# Smoke all branches except for blocked* and wip/*
-# Additionally master does not smoke with bleadperl
-# ( implemented in maint/travis-ci_scripts/10_before_install.bash )
- /^wip\//
- - ribasushi@cpan.org
+ - CPAN-CI@leporine.io
on_success: change
on_failure: always
- "5.8"
+ - "5.10"
- "5.22-extras"
+ - perl: "5.10"
+ sudo: required
+ dist: precise
+ env:
+ - CLEANTEST=false
- perl: "5.22-extras"
sudo: required
dist: precise
- BREWVER=5.8.4
- # CLEANTEST: this particular perl is quite widespread
+ # Full test: this particular perl is quite widespread, single thread
- perl: "5.8.8_thr"
- sudo: false
+ sudo: required
dist: precise
+ group: legacy
- - CLEANTEST=true
+ - VCPU_USE=1
+ - CLEANTEST=false
- BREWVER=5.8.8
- BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads"
dist: precise
- - POISON_ENV=true
- BREWVER=5.16.3
- BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads -Dusemorebits"
+ # allows for easier side-by-side comparison
+ # vcpu=1 for even more stable results
+ - perl: "5.22.2_thr_qm"
+ # explicit new infra spec preparing for a future forced upgrade
+ # also need to pull in a sufficiently new compiler for quadmath.h
+ sudo: required
+ dist: trusty
+ env:
+ - VCPU_USE=1
+ - CLEANTEST=true
+ - POISON_ENV=true
+ - MVDT=false
+ - BREWVER=5.22.2
+ - BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads -Dusequadmath"
# Start of the allow_failures block
+ # allows for easier side-by-side comparison
+ # vcpu=1 for even more stable results
+ - perl: "cperl-5.22.3_thr_qm"
+ # explicit new infra spec preparing for a future forced upgrade
+ # also need to pull in a sufficiently new compiler for quadmath.h
+ sudo: required
+ dist: trusty
+ env:
+ - VCPU_USE=1
+ - CLEANTEST=true
+ - POISON_ENV=true
+ - MVDT=false
+ - BREWVER=cperl-5.22.3
+ - BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads -Dusequadmath"
+ - perl: "cperl-master_thr"
+ sudo: false
+ dist: precise
+ env:
+ - CLEANTEST=true
+ - POISON_ENV=true
+ - MVDT=false
+ - BREWVER=cperl-master
+ - BREWOPTS="-Duseithreads"
# threaded oldest possible with blead CPAN
- perl: "devcpan_5.8.1_thr_mb"
sudo: false
- BREWVER=blead
- # bleadperl with blead CPAN
+ # bleadperl with blead CPAN, single thread
- perl: "devcpan_bleadperl_thr_mb"
sudo: required
# explicitly do not specify dist - see what the default does
+ - VCPU_USE=1
- BREWVER=blead
# these run with various dev snapshots - allowed to fail
+ - perl: cperl-5.22.3_thr_qm
+ - perl: cperl-master_thr
- perl: devcpan_5.8.1_thr_mb
- perl: devcpan_5.8.1
- perl: devcpan_5.8.3_mb
- set -e
- # Check if we can assemble a dist properly if not in CLEANTEST
+ # Disabled
- - maint/getstatus maint/travis-ci_scripts/50_after_success.bash
+ #- maint/getstatus maint/travis-ci_scripts/50_after_success.bash
# Final sysinfo printout on fail
"sudo bash -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap.img bs=256M count=5 && chmod 600 /swap.img && mkswap /swap.img && swapon /swap.img'"
- export CACHE_DIR="/tmp/poormanscache"
- #
- # FIXME these debconf lines should automate the firebird config but do not :(((
- sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/enabled\tboolean\ttrue" | debconf-set-selections'
- sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/sysdba_password/new_password\tpassword\t123" | debconf-set-selections'
- # these APT sources do not mean anything to us anyway
- sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
- # the actual package is built for lucid, installs fine on both precise and trusty
- sudo bash -c 'echo "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise partner" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
# never installed, this looks like trusty
if [[ ! -d /var/lib/mysql ]] ; then
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
- extra_debs="$extra_debs postgresql mysql-server"
+ extra_debs+=( postgresql mysql-server )
+ # these APT sources do not mean anything to us anyway
+ sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
+ #
+ # FIXME these debconf lines should automate the firebird config but seem not to :(((
+ sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/enabled\tboolean\ttrue" | debconf-set-selections'
+ sudo bash -c 'echo -e "firebird2.5-super\tshared/firebird/sysdba_password/new_password\tpassword\t123" | debconf-set-selections'
run_or_err "Updating APT sources" "sudo apt-get update"
+ apt_install ${extra_debs[@]} libmysqlclient-dev memcached firebird2.5-super firebird2.5-dev expect
- apt_install $extra_debs libmysqlclient-dev memcached firebird2.5-super firebird2.5-dev unixodbc-dev expect
# need to stop them again, in case we installed them above (trusty)
for d in mysql postgresql ; do
run_or_err "Stopping $d" "sudo /etc/init.d/$d stop || /bin/true"
- run_or_err "Cloning poor man's cache from github" "git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=oracle/10.2.0 https://github.com/poormanscache/poormanscache.git $CACHE_DIR && $CACHE_DIR/reassemble"
- run_or_err "Installing OracleXE manually from deb" \
- "sudo dpkg -i $CACHE_DIR/apt_cache/bc-multiarch-travis_1.0_all.deb $CACHE_DIR/apt_cache/oracle-xe_10.2.0.1-1.1_i386.deb || sudo bash -c 'source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash && apt_install -f'"
+ export CACHE_DIR="/tmp/poormanscache"
+ mkdir "$CACHE_DIR"
+ # FIXME - by default db2 eats too much memory, we won't be able to test on legacy infra
+ # someone needs to add a minimizing configuration akin to 9367d187
+ if [[ "$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | perl -p -e '$_ = (split /\s+/, $_)[1]')" -gt 4000 ]] ; then
+ run_or_err "Getting DB2 from poor man's cache github" '
+ wget -qO- https://github.com/poormanscache/poormanscache/archive/DB2_ExC/9.7.5_deb_x86-64.tar.gz \
+ | tar -C "$CACHE_DIR" -zx'
+ # the actual package is built for lucid, installs fine on both precise and trusty
+ manual_debs+=( "db2exc_9.7.5-0lucid0_amd64.deb" )
+ fi
+ run_or_err "Getting Oracle from poor man's cache github" '
+ wget -qO- https://github.com/poormanscache/poormanscache/archive/OracleXE/10.2.0_deb_mixed.tar.gz \
+ | tar -C "$CACHE_DIR" -zx'
+ manual_debs+=( "bc-multiarch-travis_1.0_all.deb" "oracle-xe_10.2.0.1-1.1_i386.deb" )
+ # reassemble chunked pieces ( working around github's filesize limit )
+ for reass in $CACHE_DIR/*/reassemble ; do /bin/bash "$reass" ; done
+ run_or_err "Installing RDBMS debs manually: $( echo ${manual_debs[@]/#/$CACHE_DIR/*/*/} )" \
+ "sudo dpkg -i $( echo ${manual_debs[@]/#/$CACHE_DIR/*/*/} ) || sudo bash -c 'source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash && apt_install -f'"
+ # needs to happen separately and *after* db2exc, as the former shits all over /usr/include (wtf?!)
+ # for more info look at /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/instance/db2iutil :: create_links()
+ apt_install unixodbc-dev
### config memcached
run_or_err "Starting memcached" "sudo /etc/init.d/memcached start"
- export ORACLE_HOME="$CACHE_DIR/ora_instaclient/x86-64/oracle_instaclient_10."
+ export ORACLE_HOME="$CACHE_DIR/poormanscache-OracleXE-10.2.0_deb_mixed/ora_instaclient/x86-64/oracle_instaclient_10."
+### config db2exc
+ # we may have skipped installation due to low memory
+ if dpkg -l db2exc &>/dev/null ; then
+ # WTF is this world-writable?
+ # Strip the write bit so it doesn't trip Ubuntu's symlink-in-/tmp attack mitigation
+ sudo chmod -R o-w ~dasusr1/das
+ export DB2_HOME=/opt/ibm/db2/V9.7
+ export DBICTEST_DB2_DSN=dbi:DB2:DATABASE=dbictest
+ export DBICTEST_DB2_USER=db2inst1
+ export DBICTEST_DB2_PASS=abc123456
+ run_or_err "Set up DB2 users" \
+ "echo -e '$DBICTEST_DB2_PASS\n$DBICTEST_DB2_PASS' | sudo passwd $DBICTEST_DB2_USER"
+ run_or_err "Create DB2 database" \
+ "sudo -u $DBICTEST_DB2_USER -i db2 'CREATE DATABASE dbictest' && sudo -u $DBICTEST_DB2_USER -i db2 'ACTIVATE DATABASE dbictest'"
+ fi
# we need a mirror that both has the standard index and a backpan version rolled
# into one, due to MDV testing
+export CPAN_MIRROR="http://cpan.metacpan.org/"
- if [[ "$BREWVER" == "schmorp_stableperl" ]] ; then
+ if is_cperl; then
+ if [[ "$BREWVER" == "cperl-master" ]] ; then
+ git clone --single-branch --depth=1 --branch=master https://github.com/perl11/cperl /tmp/cperl-master
+ BREWSRC="/tmp/cperl-master"
+ else
+ # FFS perlbrew ( see http://wollmers-perl.blogspot.de/2015/10/install-cperl-with-perlbrew.html )
+ wget -qO- https://github.com/perl11/cperl/archive/$BREWVER.tar.gz > /tmp/cperl-$BREWVER.tar.gz
+ BREWSRC="/tmp/cperl-$BREWVER.tar.gz"
+ fi
+ elif [[ "$BREWVER" == "schmorp_stableperl" ]] ; then
run_or_err "Compiling/installing Perl $BREWVER (without testing, using ${perlbrew_jopt:-1} threads, may take up to 5 minutes)" \
"perlbrew install --as $BREWVER --notest --noman --verbose $BREWOPTS -j${perlbrew_jopt:-1} $BREWSRC"
- # can not do 'perlbrew uss' in the run_or_err subshell above, or a $()
- # furthermore `perlbrew use` returns 0 regardless of whether the perl is
- # found (won't be there unless compilation suceeded, wich *ALSO* returns 0)
- perlbrew use $BREWVER
+ # FIXME work around https://github.com/perl11/cperl/issues/144
+ # (still affecting 5.22.3)
+ if is_cperl && ! [[ -f ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/$BREWVER/bin/perl ]] ; then
+ ln -s ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/$BREWVER/bin/cperl ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/$BREWVER/bin/perl
+ fi
+ # can not do 'perlbrew use' in the run_or_err subshell above, or a $()
+ # furthermore some versions of `perlbrew use` return 0 regardless of whether
+ # the perl is found (won't be there unless compilation suceeded, wich *ALSO* returns 0)
+ perlbrew use $BREWVER || /bin/true
if [[ "$( perlbrew use | grep -oP '(?<=Currently using ).+' )" != "$BREWVER" ]] ; then
echo_err "Unable to switch to $BREWVER - compilation failed...?"
+if [[ "$POISON_ENV" = "true" ]] ; then
+ # create a perlbrew-specific local lib
+ perlbrew lib create travis-local
+ perlbrew use "$( perlbrew use | grep -oP '(?<=Currently using ).+' )@travis-local"
+ echo_err "POISON_ENV active - adding a local lib: $(perlbrew use)"
# configure CPAN.pm - older versions go into an endless loop
# when trying to autoconf themselves
*CPAN::FirstTime::conf_sites = sub {};
\$CPAN::Config->{urllist} = [qw{ $CPAN_MIRROR }];
- \$CPAN::Config->{halt_on_failure} = 1;
+ \$CPAN::Config->{halt_on_failure} = $( is_cperl && echo -n 0 || echo -n 1 );
run_or_err "Configuring CPAN.pm" "perl -e '$CPAN_CFG_SCRIPT'"
# poison the environment
if [[ "$POISON_ENV" = "true" ]] ; then
+ toggle_vars=( MVDT )
+ [[ "$CLEANTEST" == "true" ]] && toggle_vars+=( BREAK_CC )
+ for var in "${toggle_vars[@]}" ; do
+ if [[ -z "${!var}" ]] ; then
+ export $var=true
+ echo "POISON_ENV: setting $var to 'true'"
+ fi
+ done
# look through lib, find all mentioned DBIC* ENVvars and set them to true and see if anything explodes
toggle_booleans=( $( grep -ohP '\bDBIC_[0-9_A-Z]+' -r lib/ --exclude-dir Optional | sort -u | grep -vP '^(DBIC_TRACE(_PROFILE)?|DBIC_.+_DEBUG)$' ) )
- # emulate a local::lib-like env
+### emulate a local::lib-like env
# trick cpanm into executing true as shell - we just need the find+unpack
run_or_err "Downloading latest stable DBIC from CPAN" \
"SHELL=/bin/true cpanm --look DBIx::Class"
- export PERL5LIB="$( ls -d ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBIx-Class-*/lib | tail -n1 ):$PERL5LIB"
+ # move it somewhere as following cpanm will clobber it
+ run_or_err "Moving latest stable DBIC from CPAN to /tmp" "mv ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBIx-Class-*/lib /tmp/stable_dbic_lib"
+ export PERL5LIB="/tmp/stable_dbic_lib:$PERL5LIB"
# perldoc -l <mod> searches $(pwd)/lib in addition to PERL5LIB etc, hence the cd /
echo_err "Latest stable DBIC (without deps) locatable via \$PERL5LIB at $(cd / && perldoc -l DBIx::Class)"
if [[ "$CLEANTEST" != "true" ]] ; then
if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then exit 0 ; fi
-# The prereq-install stage will not work with both POISON and DEVREL
+# The DEVREL_DEPS prereq-install stage won't mix with MVDT
# DEVREL wins
-if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" = "true" ]] ; then
- export POISON_ENV=""
+if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] ; then
+ export MVDT=""
-# FIXME - this is a kludge in place of proper MDV testing. For the time
+# Need a shitton of patches to run on cperl (luckily all provided)
+if is_cperl ; then
+ run_or_err "Downloading and installing cperl distroprefs" '
+ wget -qO- https://github.com/rurban/distroprefs/archive/master.tar.gz |\
+ tar -C $HOME/.cpan --strip-components 1 -zx distroprefs-master/prefs distroprefs-master/sources
+ '
+ # Argh -DFORTIFY_INC!!!
+ # FIXME - remove when M::I is gone
+ export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:."
+ # Also need to have YAML in place, otherwise the distroprefs are not readable
+ # work around https://github.com/perl11/cperl/issues/155#issuecomment-224862978
+ perl -MYAML -e1 &>/dev/null || installdeps YAML
+# announce what are we running
+echo_err "$(ci_vm_state_text)"
+# FIXME - this is a kludge in place of proper MVDT testing. For the time
# being simply use the minimum versions of our DBI/DBDstack, to avoid
# fuckups like 0.08260 (went unnoticed for 5 months)
-if [[ "$POISON_ENV" = "true" ]] ; then
+if [[ "$MVDT" == "true" ]] ; then
# use url-spec for DBI due to https://github.com/miyagawa/cpanminus/issues/328
if [[ "$CLEANTEST" != "true" ]] || perl -M5.013003 -e1 &>/dev/null ; then
# the fulltest may re-upgrade DBI, be conservative only on cleantests
# earlier DBI will not compile without PERL_POLLUTE which was gone in 5.14
parallel_installdeps_notest T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.614.tar.gz
+ # FIXME work around DBD::DB2 being silly: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=101659
+ if [[ -n "$DBICTEST_DB2_DSN" ]] ; then
+ echo_err "Installing same DBI version into the main perl (above the current local::lib)"
+ $SHELL -lic "perlbrew use $( perlbrew use | grep -oP '(?<=Currently using )[^@]+' ) && parallel_installdeps_notest T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.614.tar.gz"
+ fi
parallel_installdeps_notest T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.57.tar.gz
+ # FIXME work around DBD::DB2 being silly: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=101659
+ if [[ -n "$DBICTEST_DB2_DSN" ]] ; then
+ echo_err "Installing same DBI version into the main perl (above the current local::lib)"
+ $SHELL -lic "perlbrew use $( perlbrew use | grep -oP '(?<=Currently using )[^@]+' ) && parallel_installdeps_notest T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.57.tar.gz"
+ fi
# Test both minimum DBD::SQLite and minimum BigInt SQLite
parallel_installdeps_notest DBD::SQLite@1.29
- # also try minimal tested installs *without* a compiler
- if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]]; then
- # Clone and P::S::XS are both bugs
- # File::Spec can go away as soon as I dump Path::Class
- # File::Path is there because of RT#107392 (sigh)
- # List::Util can be excised after that as well (need to make my own max() routine for older perls)
+# try minimal fully tested installs *without* a compiler (with some exceptions of course)
+if [[ "$BREAK_CC" == "true" ]] ; then
- installdeps Sub::Name Clone Package::Stash::XS \
- $( perl -MFile::Spec\ 3.26 -e1 &>/dev/null || echo "File::Path File::Spec" ) \
- $( perl -MList::Util\ 1.16 -e1 &>/dev/null || echo "List::Util" )
+ [[ "$CLEANTEST" != "true" ]] && echo_err "Breaking the compiler without CLEANTEST makes no sense" && exit 1
- mkdir -p "$HOME/bin" # this is already in $PATH, just doesn't exist
- run_or_err "Linking ~/bin/cc to /bin/false - thus essentially BREAKING the C compiler" \
- "ln -s /bin/false $HOME/bin/cc"
- fi
+ # FIXME - working around RT#74707, https://metacpan.org/source/DOY/Package-Stash-0.37/Makefile.PL#L112-122
+ #
+ # DEVREL_DEPS means our installer is cpanm, which will respect failures
+ # and the like, so stuff soft-failing (failed deps that are not in fact
+ # needed) will not fly. Add *EVEN MORE* stuff that needs a compiler
+ #
+ # FIXME - the PathTools 3.47 is to work around https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=107392
+ #
+ installdeps Sub::Name Clone Package::Stash::XS \
+ $( perl -MFile::Spec\ 3.26 -e1 &>/dev/null || echo "File::Path File::Spec" ) \
+ $( perl -MList::Util\ 1.16 -e1 &>/dev/null || echo "List::Util" ) \
+ $( [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] && ( perl -MFile::Spec\ 3.13 -e1 &>/dev/null || echo "S/SM/SMUELLER/PathTools-3.47.tar.gz" ) ) \
+ $( perl -MDBI -e1 &>/dev/null || echo "DBI" ) \
+ $( perl -MDBD::SQLite -e1 &>/dev/null || echo "DBD::SQLite" )
+ mkdir -p "$HOME/bin" # this is already in $PATH, just doesn't exist
+ run_or_err "Linking ~/bin/cc to /bin/false - thus essentially BREAKING the C compiler" \
+ "ln -s /bin/false $HOME/bin/cc"
+ # FIXME: working around RT#113682, and some other unfiled bugs
+ installdeps Module::Build Devel::GlobalDestruction Class::Accessor::Grouped
+ run_or_err "Linking ~/bin/cc to /bin/true - BREAKING the C compiler even harder" \
+ "ln -fs /bin/true $HOME/bin/cc"
if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]]; then
# the point is to have a *really* clean perl (the ones
# we build are guaranteed to be clean, without side
# effects from travis preinstalls)
+ #
# trick cpanm into executing true as shell - we just need the find+unpack
[[ -d ~/.cpanm/latest-build/DBIx-Class-*/inc ]] || run_or_err "Downloading latest stable DBIC inc/ from CPAN" \
"SHELL=/bin/true cpanm --look DBIx::Class"
# handholding
if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" = "true" ]] ; then
- # FIXME - work around RT#110882, sigh...
- perl -Mversion\ 0.87 -e 1 &>/dev/null || installdeps version@0.9912
+ # nothing for now
+ /bin/true
elif ! CPAN_is_sane ; then
# no configure_requires - we will need the usual suspects anyway
# without pre-installing these in one pass things won't yet work
# do the preinstall in several passes to minimize amount of cross-deps installing
# multiple times, and to avoid module re-architecture breaking another install
- # (e.g. once Carp is upgraded there's no more Carp::Heavy,
- # while a File::Path upgrade may cause a parallel EUMM run to fail)
+ # (e.g. once Carp is upgraded there's no more Carp::Heavy)
- parallel_installdeps_notest File::Path
parallel_installdeps_notest Carp
parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Build
- parallel_installdeps_notest File::Spec Module::Runtime
- parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Exception Encode::Locale Test::Fatal
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Exception Encode::Locale Test::Fatal Module::Runtime
parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Warn B::Hooks::EndOfScope Test::Differences HTTP::Status
parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Pod::Coverage Test::EOL Devel::GlobalDestruction Sub::Name MRO::Compat Class::XSAccessor URI::Escape HTML::Entities
parallel_installdeps_notest YAML LWP Class::Trigger DateTime::Format::Builder Class::Accessor::Grouped Package::Variant
-# generate the makefile which will have different deps depending on
-# the runmode and envvars set above
-run_or_err "Configure on current branch" "perl Makefile.PL"
# install (remaining) dependencies, sometimes with a gentle push
if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]]; then
+ run_or_err "Configure on current branch" "perl Makefile.PL"
# we are doing a devrel pass - try to upgrade *everything* (we will be using cpanm so safe-ish)
if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] ; then
installdeps $HARD_DEPS
+ run_or_err "Re-configure" "perl Makefile.PL"
- parallel_installdeps_notest "$(make listdeps | sort -R)"
+ run_or_err "Configure on current branch with --with-optdeps" "perl Makefile.PL --with-optdeps"
+ # FIXME - evil evil work around for https://github.com/Manwar/Test-Strict/issues/17
+ if perl -M5.025 -e1 &>/dev/null; then
+ mkdir -p "$( perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{sitelib}' )/Devel"
+ cat <<MyDevelCover > "$( perl -MConfig -e 'print $Config{sitelib}' )/Devel/Cover.pm"
+package Devel::Cover;
+our \$VERSION = 0.43;
+ fi
+ # if we are smoking devrels - make sure we upgrade everything we know about
+ if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] ; then
+ parallel_installdeps_notest "$(make listalldeps | sort -R)"
+ else
+ parallel_installdeps_notest "$(make listdeps | sort -R)"
+ fi
+ run_or_err "Re-configure with --with-optdeps" "perl Makefile.PL --with-optdeps"
echo_err "$(tstamp) Dependency installation finished"
-run_or_err "Re-configure" "perl Makefile.PL"
# make sure we got everything we need
if [[ -n "$(make listdeps)" ]] ; then
echo_err "$(tstamp) Not all deps installed - something went wrong :("
exit 1
-# check that our MDV somewhat works
-if [[ "$POISON_ENV" = "true" ]] && ( perl -MDBD::SQLite\ 1.38 -e1 || perl -MDBI\ 1.615 -e1 ) &>/dev/null ; then
+# check that our MVDT somewhat works
+if [[ "$MVDT" == "true" ]] && ( perl -MDBD::SQLite\ 1.38 -e1 || perl -MDBI\ 1.615 -e1 ) &>/dev/null ; then
echo_err "Something went wrong - higher versions of DBI and/or DBD::SQLite than we expected"
exit 1
-if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]] && perl -MModule::Build::Tiny -e1 &>/dev/null ; then
- echo_err "Module::Build::Tiny pulled in during the basic depchain install - this must not happen"
- exit 1
-# announce what are we running
echo_err "
===================== DEPENDENCY CONFIGURATION COMPLETE =====================
-$(tstamp) Configuration phase seems to have taken $(date -ud "@$SECONDS" '+%H:%M:%S') (@$SECONDS)
+$(tstamp) Configuration phase seems to have taken $(date -ud "@$SECONDS" '+%H:%M:%S') (@$SECONDS)"
ulim=$(( ( $(ps xH | wc -l) - 3 ) + 4 )) # (real count excluding header + ps + wc) + space for ( make + tee + harness + <actual test> )
echo_err "$(tstamp) Setting process/thread limit to $ulim"
ulimit -u $ulim
- sleep 10 # needed to settle things down a bit
+ sleep 5 # needed to settle things down a bit
make test 2> >(tee "$TEST_STDERR_LOG")
+# announce everything we have on this box
+TRAVIS="" perl -Ilib t/00describe_environment.t >/dev/null
if [[ "$CLEANTEST" = "true" ]] ; then
echo_err "$(tstamp) Running tests with plain \`make test\`"
PROVECMD="prove -lrswTj$VCPU_USE xt t"
+ # List every single SKIP/TODO when they are visible
+ if [[ "$VCPU_USE" == 1 ]] ; then
+ PROVECMD="$PROVECMD --directives"
+ fi
echo_err "$(tstamp) running tests with \`$PROVECMD\`"
if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] && perl -M5.008003 -e1 &>/dev/null ; then
+ [[ "$BREAK_CC" == "true" ]] && run_or_err "Unbreaking previously broken ~/bin/cc" "rm $HOME/bin/cc"
# FIXME - Devel::Cover (brought by Test::Strict, but soon needed anyway)
# does not test cleanly on 5.8.7 - just get it directly
if perl -M5.008007 -e1 &>/dev/null && ! perl -M5.008008 -e1 &>/dev/null; then
parallel_installdeps_notest YAML Lexical::SealRequireHints
- parallel_installdeps_notest "Module::Install@1.15"
# FIXME Change when Moose goes away
- installdeps Moose $(perl -Ilib -MDBIx::Class -e 'print join " ", keys %{DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_list_for("dist_dir")}')
+ installdeps Moose $(perl -Ilib -MDBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies=-list_missing,dist_dir)
- run_or_err "Attempt to build a dist" "rm -rf inc/ && perl Makefile.PL --skip-author-deps && make dist"
+ run_or_err "Attempt to build a dist" "rm -rf inc/ && perl Makefile.PL && make dist"
elif [[ "$CLEANTEST" != "true" ]] ; then
- parallel_installdeps_notest "Module::Install@1.15" $(perl -Ilib -MDBIx::Class -e 'print join " ", keys %{DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_list_for("dist_dir")}')
+ parallel_installdeps_notest $(perl -Ilib -MDBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies=-list_missing,dist_dir)
run_or_err "Attempt to build a dist from original checkout" "make dist"
if [[ -n "$tarball_assembled" ]] ; then
echo "Contents of the resulting dist tarball:"
export $e=""
+ # FIXME - for some reason a plain `cpan .` does not work in this case
+ # no time to investigate
run_or_err \
"Attempt to configure/test/build/install dist using latest CPAN@$(perl -MCPAN -e 'print CPAN->VERSION')" \
- "cpan ."
+ "perl -MCPAN -e 'install( q{.} )'"
run_or_err \
tstamp() { echo -n "[$(date '+%H:%M:%S')]" ; }
+CPAN_is_sane() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.94_56 -e 1 &>/dev/null ; }
+CPAN_supports_BUILDPL() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.9205 -e1 &>/dev/null; }
+have_sudo() { sudo /bin/true &>/dev/null ; }
+is_cperl() { [[ "$BREWVER" =~ $( echo -n "^cperl-" ) ]] ; }
ci_vm_state_text() {
echo "
========================== CI System information ============================
# flatten
- run_or_err "Installing Debian APT packages: $pkgs" "sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated --no-install-recommends -y $pkgs"
+ run_or_err "Installing APT packages: $pkgs" "sudo apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated --no-install-recommends -y $pkgs"
extract_prereqs() {
parallel_installdeps_notest() {
if [[ -z "$@" ]] ; then return; fi
+ is_cperl && echo_err "cpanminus is not yet usable on cperl" && exit 1
# one module spec per line
- MODLIST="$(printf '%s\n' "$@")"
+ MODLIST="$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -R)"
# We want to trap the output of each process and serially append them to
# each other as opposed to just dumping a jumbled up mass-log that would
-export -f parallel_installdeps_notest run_or_err echo_err tstamp
+export -f parallel_installdeps_notest run_or_err echo_err tstamp is_cperl have_sudo CPAN_is_sane CPAN_supports_BUILDPL
installdeps() {
if [[ -z "$@" ]] ; then return; fi
_dep_inst_with_test() {
if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" == "true" ]] ; then
+ is_cperl && echo_err "cpanminus is not yet usable on cperl" && exit 1
# --dev is already part of CPANM_OPT
$LASTCMD 2>&1 || return 1
! $sitedirs->{$_} and ( -d _ ? rmdir : unlink )
} }, keys %$sitedirs )
- else
- cl_fn="/tmp/${TRAVIS_BUILD_ID}_Module_CoreList.pm";
- [[ -s "$cl_fn" ]] || run_or_err \
- "Downloading latest Module::CoreList" \
- "curl -s --compress -o '$cl_fn' https://api.metacpan.org/source/Module::CoreList"
- perl -0777 -Ilib -MDBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies -e '
- # this is horrible, but really all we want is "has this ever been used"
- # so a grep without a load is quite legit (and horrible)
- my $mcl_source = <>;
- my %reqs_for_group = %{DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_group_list};
- my @all_possible_never_been_core_modpaths = map
- { (my $mp = $_ . ".pm" ) =~ s|::|/|g; $mp }
- grep
- { $mcl_source !~ / ^ \s+ \x27 $_ \x27 \s* \=\> /mx }
- (
- qw(
- Module::Build::Tiny
- ),
- (map
- { keys %{$reqs_for_group{$_}} }
- grep
- { !/^rdbms_|^dist_/ }
- keys %reqs_for_group
- ),
- )
- ;
- # now that we have the list we can go ahead and destroy every single one
- # of these modules without being concerned about breaking the base ability
- # to install things
- for my $mp ( sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @all_possible_never_been_core_modpaths ) {
- for my $incdir (@INC) {
- -e "$incdir/$mp"
- and
- unlink "$incdir/$mp"
- and
- print "Nuking $incdir/$mp\n"
- }
- }
- ' "$cl_fn"
-CPAN_is_sane() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.94_56 -e 1 &>/dev/null ; }
-CPAN_supports_BUILDPL() { perl -MCPAN\ 1.9205 -e1 &>/dev/null; }
-have_sudo() { sudo /bin/true &>/dev/null ; }
+++ /dev/null
-package TAP::Harness::IgnoreNonessentialDzilAutogeneratedTests;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use base 'TAP::Harness';
-use File::Spec ();
-use IPC::Open3 'open3';
-use File::Temp ();
-use List::Util 'first';
-my $frivolous_test_map = {
-# Test based on the extremely dep-heavy, *prone to failures* Test::CheckDeps
- qr|^t/00-check-deps.t$| => [
- qr|^\Q# this test was generated with Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CheckDeps|m,
- # older non-annotated versions
- qr|use \s+ Test::CheckDeps .*? ^\Qcheck_dependencies('suggests')\E .*? \QBAIL_OUT("Missing dependencies") if !Test::More->builder->is_passing|smx,
- ],
-# "does everything compile" tests are useless by definition - this is what the
-# rest of the test suite is for
- qr|^t/00-compile.t$| => [
- qr|^\Q# this test was generated with Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile|m,
- ],
-# The report prereq test managed to become fatal as well
- qr|^t/00-report-prereqs.t$| => [
- qr|^\Q# This test was generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::ReportPrereqs|m,
- ],
-# Just future-proof the thing, catch anything autogened by dzil for a bit
- qr|^t/00-| => [
- qr|^\Q# This test was generated by Dist::Zilla::|m,
- ]
-sub aggregate_tests {
- my ($self, $aggregate, @all_tests) = @_;
- my ($run_tests, $skip_tests);
- for (@all_tests) {
- my $fn = File::Spec::Unix->catpath( File::Spec->splitpath( $_ ) );
- if (my $REs = $frivolous_test_map->{
- (first { $fn =~ $_ } keys %$frivolous_test_map ) || ''
- }) {
- my $slurptest = do { local (@ARGV, $/) = $fn; <> };
- $slurptest =~ $_ and push @$skip_tests, $fn and next TESTFILE for @$REs;
- }
- push @$run_tests, $fn;
- }
- if ($skip_tests) {
- for my $tfn (@$skip_tests) {
- (my $tfn_flattened = $tfn) =~ s|/|_|g;
- my $log_file = File::Temp->new(
- DIR => '/tmp',
- TEMPLATE => "AutoGenTest_${tfn_flattened}_XXXXX",
- SUFFIX => '.txt',
- );
- # FIXME I have no idea why the fileno dance is necessary - will investigate later
- # All I know is that if I pass in just $log_file - open3 ignores it >:(
- my $pid = open3(undef, '>&'.fileno($log_file), undef, $^X, qw(-I blib -I arch/lib), $tfn );
- waitpid ($pid, 0);
- my $ex = $?;
- if ($ex) {
- # use qx as opposed to another open3 until I figure out the above
- close $log_file or die "Unable to close $log_file: $!";
- chomp( my $url = `/usr/bin/nopaste -q -s Shadowcat -d $log_file < $log_file` );
- $tfn .= "[would NOT have passed: $ex / $url]";
- }
- }
- print STDERR "=== Skipping nonessential autogenerated tests: @$skip_tests\n";
- }
- return $self->SUPER::aggregate_tests($aggregate, @$run_tests);
# if something was produced - it better be quoted
if (
# the SQLT producer has no idea what quotes are :/
- $db ne 'SYBASE'
+ ! grep { $db eq $_ } qw( SYBASE DB2 )
my $ddl = try { $schema->deployment_statements }
) {