Add some code to Makefile.PL to check for $ENV{DBICTEST_SQLT_DEPLOY},
which if set requires SQL::Translator to be available or the tests
will fail. Add the dep as a test_requires directly, so that it is
scrubbed out of the META.yml in author mode due to not being in the
$test_requires hash.
\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) Creation of dists in non-author mode is not allowed
\t\$(NOECHO) \$(FALSE)
+ # if the user has this env var set and no SQLT installed, tests will fail
+ # same rationale for direct test_requires as the strictures stuff above
+ # (even though no dist will be created from this)
+ local @INC = ('lib', @INC);
+ require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
+ my $dep_req = DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_list_for('deploy');
+ for (keys %$dep_req) {
+ test_requires ($_ => $dep_req->{$_})
+ }
+ }
# compose final req list, for alphabetical ordering