installdeps 'SQL::Abstract~<1.99'
- elif ! CPAN_is_sane ; then
- # no configure_requires - we will need the usual suspects anyway
- # without pre-installing these in one pass things like extract_prereqs won't work
- installdeps ExtUtils::MakeMaker ExtUtils::CBuilder Module::Build
+ else
+ if ! CPAN_is_sane ; then
+ # no configure_requires - we will need the usual suspects anyway
+ # without pre-installing these in one pass things like extract_prereqs won't work
+ installdeps ExtUtils::MakeMaker ExtUtils::CBuilder Module::Build
+ fi
+ # FIXME - temporary until 1.46 comes out / RT#99747 is fixed
+ # insufficient testing of 5.8.3, ned older DBD::SQlite, ribasushi--
+ if ! perl -M5.008004 -e 1 &>/dev/null ; then
+ installdeps DBI I/IS/ISHIGAKI/DBD-SQLite-1.42.tar.gz
+ fi