immediately before the commit is attempted (RT#107159)
- Fix several corner cases with Many2Many over custom relationships
- Fix t/52leaks.t failures on compilerless systems (RT#104429)
+ - Fix t/105view_deps.t failing with libsqlite >= 3.009, where view
+ definitions are lazily-checked for correctness only at DML-time as
+ opposed to DDL-time (RT#1546088)
- Fix t/storage/quote_names.t failures on systems with specified Oracle
test credentials while missing the optional Math::Base36
- Fix the Sybase ASE storage incorrectly attempting to retrieve an
= ViewDepsBad->connect( DBICTest->_database ( quote_char => '"') );
ok( $schema2, 'Connected to ViewDepsBad schema OK' );
+ my $lazy_view_validity = !(
+ $schema2->storage->_server_info->{normalized_dbms_version}
+ <
+ 3.009
+ );
#################### DEPLOY2
warnings_exist { $schema2->deploy }
- [qr/no such table: main.aba_name_artists/],
+ [ $lazy_view_validity ? () : qr/no such table: main.aba_name_artists/ ],
"Deploying the bad schema produces a warning: aba_name_artists was not created.";
#################### DOES ORDERING WORK 2?
} grep { !/AbaNameArtistsAnd2010CDsWithManyTracks/ }
@{ [ $schema2->sources ] };
+ $schema2->storage->dbh->do(q( DROP VIEW "aba_name_artists" ))
+ if $lazy_view_validity;
throws_ok { $schema2->resultset('AbaNameArtistsAnd2010CDsWithManyTracks')->next }
- qr/no such table: aba_name_artists_and_2010_cds_with_many_tracks/,
- "Query on AbaNameArtistsAnd2010CDsWithManyTracks throws, because the table does not exist"
+ qr/no such table: (?:main\.)?aba_name_artists/,
+ sprintf(
+ "Query on AbaNameArtistsAnd2010CDsWithManyTracks throws, because the%s view does not exist",
+ $lazy_view_validity ? ' underlying' : ''
+ )