my ($source_handle) = $source;
if ($source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle')) {
- $source = $source_handle->resolve
- } else {
- $source_handle = $source->handle
+ $source = $source_handle->resolve
+ }
+ else {
+ $source_handle = $source->handle
my $new = {
bless $new, (ref $class || $class);
- my $schema;
foreach my $pre (keys %{$prefetch||{}}) {
- my $pre_val = $prefetch->{$pre};
- my $pre_source = $source->related_source($pre);
- $class->throw_exception("Can't prefetch non-existent relationship ${pre}")
- unless $pre_source;
- if (ref($pre_val->[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { # multi
- my @pre_objects;
- for my $me_pref (@$pre_val) {
+ my $pre_source = $source->related_source($pre)
+ or $class->throw_exception("Can't prefetch non-existent relationship ${pre}");
+ my $accessor = $source->relationship_info($pre)->{attrs}{accessor}
+ or $class->throw_exception("No accessor for prefetched $pre");
+ my @pre_vals;
+ if (ref $prefetch->{$pre}[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @pre_vals = @{$prefetch->{$pre}};
+ }
+ elsif ($accessor eq 'multi') {
+ $class->throw_exception("Implicit prefetch (via select/columns) not supported with accessor 'multi'");
+ }
+ else {
+ @pre_vals = $prefetch->{$pre};
+ }
+ my @pre_objects;
+ for my $me_pref (@pre_vals) {
+ # FIXME - this should not be necessary
# the collapser currently *could* return bogus elements with all
# columns set to undef
my $has_def;
push @pre_objects, $pre_source->result_class->inflate_result(
$pre_source, @$me_pref
- }
- $new->related_resultset($pre)->set_cache(\@pre_objects);
- } elsif (defined $pre_val->[0]) {
- my $fetched;
- unless ($pre_source->primary_columns == grep { exists $pre_val->[0]{$_}
- and !defined $pre_val->[0]{$_} } $pre_source->primary_columns)
- {
- $fetched = $pre_source->result_class->inflate_result(
- $pre_source, @{$pre_val});
- }
- my $acc_type = $source->relationship_info($pre)->{attrs}{accessor}
- or $class->throw_exception("No accessor type for prefetched $pre");
+ }
- if ($acc_type eq 'single') {
- $new->{_relationship_data}{$pre} = $fetched;
- }
- elsif ($acc_type eq 'filter') {
- $new->{_inflated_column}{$pre} = $fetched;
- }
- else {
- $class->throw_exception("Implicit prefetch (via select/columns) not supported with accessor type '$acc_type'");
- }
- $new->related_resultset($pre)->set_cache([ $fetched ]);
+ if ($accessor eq 'single') {
+ $new->{_relationship_data}{$pre} = $pre_objects[0];
+ elsif ($accessor eq 'filter') {
+ $new->{_inflated_column}{$pre} = $pre_objects[0];
+ }
+ $new->related_resultset($pre)->set_cache(\@pre_objects);
$new->in_storage (1);
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+my $artist = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->find ({artistid => 1});
+is ($artist->cds->count, 3, 'Correct number of CDs');
+is ($artist->cds->search_related ('genre')->count, 1, 'Only one of the cds has a genre');
+my $queries = 0;
+my $orig_cb = $schema->storage->debugcb;
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ });
+my $pref = $schema->resultset ('Artist')
+ ->search ({ 'me.artistid' => $artist->id }, { prefetch => { cds => 'genre' } })
+ ->next;
+is ($pref->cds->count, 3, 'Correct number of CDs prefetched');
+is ($pref->cds->search_related ('genre')->count, 1, 'Only one of the prefetched cds has a prefetched genre');
+is ($queries, 1, 'All happened within one query only');