use Carp ();
$Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++;
+use Scalar::Util ();
+# Because... sigh
+# There are cases out there where a user provides a can() that won't actually
+# work as perl intends it. Since this is a reporting library, we *have* to be
+# extra paranoid ( e.g. )
+sub __safe_can ($$) {
+ local $@;
+ local $SIG{__DIE__} if $SIG{__DIE__};
+ my $cref;
+ eval {
+ $cref = $_[0]->can( $_[1] );
+ # in case the can() isn't an actual UNIVERSAL::can()
+ die "Return value of $_[0]" . "->can(q($_[1])) is true yet not a code reference...\n"
+ if $cref and Scalar::Util::reftype($cref) ne 'CODE';
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ undef $cref;
+ # can not use DBIC::_Util::emit_loud_diag - it uses us internally
+ printf STDERR
+ "\n$0: !!! INTERNAL PANIC !!!\nClass '%s' implements or inherits a broken can() - PLEASE FIX ASAP!: %s\n\n",
+ ( length ref $_[0] ? ref $_[0] : $_[0] ),
+ $@,
+ ;
+ };
+ $cref;
sub __find_caller {
my ($skip_pattern, $class) = @_;
my $skip_class_data = $class->_skip_namespace_frames
- if ($class and $class->can('_skip_namespace_frames'));
+ if ($class and __safe_can($class, '_skip_namespace_frames') );
$skip_pattern = qr/$skip_pattern|$skip_class_data/
if $skip_class_data;
) ? $f[3] : undef;
if (
- $f[0]->can('_skip_namespace_frames')
+ __safe_can( $f[0], '_skip_namespace_frames' )
my $extra_skip = $f[0]->_skip_namespace_frames
) {