-my @count_via_subq_attrs = qw/join seen_join prefetch group_by/;
+my @count_via_subq_attrs = qw/join seen_join prefetch group_by having/;
sub count {
my $self = shift;
return $self->search(@_)->count if @_ and defined $_[0];
$attrs ||= { %{$self->{attrs}} };
- # take off any subquery attrs (they'd be incorporated in the subquery),
- # any column specs, any pagers, record_filter is cdbi, and no point of ordering a count
- delete $attrs->{$_} for (@count_via_subq_attrs, qw/columns +columns select +select as +as rows offset page pager order_by record_filter/);
+ # these are the only attributes that actually matter for count
+ $attrs = { map { exists $attrs->{$_} ? ( $_ => $attrs->{$_} ) : () } qw/where bind alias from from_bind/ };
$attrs->{select} = { count => '*' };
$attrs->{as} = [qw/count/];