my $args = { ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{ $_[0] } : @_ };
for ( qw( rel_name self_alias foreign_alias ) ) {
- $self->throw_exception("Mandatory argument '$_' is not a plain string")
+ $self->throw_exception("Mandatory argument '$_' to _resolve_relationship_condition() is not a plain string")
if !defined $args->{$_} or length ref $args->{$_};
- $self->throw_exception('No practical way to resolve a relationship between two objects')
- if defined $args->{self_resultobj} and defined $args->{foreign_resultobj};
my $rel_info = $self->relationship_info($args->{rel_name});
# or $self->throw_exception( "No such relationship '$args->{rel_name}'" );
+ my $exception_rel_id = "relationship '$args->{rel_name}' on source '@{[ $self->source_name ]}'";
+ $self->throw_exception("No practical way to resolve $exception_rel_id between two objects")
+ if defined $args->{self_resultobj} and defined $args->{foreign_resultobj};
$self->throw_exception( "Object '$args->{foreign_resultobj}' must be of class '$rel_info->{class}'" )
if defined blessed $args->{foreign_resultobj} and ! $args->{foreign_resultobj}->isa($rel_info->{class});
if (my $jfc = $ret->{join_free_condition}) {
$self->throw_exception (
- "The join-free condition returned for relationship '$args->{rel_name}' must be a hash reference"
+ "The join-free condition returned for $exception_rel_id must be a hash reference"
) unless ref $jfc eq 'HASH';
my ($joinfree_alias, $joinfree_source);
# FIXME sanity check until things stabilize, remove at some point
$self->throw_exception (
- "A join-free condition returned for relationship '$args->{rel_name}' without a result object to chain from"
+ "A join-free condition returned for $exception_rel_id without a result object to chain from"
) unless $joinfree_alias;
my $fq_col_list = { map
$fq_col_list->{$_} or $self->throw_exception (
- "The join-free condition returned for relationship '$args->{rel_name}' may only "
+ "The join-free condition returned for $exception_rel_id may only "
. 'contain keys that are fully qualified column names of the corresponding source'
) for keys %$jfc;
else {
- $self->throw_exception ("Can't handle condition $args->{condition} for relationship '$args->{rel_name}' yet :(");
+ $self->throw_exception ("Can't handle condition $args->{condition} for $exception_rel_id yet :(");
- $self->throw_exception("Relationship '$args->{rel_name}' does not resolve to a join-free condition fragment") if (
+ $self->throw_exception(ucfirst "$exception_rel_id does not resolve to a join-free condition fragment") if (
( ! $ret->{join_free_condition} or $ret->{join_free_condition} eq UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION )
if ($args->{infer_values_based_on}) {
$self->throw_exception(sprintf (
- "Unable to complete value inferrence - custom relationship '%s' returns conditions instead of values for column(s): %s",
- $args->{rel_name},
+ "Unable to complete value inferrence - custom $exception_rel_id returns conditions instead of values for column(s): %s",
map { "'$_'" } @nonvalues
)) if @nonvalues;
# try to create_related a 80s cd
throws_ok {
$artist->create_related('cds_80s', { title => 'related creation 1' });
-} qr/\QUnable to complete value inferrence - custom relationship 'cds_80s' returns conditions instead of values for column(s): 'year'/,
+} qr/\QUnable to complete value inferrence - custom relationship 'cds_80s' on source 'Artist' returns conditions instead of values for column(s): 'year'/,
'Create failed - complex cond';
# now supply an explicit arg overwriting the ambiguous cond
# try a specific everything via a non-simplified rel
throws_ok {
$artist->create_related('cds_90s', { title => 'related_creation 4', year => '2038' });
-} qr/\QRelationship 'cds_90s' does not resolve to a join-free condition fragment/,
+} qr/\QRelationship 'cds_90s' on source 'Artist' does not resolve to a join-free condition fragment/,
'Create failed - non-simplified rel';
# Do a self-join last-entry search