my ($self, @row) = @_;
my @as = @{ $self->{attrs}{as} };
- warn "collapsing";
my $info = $self->_collapse_result(\@as, \@row);
- warn "done collapsing";
my $new = $self->result_class->inflate_result($self->result_source, @$info);
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' if $@;
-plan tests => 12;
+plan tests => 13;
my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
{ artistid => 1 }
is( scalar @{ $rs->get_cache }, 0, 'cache is not populated without cache attribute' );
+# start test for prefetch SELECT count
+unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
+DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1, { prefetch => [qw/cds/] });
+# count the SELECTs
+DBI->trace(0, undef);
+$selects = 0;
+$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
+ or die "Unable to read trace file";
+while (<$trace>) {
+ $selects++ if /SELECT/;
+unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
+is( $selects, 1, 'only one select statement on find with has_many prefetch' );
$rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
{ 'artistid' => 1 },