my ($class, $rs, $column) = @_;
$class = ref $class if ref $class;
my $new_parent_rs = $rs->search_rs; # we don't want to mess up the original, so clone it
- $new_parent_rs->{attrs}->{prefetch} = undef; # prefetch causes additional columns to be fetched
- my $new = bless { _column => $column, _parent_resultset => $new_parent_rs }, $class;
+ my $attrs = $new_parent_rs->_resolved_attrs;
+ $new_parent_rs->{attrs}->{$_} = undef for qw(prefetch include_columns +select +as); # prefetch, include_columns, +select, +as cause additional columns to be fetched
++ # If $column can be found in the 'as' list of the parent resultset, use the
++ # corresponding element of its 'select' list (to keep any custom column
++ # definition set up with 'select' or '+select' attrs), otherwise use $column
++ # (to create a new column definition on-the-fly).
+ my $as_list = $attrs->{as} || [];
+ my $select_list = $attrs->{select} || [];
+ my $as_index = List::Util::first { ($as_list->[$_] || "") eq $column } 0..$#$as_list;
+ my $select = defined $as_index ? $select_list->[$as_index] : $column;
+ my $new = bless { _select => $select, _as => $column, _parent_resultset => $new_parent_rs }, $class;
$new->throw_exception("column must be supplied") unless $column;
return $new;