$_[1] =~ /^ DBIC_method_is_ (?:
+ (?: bypassable | mandatory ) _resultsource_proxy
+ |
(?: inflated_ | filtered_ )? column_ (?: extra_)? accessor
See also the check
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_mandatory_resultsource_proxy
+=head3 DBIC_method_is_bypassable_resultsource_proxy
+The presence of one of these attributes on a L<proxied ResultSource
+method|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass/DBIx::Class::ResultSource> indicates
+how DBIC will behave when someone calls e.g.:
+ $some_result->result_source->add_columns(...)
+as opposed to the conventional
+ SomeResultClass->add_columns(...)
+This distinction becomes important when someone declares a sub named after
+one of the (currently 22) methods proxied from a
+L<Result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> to
+L<ResultSource|DBIx::Class::ResultSource>. While there are obviously no
+problems when these methods are called at compile time, there is a lot of
+ambiguity whether an override of something like
+L<columns_info|DBIx::Class::ResultSource/columns_info> will be respected by
+DBIC and various plugins during runtime operations.
+It must be noted that there is a reason for this weird situation: during the
+original design of DBIC the "ResultSourceProxy" system was established in
+order to allow easy transition from Class::DBI. Unfortunately it was not
+well abstracted away: it is rather difficult to use a custom ResultSource
+subclass. The expansion of the DBIC project never addressed this properly
+in the years since. As a result when one wishes to override a part of the
+ResultSource functionality, the overwhelming practice is to hook a method
+in a Result class and "hope for the best".
+The subtle changes of various internal call-chains in C<DBIC v0.0829xx> make
+this silent uncertainty untenable. As a solution any such override will now
+issue a descriptive warning that it has been bypassed during a
+C<< $rsrc->overriden_function >> invocation. A user B<must> determine how
+each individual override must behave in this situation, and tag it with one
+of the above two attributes.
+Naturally any override marked with C<..._bypassable_resultsource_proxy> will
+behave like it did before: it will be silently ignored. This is the attribute
+you want to set if your code appears to work fine, and you do not wish to
+receive the warning anymore (though you are strongly encouraged to understand
+the other option).
+However overrides marked with C<..._mandatory_resultsource_proxy> will always
+be reinvoked by DBIC itself, so that any call of the form:
+ $some_result->result_source->columns_info(...)
+will be transformed into:
+ $some_result->result_source->result_class->columns_info(...)
+with the rest of the callchain flowing out of that (provided the override did
+invoke L<next::method|mro/next::method> where appropriate)
=head3 DBIC_method_is_generated_from_resultsource_metadata
This attribute is applied to all methods dynamically installed after various
use base 'DBIx::Class';
# needs to be loaded early to query method attributes below
+# and to do the around()s properly
use DBIx::Class::ResultSource;
+my @wrap_rsrc_methods = qw(
+ add_columns
+ add_relationship
-use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( quote_sub fail_on_internal_call );
+use DBIx::Class::_Util qw(
+ quote_sub perlstring fail_on_internal_call describe_class_methods
use namespace::clean;
+# FIXME: this is truly bizarre, not sure why it is this way since 93405cf0
+# This value *IS* *DIFFERENT* from source_name in the underlying rsrc
+# instance, and there is *ZERO EFFORT* made to synchronize them...
+# FIXME: Due to the above marking this as a rsrc_proxy method is also out
+# of the question...
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('inherited_ro_instance' => 'source_name');
sub get_inherited_ro_instance { $_[0]->get_inherited($_[1]) }
$_[0]->set_inherited( $_[1], $_[2] );
-sub add_columns {
+sub add_columns :DBIC_method_is_bypassable_resultsource_proxy {
my ($class, @cols) = @_;
my $source = $class->result_source;
+ local $source->{__callstack_includes_rsrc_proxy_method} = "add_columns";
my $colinfos;
-sub add_relationship {
+sub add_relationship :DBIC_method_is_bypassable_resultsource_proxy {
my ($class, $rel, @rest) = @_;
my $source = $class->result_source;
+ local $source->{__callstack_includes_rsrc_proxy_method} = "add_relationship";
$source->add_relationship($rel => @rest);
$class->register_relationship($rel => $source->relationship_info($rel));
/) {
+ my $qsub_opts = { attributes => [
+ do {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ attributes::get( \&{"DBIx::Class::ResultSource::$method_to_proxy"} );
+ }
+ ] };
- my $qsub_opts = { attributes => [ do {
- no strict 'refs';
- attributes::get( \&{"DBIx::Class::ResultSource::$method_to_proxy"} )
- } ] };
+ # bypassable default for backcompat, except for indirect methods
+ # ( those will simply warn during the sanheck )
+ if(! grep
+ { $_ eq 'DBIC_method_is_indirect_sugar' }
+ @{ $qsub_opts->{attributes} }
+ ) {
+ push @wrap_rsrc_methods, $method_to_proxy;
+ push @{ $qsub_opts->{atributes} }, 'DBIC_method_is_bypassable_resultsource_proxy';
+ }
quote_sub __PACKAGE__."::$method_to_proxy", sprintf( <<'EOC', $method_to_proxy ), {}, $qsub_opts;
DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and DBIx::Class::_Util::fail_on_internal_call;
- shift->result_source->%s (@_);
+ my $rsrc = shift->result_source;
+ local $rsrc->{__callstack_includes_rsrc_proxy_method} = q(%1$s);
+ $rsrc->%1$s (@_);
+# This is where the "magic" of detecting/invoking the proper overridden
+# Result method takes place. It isn't implemented as a stateless out-of-band
+# SanityCheck as invocation requires certain state in the $rsrc object itself
+# in order not to loop over itself. It is not in ResultSource.pm either
+# because of load order and because the entire stack is just terrible :/
+# The code is not easily readable, as it it optimized for execution time
+# (this stuff will be run all the time across the entire install base :/ )
+ our %__rsrc_proxy_meta_cache;
+ sub DBIx::Class::__RsrcProxy_iThreads_handler__::CLONE {
+ # recreating this cache is pretty cheap: just blow it away
+ %__rsrc_proxy_meta_cache = ();
+ }
+ for my $method_to_wrap (@wrap_rsrc_methods) {
+ my @src_args = (
+ perlstring $method_to_wrap,
+ );
+ my $orig = do {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ \&{"DBIx::Class::ResultSource::$method_to_wrap"}
+ };
+ my %unclassified_override_warn_emitted;
+ my @qsub_args = (
+ {
+ # ref to hashref, this is how S::Q works
+ '$rsrc_proxy_meta_cache' => \\%__rsrc_proxy_meta_cache,
+ '$unclassified_override_warn_emitted' => \\%unclassified_override_warn_emitted,
+ '$orig' => \$orig,
+ },
+ { attributes => [ attributes::get($orig) ] }
+ );
+ quote_sub "DBIx::Class::ResultSource::$method_to_wrap", sprintf( <<'EOC', @src_args ), @qsub_args;
+ my $overridden_proxy_cref;
+ # fall through except when...
+ return &$orig unless (
+ # FIXME - this may be necessary some day, but skip the hit for now
+ # Scalar::Util::reftype $_[0] eq 'HASH'
+ # and
+ # there is a class to check in the first place
+ defined $_[0]->{result_class}
+ and
+ # we are not in a reinvoked callstack
+ (
+ ( $_[0]->{__callstack_includes_rsrc_proxy_method} || '' )
+ ne
+ %1$s
+ )
+ and
+ # there is a proxied method in the first place
+ (
+ ( $rsrc_proxy_meta_cache->{address}{%1$s} ||= 0 + (
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy->can(%1$s)
+ ||
+ -1
+ ) )
+ >
+ 0
+ )
+ and
+ # the proxied method *is overridden*
+ (
+ $rsrc_proxy_meta_cache->{address}{%1$s}
+ !=
+ # the can() should not be able to fail in theory, but the
+ # result class may not inherit from ::Core *at all*
+ # hence we simply ||ourselves to paper over this eventuality
+ (
+ ( $overridden_proxy_cref = $_[0]->{result_class}->can(%1$s) )
+ ||
+ $rsrc_proxy_meta_cache->{address}{%1$s}
+ )
+ )
+ and
+ # no short-circuiting atributes
+ (! grep
+ {
+ # checking that:
+ #
+ # - Override is not something DBIC plastered on top of things
+ # One would think this is crazy, yet there it is... sigh:
+ # https://metacpan.org/source/KARMAN/DBIx-Class-RDBOHelpers-0.12/t/lib/MyDBIC/Schema/Cd.pm#L26-27
+ #
+ # - And is not an m2m crapfest
+ #
+ # - And is not something marked as bypassable
+ $_ =~ / ^ DBIC_method_is_ (?:
+ generated_from_resultsource_metadata
+ |
+ m2m_ (?: extra_)? sugar (?:_with_attrs)?
+ |
+ bypassable_resultsource_proxy
+ ) $ /x
+ }
+ keys %%{ $rsrc_proxy_meta_cache->{attrs}{$overridden_proxy_cref} ||= {
+ map { $_ => 1 } attributes::get($overridden_proxy_cref)
+ }}
+ )
+ );
+ # Getting this far means that there *is* an override
+ # and it is *not* marked for a skip
+ # we were asked to loop back through the Result override
+ if (
+ $rsrc_proxy_meta_cache->{attrs}
+ {$overridden_proxy_cref}
+ {DBIC_method_is_mandatory_resultsource_proxy}
+ ) {
+ local $_[0]->{__callstack_includes_rsrc_proxy_method} = %1$s;
+ # replace $self without compromising aliasing
+ splice @_, 0, 1, $_[0]->{result_class};
+ return &$overridden_proxy_cref;
+ }
+ # complain (sparsely) and carry on
+ else {
+ # FIXME!!! - terrible, need to swap for something saner later
+ my ($cs) = DBIx::Class::Carp::__find_caller( __PACKAGE__ );
+ my $key = $cs . $overridden_proxy_cref;
+ unless( $unclassified_override_warn_emitted->{$key} ) {
+ # find the real origin
+ my @meth_stack = @{ DBIx::Class::_Util::describe_class_methods(
+ ref $_[0]->{result_class} || $_[0]->{result_class}
+ )->{methods}{%1$s} };
+ my $in_class = (shift @meth_stack)->{via_class};
+ my $possible_supers;
+ while (
+ @meth_stack
+ and
+ $meth_stack[0]{via_class} ne __PACKAGE__
+ ) {
+ push @$possible_supers, (shift @meth_stack)->{via_class};
+ }
+ $possible_supers = $possible_supers
+ ? sprintf(
+ ' ( and possible SUPERs: %%s )',
+ join ', ', map
+ { join '::', $_, %1$s }
+ @$possible_supers
+ )
+ : ''
+ ;
+ my $fqmeth = $in_class . '::' . %1$s . '()';
+ DBIx::Class::_Util::emit_loud_diag(
+ # Repurpose the assertion envvar ( the override-check is independent
+ # from the schema san-checker, but the spirit is the same )
+ msg =>
+ "The override method $fqmeth$possible_supers has been bypassed "
+ . "$cs\n"
+ . "In order to silence this warning you must tag the "
+ . "definition of $fqmeth with one of the attributes "
+ . "':DBIC_method_is_bypassable_resultsource_proxy' or "
+ . "':DBIC_method_is_mandatory_resultsource_proxy' ( see "
+ . "https://is.gd/dbic_rsrcproxy_methodattr for more info )\n"
+ );
+ # only set if we didn't throw
+ $unclassified_override_warn_emitted->{$key} = 1;
+ }
+ return &$orig;
+ }
+ }
+ Class::C3->reinitialize() if DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO;
+# CI sanity check that all annotations make sense
+ and
+ # no point taxing 5.8 with this
+ ! DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO
+) {
+ my ( $rsrc_methods, $rsrc_proxy_methods, $base_methods ) = map {
+ describe_class_methods($_)->{methods}
+ } qw(
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSource
+ DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy
+ DBIx::Class
+ );
+ delete $rsrc_methods->{$_}, delete $rsrc_proxy_methods->{$_}
+ for keys %$base_methods;
+ (
+ $rsrc_methods->{$_}
+ and
+ ! $rsrc_proxy_methods->{$_}[0]{attributes}{DBIC_method_is_indirect_sugar}
+ )
+ or
+ delete $rsrc_proxy_methods->{$_}
+ for keys %$rsrc_proxy_methods;
+ # see fat FIXME at top of file
+ delete @{$rsrc_proxy_methods}{qw( source_name _source_name_accessor )};
+ if (
+ ( my $proxied = join "\n", map "\t$_", sort keys %$rsrc_proxy_methods )
+ ne
+ ( my $wrapped = join "\n", map "\t$_", sort @wrap_rsrc_methods )
+ ) {
+ Carp::confess(
+ "Unexpected mismatch between the list of proxied methods:\n\n$proxied"
+ . "\n\nand the list of wrapped rsrc methods:\n\n$wrapped\n\n"
+ );
+ }