--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary - Deconfusion of terms used
+This document lists various terms used in DBIx::Class and attempts to explain them.
+=head1 TERMS
+=head2 ORM
+=head2 ResultSet
+This is an object representing a set of data. It can either be an
+entire table, or the results of a query. The actual data is not held
+in the ResultSet, it is only a description of how to fetch the data.
+See also: L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/METHODS>
+=head2 ResultSource
+ResultSource objects represent the source of your data, they are also known as
+a table objects.
+See also: L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource/METHODS>
+=head2 Record
+See Row.
+=head2 Row
+Row objects contain your actual data. They are returned from ResultSet objects.
+=head2 Object
+See Row.
+=head2 Schema
+A Schema object represents your entire table collection, plus the
+connection to the database. You can create one or more schema objects,
+connected to various databases, with various users, using the same set
+of table (ResultSource) definitions.