen}
+ and
+ $parent_gen = get_real_pkg_gen($_)
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ (undef, @parent_ISA) = @{
+ $mro_recursor_stack->{cache}{$_}{linear_isa}
+ ||=
+ mro::get_linear_isa($_)
+ }
+ ) == 1
+ or
+ do {
+ $parent_gen += get_real_pkg_gen($_) for @parent_ISA;
+ 1;
+ }
+ )
+ and
+ $describe_class_query_cache->{$_}{cumulative_gen} == $parent_gen
+ );
+ }
+ my ($methods_seen_via_ISA_on_old_mro, $current_node_refaddr);
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # combine full ISA-order inherited and local method list into a
+ # "shadowing stack"
+ (
+ $current_node_refaddr = refaddr($_)
+ and
+ # on complex MI herarchies the method can be anywhere in the
+ # shadow stack - look through the entire slot, not just [0]
+ ( ! grep {
+ refaddr($_) == $current_node_refaddr
+ } @{ $slot->{methods}{ $_->{name} } || [] } )
+ and
+ unshift @{ $slot->{methods}{$_->{name}} }, $_
+ and
+ @{ $slot->{methods}{$_->{name}} } > 1
+ and
+ $slot->{methods_with_supers}{$_->{name}} = $slot->{methods}{$_->{name}}
+ ) for (
+ # what describe_class_methods for @my_ISA produced above
+ ( map { $_->[0] } map {
+ values %{ $describe_class_query_cache->{$_}{methods} }
+ } reverse @my_ISA ),
+ # our own non-cleaned subs + their attributes
+ ( map {
+ (
+ # these 2 OR-ed checks are sufficient for 5.10+
+ (
+ ref(\ "${class}::"->{$_} ) ne 'GLOB'
+ or
+ defined( *{ "${class}::"->{$_} }{CODE} )
+ )
+ and
+ # need to account for dummy helper crefs under OLD_MRO
+ (
+ ! DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO
+ or
+ (
+ $methods_seen_via_ISA_on_old_mro ||= do {
+ my $rv = {};
+ $rv->{$_->{name}}->{ refaddr( \&{ "$_->{via_class}::$_->{name}"} ) } = 1 for
+ map { @$_ } map
+ { values %{ $describe_class_query_cache->{$_}{methods} } }
+ @my_ISA;
+ $rv;
+ }
+ and
+ (
+ ! $methods_seen_via_ISA_on_old_mro->{$_}
+ or
+ ! $methods_seen_via_ISA_on_old_mro->{$_}{ refaddr( \&{"${class}::${_}"} ) }
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) ? {
+ via_class => $class,
+ name => $_,
+ attributes => { map { $_ => 1 } @{
+ $mro_recursor_stack->{cache}{attrs}{ refaddr \&{"${class}::${_}"} }
+ ||=
+ [ attributes::get( \&{"${class}::${_}"} ) ]
+ } },
+ }
+ : ()
+ } keys %{"${class}::"} )
+ );
+ # recalculate the pkg_gen on newer perls under Taint mode,
+ # because of shit like:
+ # perl -T -Mmro -e 'package Foo; sub bar {}; defined( *{ "Foo::"->{bar}}{CODE} ) and warn mro::get_pkg_gen("Foo") for (1,2,3)'
+ #
+ if (
+ ! DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO
+ and
+ ${^TAINT}
+ ) {
+ $slot->{cumulative_gen} = 0;
+ $slot->{cumulative_gen} += get_real_pkg_gen($_)
+ for $class, @my_ISA;
+ }
+ }
+ # RV
+ +{ %$slot };
+ }
# Why not just use some higher-level module or at least File::Spec here?
+BEGIN { do "./t/lib/" or die ( $@ || $! ) }
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
-use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( quote_sub );
+use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( quote_sub describe_class_methods serialize refdesc );
+use List::Util 'shuffle';
+use Errno ();
+use DBICTest;
+my $pkg_gen_history = {};
+sub grab_pkg_gen ($) {
+ push @{ $pkg_gen_history->{$_[0]} }, [
+ DBIx::Class::_Util::get_real_pkg_gen($_[0]),
+ 'line ' . ( (caller(0))[2] ),
+ ];
-require DBIx::Class;
@DBICTest::AttrLegacy::ISA = 'DBIx::Class';
my $var = \42;
my $s = quote_sub(
is $s, \&DBICTest::AttrLegacy::attr, 'Same cref installed';
is DBICTest::AttrLegacy::attr(), 42, 'Sub properly installed and callable';
[ sort( attributes::get( $s ) ) ],
[qw( DBIC_random_attr ResultSet )],
'Attribute installed',
-unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around
+ package DBICTest::SomeGrandParentClass;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes';
+ sub VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE { shift->next::method(@_) };
+ package DBICTest::SomeParentClass;
+ use base qw(DBICTest::SomeGrandParentClass);
+ package DBICTest::AnotherParentClass;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes';
+ sub VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE { $_[1] =~ /DBIC_attr/ };
-@DBICTest::AttrTest::ISA = 'DBIx::Class';
- package DBICTest::AttrTest;
+ package DBICTest::AttrTest;
+ @DBICTest::AttrTest::ISA = qw( DBICTest::SomeParentClass DBICTest::AnotherParentClass );
+ use mro 'c3';
+ ::grab_pkg_gen("DBICTest::AttrTest");
- eval <<'EOS' or die $@;
- sub VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE { $_[1] =~ /DBIC_attr/ }
+ eval <<'EOS' or die $@;
sub attr :lvalue :method :DBIC_attr1 { $$var}
- ::throws_ok {
- attributes->import(
- 'DBICTest::AttrTest',
- DBICTest::AttrTest->can('attr'),
- 'DBIC_unknownattr',
- );
- } qr/DBIC-specific attribute 'DBIC_unknownattr' did not pass validation/;
+ ::grab_pkg_gen("DBICTest::AttrTest");
+ ::throws_ok {
+ attributes->import(
+ 'DBICTest::AttrTest',
+ DBICTest::AttrTest->can('attr'),
+ 'DBIC_unknownattr',
+ );
+ } qr/DBIC-specific attribute 'DBIC_unknownattr' did not pass validation/;
[ sort( attributes::get( DBICTest::AttrTest->can("attr") )) ],
[qw( DBIC_attr1 lvalue method )],
'Attribute installed',
-unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around
! DBICTest::AttrTest->can('__attr_cache'),
sub add_more_attrs {
# Test that secondary attribute application works
+ grab_pkg_gen("DBICTest::AttrLegacy");
[ sort( attributes::get( $s ) )],
[ qw( DBIC_random_attr ResultSet SomethingNobodyUses ) ],
'Secondary attributes installed',
- unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around
+ ;
is_deeply (
'Attributes visible in legacy DBIC attribute API',
# Test that secondary attribute application works
+ grab_pkg_gen("DBICTest::AttrTest");
# and that double-application also works
+ grab_pkg_gen("DBICTest::AttrTest");
[ sort( attributes::get( DBICTest::AttrTest->can("attr") )) ],
[qw( DBIC_attr1 DBIC_attr2 DBIC_attr3 lvalue method )],
'DBIC-specific attribute installed',
- unless $^V =~ /c/; # FIXME work around
+ ;
! DBICTest::AttrTest->can('__attr_cache'),
'Legacy DBIC attribute cache never instantiated on core+DBIC-specific attrs'
+ # no point dragging in threads::shared, just do the check here
+ for my $class ( keys %$pkg_gen_history ) {
+ my $stack = $pkg_gen_history->{$class};
+ for my $i ( 1 .. $#$stack ) {
+ cmp_ok(
+ $stack->[$i-1][0],
+ ( DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO ? '!=' : '<' ),
+ $stack->[$i][0],
+ "pkg_gen for $class changed from $stack->[$i-1][1] to $stack->[$i][1]"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ my $cnt;
+ # check that class description is stable, and changes when needed
+ for my $class (qw(
+ DBICTest::AttrTest
+ DBICTest::AttrLegacy
+ DBIx::Class
+ main
+ )) {
+ my $desc = describe_class_methods($class);
+ is_deeply(
+ describe_class_methods($class),
+ $desc,
+ "describe_class_methods result is stable over '$class' (pass $_)"
+ ) for (1,2,3);
+ my $desc2 = do {
+ no warnings 'once';
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $cnt++;
+ eval "sub UNIVERSAL::some_unimethod_$cnt {}; 1" or die $@;
+ my $rv = describe_class_methods($class);
+ delete ${"UNIVERSAL::"}{"some_unimethod_$cnt"};
+ $rv
+ };
+ delete $_->{cumulative_gen} for $desc, $desc2;
+ ok(
+ serialize( $desc )
+ ne
+ serialize( $desc2 ),
+ "touching UNIVERSAL changed '$class' method availability"
+ );
+ }
+ my $bottom_most_V_D_C_A = refdesc(
+ describe_class_methods("DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes")
+ ->{methods}
+ ->[0]
+ );
+ for my $class ( shuffle( qw(
+ DBICTest::AttrTest
+ DBICTest::AttrLegacy
+ DBICTest::SomeGrandParentClass
+ DBIx::Class::Schema
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSet
+ DBICTest::Schema::Track
+ ))) {
+ my $desc = describe_class_methods($class);
+ is (
+ refdesc( $desc->{methods}{VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE}[-1] ),
+ $bottom_most_V_D_C_A,
+ "Same physical structure returned for last VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE via class $class"
+ );
+ is (
+ refdesc( $desc->{methods_with_supers}{VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE}[-1] ),
+ $bottom_most_V_D_C_A,
+ "Same physical structure returned for bottom-most SUPER of VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE via class $class"
+ ) if $desc->{methods_with_supers}{VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE};
+ }
+ # check that describe_class_methods returns the right stuff
+ # ( on the simpler class )
+ my $expected_AttrTest_ISA = [qw(
+ DBICTest::SomeParentClass
+ DBICTest::SomeGrandParentClass
+ DBICTest::AnotherParentClass
+ DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes
+ )];
+ my $expected_desc = {
+ class => "DBICTest::AttrTest",
+ # sum and/or is_deeply are buggy on old List::Util/Test::More
+ # do the sum by hand ourselves to be sure
+ cumulative_gen => do {
+ require Math::BigInt;
+ my $gen = Math::BigInt->new(0);
+ $gen += DBIx::Class::_Util::get_real_pkg_gen($_) for (
+ 'DBICTest::AttrTest',
+ @$expected_AttrTest_ISA,
+ );
+ $gen;
+ },
+ mro => {
+ type => 'c3',
+ is_c3 => 1,
+ },
+ isa => $expected_AttrTest_ISA,
+ methods => {
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ via_class => "DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes"
+ },
+ ],
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ via_class => "DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes"
+ },
+ ],
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ via_class => "DBICTest::SomeGrandParentClass",
+ },
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ via_class => "DBICTest::AnotherParentClass"
+ },
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ via_class => "DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes"
+ },
+ ],
+ _attr_cache => [
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ name => "_attr_cache",
+ via_class => "DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes"
+ },
+ ],
+ attr => [
+ {
+ attributes => {
+ DBIC_attr1 => 1,
+ DBIC_attr2 => 1,
+ DBIC_attr3 => 1,
+ lvalue => 1,
+ method => 1
+ },
+ name => "attr",
+ via_class => "DBICTest::AttrTest"
+ }
+ ],
+ can => [
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ name => "can",
+ via_class => "UNIVERSAL",
+ },
+ ],
+ isa => [
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ name => "isa",
+ via_class => "UNIVERSAL",
+ },
+ ],
+ VERSION => [
+ {
+ attributes => {},
+ name => "VERSION",
+ via_class => "UNIVERSAL",
+ },
+ ],
+ ( DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO ? () : (
+ DOES => [{
+ attributes => {},
+ name => "DOES",
+ via_class => "UNIVERSAL",
+ }],
+ ) ),
+ },
+ };
+ $expected_desc->{methods_with_supers}{VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE}
+ = $expected_desc->{methods}{VALID_DBIC_CODE_ATTRIBUTE};
+ is_deeply (
+ describe_class_methods("DBICTest::AttrTest"),
+ $expected_desc,
+ 'describe_class_methods returns correct data',
+ );
if ($skip_threads) {
SKIP: { skip "Skipping the thread test: $skip_threads", 1 }
-else {
- threads->create(sub {
+else { SKIP: {
+ my $t = threads->create(sub {
- threads->create(sub {
+ my $t = threads->create(sub {
select( undef, undef, undef, 0.2 ); # without this many tasty crashes even on latest perls
- })->join;
+ 42;
+ }) || do {
+ die "Unable to start thread: $!"
+ unless $! == Errno::EAGAIN();
+ SKIP: { skip "EAGAIN encountered, your system is likely bogged down: skipping rest of test", 1 }
+ return 42 ;
+ };
+ my $rv = $t->join;
select( undef, undef, undef, 0.2 ); # without this many tasty crashes even on latest perls
- })->join;
+ $rv;
+ }) || do {
+ die "Unable to start thread: $!"
+ unless $! == Errno::EAGAIN();
+ skip "EAGAIN encountered, your system is likely bogged down: skipping rest of test", 1;
+ };
+ is (
+ $t->join,
+ 42,
+ 'Thread stack exitted succesfully'
+ );