- Fix infinite loops on old perls with a recent Try::Tiny
- Improve "fork()" on Win32 by reimplementing a more robust DBIC
thread support (still problematic, pending a DBI fix)
+ - Properly quote table name on INSERT with no values
* Misc
- Switch all serialization to use Storable::nfreeze for portable
# which is sadly understood only by MySQL. Change default behavior here,
# until SQLA2 comes with proper dialect support
if (! $_[2] or (ref $_[2] eq 'HASH' and !keys %{$_[2]} ) ) {
- my $sql = "INSERT INTO $_[1] DEFAULT VALUES";
+ my $sql = sprintf(
+ 'INSERT INTO %s DEFAULT VALUES', $_[0]->_quote($_[1])
+ );
if (my $ret = ($_[3]||{})->{returning} ) {
$sql .= $_[0]->_insert_returning ($ret);
use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
-my $tests = 3;
-plan tests => $tests;
+use DBIC::DebugObj;
+use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist');
my $last_obj = $rs->search ({}, { order_by => { -desc => 'artistid' }, rows => 1})->single;
my $last_id = $last_obj ? $last_obj->artistid : 0;
+my ($sql, @bind);
+my $orig_debugobj = $schema->storage->debugobj;
+my $orig_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
+$schema->storage->debugobj (DBIC::DebugObj->new (\$sql, \@bind) );
+$schema->storage->debug (1);
my $obj;
-eval { $obj = $rs->create ({}) };
-my $err = $@;
+lives_ok { $obj = $rs->create ({}) } 'Default insert successful';
+$schema->storage->debugobj ($orig_debugobj);
+$schema->storage->debug ($orig_debug);
+is_same_sql_bind (
+ $sql,
+ \@bind,
+ [],
+ 'Default-value insert correct SQL',
ok ($obj, 'Insert defaults ( $rs->create ({}) )' );
-SKIP: {
- skip "Default insert failed: $err", $tests-1 if $err;
- # this should be picked up without calling the DB again
- is ($obj->artistid, $last_id + 1, 'Autoinc PK works');
+# this should be picked up without calling the DB again
+is ($obj->artistid, $last_id + 1, 'Autoinc PK works');
- # for this we need to refresh
- $obj->discard_changes;
- is ($obj->rank, 13, 'Default value works');
+# for this we need to refresh
+is ($obj->rank, 13, 'Default value works');