While investigating how to rewrite the rather useless
39712b481, it became
clear that not only can the test be performed offline, but that there is
already a pseudo-test due to sqlite's version of 3.x.y being mistaken for
Properly fix the test to check behavior on both versions 3 and 4, and in the
process fix a potential bug of a stale sqlmaker when a reconnect cycle takes
place against a *different* physical rdbms (which btw makes me realize another
problem with trying to do mixed-environment replication... sigh)
$self->_dbh(undef); # in case ->connected failed we might get sent here
$self->_dbh_details({}); # reset everything we know
+ $self->_sql_maker(undef); # this may also end up being different
sub sql_maker {
my $self = shift;
- unless ($self->_sql_maker) {
- my $maker = $self->next::method (@_);
+ # it is critical to get the version *before* calling next::method
+ # otherwise the potential connect will obliterate the sql_maker
+ # next::method will populate in the _sql_maker accessor
+ my $mysql_ver = $self->_server_info->{normalized_dbms_version};
- # mysql 3 does not understand a bare JOIN
- my $mysql_ver = $self->_dbh_get_info('SQL_DBMS_VER');
- $maker->{_default_jointype} = 'INNER' if $mysql_ver =~ /^3/;
- }
+ my $sm = $self->next::method(@_);
+ # mysql 3 does not understand a bare JOIN
+ $sm->{_default_jointype} = 'INNER' if $mysql_ver < 4;
- return $self->_sql_maker;
+ $sm;
sub sqlt_type {
my $cd = $rs->next;
is ($cd->artist->name, $artist->name, 'Prefetched artist');
}, 'join does not throw (mysql 3 test)';
- # induce a jointype override, make sure it works even if we don't have mysql3
- local $schema->storage->sql_maker->{_default_jointype} = 'inner';
- is_same_sql_bind (
- $rs->as_query,
- '(
- SELECT `me`.`cdid`, `me`.`artist`, `me`.`title`, `me`.`year`, `me`.`genreid`, `me`.`single_track`,
- `artist`.`artistid`, `artist`.`name`, `artist`.`rank`, `artist`.`charfield`
- FROM cd `me`
- INNER JOIN `artist` `artist` ON `artist`.`artistid` = `me`.`artist`
- )',
- [],
- 'overridden default join type works',
- );
## Can we properly deal with the null search problem?
my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect (DBICTest->_database, { quote_char => '`' });
# cheat
require DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql;
+*DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql::_get_server_version = sub { 5 };
bless ( $schema->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql' );
# check that double-subqueries are properly wrapped
SELECT `artist`.`artistid`
FROM cd `me`
- INNER JOIN `artist` `artist`
+ JOIN `artist` `artist`
ON `artist`.`artistid` = `me`.`artist`
WHERE `artist`.`name` LIKE ?
) `_forced_double_subquery`
+# Test support for inner joins on mysql v3
+for (
+ [ 3 => 'INNER JOIN' ],
+ [ 4 => 'JOIN' ],
+) {
+ my ($ver, $join_op) = @$_;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql::_get_server_version = sub { $ver };
+ # we do not care at this point if data is available, just do a reconnect cycle
+ # to clear all caches
+ $schema->storage->disconnect;
+ $schema->storage->ensure_connected;
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->search ({}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->as_query,
+ "(
+ SELECT `me`.`cdid`, `me`.`artist`, `me`.`title`, `me`.`year`, `me`.`genreid`, `me`.`single_track`,
+ `artist`.`artistid`, `artist`.`name`, `artist`.`rank`, `artist`.`charfield`
+ FROM cd `me`
+ $join_op `artist` `artist` ON `artist`.`artistid` = `me`.`artist`
+ )",
+ [],
+ "default join type works for version $ver",
+ );